//------------------------------// // Just along for the ride // Story: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star // by Zubric //------------------------------// Starlight pouted intently as she curled up as Spike’s grasp just barely being held in his arms. Her chubby bottom was supported by a thick white diaper taped snuggly in place and adorned with tiny rattles printed along it surface. She blushed as she reflected on how she’d gotten into this situation. What had started as a simple sleepover had turned into a magical scavenger hunt when herself, Twilight, and the princess’ old Canterlot friend Moondancer, had been unwillingly sucked into an enchanted gamebook. Turns out that inside was a story created dimension. What made it special however, was that said world was designed around stuff for foals and thus the three had entered that adventure as foals themselves. While it had been a lot of fun to outwit foes and play around, Starlight would have never expected that helping to end the game would grant her the “gift” of being a foal for the following next week. Unfortunately she could do nothing to change this gift she was granted. According to Twilight she was stuck in this chubby and needy form until the magic wore off at which point she return to her adult self. She could already feel the foal like thoughts and instincts kicking in, the pacifier in her mouth was already slowly bobbing in and out without her thinking about it. Not that she’d regress to a drooling, mindless pile of mush or anything as extreme as that. Regardless, it was still very embarrassing. Spike adjusted his grip a little while carrying Starlight out into the hallway. Moondancer followed behind on his left while Twilight lead the way to the room she had set up for their sleepover. Thankfully, the princess had helped foalsit the Cake Twins just last week with Pinkie, and thus had a small diaper bag full of the needed supplies. She knew she have to buy more, but that task would have to wait till tomorrow. Spike patted Starlight’s head. “Aww, are you sure she’s going to be safe sleeping in a bed?” He asked, once more adjusting his grasp to make sure he didn’t drop her. The foal suspected that her gift was causing some sort of magic to affected anyone near her, causing them to treat her like her current age, even if they knew the real her. “Oh, I’m sure she won’t roll out of bed. But just in case.” Twilight smiled as her horn glowed, materializing safety rails around one of the beds. She turned around and scooped Starlight out of Spike’s arms, giving the little filly a nuzzle. “Okay, time for your beddy bye little foal,” she cooed, laying her down on the mattress. Starlight wiggled about with a whine. “Nu-uh.” She didn’t care how she looked, she just felt fussy. However, her fit soon ended as her limbs gave out and she slumped. A warm blanket was pulled over her, the bed looking huge from her perspective. As a cozy embrace hugged the filly, she felt the sudden fatigue overtake her. As Twilight’s soft voice sang out a soft lulaby, Starlight suckled her pacifer, her eyes closing fully.  It didn’t take long for the foal to doze off peacefully with a smile behind the binky. ------- The next morning was greeted with the rather unwelcome smell of a used diaper. Starlight kicked about, staring upwards as Twilight smiled down. “Mmm, get it off!” She whined, suckling upon her pacifier, and surprised that it calmed her down. Although she was still left in a bit of a bad mood to start her day, due to her unintentional soiling. Twilight cooed at her motherly, holding her up by the forelegs as her body dangled. “Ah good morning, Starlight. Did you sleep well?” Starlight cheeks flushed again as she was set upon the changing mat Spike had rolled out upon the large bed. “Y-yes, like a foal,” she replied, rolling her eyes when Spike chuckled at the comment. Twilight went about changing her diaper, the process was pretty much the same. The princess was oddly used to it thanks to that book adventure. It still felt a little awkward with Twilight doing it though, even if she was Starlight’s teacher. But the feeling was rather soothing. Twilight’s gentle touch and care, and her soft smile were just so motherly in feeling. She was almost a natural, or it could just be that lingering magic. In any case, it took no time at all for the fresh, white diaper to be taped up around Starlight’s bottom. Twilight and Moondancer dawwed and nuzzled the foal from both sides. Starlight squeaked and blushed. “S-stop it!” She whined, being set down on the floor. Before she could ask what they were doing, Twilight had positioned herself by the bedroom door next to Spike. “Come to Twily,” she babied, holding out her hooves. Starlight could easily see Spike holding back a snicker as she began to waddle towards her teacher. When she was about halfway there, her hooves slipped on the crystal floor sending her flopping into her belly. A bright crimson radiated from Starlight’s face, as Moondancer patted her diaper bottom, causing the filly to try and cover it with her stubby tail. “It’s not funny!” She protested and stuck her tongue out at her freind. Twilight scooped her up in her magic and soon sat her upon her back.  The unicorn shifted her hooves, kneading the soft fur before laying down. The filly simply let the adults carry her to the kitchen, grumbling all the way. ------- Out of all the embarrassing things that Starlight had to endure, the bib was the most demeaning. Around her neck was a pink coloured bib with purple frilly trim, and the words ‘Mommy’s Best Foal’ written on it. It went without saying that all the attention was both touching and demeaning, even if she was pretty weak. Twilight was letting Spike feed her and thank Celestia it was just oatmeal. “Open wide, Starlight,” Spike cooed, flying the yellow coloured spoon towards her mouth. “Choo choo.” Starlight tried not to laugh but ended up giggling a bit at the silly game as she nomed on the spoonful. “Mmm, I love peach,” She commented, eating another spoonful as she was fed. But after about five spoons or so she frowned. “Can’t I feed myself, please?” She whined. Spike hesitated for a second, glancing over at Twilight who simply nodded in approval. “Alright, here you go. Be careful now, Starlight,” he babied. Starlight just rolled her eyes as she held the spoon in her tiny pudgy hoof. She groaned internally, as the spoon wobbled in her grasp, even as she spooned some oatmeal onto it. “Gah, why is this so hard?!” She thought. With as much concentration as she could manage, the tiny unicorn brought the spoon to her mouth, and was rewarded as it got in just fine. She beamed, feeling overjoyed at the simple task! “I did it!” She cheered, the spoon falling out of her mouth as she had been too focused on clapping. She was so overjoyed in fact, that her hoof smacked against the bowl, sending it flying by mere accident into Spike face. As the oatmeal dribbled down the annoyed dragon’s scales, the filly broke out into a squealing laugh, kicking her hooves. She had no idea why but the moment was so funny that it was taking over any sense of logic she had. “Haha, sorry, Spike,” She laughed, apologizing as Spike cleaned himself off, groaning. “Still no where near as bad as Flurry Heart from what I remember,” Twilight said with a snicker. “Come on, Spike. You can’t stay mad at something that cute.” Starlight, after calming down from her laughing fit, blushed. “Uh, hehe, oops.” Then she looked at Moondancer, who was happily enjoying her own oatmeal. “Are you staying in Ponyville long, Moondancer?” She asked. Moondancer looked up with a smile. “Oh, just til one or so. Why, you want to go the park and play? I bet you’d love it, little foal,” She baby talked, causing an even more adorable blush to form on the tiny unicorn cheeks. Twilight nodded in agreement. “That’s a wonderful idea, Moondancer! Oh, if only we had something cute to dress her in.” Spike commented while wiping of Starlight face. “We could always stop by Rarity’s. I’m sure she has something.” “Spiiiike!” Starlight squeaked, “not helping.” The dragon giggled, moving to get a fresh bowl of oatmeal for the foal. Starlight just crossed her hooves groaning at the thought of being Rarity’s helpless dress up doll. --------- Starlight’s guess hadn’t been too far off it seemed, as Rarity cooed at her as she sat, facing the large body mirrors while wearing a light purple coloured dress. The bottom kept half her diaper exposed no matter how hard she tried to conceal it. Rarity smiled while watching her try. “Now now, Starlight, it’s so your mommy can see if you had any accidents.” She cooed. “T-Twlight not my mom!” Starlight lisped, wiping some drool off her chin. “She might as well be for now,” Rarity countered, as Twilight laugh a little at the moment. The seamstress patted the diaper again. “Do you like your dress little star?” She asked. After a short nod from the foal, Rarity took it off and slipped on a yellow sundress with a matching bonnet tied around her head. Starlight stood on her hooves and swirled a little as she looked it over. It really did look cute with her padding poking out, as much as she wished it could be concealed. “This one nice too,” she replied, watching as Rarity took the pacifier from around her neck and set it into her mouth with care. She suckled for a bit without protest. The sensation just felt normal. Twilight pick her up and nuzzled nose to nose. “This one’s perfect, thanks Rarity!” Twilight cooed, setting Starlight on her back. The princess happily turned and strolled out of the shop taking in the smell of fresh flower beds. Spike followed suit slumping the diaper bag over his shoulder seeming to enjoy assisting as always. “What would my little pupil like to do?” she asked. Moments later, the foal looked to her side spotting Moondancer near an ice cream cart, and was licking a maple nut cone. “Oh, ice cream!” Starlight squealed rather childishly. “Pleasee!” She begged, hearing a giggle from Spike as she did so. “Such a polite little filly too,” Twilight teased, ruffling the filly’s mane before nodding. She trotted down the street and up to the cart, the magical metal container keeping its savory contents cold. The brown coated stallion with alternating swirled locks of white and pink, and dark blue eyes, smiled at them, getting his scooper ready. “What can I get you today?” He asked. Twilight lowered Starlight down to the glass case, so she could properly look at all the flavors. The filly scanned the row of buckets, before locking her eyes upon the mint chocolate chunk. Starlight tapped her hoof on the cold glass, smiling. “Dat one!” She bounced a little before stopping herself and blushing. “Stop it, you’re embarrassing yourself!” She mentally scolded herself, as she looked up while the stallion got a single scoop of the flavor into the cone. Twilight floated her back up. “Does Starlight need me to hold her cone?” Twilight mothered causing another smile on Starlight muzzle. “I-I’m good,” Starlight insisted. She held the cone with both hooves carefully licking as her friends smiled at her. She relaxed some more, thinking things over as they made their way toward the train station. Time flies when you’re having fun. --------- The Friendship Express rolled into the station with a soft hiss as the brakes were applied. Starlight gave a happy smile towards Moondancer, hugging her neck. “I’m glad to have made a new friend.” She beamed up at the glasses wearing unicorn. She honestly couldn’t wait to meet her again sometime. “Yeah, it was great to meet you too. Hopefully next time we won’t be turned to foals,” Moondancer teased, ruffling the little foal’s mane. “You look adorable as a foal, yes you do.” She pinched Starlight’s cheek, causing a slight squeak. “Mmm, so I hear,” Starlight mumbled, while being set back on Twilight’s back. She waved goodbye, as Moondancer got on the train, giving a wave back as the door shut behind her. The filly shifted a little, as the two watched the train leave. “What next?” She asked, getting comfy on Twilight’s back. Twilight nuzzled her foal before making her way back toward her castle. “Oh, I think my foal needs a nap,” She mothered again, hearing a yawn right on cue. She hummed joyfully as she took her little filly home. --------- The day’s events only helped to influence Starlight’s dreams as the thought of her mother was fresh in her mind. Despite her questionable past, her mother had always been supportive in her younger years, at least before school started. Those happy memories bubbled to the surface, giving her a sort of peace. The birds were singing outside as her mom smiled down at her, towering over the crib. “Aww, who’s my cute little star? You are, yes you are,” She scooped up Starlight in her hooves, nuzzling. The filly tried to tell her mother she loved her, only to babble and gurgle like any foal would. She mom didn’t mind though as she put her tiny hooves to her mommy’s nose and nuzzled. “Aw. Come on, let’s get you fed.” Her mother cooed. Like any dream, time passed without flow, as Starlight was now in the highchair nomming the spoonful of mush with quite the mess on her face. “Mm..mmm..mama.” She managed to gurgle out causing her parents to aww and praise her. The filly clapped, not noting her horn glowing as it sent the bowl into the air and made it splatter onto her head. After the short surprise, she broke into laughter kicking about with gleeful bliss. Meanwhile, Spike had come into the bedroom to check up on Starlight about an hour through her nap. He watched the light kicks and mumbles Starlight was making. Needless to say, she looked happy. And more joy was bound to come over the next few days for sure.