//------------------------------// // Chapter 7 // Story: Daughter of Sunburst // by Creativa-Artly01 //------------------------------// That night in her room, Sunset sits on her bed and writes in her journal which transmits to Twilight's identical journal in the human world. After an hour of doing that, she puts down the journal and picks up a dusty old book and wipes it off with her hoof. She smiles when she sees the title: A Hero, a Princess, and a Dragon in a Mountain. She sighs as she opens it and begins to read it. It was her favorite book as a filly and she can't believe Sunburst kept it. She spends the entire night reading it and the next morning, Sunburst peeks in and sees Sunset tuckered out and fast asleep with the book lying on the ground open side down beside her bed. He smiles and heads off to breakfast with Starlight, Twilight, and Cadence. A few hours later, Sunset finally wakes up and goes downstairs. She then looks around for Sunburst. She then sees his note on the counter, picks it up, and reads it. "I'm out at breakfast with Starlight, Twilight, and Cadence. I'll see you tonight. Dad," she reads. She then puts down the note, goes back to her room, grabs the book, and goes into the outside loft and continues to read. She's glad to have the alone time. She just wishes he would have told her face to face instead of leaving a note. After awhile of reading, she finally finishes the book, closes out, and returns to her room and puts it back on the night stand. She then goes to Crystal Cupcakes and gets herself a strawberry cupcake, her personal favorite. She then sits down outside the store and enjoys her cupcake. Once she finishes her cupcake, she heads off to the Crystal Empire Book Emporium. She wants to find a certain book and she knows they are the only ones in the Crystal Empire who likely have it. At the Crystal Empire Book Emporium, Sunset soon finds the book she's looking for and purchases it. She then leaves the store. As she does, she catches her father kissing Starlight out of the corner of her eye. She rolls them then continues walking. She's happy for her dad, she really is, she just wishes he wouldn't kiss out in the open because honestly, she thinks it makes her look bad. She's just not going to let him know that any time soon.