The Beginning of the End

by CyclicStoryWriter

Into the Last Good Fight I'll ever know.

The Beginning of the End

Into the Last Good Fight I'll Ever Know

Sergi stood on a small outcrop of rocks as a thick black blotch advanced towards the mountain. The flying mass began separating into different segments. He watched as an army unfolded in front of him. The pure size made Sergi keep a hand on the grip of the FAL.

"Commander, Private First Class Anderson is trying to connect. Shall I patch you through?" The AI said breaking the uneasy tension.

"Yes, patch him through." Sergi said relieved that something came up to take his mind off the army of griffons forming in front of him.

"Where the hell are you? The guards said they never sent for you and I have a bad feeling about this wedding." Anderson's voice interrogated through the speakers.

"I might have said some things in order to do what was needed, isn't this in one of the episodes you watched?" Sergi replied as a small portion of the army broke off and started flying towards a different part of the mountain.

"I never saw anything like this before. A royal wedding, I mean this would have been a great episode to watch. Anyways what I mean by ‘off’ is that I haven't seen Twilight since this morning when she confronted the bride. Also the bride seems focused on other things than the wedding and is very... moody." Anderson said carefully choosing his last word.

"That seems interesting. Can you give me any quotes from the confrontation?" Sergi asked as this did indeed sound off.

"Yeah I got a recording of it, here it is!" Anderson said before other sounds filled the speakers

"I've got something to say! She's evil" The voice of Twilight Sparkle shouted out in a infuriated tone.

"She’s been horrible to my friends... she’s obviously done something to her bridesmaids…and if that wasn’t enough, I saw her put a spell on my brother that made his eyes go all…" She continued and ending with some type of hoof gesture that left him confused.

"How did that sound? Stuff after that is just family matters." Anderson said as he ended the playback.

"I think I know what will happen. What types of defenses are up in Canterlot? This is a royal wedding so I'm sure that there would be more protection than what I saw at the Gala." Sergi asked as he watched the detachment approach the mountain side.

"There is this giant bubble surrounding the castle and its grounds that is being held up by Shining Armor, the groom and..." Anderson began.

"And Captain of the Guard...Anderson, what are you wearing at the moment." Sergi asked as ideas raced through his head.

"I am getting my suit on at the moment. Why do you want to know?" Anderson asked, perplexed by the question.

"Get that fancy suit off and get your armor on. You got business coming." Sergi answered

"But I left that in Ponyville. Looks like I'm going to have to wing it." Anderson said with a sigh.

"No you aren't, just stay right where you are. It will make this a lot easier for me." Sergi said as he focused on creating a new set of armor and weapons for Anderson.

"What do you... AHHH, what did you just do?!" Anderson shouted through the speakers making Sergi cringe from the volume.

"Don't worry about that. Just get it on and prepare for the worst." Sergi answered about to close the link.

"Okay, but you still haven't answered my first question." Anderson stated as his voice got slightly muted from the shuffling off the clothes and metal.

"FUBAR, that's what I have at the moment." Sergi simply replied as the detachment got almost in range of one of the stations.

"Let me see... Wow... you do have a FUBAR’d situation." Anderson's voice quietly replied after the sound of a helmet sliding on.

"You have Changelings and I have an army of griffons. Well a little less now." Sergi said as the detachment was torn apart from two 25mm canons at the closest station.

"Good luck with your imposter situation." Sergi said as he shut off the comm link.

He continued to watch the griffon army for a few seconds before heading back down and preparing for the inevitable. Sergi checked over his gear over and over until the sun began to set and the light shined through the mountain pass. He headed into the command tent and removed a black bag from the head of a male pegasus with a maroon coat and a mane of a darker maroon with golden strands.

"Please whatever you are, just let me go! What could you possibly want from me?!" The pegasus shouted out after the bag was removed.

"What I need from you is to take two packages to Canterlot. When you arrive there you must find another human there by the name of Anderson who will easily look out of place and a pegasus named Rainbow Dash who..." Sergi began to answer.

"Has a cyan coat and a mane with the colors of the rainbow." The pegasus replied as he perked up as much as a hostage in his situation could.

"Yes exactly. I need you to take this package to Anderson and this to Rainbow Dash." Sergi said as showed the Pegasus the two different cloth bundles, one was a black cloth and one was a drab olive-colored cloth. "After the packages are delivered I will have no more need of you and you are free to go. I just need someone who can get these to them while I am preoccupied with other things." Sergi continued.

"So you’re going to let me go just to deliver these things, nothing more?" The pegasus hesitantly asked.

"Once you get these delivered I do not care what you do. Just don't try to go across the mountains. Things are going to get pretty messy pretty quickly." Sergi replied as he pulled out his kukhri.

Sergi cut loose the bonds wrapped around the pegasus's legs knelt there as the pegasus slowly stood up. The pegasus then clumsily walked over to where a saddle bag was laying and tighten it up around him. Sergi gave a sharp whistle to get the pegasus attention.

"What is your dominant side?" Sergi asked.

"Um, right?" The pegasus said unsure what all of this meant.

"This package goes to Anderson."' Sergi said as he showed him the black package before placing it in the left saddle bag.

"This package goes to Rainbow Dash." Sergi continued as he showed him the drab olive package before placing it in the right saddle bag.

"Okay, left is human right is Rainbow Dash. Got it." The pegasus said to himself before moving to leave the tent.

"Good luck Iron Cross." Sergi said as he began to stand up.

"H-how did you know my name?" The pegasus asked hesitantly after breaking free of his shock.

"Call it a lucky guess, now get going to Canterlot. The sooner you leave the farther away you will be from what's to come." Sergi answered as he waved him off.

Once the pegasus left the tent he looked over the map he had pieced together from all the aerial shots from his Night Watchmen. It showed every single part of his plan, from targeting the enemy officers in the beginning to rushing out into the remains of the army in the pass. Sergi exited the tent and started towards the operation area. He slowly walked through the trees and made sure to remember what trees were hollowed out and had weapons stashed in them. A small wooden bunker lay hidden in the snow drifts next to the pass. The Mc'Apline light machine gun was mounted in the bunker along with the American rail gun. Sergi walked along the ridge until a small rock outcrop slowly appeared with his Woodson '67 anti-material rifle lying among the rocks. He laid himself down on the rocks and peered through the scope at the oncoming army. The crosshairs on the scope fell on top of a group of griffon officers. From what he saw two of the officers were arguing. One griffon was very well built and his army was covered with dents and scrapes from earlier battles. The other griffon looked smaller and had a more careful nature to him. Sergi could not figure out what they were talking about but the look of the first griffon told him all he needed to know. He wanted to charge forward and blow through anything in his way. The other griffon looked to want to take things carefully and maybe go around this problem. The sight moved slowly next to the griffon and the entire world was quiet and still. Sergi pulled the trigger and watched as the bullet fly outwards and slowly curve back towards the target. It landed just above the griffons’ thick metal chest plate, casing the body to drop from the sky and spew blood across the face of the bigger griffon. Pure shock was quickly replaced with a white-hot flaming rage. He waved his front claws to signal the charge. For the plan to be pulled off at its best, Sergi needed this griffon to live. So he aimed for the other lower officers flying in various spots in the army. Any shots that missed their marks soon found a replacement in the giant army.
When all of the ammunition was gone he quickly made his way down the ridge line and into the wooden bunker. The sun began its decent on the other side of the mountain sending a beam of light down the pass. Minutes passed before a yell quietly pierced the winter air. Similar sounds began to follow while increasing in volume until the beam of light showed a small shadow bursting into the air and suddenly disappearing. The screams that followed filled Sergi's heart with delight and anticipation for the action to come. His moment arrived when griffons shot into sight trying to fly over the Bouncing Betty’s. Sergi’s world grew quiet and began slowing down to the point where nothing seemed to move. Small burst of bullets flew out of the Mc'Alpine machine gun and sent the griffons into a downward spiral into the fresh snow below them. Other griffons began to appear, coming into the pass with looks of fear and bewilderment on their face. The Commander was nowhere to be seen in the masses. Sergi switched from small controlled bursts to full automatic fire into the funneled body of the army. Bodies fell to the ground while screams of pain and death echoed until the bullets were hitting more corpses than live griffons. He let go of the machine gun and grabbed for the rail gun. The electronic crosshairs on his HUD juggled around as he steadied the large weapon. When the sight steadied on the pass Sergi released a shot of aluminum from the rail gun. The shot punched through the wall of the dead and continued right through the griffons hiding behind their dead bodies. Sergi quickly finished off the rest of the shots in the three round chamber of the Rail gun and tossed it aside. Even though it was a very effective weapon those three shots were his only rounds for the rail gun.
He quickly picked up the machine gun and began firing back down the pass cleared of a wall of dead bodies. The gun soon gave the heart-stopping sound of no ammo left. Not to mention that the gun fire was no longer holding the griffons back and they began advancing not because of glory or orders but for vengeance.
His world soon began being filled with sound and slowly began speeding up, much to Sergi's distaste. Sergi ran to a tree and bashed in the bark and pulled out a Beowulf Assault Rifle and slipped in a fresh clip. Chambering the first round he turned around to face a fast approaching wave of griffons. He tried to push the wave back or at least hold them right where they were but the endless wave would not break and slowly crept forward. Tree to tree Sergi moved, placing every bullet into the still breathing body of a griffon. Once all the assault rifles were out of the way the shotgun came next. The spray of pellets seemed to push hold the wave back easier but still they advanced. Time was running out for Sergi but every second used here gave more time for Canterlot. Sergi came up to the last tree before the camp site and proceeded to elbow the bark off, inside was a small hand held device with switch cap on it. With a small flick of the cap and a push of a button, all hell broke loose in the forest. Bouncing Betty’s popped up from the ground and tore the griffon force to pieces. He wasted no time reaching the camp before the second part of the surprise came. He could see Sir Henry out in the middle of the camp with his sword drawn. Sergi started to wonder why Sir Henry was looking around but was stopped when a low whine shot through the air and the Valkyrie flew in from the clouds above and released hell upon the forest. Rockets of all sizes flew into the forest and leveled every single thing in sight. Sergi left the flaming waste behind him and continued to the camp. Everything seemed fine and normal except for the nervous knight standing in the middle of the camp.

"What's going on, we still have a large majority of an army to take care of." Sergi said to Sir Henry.

"He's here!" Sir Henry replied in a hushed voice.

"Who's..." Sergi began.

"Oh Henry. Who is your friend here? I don't recall humans wearing this the last time your race tried to kill me." A voice said from no spot in particular.

"Who's there?" Sergi shouted out as he flipped through various views to try to find the disembodied voice.

"Oh I am disappointed Henry! You haven't even told him who I am." The voice replied.

"SHOW YOURSELF SO THAT WE CAN END THIS LITTLE GAME!" Sir Henry shouted out clearly being pushed to limits he hasn't been to in a long time.

"I guess I will have to introduce myself then. My name is Discord, Lord of Chaos. It’s a pleasure to meet you..." The voice said as Sergi's sensors spotted energy waves forming behind him.

Turning around he saw a creature that he could not easily relate to anything from his world. It had a long body of a snake but had body parts of different animals. One arm was from a lion and the other was an eagles claw. It had a leg of a buffalo and of possibly a leg of a dragon. This thing was like someone breaking the laws of physics, or what physical laws actually exist in this world. It had its lion paw stretched out towards him. Sergi knew better than to follow along with whatever he was doing. He slowly moved his right hand down to grasp around the handle of a pistol.

"What do you want?" Sergi asked trying to avoid attention to his hand as it slowly got a good grip on it.

"Just a little bit of chaos in this boring place. I even made myself a little army to help me take down some problems like those pesky Elements of Harmony." As he absent mindedly waved towards the burning ruins of the forest. "My, what an interesting trick you did there! A little harsh for my liking but chaos is still chaos."

"Well I just can't let you do that." Sergi stated as he whipped out his pistol and fired off five shots before the gun was ripped from his hand.

"YOU UNGRATEFUL CREATURE! I was going to give you a chance to join me in this one sided war! I guess that is now out of the question." Discord shouted out as he quickly healed his bullet wounds.

"I will not let that happen!" Sir Henry shouted out as he began his charge.

Sergi watched as Discord simple snapped his fingers and Sir Henry stopped right where he was standing. Sir Henry was now stone. His armor and sword where still normal but the man underneath was just a stone statue.

"A little trick I learned from Celestia. My magic can't touch his armor but works perfectly fine on the human inside." Discord said as he walked up to the statue and snapped his fingers again to make it disappear. "I think that this would be a lovely addition to the Canterlot statue collection!" He continued with a smile.

"Once more into the fray I go." Sergi began.

"What was that?" Discord interjected.

"Into the last good fight I'll ever know."

"What are you doing?" Discord asked as he watched Sergi slightly swaying his body.

"Live and die on this day."

"What are you planning?" Discord said more to himself as Sergi seemed to stare into his mind and soul.

"Live and die on this day!" Sergi finished before lunging forward with his Kukhri in hand.

"Sorry! Try again next time." Discord said turning Sergi into stone.

"You, YOU HAVE BEEN TRICKING US THIS ENTIRE TIME!" The Griffon Commander said as he came up to the pass.

"Oh, Commander. You’re almost to the glorious city of Canterlot. See how nice it is? Doesn't it look like it needs to be burned?" Discord said as he placed the Commander under his spell.

"The rule of the Alicorns will end and the Griffons will finally make their mark on the world!" The Commander shouted out as other griffons began entering the area and Discord disappeared from sight.

A small crack appeared on Sergi's statue. Slowly it expanded and grew in both size and sound.

"What is that?" One of the griffon soldiers asked as he heard one of the cracks.

Heads of griffons began to turn their heads towards the statue that was cracking up at a frightening speed. Soon shards of stone flew out into the surrounding griffons and a metal figure with glowing red eyes stood there. Closer inspection showed that it resembled a human but without any signs of actual life. The metal figure began going from griffon to griffon ripping them limb from limb. The griffon Commander was soon reached and the metal biped raised him up and stared him in the eyes.

"You remind me of a puppy!" It said in Sergi's voice as it pulled the griffon into a hug.

"I like puppies! I like to slowly. Slowly. Crushing them!" It continued as it crushed everything in the mid-section of the griffon.

The machine dropped the commander and looked around at the other griffons who all stood in shock at what had happened. A pink cloud appeared and began pouring chocolate milk. Discord was lying on top of the cloud wearing a pair of sunglasses that were obviously meant to be larger than normal.

"Why what do we have here? I have been hearing rumors of a secret that only one creature knew, could this possibly be it?" Discord said as he lowered himself onto the red slush mixed with various body parts.

"I am model #101 of the TERMINATOR II program, formerly a soldier called Sergi Zolnerowich. I am the only fully working Terminator model ever to be produced."

"My, you are interesting. Perhaps I can get something out of you after all." Discord said as he tried to use his magic on it.

The machine grabbed onto Discords eagle claw and crushed the hand in its metal palm. The red eyes connected with Discords own eyes as pain filled Discord’s very being to the brim. The fear soon changed to rage as Discord slammed the robot to the side and into the tent.

"I guess maybe I was wrong and you are useless to my cause!" Discord shouted as he walked towards the collapsed tent.

"Someone once told me that we all have our inner demons to face. I found mine and now we're all on the same side now!" The machine replied as it bolted up from the debris and ran to meet Discord.

The machine jumped up and landed a blow on Discord's chest. While he stumbled back the machine continued forward continuing to land blow after blow. After receiving a few cracked ribs and a broken arm Discord finally went on the offensive. He pinned the machine down with his foot and ripped off its right arm. As he stared down at the thing with unbridled rage a part of it’s chest began opening up to reveal a glass container filled with a blue ball of light.

"You’re a god right?" The machine asked as it reached for the container.

"Yep! God of Chaos and Disharmony, remember?" Discord replied as the question only slightly reduced the rage he felt.

"Then I think you would like to see something that would rock your world. God of Chaos, meet anti-matter. I'll see you in hell." The machine said before crushing the glass with its free hand.

'This has not been my week.' Iron Cross thought to himself. First his home was destroyed before his eyes by some flying metal creatures and was taken hostage by some strange monster from an emotionless race with big red eyes. After that he has had a bag over his head for the majority of the days before he was released with a job. Now he was being chased by Canterlot guards and he still have not found either of the two ponies he needed to deliver to. As if someone had answered his plight he turned a corner and found a human standing behind a group of ponies that contained Rainbow Dash. Iron Cross began to fly faster towards the group until he almost crashed into them.

"Uh Excuse me but I got some things for you and Rainbow Dash." He said as he poked the back of one of the human's legs.

"Um, okay. Just who are you?" The human asked.

"Look I need to get..."

"Is that you Iron Cross?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Yes it is. Now this one is for you..." He answered as he pulled out a drab olive-colored package from his right saddle bag. "And this one is for you." He finished before getting tackled down to the ground by two Canterlot guards.

He struggled against the guards grasps but stopped when he saw a small flash on the horizon. He stared as the explosion suddenly disappeared and then a blue burst of light swallowed up part of the mountain side. Iron Cross felt the guards stop focusing on him and on the fast expanding ball of blue light. Soon he could see other ponies turning to see the light.

"What is that?" One of the guards asked absentmindedly.

As they stared at the light, a shockwave suddenly started flipping tables and throwing ponies all over the place. The guards that stood over him were knocked back when a table flew right over Iron Cross. He turned his head to avoid any debris getting to his eyes. The rush of air slowly died down and silence descended on the city. Iron Cross got off his side and looked at where the light was. The mountain side looked barren and charred, no trees or any color other than black could be seen. The sun showed itself again where part of the mountain was missing. The clouds above the mountain looked like they were burning.

"And the heavens will burn and the earth shall feel the wrath of an entire race." he heard one of the unicorns there say to herself as the sun lowered itself over the horizon again.