A Gleaming Love

by Prismfire Productions

Gleaming Revelations

-Half hour later, Canterlot-

All her life Twilight had squealed with glee everytime Princess Celestia had sent her a personal correspondence, but this time was different. The very atmosphere surrounding the castle, as familiar to her as the Hoovy Decimal System, felt off as her and Rarity approached it. Instead of the vibe being like trotting on clouds, it was like trotting through mud. The ominous feeling of dread the castle put out creeped over every hair of Twilight and Rarity's coats and sent a shiver down their spines.

"I think I might have messed something up big time dear to be summoned like this..." Twilight said as she and Rarity reached the gates to the castle. The guards on duty stepped aside and gave the newlyweds a respectful nod before returning to their positions. "Do you think the wedding photo has anything to do with it?"

"No doubt in my mind that is the reason." Rarity replied as they made their way towards the thone room. "The best advise I can give you is to hope for the best but expect the worse my darling." Twilight gave a nod and fell silent as they trotted through the majestic halls. They both assumed that Celestia, Luna, and Cadance were mad, but when the couple saw the three alicorns waiting for them outside the throne room, they knew a long interrogation was in store for them.

"Princess Twilght, Princess Rarity...we need to have a word with you two." All three Alicorns said at the same time when they saw the two smaller mares approaching. Their words cut like venom, flames of anger danced in their eyes, and add in the fact they were standing at full height proved quite the intemidation factor.

"and address me by my name Twilight..." Cadance added in a clearly foul tone, out of the three she was clearly the most upset.

Twilight, for the first time in awhile, felt exposed. Celestia and Luna looked ready for a fight, and her foalsitter/sister-in-law was staring her down like a changeling eying the Crystal Heart. She gulped and bowed while motioning Rarity for her to follow suit. "Princess Cadance, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna...I request to know why I have been summoned today."

"Why did you just call me "princess"?" Rarity asked as she rose out of her bow. "I am a unicorn, not an Alicorn."

"Technically you are a princess since you married me," Twilight replied before anypony else could "think of my brother, his title is "Prince Shining Armour" and he is just a unicorn like you."

"Actually that is the reason why we wanted to see you, it deals with my husband...or should I say wife at the moment..." Cadance said as Celestia opened the door.

"WHAT!?" Twilight yelled as she laid her eyes on her older sibling who was sitting in his..well her..normal seat and eating an apple. Twilight locked up in place, Luna had to resort to using her magic to carry the lavender princess to her seat at the table. The look of sheer confusion and disbelief on her muzzle was enough to convince Celestia, Luna, and Cadance that this was not done on purpose.

"Hi Twily..." The sooth sounding, almost angelic, voice said as she laid her eyes on her younger sister. "Lovely morning is it not?" Her tone of the question was clearly sarcastic as she took another bite out of her apple. Everypony turned and stared at Luna, who had taken to eating a pineapple skin and all, before returning their gazes to the mare Shining.

"Shining? Is that really you?" Twi said in a state of shock not actually believing that the mare sitting in front of her was her brother less than 24 hours before.

"Yeah...but call me Gleaming Shield as long as I am a mare ok? Now, your magic is all over this mess, why did you turn me into a mare? I've known you are a lespony even before you married Rarity. Speaking of, hey Rars, but anyways did you do this because you have something against stallions?"

"Hello to you too...Gleaming..." Rarity softly said trying to spare Twilight from the full wrath of Gleaming's anger. "and I do not think she did it on purpose, might be a side effect of the spell she cast last night while we were clopping. The look of shock Twi currently has should be proof she didn't know what had happened until Princess Celestia opened the door."

"What spell?" Cadance, Celestia, Gleaming, and Luna all asked at the same time.

A furious blush, and slight wingboner, made themselves visible as Twilight turned her gaze to the floor as she answered. "Well...you see...me and Rarity have clopped so many times as mares she wanted to "experiment" and see what it would be like to do it as stallions. My scientific curiosity got the better of me and I preformed a spell I have known since I was little. That changed us into rather...*cough* well equipped stallions and not going to lie, it was fun until the end."

Rarity looked away ashamed, at the same a figurative lightbulb went off in Gleaming's head and she facehoofed. "How could I be such an idiot..."

"An idiot about what Gleaming?" Cadance asked nuzzling her wife.

"That explains a lot actually, now it all makes sense, my sister used her gender reversal spell to do it. I have seen her use it before and her's is special, it gender flops her but she has to think of a stallion to get the anatomy right. The last time she used it she was in magic kindergarden and mom, dad, and myself had a meeting with the colt that got turned into a filly's parents. That colt deserved it for bullying her but anyways, the male she thinks of gets gender flipped as well, I just forgot all about it since it was so long ago and so much has gone on since then. When Twily said what spell she used it reminded me of that whole incident. Do you remember the spell to fix the problem sis?" Gleaming said with a hint of hope in her voice.

"Of course I do, how else do you thi-...wait a second..." Twi said as her tone saddened and her wings and ears drooped.

"You used the antidote spell but I am still a mare...am I right or wrong?" Gleaming asked equaling the sad tone of Twilight, who didn't say a word. Instead, Twi just nodded and slumped to the floor crying like a little foal.

"I am so sorry Gleaming..." Twi said between choked sobs, a million different calculations firing in her brain trying to figure out the problem but they either contradicted each other or made no sense.

"Calm down Twilly...since you explained what happened and did cast the antidote spell I am no longer mad sis." Gleaming said getting up and comforting Twi on the floor. "Accidents happen, and maybe since your hormones were hightened it will just take a little longer for the antidote to kick in, I doubt it is permanant."

Twilight nuzzled back as she slowly calmed down. "If it was permanent, Rarity and myself would still be stallions Gleaming, so I think you might be right. In the meantime, we got to figure out how to explain to the entire Empire that Shining is a mare for the time being."

"Actually I already took care of that Twi," Cadance said wraping her wing around her and started to softly chuckle. "came up with a really good cover story. I said that he was trying to perfect a spell to "please" me a bit as a birthday present and it went wrong."

Now Twilight and Rarity join the chuckling, which turned into full blown laughter. "Sad part is...I actually see him trying something like that." Rarity said trying to keep herself standing up from laughing so hard, but she had to stop when she felt a pain in her side.

"Shut up Rarity." Gleaming said sticking her tongue out at her, this was a bad decision on her part because things just got worse.

"Say Gleaming, think you can do that while winking one eye shut?" Luna said while already getting a minor teleport spell ready.

"I suppose..." Gleaming shrugged and stood up, doing as Luna said. Her brain caught on too late because her vision was quickly filled with a bright flash. Shaking the blurriness away, Gleaming glared when she saw Luna waving a picture, her camera already back in her room.

"So cute!" Luna hopped from side to side feeling full of herself. "This is so going to go in the Royal Hearth's Day photo album."

"Whyyyy...." Gleaming whined as Luna gave the picture to Cadance.

"Because you look absolutely adorable like this dear." Cadance said with a giggle as she put the picture where she knew it would be safe.

"Now all joking aside, am I still in trouble teacher?" Twi asked looking up at Celestia. The Solar Diarch subtly twitched, even with Twilight ascended into princesshood, she knew that Twilight would forever call her that until the end of time.

"How many times do I have to tell that you not to call me that anymore Twilight? As for the answer to your question, since it seems like Gleaming and Cadance both have forgiven you I guess there is no need to give you punishment so you both are dismissed" She calmly replied glancing at Gleaming and Cadance who shook their heads in approval

"I think that the guilt she is having is enought of a punishment anyway, we both know that feeling Tia" Luna whispered into her sister's ear.

"Indeed so Lulu, it is one of the worst feelings there is. I had to bear with that feeling for 1,000 years, I am just thankful for forgave me for being so blind." Celestia whispered back before turning her attention to Twilight and Rarity. "As I said, you both are dismissed. Even-though it is the middle of the morning, I suggest you both go home and sleep. Have Spike keep your schedule up on time while you nap."

"That really isn't a good idea dear Tia," Rarity replied with a bit of hesitation, "remember what happened last time he watched over things while she was asleep? Also, who would watch over the castle? We can't get the others to help either since Dash and Pinkie are both at work, and it is applebucking season so AJ and Flutters are also unavailible."

Everypony in the room shuddered at the memory Rarity was refering to. The chaos Spike had caused that morning was too much for even Discord to handle, it took him nearly two weeks to repair all the damage. "I will go then since Tia has delegate meetings all day and Cadance and Gleaming have things to do in their kingdom and I got nothing to do." Luna said stepping forward.

"Thanks Luna..." Twi said with a small smile as she got up off the floor and did a small bow. "Princess Cadance, Princess Celestia and Princess Gleaming...you all have a good day."

"Did you really have to do that sis?" Gleaming asked with a soft giggle.

"Might as well Big Sister Best Friend Forever since that is who you are until I fix this." Twi replied as a tear escaped her left eye, rolled down her cheek, and hit the floor with a quiet *plop*. "That is if it is even possible to reverse the damage I caused...." Twilight, Rarity, and Luna then left the room...a tear trail flowing like a waterfall behind them.