//------------------------------// // Black Magic Backlash // Story: The Nightmares Fear // by LunarGaurd //------------------------------// With the ponies behind me in there place I focus all my attention onto the Ursa Major, and as he begins approaching I start analyzing him. So he's bigger and undoubtedly stronger than the Ursa Minor, so that means I have to rely in my magic more. He might be faster to so I should watch out for that, he might be smarter so-OH SHIT! I got knocked out of my state of thought by his paw bitch slapping me into the forest and through more trees than I could count. Teleporting back ready to fight, but I don't get the chance as before I can even move, the bear starts stomping on me and I swear I can hear Rainbow Dash laughing at me. And I am officialy tired of this bull shit. As the bear prepares for another stomp, I cover myself in a spiky shield of darkness. "ROOOOOAAAAAR!!!!!!" With a bellow of anguish, the Ursa stumbles back, leaving puddles of blood from the holes now in its paw. Getting up from where I lay, I can feel the torturous agony of every bone in my body being broken, shattered, fragmented or cracked. I have blood flowing from various wounds all over my body, and the heavenly silver flavor as blood pools in my mouth. "HahahahahahaHA! You are one huge cunt Ursa! It's gunna be WEEKS before I'm back to full ability!" I begin charging my magic, just a basic beam attack, but with the shear amount of magic used it was destructive as can be as a laser as big as a house shot from my horn. The bear was fast enough to dodge it, mostly. He lunged to his left and I skinned his right front leg. It starts limping toward me, than releases a mighty houl of pain and charges at me, adrenaline overriding it suffering. I just chuckle again as it lunges at me to tries and swallow me whole, but i just simply create another spiky shield, this time however, also combining it with a gravity spell so the Ursa unwillingly chomps on my shield all the harder and holds his mouth shut as it thrashes about in pain, making a futile effort to open it maw. This is a good time, however to test my affinity for fire magic. Remembering a spell that creates a powerful explosion centered on the caster, but leaving them unharmed I begin to cast it, over and over again. Ten times I cast it, containing the power of all the explosions within my shield. 'hehehe, open wide mother fucker!' I dispel my shield, the force of ten times the spell is released in an instant. Obliterating its maw, leaving not even a splinter of bone left. The heat cauterized the wound though, so much to my displeasure there was no blood. The fire flew down its throat as well, I asume melting its vocal cords as it wasn't screaming in agony. I was blown back as well, all the way to the whooves if the other ponies, about 50 feet away. I feel my splintered, shattered, and powdered bones grind against themselves, as well as my muscles and organs. My muscles, being nearly cut to ribbons at this point, have me almost unable to stand, but I do so, and decide to end this. "Okay, time to die bear." I lightly mumble, as I stumble over to the lightly quivering body of the Ursa. It doesn't move or try and stop me so I stop about 10 feet away, I think it's given up on life. How cute. "I love this taste, absolute despair, a feeling of utter failure and a lack of any motivation to live." I laugh, charging a curse with shadow magic, it will kill it instantly but trap its soul. Plunging it into a nightmare of the highest caliber and storing the soul to be summoned later. "I hope you love your free will, it will make it that much better once you are a mindless servant to yours truly." I hear a light ghasp from behind me, but I pay it no mind, after all, while it may not have seemed like it, this IS my first time actually using my magic, so it takes a massive amount of focus to cast these high end spells. Right as I am about to let loose my spell, and turn the fuckers soul into my unwilling servant bound to my will alone... "NOOOOOOOOO!" Fluttershy has just launched herself in front of me, between myself and the Ursa. Normally, I wouldn't bat an eye, but I have no quarrel with any ponies, and I do not like the idea of becoming a second time murderer. But I cannot cancel the spell, I have not the experience nor knowledge on how to to that, I don't even know if dark magic can be canceled. This spell can only be cast on something alive and organic but not plant life, it must be an animal or a sentient being. and within eyesight. I can't see enough of the Ursa Major to target it, fluttershy is to close, so that means.... "FUCK!" I quickly look down at my own hooves and release my spell, plunging myself into my worst nightmare, if I have one, and trapping my own soul. I have no idea on how this is going to work, but I do know that I'm sleepy. Very sleepy, The last thing I hear is someone shouting.... "FLUTTERSHY! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!!???"