Fluttershy's Darkest Secret

by Cutest Boxer Puppy Ever

The Secret Comes Out!

“Okay, everypony I just want you to sit down and stay calm because, this is just going to probably hurt a lot!” Fluttershy said, Fluttershy turned evil with dark colours on her (just like in the picture), “This is what I have been hiding all along now to destroy you all first Pinkie Pie who is to busy eating cake,” Fluttershy flew down.

“Yum!” Pinkie Pie said, while still eating the cake.

“Pinkie! Look out!” Twilight warned Pinkie Pie, but it was to late.

Fluttershy hit Pinkie Pie and blood gone everywhere. Oh now is this the end of our fellow ponies! Luckily, Pinkie Pie was still alive. Fluttershy went outside to destroy Equestria. All of Ponyville blew on fire everypony screamed and ran everywhere like a stampede of wild animals on the lose. “That's right you dumb ponies run as fast as you can, because I’m going to kill you all. You fools think you can runaway from me there is nowhere to run to,” and she kept on destroying Ponyville, “There that should do it,” then she went to Canterlot. “Hello everypony it's nice that I will kill you all,” then she started destroying Canterlot everypony screamed and ran like a stampede, Canterlot had fire blowing up everywhere. “Bye bye everypony,” she took a deep breath in. “I love the sounds of everyponies screams,” then she gone to Manehattan. “Hello everypony, you fools time to get destroyed,” and started to destroy everypony in Manehattan. “Even your clothes,” Fluttershy destroyed their clothes.

“No! My clothes!” A pony said, screaming.

At Fluttershy’s Cottage. “Geez, we have to save Equestria, there is blood everywhere! Come on girls! We don't need, Fluttershy we can stop her all of us but first we need Princess Celestia and Princess Luna come on we need to go to Canterlot but we need a hose, ah ha!” Twilight said, she flew straight to the hoses. “Here are five holes let's go showering Equestria get it.”

“Yeah yeah yeah we get it, Twilight now let's just go,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Ok bossy!” Twilight said.

“I’m not bossy!” Rainbow Dash said.

“Yes you are!” Twilight said, then Twilight and Rainbow Dash started fighting 5 minutes later.

“Darlings oh please, darlings please stop fighting when you darlings were fighting, Fluttershy already destroyed half of Equestria and most of the ponies already got killed,” Rarity said.

“Then let's start hosing down Equestria,” Twilight Sparkle opened the door. “Geez that's a lot of blood all well let's go everypony,” and the main 5 went outside.