
by blackhooves14

Dashpoint; Ch 2: Rainbow Dash, the Janitor

1900, 7:00 pm that was a long time from now. If Dash had to wait until then to tell Fluttershy what was going then so be it, for now she was going to find out answers on her own, as a janitor apparently. She gathered whatever janitor like things she could, a bucket, a mop, a broom and placed them on a cart parked outside her room. She took a quick look at the board hanging on the wall to see if there were any reminders she left herself. Not much really, most of the notes were pretty old, but there were a few interesting pictures of her and Fluttershy; one had a picture of her and Fluttershy standing next to each other, Fluttershy was wearing a dress uniform, a scribble on the side said “Air Force Graduation!”, another picture was Fluttershy in a Wonderbolts flight suit and Dash in a janitor’s uniform, the scribble in the corner of this one said, “First day on the job!”, the board had a few more pictures of memories she doesn’t remember ever happening, but all of them were of just her and Fluttershy, but there was one particular picture that bothered her. It was very faded, and worn, but it seemed to be a filly Fluttershy sitting next to what seemed to be a filly Rainbow Dash in a hospital bed. The writing in the bottom corner was too faded to be legible, Dash’s head started to hurt again, she decided to start working before another lighting storm happened.

Stepping out of her room and into the hallway she found to be empty, it turned out these were the living quarters and everypony was out doing drills, which explained why nopony else showed up when Dash started blasting lighting. Dash remembered she had to clean the mess hall, but where was that? She, herself have never lived her before, maybe the Rainbow Dash of before, but not this mare. She managed to find a directory by one of the exits. “Cloudsdale Air Force Base” it said in the top corner. Air Force Base? Why would Cloudsdale need an Air Force Base? There was never one here before, oh right, there’s a war going on. After finding out where the mess hall was, Dash began to take her first step into this strange new world, unprepared for the changes that lied ahead.

Rainbow Dash found an Air Force Base alright, everywhere pegasi clad in armored flight suits were doing various drills and formations both on the sky and on the ground. As she made her way across the base she saw Fluttershy on the ground addressing a group of Wonderbolts over today’s agenda. On her right-hoof side was Soarin, also wearing an armored Wonderbolt flight suit, at least some things didn’t change, but when he turned around to lead a small squad into the air Dash saw he had three scars going across the left side of his face. “Wow, there really is a war going on, isn’t there?” Dash thought to herself. Finally she made it to the mess hall, she trotted inside to find chaos, garbage was everywhere, bottles, plates, cups; THIS is what she had to clean?

“Rainbow Dash!” cried a gruff looking pegasi from across the counter, “You’re late, lunch is in a few hours and you’ll need every second to clean up this mess! Now get to it!” he grumbled and trotted into the kitchen. Dash grabbed a broom, grumbled as well and started sweeping up all the litter. This would be so much easier if she had her wings, but she reminded herself not think about it, these nubs just didn’t feel right, and she would never feel right with them. A few hours passed and Dash felt she had done a pretty good job, her stomach grumbled, she felt the need to sit down and eat, but was stopped by that pegasi again. “Uh-uh, you’re going to have to work through lunch missy, once this place is clean, then you can eat.”

“Mmrrr...” Dash grumbled as she continued sweeping. Pegasi began filling the mess hall one by one sitting down to eat. A sudden realization dawned on Dash that she would have to clean up this mess too, she was going to be working on an empty stomach for quite some time.

As she continued to sweep and mop the floor Dash couldn’t help, but overhear some peculiar things about this new Equestria.

“Did you hear about this pony that sided with the Solar Empress? They say she rides an Ursa Major, she took out 3 battalions before they retreated, I hear she has control of the Everfree forest.”

“What’s she called?”

“Survivors said she calls herself ‘The Incredible and Immortal Trixie’.”

“What kind of name is that? She might as well call herself ‘Lulamoon’ or something.”

No way, that Trixie? The Great and Powerful Trixie?

“I hear the Princess managed to get the griffins to join our side.”

“Ah dude, that’s awesome, I was stationed once in the Gryphon Kingdom, they are some awesome fighters.”

“Yeah, but aren’t they also really arrogant and stubborn?”

“Well...yeah, but they make up for it in power. Check this out, there’s this one Gryphon, what was her name...ah, Grizelda! “


“She is just awesome, in a sparring match I saw her take down three of our guys, without even breaking a sweat!”

“Do birds even sweat?”

“Hm...I don’t know, but I hear they might be coming to the base in a few days.”

Wow, there was a lot in this world Dash was not prepared to expect.

“But the wings aren’t even ready yet!” Wings?

Dash saw three ponies sitting by themselves at a table away from most of the soldiers, they had on white lab coats and didn’t particularly seem like soldiers, one was a pegasi, while the other two were and earth pony and a unicorn. The unicorn must be using one of those spells Twilight used to get her and the others up to Cloudsdale, they seemed like researchers or scientist or something nerdy like that. “We can’t attach the wings to a test subject yet it’s just too soon!”

What were they talking about? Dash decided to sweep closer to their area to hear what was going on.

“Come now Marecel! There are pegasi out in the field who need this, if we hold back now, there won’t be enough out there to fight the Solar Empress!” said the Earth Pony.

“But if we give it to them in this state, we may cause more harm than good!” said the Pegasi Marcel.

“Hm, I’m sorry Potts, but I’m going to have to agree with Marecel on this, the Icarus project is indeed doing well, but it’s not ready for deployment.” said the Unicorn.

“Thank you Palmer, and don’t worry Potts, the Equestrian Air Force is strong, they won’t dwindle that easily. said Marecel.

Potts sighed, “Well I guess your right, I just can’t stand to see all those injured pegasi in the infirmary who so desperately want to fly again.”

“This is something we can’t rush, we need to be thorough about his or else we’ll-” Palmer stopped short to see Rainbow Dash on his left side getting uncomfortably close, “Um...can I help you madame?” Dash realized her intrusion.

“Ah! Oh, um...do you need that taken away?” she pointed a hoof at Palmer’s full tray of food.

“Um, no I’m still eating, but thank you.” Palmer said awkwardly.

“Oh! Uh, sure okay, no problem!” Dash quickly rushed away from the group of scientist, whew that was close, but she managed to hear one last thing from Marecel.

“We’re almost finished with it Potts, we’ll just make a few more adjustments and then pack in early tonight.”

“Sounds good.” said Potts as he ate his hay fries.

Dash needed to find out more about this Icarus thing, if they were talking about what she thought they were talking about she needed to get in on this, but for now, back to work, everypony seemed pretty mature about themselves and threw away food in the proper cans, everypony except for those three, Dumb-Bell, Hoops, and Score, who were, big surpise, all Wonderbolts. Surrounding them was a mess of cups, plates, and hay fries.

“Hey Rainbow Crash! You missed a spot!” cried Dumb-Bell, pointing around him and his friends area. Dash begrudgingly, went over to clean up their mess, after she was done, she turned to leave when she heard, Dumb-Bell call her again. “Hey Rainbow Crash, I said, you missed a spot!” as Dash turned around she saw him tear open a ketchup pack and squirt all over the pristine floor. He laughed and dropped the packet on top of the glob of ketchup.

“Ha ha! Hey, you want some fries with that?” said Hoops as he dumped his entire carton of hay-fries on the ketchup.

“And don’t forget a drink on the side!” said Score as he slathered on his drink all over the fries and ketchup creating a soggy mess. All three of them started laughing real loud, proud of their little display.

Dash calmly looked at the mess, then at them, took a deep breath and said, “Hey guys, you wanna know another spot I forgot to clean?”

“Yeah what’s that?” said Dumb-Bell.

“YOUR FACE!” she cried as she took her broom and cracked it across Dumb-Bells face.


The broom split in two upon impact instantly knocking out Dumb-Bell, Dash may not have had wings, but she was still strong. The cafeteria fell silent and Hoops and Score looked at Dumb-Bell in shock, then glared at Dash.

“Ah, horse feathers...” quietly whispered Dash.

Hoops and Score jumped over the table, Dash took a mop and stuck it in Hoops’ face, she dodged Score who fell tripped on his own mess and landed face first on the floor. Good to see she still had speed on ground. Dash grabbed a bucket full of dirty water and dumped it on Hoops head. She then proceeded to bang on the bucket with her broken stick making it ring like a bell. Score tackled Dash to the ground and they proceeded to grapple with each other. A bunch of high ranking officers including Soarin’ and Fluttershy ran into the cafeteria to find the fight and quickly proceeded to stop it.


Dash and Score immediately stopped. Dash was surprised, looks like this world’s Fluttershy was a lot tougher than she thought. Her and Score got up off of each other and immediately stood in line. Fluttershy walked up to both of them and gave them “The Stare”, but this one was different, in the world Dash knew, “The Stare” was just intimidating and hypnotic, this one felt almost, bloodthirsty, this really was a different Fluttershy. She looked at Score and Hoops, who finally got the bucket off his head. “You two, get the Sergeant to the Medical Bay.” she said sternly, they both complied and dragged Dumb-Bell out of the mess hall. Fluttershy then looked at Dash who was starting to feel pretty scared, another minute of that “stare” and she would faint. “And YOU...” Dash prepared herself for chastisement. “I want you to retire to your quarters for the rest of the day, and think about what you did.” That’s it? Typical Fluttershy, Dash grabbed her cart and tools, and dragged it back to her office. Once there she slumped back into her chair, tired, frustrated, and hungry, she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Her dreams had Twilight calling out to Dash saying something she couldn’t quite hear, then she heard the cackling of a familiar voice and then a pair of white eyes. Suddenly she awoke to knocking.

Dash awoke with a jolt, the clock on her desk said 7:00, suddenly she heard another knock. Dash yawned, “Come in...” she replied.

In came Fluttershy, Dash prepared herself again for what she assumed was the true rage of Captain Fluttershy, but she saw that she had a worried look on her face. “Dashie? Are you sure you’re okay?”

Dash looked at Fluttershy, and saw that her flight suit seemed to be unzipped and loose, she was also holding a basket. “I’m fine Fluttershy, what’s in the basket?”

“Well I heard, Grill Marx, didn’t give you lunch, until you finished your shift, and I guess you didn’t get a chance to with your fighting and all. So I made some sandwiches and tea.”

“Oh right, thanks Fluttershy.” said Dash sheepishly remembering her antics from earlier.

“Dash, are you sure you’re okay?” how many times was Fluttershy going to ask her that? “You’re normally not like this. First shooting lighting out of your body, then fighting soldiers in the lunchroom, and actually holding your ground against them.”

“What do you mean Fluttershy?” said Dash distressed, “I should be asking you that! Nothing should be the way it is!”

“What are you talking about Dashie?”

“You, me, this, everything! You shouldn’t be in the Wonderbolts, and neither should those three idiots! I should not, not have wings, and Equestria shouldn’t be at war with this Solar Empress character!”

“Dash please, let me help you, we have some of the best doctors on staff, psychologist, therapist, all of them can help you out of this...thing you’re going through.”

“Please Fluttershy listen to me, what I’m telling you is-GAAAAAUGGGGHH!!!!” Lighting started coming out of Dash again.

“Oh my goodness! I’ll get help!” Fluttershy made her way to the door, but was stopped again, but Dash.

“No please...stay.” weakly said Dash as the lighting began to grow in intensity, “GAAAH!!!” she fell in Fluttershy’s hooves and suddenly everything started to become clearer. She began to see things, vivid images of her ‘past’.

“I-I remember now...it was in flight camp...I challenged Hoops and Score to a race, to defend your honor...but, I won that race...no...I fell. I was falling behind, I didn’t want to lose, so I took a short-cut through a lenticular, but it was way off the course of the race track, and I ran into a migrating dragon. The gust of his giant wings pulled me into them and I was smacked, my wings took the most of the force, and I fell. Then you came to save me, but I thought you fell and landed in the forest? No, you didn’t you stood your ground, and when you saw me falling you dashed to my rescue and saved me. You broke a speed record and became the youngest filly to break the sound barrier. You gained your cutie mark that day and I lost my wings...they had to amputate them...”

“That’s right Dashie, you’re starting to make sense now.”

“Then you graduated as one of the best fliers in flight school and signed up for the air force and got into the Wonderbolt Battalion, and I was unemployed, a pegasi without wings is pretty much useless, and you got me that job as the janitor here...”

“Good...good. You’re starting to remember.” said Fluttershy as she eased Rainbow Dash onto her desk.

Dash stared blankly at the floor, concerned, she felt like accepting this current turn of events, but then she remembered the reality. “No no no! This is all wrong! That’s not what happened! I made a sonic rainboom on that day! I got my cutie mark and so did you, Twilight, Pinkie, Rarity, and Applejack!”

“Oh Dashie...just when I thought you were feeling better.” said Fluttershy disheartened. “Nopony has ever made a sonic rainboom, it’s just an old mare’s tale.”

“Please Fluttershy, you have to believe me! This isn’t how it’s supposed to be!” she stopped when she saw that Fluttershy wasn’t believing her, she had to try a different approach. “Okay Fluttershy...um...tell me, do you like this war?”

“Of course not, I’ve seen too many good ponies die putting their lives on the line to protect others, and even those we fight to protect sometimes die as well despite our efforts. It’s heartbreaking really...”

“Well Fluttershy, what if I told you that there is an Equestria where there is no war and no Solar Empress, an Equestria where everypony lives together in harmony.”

“Well that’s a very fine dream Rainbow Dash, but I-”

“It’s not a dream! I’ve lived it! I remember it! But my memories keep syncing up to this new Equestria! Fluttershy please! I need your help to change Equestria back to the way it was.” she was breaking into tears at this point, but none of this was getting to Fluttershy who remained stoic as ever, she shook her head.

“I’m sorry Rainbow Dash, but I can’t help you continue this silly belief, this is the real world, where there is a very real war going on and real ponies die, ponies I have to look out for. You have until tomorrow to get your head on straight, or you’re going to find yourself in a hospital...enjoy the sandwiches.” Fluttershy stepped out of the room, closed the door, and left their meeting at that.

Dash slumped back into her chair exhausted, she grabbed a daisy sandwich and took a bite out of it, it tasted so familiar, like home, her real home. Then, a rather depressing thought creeped into her head; maybe this is the real world, and everything she’s experienced up till now was just a dream.

She closed her eyes ready to accept this truth, and slipped away, suddenly her thoughts went to the last time she had a sandwich like this, it was the day before Princess Cadence and Shining Armor’s wedding, when they beat the Changeling Queen and saved Equestria. It was pretty awesome, but it was just a dream of course, the changelings, Twilight's brother getting married...Twilight Sparkle, the mare that introduced her to the joys of reading, after she started reading Daring Do they had late night reading sessions together after that, huh, that lovable egghead, but despite her lack of physical ability she still managed to beat her and Applejack in the Running of the Leaves. Applejack...her athletic rival and close friend, a mare who not only matched her in strength, but in stubbornness, but always managed to stay so elegant even when working, a trait that Rarity would even be jealous of, huh Rarity...the silly outfits, the finicky and stuck up disposition, but despite all that she's always willing to go great lengths to keep her friends happy, kinda like Pinkie Pie. Ha! Pinkie Pie, her laughter, her smiles, her songs, her strange antics, she could only imagine what kind of pony she turned out in this Equestria, hopefully nothing like Fluttershy, she never thought she would miss the kindness and compassion of timid little Fluttershy. But most importantly she missed the thrill of flying, the speed, the adrenaline, the excitement of diving, and twisting, and twirling. All these memories, these dreams, they felt so real...


Dash opened her eyes and scarfed down the sandwich, no, this is not the real Equestria, the Equestria she knows and loves isn’t just in her memories, she wasn’t going to let it slip away from her, she was going to make things right, even if she had to do it on her own, but where to begin? Dash decided to start with her wings, if she was going to get her life back, she first had to get her speed back.