The Way the Pears Fall

by Darkblaze15

Chapter 1: Something to Hide

"Thanks again, Ms. Cogsworth!" a dark red stallion says farewell as he departs from the Golden Oak Library.
"Anytime, Pyre," the elderly librarian returns the gesture with a friendly wave to her favorite customer.
Pyre Fahren closes the door behind him as he heads home for the day. He had recently gotten off of work at the Ponyville bookstore and stopped by the library to check up on his order. In his aura rests several volumes of books comprising of The Complete History of Griffon Culture and Its Implications on Society, which he'd been waiting for weeks on end to acquire.
"This will fit along perfectly with Uses and Misuses of Ancient Griffonian Artifacts," he tells himself, anxious to start studying up on more history. After working in a bookstore for many years, Pyre has developed a keen interest in all things related to history and mythology, particularly that of foreign nations and cultures. He has already read nearly everything about pony history and culture and is now working on studying the various practices and beliefs of other races in Equestria, from seaponies to griffons to zebras. He has become so fascinated by history that he constantly lives by his self-proclaimed motto: "History is like going on a quest: your starting point is just as important as your destination."
As Pyre makes his way across the countryside to reach his house, he passes by the Apple and Pear farms. Almost every pony in Ponyville knows about the feud between the rival families, and nopony ever bothers to interfere. Pyre knows many of the Apples personally, but he has never met anypony from the Pear family. And yet, as he trots by, he notices a lone beautiful mare trudging about the orchard, dragging baskets packed to the brim with freshly-picked pears. Her orange mane and cream coat are caked in dirt and mud, yet she does not falter in her step as she bounces between trees collecting her bounty.
Pyre watches the mare work for a little while before noticing that, as an Earth pony, she cannot reach the pears on the highest branches of the tall trees. Being a unicorn himself, he feels obliged to help a fellow pony in need, so he sets his books down and trots into the orchard just as the mare tries reaching up again.
"Perhaps you could use a little magic touch?" Pyre asks jovially as he uses his magic to pluck several pears from the very top of the tree. The mare turns around, surprised by the sudden address, but grateful for the help.
"T-Thank you very much," she says nervously, "You have no idea how hard it can be to reach the tops somedays."
"Actually, I've helped the Apples with harvesting on occasion," he states, "so I can understand where you're coming from."
She suddenly becomes wary, "You're not an Apple, are you? Because ah'm not supposed to be talking with Apples."
"Oh, no, no worries," he says, "My name's Pyre Fahren, and I work at the bookstore in town."
The mare seemed to relax at the news, "Oh, good. I'm Pear Butter," she says, offering her hoof in greeting, "Nice to meet you. Actually, while you're here," she adds hopefully, "would you mind helping me finish up here? I don't have much to do and, as you've seen, I can't reach them all."
"Of course, I'd be happy to help!" Pyre says as they grab their baskets and head off to the orchard together.
"Are those your books by the fence?" Pear Butter asks as they approach another tree.
"Yeah," he says sheepishly, "I'm a bit of a history fanatic. Wouldn't want to bore you with all that, though. . ."

* * * *

". . .and that's why Neighpolean's charge was considered the greatest failure in pre-Equestrian history!" Pyre finishes enthusiastically. He and Pear Butter finished their work relatively quickly, so they decided to take a break, which lasted into the night, with Pyre telling a very intrigued Pear Butter about the great pitfalls and conquests in history.
"Wow, you certainly know your stuff," she says impressed.
"Well, when you start reading textbooks for fun as a colt," he chuckles, grabbing another juicy pear from their pile, "you manage to pick up on a few things."
"Indeed," she says as she takes another bite of her pear, "What made you want to pursue history?"
"Well, my dad owned a bookstore when I was younger," Pyre says reminiscently, "so whenever my mom ran errands, I would spend the day under his watch. Which isn't to say much, because I was often hiding amongst the shelves, reading whatever I could reach at the time. I never knew it before, but you'd be surprised how much history has impacted how we live our lives today."
"That's fascinating," Pear Butter comments.
"Indeed," he says, "Well, I'd better get going, Mr. Cogsworth wants me to work early tomorrow," he begins to trot away, but Pear Butter suddenly calls out.
"Wait! Um," she begins, "could you please do me a favor?"
"Hm? Okay, what is it?" he stops and turns around, intrigued.
"Well, uh, you mentioned how well you know the Apples," she says nervously, "so, um, I was wondering, c-could you tell Bright Mac to go to the Whitetail Woods around noon tomorrow?"
"Sure, but I thought you weren't sup-" Pyre begins, but stops as realization rolls across his face, "Ah, I see what you're going on about," he finishes, giving her a sly look while she blushes.
"I-If it's not too much trouble for you, that is," she adds quickly, "I-I wouldn;t want you to get caught up in all this, too."
"Hey, it's no big deal," he says reassuringly, "I can stop by before I go into work tomorrow. If I know ol' Bright Mac - which I do - he's bound to be up before then, anyways."
"Oh, thank you, Pyre!" she says, giving him a quick hug in appreciation, "This really means a lot to me!"
"It's no problem," he says, returning the gesture, "Wouldn't want a couple of lovebirds like you two to be kept in your cages," he adds, winking at her. Pear Butter blushes again, but suddenly becomes very serious when she sees a light come on in the Pear family house.
"But PLEASE don't let anypony else know what we're up to," she says in a hushed tone.
"Of course not, I promise," Pyre says with understanding.
"I'd better get going. Thanks again!" Pear Butter says as she makes her way back home. Pyre picks up his books and heads home, preparing himself for a very early morning.