Another human in Equestria fic

by The7thElement

Returning to the Surface.

“And here we have the Dining Hall.” Chrysalis announced as the group entered a large cylindrical cavern a large black dining table set in the middle of the room, black chairs flanking each side of the table. “Now then I’m to guess you’re all a tad famished from your journey here?” Chrysalis said turning to Celestia.

“Well a bit of food couldn’t hurt I suppose.” Celestia said with a smile before moving to take a seat at the table as the rest of the group found their own seats.

“Celestia if I may ask exactly what have you told the nobles about your little visit?” Chrysalis asked as she took a seat next to Ryan and Luna. “I doubt they’d not notice your absence.”

“I told them that we were coming here to further talk about how we can make Changeling integrations into Equestrian society easier.” Celestia explained before a green flash covered the table revealing plates covered by metal plate covers.

“Beneath these covers lie your favorite snack foods. Before you ask how we know this, the chairs you are sitting on connect to your minds and search through it to find what your favorite food is.” Chrysalis explained.

“Cool.” Pinkie said before removing her plate cover to find a large chocolate banana split. “Awesome!” She exclaimed before grabbing a spoon that had appeared next to the plate as she began shoveling the dessert into her mouth.

“Um Chrysie I seem to be missing a plate.” Ryan said the rest of the group already digging into their own favourite foods

“That’s because you’re going to be eating emotions.” Chrysalis said before looking to Luna. “Luna dear you wouldn’t mind thinking about how you feel about Ryan for a sec would you?”

“Of course not.” Luna replied swallowing a mouthful of her food which Ryan could see as a cheesecake with what he could guess to be a blueberry sauce.

“Whoa.” Ryan said noticing a pink cloud begin to emanate from Luna. “Um Chrysie what emotion am I looking at?”

“That would be love.” Chrysalis explained. “Now then if you wish to eat it you merely have to use a bit of changeling magic to funnel that emotion into you.” Chrysalis said getting a nod from Ryan.

“But I don’t have my gloves.” He responded.

“You don’t need them. Not with the changes I made to you.” Chrysalis said getting Ryan to look down at his new claw.

“Cool.” Ryan said before focusing on moving the pink cloud towards himself.

“Ryan, a bit of advice, don’t try to force the love towards you or else you may hurt Luna.” Chrysalis said getting Ryan to stop what he was doing. “Maybe we should try some other time.”

“No way I can do it.” Ryan said before concentrating again Chrysalis’ advice ringing through his mind. And then it clicked to Ryan how he could move the love towards himself, he began to remember scenes from the Star Wars movies when Jedi would use the force to pull something towards them. So raising his claw Ryan began to make small movements with his fingers getting the cloud to move closer.

When the cloud was close enough Ryan felt a sense of warmth spring up in his chest as he saw the cloud disappear into his chest. “Well how is it?” Chrysalis asked breaking Ryan’s thoughts.

“It’s sweet like chocolate but it has something else to it that I can’t put my finger on.” Ryan said as his taste buds began to pick up the flavors of love.

“Well I’m sorry to say but I can’t go telling you what that extra thing is.” Chrysalis said getting a look of confusion from Ryan.

“How come?”

“Because not even Changelings know what that extra taste is.” Chrysalis explained getting a nod from Stealth.

“The Queen’s right Ryan, no ‘ling knows what that extra taste is. Many a ‘ling has tried to figure it out but they’ve never been able to come up with an answer.” Stealth said getting an understanding nod from Ryan.

“Maybe you haven’t come across the right type of flavor to connect love too.” Rarity said looking up from her empty plate which only a few moments ago had a small dish of Cheddar cheese and crackers which she had split with Fluttershy.

“A good point Miss Rarity. But my kind has searched far and wide for an answer to this question, over many generations if I may add.” Chrysalis explained.

“Do you still pursue an answer to that question?” Celestia asked finishing her cup of tea.

“No. It isn’t that big of a deal to my kind. So I don’t have a real reason to divert most of my scholar’s efforts to finding information about an unknown taste to an emotion.” Chrysalis explained getting a nod from Celestia.

“Well enough about that.” Ryan interjected his gaze turning to Twilight. “I’ve been asleep for a few days. So what have I missed?”

“Well Twilight’s got a new place to stay after Tirek blew up her tree.” Rainbow said a somber expression on her face.

“Tirek, blew up Golden Oaks?” Ryan asked already knowing the answer but wishing for more confirmation.

“Yeah he did.” Twilight said a sad expression on her face. “But it’s okay. No one got hurt and I also got a castle to live in now.” She explained as Stealth gave her a hug cheering her up slightly.

“Anything else happen?” Ryan asked.

“Yeah we ran into a cult.” Pinkie said finishing her split.

“Pinkie!” AJ exclaimed at Pinkie’s response.

“What?” Pinkie asked getting an eye roll from the farm mare.

“We didn’t run into a cult. We got sent to a small town in the middle of nowhere to solve a friendship problem and we found out that cutie marks weren’t aloud there. So the leader of the town a mare named Starlight Glimmer wanted to teach us the town’s ways, so she removed our cutie marks.” AJ explained.

“Exactly why would a town not want their cutie marks? Because from what my kind has gathered you ponies see this mark as something that spells out your destiny.” Chrysalis said getting a nod from the ponies in the room.

“The reason why no pony wanted their cutie marks was because Starlight had convinced the townsfolk that cutie marks made some ponies greater then others. She then convinced the ponies to allow her to remove their cutie marks and replace it with an equals sign to allow them to show that they were all equal.” Twilight explained.

“Well I’m to guess you beat Starlight?” Ryan said getting a nod from Twilight.

“Yeah we did but she got away. We also helped the townsfolk see how cutie marks didn’t make one pony greater than another pony.” Twilight said with a smile.

“Well I’m sure you’ll get her one day.” Ryan said with a smile. “How about you Luna?” Ryan asked his gaze turning to Luna. “How’s Canterlot been?”

“Boring without you around.” Luna said with a loving smile. “You as well Chrysie.”

“Well good to hear I haven’t missed anything too important.” Ryan said with a smile getting a nod from Luna. “So what exactly happens now?” Ryan asked turning to Chrysalis.

“What do you mean?” Chrysalis asked.

“Okay let me be a tad more specific. Am I aloud to leave the hive or not? Or do I have to stay here under observation?”

“Of course you’re aloud to leave. As for observation I’ll come with you to keep an eye on you, and to teach you a bit more about Changelings and our magic.” Chrysalis said getting a nod from Ryan.

“Good to hear.” Luna said before getting out of her seat. “Let’s get going then. I’m guessing that Stealth will also be coming with us.”

“If he wants.” Chrysalis said looking to Stealth to have him give a happy smile and a nod. “Now then if you’ll follow me I shall lead us out of here.”

Later on the train ride back to Canterlot from Appaloosa

“So are you sure you should be leaving the hive by itself Chrysalis?” Twilight asked from her seat on the train. A note book and quill in her magical aura as Chrysalis told Ryan about the changes she had made in more detail. Twilight deciding then would be a great time to take notes.

“Yes I’m quite sure.” She said shifting her gaze from Ryan to Twilight. “The hive can survive on it’s own, if there are any problems that require my attention then I can be reached via the hive mind.” Chrysalis explained getting Twilight to nod. “Speaking of the hive mind that leads me to your next change Ryan.”

“Really what would that be?” Ryan asked as he looked up from Luna who was currently lying next to him with her head in his lap as he ran his left hand through her mane.

“Well it would be your connection to the hive mind.” Chrysalis’ voice said ringing throughout Ryan’s mind.

“What the heck?” Ryan asked before seeing a slight green glow to Chrysalis’ horn and eyes.

“Sorry do you need me to say it so everyone can hear?” Chrysalis said with a mirthful smile.

“Say what?” Luna asked sitting up slightly as to give Chrysalis her full attention.

“Just that Ryan’s connected to the hive mind.” Chrysalis getting looks of surprise from everyone in the carriage.

“Hey what’d I miss?” Pinkie said as she came walking back into the carriage.

“Just the fact that Ryan’s connected to the Changeling Hive Mind.” Spike said getting a sad look from Pinkie.

“Oh c’mon I go to the bathroom for five minutes and I miss that announcement. Oh what a world.” She said before falling onto her seat next to Dash.

“Well then Chrysie anything else I should know?” Ryan asked.

“Well you can use magic like before with your gloves.” Chrysalis said.

“Cool.” Ryan said as his right hand was encased in what seemed to be an illusionary flame. “So I got my magic any other cool tricks?” Ryan asked.

“Well there is one thing. Disguising yourself as someone else.” Chrysalis said a tone of uncertainty in her voice. “Although I doubt that you will be able to do more than change the appearance of your hand seeing as how you aren’t a full Changeling.”

“Well I can try can’t I?” Ryan said before looking to his claw. “Now what do I do?” Ryan asked after a few seconds of looking at his claw causing a mirthful smile to appear on Chrysalis’ face.

“Well it’s quite complicated. Transforming is something that can’t be explained easily to those who can’t transform. To explain it try imagining your flesh morphing into something else.” Chrysalis explained.

“Got it.” Ryan said before performing the same ritual he did for the illusionary flames.

“But you must remember that this is only an illusion.” Chrysalis said.

“So I’m basically making an image overlapping my claw?” Ryan asked getting a nod from Chrysalis.

“Basically yes. But you have to imagine your body changing to fit that image.”

“Then why did you have to say that I have to remember it’s an illusion?”

“Because I’ve seen times where Changelings haven’t kept this thought in their mind when they change. When they would shed their disguise whether voluntarily or not, they would enter a panicked state at what lies beneath their disguise.” Chrysalis explained.

“So they’d forget they’re a Changeling?” Ryan asked getting a nod from Chrysalis. “Damn.” Ryan said before looking back to his claw. “So no pressure then?”

“Not really.” Chrysalis said with a smirk.

“Got it.” Ryan said before closing his eyes and imagining his claw turning back into his hand. After a few seconds Ryan began to feel a warm sensation cover his claw. When he opened his eyes, he saw the flickering of green flames disappear from his newly acquired hand. “Awesome!” Ryan said before inspecting his hand.

“Wowie that’s so cool!” Pinkie said before bounding over in front of Ryan before taking his hand into her hoof. “Just like the original.” She said pulling a magnifying glass from her mane before inspecting it further.

“Yes it is.” Chrysalis said admiring the hand. “Wouldn’t you agree Luna. Or is further testing required?” Chrysalis said with a lustful tone.

“Yes I suppose.” Luna said admiring the hand ignoring Chrysalis tone of voice.

“So that’s a cool trick.” Ryan said before seeing his hand disappear in a green flame only to be replaced by his claw. “What happened?” Ryan asked looking to Chrysalis.

“You need to concentrate on maintaining the illusion or else it shall fade.” Chrysalis explained. “Besides if you wish to hold the illusion you will need to have a steady stream of emotions to feed off of.”

“Good thing you have us.” Luna said nuzzling Ryan’s side.

“Good thing.” Ryan said before looking to his claw. “I think I need to go get some air. Being stuck in a cocoon undergroud for the last couple of days has sort of made me appreciate air a lot more.” Ryan said with a smile before getting out of his seat making his way towards the carriage door.

“You okay?” The voice of Orion said from within Ryan’s mind.

“Yeah I’m fine. Why do you care anyway?” Ryan replied speaking out loud seeing as he was alone on the small platform at the back of the train.

“Cause you’re the flesh bag that is carrying my consciousness around.” Orion said getting a nod from Ryan.

“Thought it would be something related to your own selfish desires.” Ryan said with a chuckle.

“Now that we’ve uncovered the truth behind my concern for your wellbeing we move to a more pressing matter. What’s on your mind?”

“Nothing much. Just getting used to the idea of not having my hand.” Ryan said looking down at his claw.

“So then come out here to talk to yourself?” A familiar voice said from above Ryan causing him to jump.

When he looked up he saw the amber eyes of Moonlight staring down at him. “Hey Moonlight. What are you doing out here?”

“Doing my duty.” Moonlight said before landing on the small platform Ryan was standing on. “Nice claw.”

“Oh thanks. Also what exactly are you doing out here? ‘Cause doing your duty isn’t much to go on.” Ryan said getting a laugh from Moonlight.

“Well if you must know I go with Lady Noctis wherever she goes.” Moonlight said.

“Well I sort of already knew that. But what I meant is why are you out here.” Ryan said gesturing to the space around them.

“Keeping an eye out for danger.” Moonlight said.

“Hey Moonlight can I ask you a question.” Ryan asked getting a nod from Moonlight. “Cool. Do you have a helmet? ‘Cause all the other guards I’ve seen have helmets except for you.”

“What you have a problem with my hair or something?” Moonlight said with a grin.

“No not at all.” Ryan said with a chuckle. “It looks great.”

“Well you definitely know what to say to get a mare’s heart beating.” Moonlight said. “As for the reason of my lack of helmet is because I like the feeling of the wind flowing through my mane. That a good enough reason?”

“Yeah.” Ryan responded. “That’s a good enough reason.”

“So what are you doing out here then?” Moonlight asked.

“Getting some air.” Ryan responded.

“Cool. And if you don’t mind me asking you were talking to ‘Him’ just then weren’t you?”

“Him?” Ryan asked before realizing she was talking about Orion. “Yeah I was.”

“Well if you want a change of conversation partner you got somepony standing right next to you.”

“Thanks for the offer Moonlight, but I think I’m good.” Ryan replied getting a nod from Moonlight. “Actually I think I will take you up on that offer of a conversation partner.”

“Alright then. What’d you want to talk about?”

“I don’t think I’ve ever asked you this, but it’s something that’s been on my mind for a while. Where exactly do Thestrals come from?” Ryan asked.

“Well I can’t tell you how we came to be but I can’t tell you when we were first discovered.” Moonlight said looking up to Ryan. “If that’s okay with you.”

“Of course it is.” Ryan said getting a smile from Moonlight.

“Good.” She said before shifting her gaze back to the desert around them. “It was around a thousand years ago, in a place west of what was originally Ponyville, lay a village in the heart of White Tail Woods. The village’s name was Hollow Shades.”

“Is the village still there?” Ryan asked getting an irritated look from Moonlight.

“Yes it is but it’s a lot larger than what it once was. Now if you’ll let me continue.” Moonlight said getting a nod from Ryan. “It was about a year after Discord had been defeated by Lady Noctis and Mother Sol, the great bear arrived.”

“The Great Bear?” Ryan asked getting a nod from Moonlight.

“Yes it was a colossal Ursa Major, larger than any that had been seen within the Everfree Forest at the time. Some said it was a dark gift given to the land by Discord as a way of revenge for his imprisonment. Word of the Great Bear’s destruction eventually reached the ears of Lady Noctis who going against her sister’s wishes of letting a battalion of guards deal with The Bear, left for White Tail Woods. When she arrived she found a path of destruction, trees uprooted and local wildlife completely displaced. She then followed the path left by the Beast to Hollow Shades. When she arrived she found the village in near ruin. Mares and Foals running for their lives whilst Stallions had picked up whatever weapons they could get their hooves on to fight the Beast with.”

“Luckily if it was not for the swift intervention of Lady Noctis, the Thestral race would no longer exist. With a blast of her magic and a swing of her halberd she defeated the Beast. When the Beast’s body hit the ground any surviving Thestrals looked up the Beast’s immobile form to find Lady Noctis standing atop it’s body. It was then that the Thestral’s threw themselves to the ground in praise of their savior. Since that day Thestral’s have pledged themselves in servitude to Lady Noctis as thanks for saving our race.” Moonlight said finishing her story.

“Whoa.” Ryan said as he felt the train come to a stop nearly being thrown off his feet.

“You okay?” Moonlight asked as Ryan steadied himself.

“Yeah I’m fine.” Ryan replied. “I gotta say that was one heck of a story.” Ryan said getting a chuckle from Moonlight.

“Glad to hear that. Now then you best go and say goodbye to Princess Twilight and her friends. Because I doubt they’re going to be coming to Canterlot with us.” Moonlight said before giving Ryan a smile. “I guess I’ll see you around.” She said before leaping back onto the roof of the train car.

“Oof.” Ryan said as he entered the train car having something collide with his gut. When he looked down he saw Pinkie wrapped around his mid section. “Hey Pinkie.” Ryan said as he ran a hand through his mane.

“Hey Ryan.” Pinkie said as she looked up at Ryan, a large grin on her face. “The girls and I are gonna be heading off now.”

“And I’m guessing you couldn’t wait for a goodbye hug?” Ryan asked getting a nod from Pinkie.

“You done yet Pinkie?” The voice of Dash called out from behind Pinkie. “We gotta head off y’know.”

“Sure thing Dashie.” Pinkie said before releasing Ryan. “Bye Ryan.” She said before skipping away.

“See ya Pinkie.” Ryan said before feeling something crash into his waist again. When Ryan looked down he found Dash looking up at him. “How’d I know you just wanted to clear a spot for yourself by telling Pinkie to hurry up.”

“No I didn’t, just want to get this over and done with. Gotta get home and make sure everything’s how I left it.” Dash said before releasing Ryan.

“Hey wait a sec where’s everyone else?” Ryan asked only noticing that Celestia, Luna and Chrysalis were the only ones currently in the train car.

“Oh. They’re out on the platform. Cadance and Shining said that they’d be here for a day before heading back to the Crystal Empire.” Dash said before heading towards the train car’s exit.

“You guys gonna come say goodbye?” Ryan asked the royal trio that remained within the train car.

“Nay, we’ve already said our farewell.” Luna responded provoking a nod from Chrysalis and Celestia.

“Alright then.” Ryan said as he walked towards the exit. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

“Take as long as you want.” Celestia said fixing Ryan a smile.

“Got it.” Ryan said as he made his way out onto the train station’s platform to find the rest of the group that had made their way to the Changeling hive. “So then I guess this is goodbye for now.”

“Looks like it.” Twilight said when Ryan got close enough for her to give him a hug.

“Don’t worry sugarcube we’ll be sure to pay you a visit.” Applejack said when Twilight finished giving Ryan a hug.

“Yes Applejack is quite right dear.” Rarity said with Fluttershy giving a nod from Rarity’s side.

“I’ll look forward to seeing you then.” Ryan said before turning to Cadance and Shining. “You guys going to head to Canterlot when your done with your tour of Ponyville, or are you heading for the Crystal Empire?”

“We’ll be heading for the Empire. Unlike Canterlot there isn’t a court of nobles to keep everything from falling apart whilst Shiny and I are gone.” Cadance said with a chuckle.

“But hey if you ever wanted to come and say hi, the Empire would be glad to have you.” Shining said getting a nod.

“Nice to hear. Might take Chrysalis there.” Ryan said causing Shining to stiffen a bit, however this went unnoticed by Ryan as he had turned to say goodbye to Stealth and Spike.

“See ya Ryan.” Stealth said.

“Yeah see ya around Stealth.” Ryan said before turning to Spike. “Take care of Twi will ya.”

“Sure thing Ryan.” Spike said with a smile.

“Same goes for you as well Stealth.” Ryan said to Stealth getting a nod. It was then that the sound of a train whistle rang throughout the air. “Well guess that’s my cue to leave. See ya guys!” Ryan said to the group before walking back onto the train. .