//------------------------------// // The Honest Apple: 10 // Story: Streaming, Unintended! // by Ponyess //------------------------------// . I had been given a small house, not quite the farmhouse or a cottage, just like my friends.  I have no barn, or other outhouses either.  I am missing the homestead and my family. I probably should not complain, I have my friends.  We are given food and a few simple items for the small village.  Yet, I still do miss Apple Bloom, Big Macintosh and Granny Smith.  There is also the issue of what I am to do for a living?  I don’t really have anything, I can proudly call a farm. I never wore anything but the old Stetson, in the first place.  As it is, I guess the red ribbon on my tail is pretty useless, since I have no apples to buck.  Maybe I should bring up the item, next time the large Pony is looking in? In surprise, I found an apple seed among the large chunks of apple on the table today.  Maybe I should take the chance and make the most out of it?  If it is an Apple seed, I could plant it in the hopes that it could grow into a tree. While the seed is huge for me, but I did manage to carry it out to the back of the house.  Once I had carried it to a safe distance from the house, I dig a hole in the ground and deposit my seed and cover it with the dirt. With the first seed in the ground, I can finally feel as if I am a true Apple.  While I am still missing Granny Smith, Big Macintosh and Apple Bloom; I can at least claim to be an Apple to the core now, with the orchard well on its way to fruition. I have not seen as much as a single cloud on the sky, so I guess rainbow Dash feels a bit bored right now.  I will need her services to manage the weather for me, long-term.  The sky is after all her domain to manage and tend to. With no real need for clothes, Rarity will also feel a bit left out, as a fifth wheel.  We have little to no fabric, or any other materials to work with. Fluttershy is at least not scared of anything in the village yet.  She is still feeling a bit left out and useless, without Angel Bunny and her critters to care for. At least, I hope I can provide Pinkie Pie with apples to work with soon as the harvest is in.  Assuming I will have a harvest. I don’t count my apples, before I can see them bright and red on my tree.  Pinkie Pie can throw parties for us, even without the majority of her usual props. Of course, Twilight Sparkle is still a Princess:  she is the head of the community, small as it may still be.  With only six mares, there is no prospect of foals any time soon. While I am looking forwards to see my first apple tree, I could race Rainbow Dash around the town.  As small as the space is, I could still use the exercise of galloping around town with Rainbow Dash. Just as the town is small, so is my house; but it is still feeling empty, without Big Macintosh, Granny Smith and Apple Bloom around. I know every Pony is missing someone.  Rarity is just as alone as I am, without Sweetie Bell and Opalescence.  Pinkie Pie is missing Gummy, not that he did much or made a single piip.  But still.  Fluttershy is missing Angel Bunny, even if he was noisy and made a serious ruckus every now and then.  Rainbow Dash is missing Tank, even if he may have been hibernating months at a stretch every year.  Twilight Sparkle is missing both her assistant Spike and her per Owl Owlowiscious.  Oh, and no sigh of Winona anywhere.  Though I guess I had never expected her to show up now.  Not after every pet being missing. The town of Ponyville is small, and quiet.  Almost a ghost town, short of the few friends I do have with me. Should be expecting Pinkie Pie coming up with something.  Some event, to entertain us.  Something, anything; just to raise the spirits.  She always does, and we all love her for it. At least, everyone in town; as small as the ton of Ponyville is, right now.  Yet, this is all we have, everything we can expect and count on.  Why bother, counting on something you do not have yet? Though I am still enthusiastic over the expected apple-tree I hope to build into a larger orchard in the future.  I look forwards to it, because it is who I am and what I do.  What would I be, without my orchard now; since I have no Apples and just a hoof-full of friends? Maybe I should be bringing it up, in the hopes of having more seeds I can sow in the future; in the hopes, of expanding the farm with whatever I could possibly grow? Oh, but wait; what if I brought it up, on the next council-meeting?  As small as it is now, but this is the obvious time to bring up my situation.  Then I guess I could ask the large pony, if she could bring me any seeds for the farm.  Even if all she could find is seeds for orange and pears. --- --- ---