//------------------------------// // Day 5:The End // Story: Surreal Joy // by LaxBrony //------------------------------// Fel After waking, stretching, eating, and a quick use of the facilities (which was rather hard because everything was pony sized), I was off. Pyra tried to stop and ask me where I was going but all I had heard from him was “Hey where are--” before I flashed some place near Ponyville. I didn’t want to just pop right into the center of the town, that would be... lame. So, I transported myself to a place that was relatively close to Ponyville, the statuette garden. Once there, I looked up to see a terrified spirit of chaos trying to ward off harmony with just his claw and paw. “Hey Discord,” I spoke to the statue, “What do you think went wrong on your little trip back to Ponyville? You obviously had it in the palm of your hands but, when the six little ponies came to stop you, you did nothing. So, again I ask, What went wrong?” I shot a concentrated beam of magic at the statue and all of the stone burst from Discord’s skin and shot in all directions. “Ah damn that was a little louder than I had anticipated.” I said to myself as Discord shook off the rest of the stone that had clung to his fur. He stood up to face me and took a bow. “I thank you human for what you have done. But tell me, why would you free me, a screw-up, as you put it?” He asked. “You’re not going to take credit in the least bit for throwing almost the whole of Equestria into chaos?” “Oh I did as much but you seem to be able to disrupt the effects of the elements of harmony. You seem more than capable of doing whatever it is you want by yourself.” “That’s easy, I needed entertainment and a demonstration on how to ‘improve’ Equestria. But you haven’t answered my first question, what went wrong on your first outbreak?” “I think I may have been too cocky.” Discord said with a sigh. “But trust me small human, I won’t be making that simple mistake again.” We started to make our way to Ponyville. The road turned into soap and I lazily floated on a cloud turnin all others above our heads into cotton candy. “Fel.” I said breaking the silence. “Hmm?” the chaos spirit looked at me. “My name is Fel.” I say simply. “Alright then. But I have to ask you, how does a human appear in Equestria?” “Long story short, I was spontaneously turned into a pony in my dimension, sucked into yours, gained Celestia tier powers and turned myself back into a human.” “Interesting.” He said plainly. … I look up from my cloud and see it, Ponyville, in all its mirth, soon to house beautiful chaos. “Where do you want to start?” I ask Discord floating higher to see the whole town. Discord was flying next to me and said. “Real quick I want to do something.” He snapped his claws and a giant cotton candy cloud appeared over sugarcube corner and started pouring chocolate milk. “Friend of yours?” I ask. “The element of laughter had always been my favorite element.” He responded with a sigh. “Right... Hmm. The sky needs more blue...” “But that’s the point of the cotton candy. You know to block out the sky?” “No, how about some blueberry cotton candy?” “Interesting. But I rather like the pink.” “Nah lets put some blue in there.” I said and started to change some of the cotton candy clouds blue. “No, pink.” Discord said sternly and changed them back to fluffy pink cotton candy. “Blue.” “Pink.” “Blue!” “Pink!” “BLUE!” “PINK!” Frasier I was on my third lap around the planet making sure everything was going well both on the planet and in space around it. I have to admit, it’s kind of tiring flying around a whole celestial body and keeping everything in check. There even was an incident where I had to guide a meteorite away from the planet so it wouldn’t completely destroy it. But that wasn’t too much of a concern when I saw what I did by my fourth lap. In the small area of land in the much larger land of Equestria is Ponyville. Thankfully it is easy to see from space (relatively) and I could fly back down at any time. The problem was, where there usually is that pinpoint of Ponyville, there was a large mass of clouds that seemed to be flashing from pink to blue and back again. When I flew down to see what was going on, I couldn’t believe my eyes. Before me stood two humanoid figures floating on clouds screaming at eachother and changing the colors of the clouds. I knew one figure as Discord and this came as a shock to me because he was supposed to be imprisoned in stone. The person he was arguing with was, no was it? Yes it was definitely my friend Fel. What the hell was he doing arguing with Discord, the spirit of chaos? “Hey!” I yell over their bickering, “What’s going on here?” I might as well find out because the townsponies of Ponyville are most likely freaking out as is. “Not now Frasier I’m kind of in the middle of something.” Fel said and turned the clouds a deep blue. “The clouds have to be pink! Cotton candy is PINK.” The chaos spirit said. “Well blue is...” Fel said cutting off to realize that I was floating right next to him. “Frasier! Awesome to see you bud.” He formed his blue cloud into stairs and stepped down onto flat ground next to where I had landed. “So, how’s it goin’?” He asked. “Care to tell me what in Celestia’s name are you doing?” I ask accusingly. “Well, since I have these badass powers and stuff, I thought I’d have a little fun and released Discord.” Fel responded with a smile. “Aaaand you do realize that the main six are going to have to use the elements of harmony on you right?” “Oh think nothing of it! I mean it’s what kept Discord imprisoned right? If I can contradict the magic that imprisoned him, the elements of harmony, than they’re not going to have any effect on my whatsoever.” “Uh huh, well here they are, time to test that theory.” I pointed out lamely. My friend turned to the six ponies in front of him and held his arms out. Discord decided that this distraction was adequate and took off to another part of Ponyville to wreak some more havok. “Alright, you got me, hit me with your best shot.” the human said puffing out his chest. Twilight looked at him with concern. “Are you not at all worried that we are going to use the elements of harmony on you most likely imprisoning you?” She asked. “Actually I think your mind is reeling at the fact that a human is in your fair world of Equestria and not only does he possess magical powers but has released Discord and helped him shade Ponyville in ever changing colorful clouds.” Fel simply stated. “Oh and at this point that you will not have time to experiment on this matter.” “Whatever you say,” Twilight said rolling her eyes and turned to her five friends. “You girls ready?” She was greeted with eager nods. “You know Fel, you could just quit what you’re doing and use your powers for good?” I suggested. “Nah I’ll be fine.” He said once again spreading his arms. Fel I must admit, I thought it would hurt more. But when they are called the elements of harmony, pain probably isn’t part of the equation. I sat there with my arms spread and puffed out my chest. I even painted a target on it like Discord had. The rainbow of harmony swept past me and surrounded me lifting me off of the ground. It felt great, like being, how do I put it, relieved? Like you just won a gold medal and after all of the giddy feelings subsides you let out that sigh. When I felt the rainbow swirl finish off, I opened my eyes and looked around. Nothing had changed. I thought that at least the sky would have been cleared but it’s not that way probably because Discord had escaped. I didn’t feel any different. In fact, I still felt like making it rain chocolate rain. I chuckled and looked at the seven stunned ponies in front of me. “Uh, thats it? That failed miserably...” I said unimpressed. Frasier shook his head still gawking. “Dude look behind you.” He said pointing a hoof. Turning around to see what he was talking about my jaw hit the ground. It was, me, kind of. It was me in my pony form and it stood in a stance that suggested battle. “Hermerm--” I tried to say. “What?” Pony-Fel said tilting his head. I bent over and retrieved my lower jaw. “What the heck?” I repeated. “The elements of harmony created me. I am the other side of you with a pure soul.” “Ohhh so that’s what the center of my cutie mark represents. How pure my soul is. I get it now. Because mine is black and yours is white which would mean my souls is impure... Wow that sounded racist.” “Uh huh. Well, I am here to banish you from Equestria to where you came.” Pony-me said getting back into battle mode. I could hear Pinkie Pie whispering to the others watching the scene. “Ooo I like this part, but it could be better. You’d really think there would be some epic world battle and the human and the pony-human would almost destroy the world to try to kill each other but really the more eviler one decides that he kinda wants to go home anyway.” All eyes were on Pinkie Pie. “*Gasp* Are we having a staring contest? Okay! 1.2.3 GO!” I chuckled and realized something. “Wow, she’s right, this place is getting boring, I mean Discord is probably having the time of his life right now but I better get ho-” A bolt of white light struck my side cutting me off. “OW! What the hell?!” I yelled through a grimace. “Woops wrong spell. Heh uh, sorry I’ll try again.” My pony version said. “Don’t play coy with me, me. I know you did that on purpose.” “No I didn’t.” He said innocently. “Yes, you did.” “Nope, complete accident.” “Oh shut up and just whisk me away or whatever before you piss me off and I change my mind.” “Alright, alright. Sheesh.” “I’m going with you.” Frasier piped up from the crowd. “Oh yeah, you're going to want to come home.” “Before we do though, I’m going to need to be human.” “Ah! Right.” A few minutes later there was a re-humanized Frasier standing in front of me, best part of the spell was that he got to keep his wings! After a test flight and making sure he could still go up in space, he touches down and announces that he’s ready. “What will happen to you?” I ask the small chestnut pony-me as his horn starts glowing. “Oh, me? I don’t even exist.” “Wait, what?” “Yep, I’m just a figment of your imagination! Everypony here thinks you’re crazy by now but haven’t said anything yet.” “Grand, now I leave here with everypony here thinking I’m a crazy lunatic.” “Yep! Have fun!” *FLASH* … “So, who wants to have a we-just-met-a-human-for-the-first-time-but-he-turned-out-evil-but-he-left-anyway party?” Asked the chestnut unicorn. Pinkie Pie shot up and screamed “I do! But we should probably get mean old Discord back in his statue garden.” “Good idea.” Fel said and trotted off after the six elements of harmony. Grass. That was the first thing I felt when I came to. I sat up abruptly and looked around. We were back in Puma Park at about noon just like when we had first been transported to Equestria. The sun was shining brightly in the sky and a cool breeze swept through the grass. I turned to Frasier who was standing up and stretching his wings. “Hey bud, how’s it going?” I ask cautiosly “Well, I would be doing better if I knew my best friend hadn’t turned evil on my ass.” “Hey! We fixed that problem. We’re back home and everything can be normal again.” “And how will things be normal when I can move clouds and fly? Also, you can cast crazy magic that no one has even begun to think about. And, what about the time difference, how long do you think we have been gone? At least three days.” “Relax man, I made sure to transport us back here on the day we left at the exact same time. We were never missed.” “Alright fine, but if I get taken in to be experimented on its your ass I'm going to kick.” “Just remember what you can do with your wings and they can’t catch you.” “Right.” He said with a sigh and added. “So, this is it.” “What do you mean?” “We leave this park as two kids, one with crazy powers and one with wings and that’s that.” “Yeah pretty much.” “Well that’s kind of a lame way to end an adventure.” “Yep...” … “Well bye!” “Yep, see you later Frasier.” BZZT BZZT BZZT I shot up in my bed and looked around. I was in my room, how did I get here? I just left Frasier in the park. Did I teleport myself here? I tried to use my magic to bring my alarm clock to me and turn it off but nothing happened. “Well that’s odd.” I thought aloud. That was when my mom threw my bedroom door open and yelled at me to get my lazy ass out of bed. After she slammed the door behind her I just stared in confusion. “What the hell is going on?” I get up and start getting dressed but pause when I look in the mirror. The symbol that was supposed to be carved into my chest was gone. There wasn’t even a scar that showed that it had existed. I looked at my hands and got the same results. “Was this all a dream? Could I have imagined it all?” I thought to myself. I sat down on my bed and stared at the floor thinking it through. It was the only possible explanation. Yet, it felt so real. Then again, how unrealistic is that? A kid being turned into a pony? Stupid. Yeah it must have been a dream that’s only logical explanation for what had happened. I assured myself and walked upstairs to eat some breakfast. Somewhere in Equestria there was a town called Ponyville and it was alive with ponies partying from not just one party, but two. The we-just-beat-Discord-again party and the we-just-met-a-human-for-the-first-time-but-he-turned-out-evil-but-he-left-anyway party. The guest of honor at both parties was a small chestnut brown unicorn colt named Fel. And he was loving it.