Where Are the Mane Six?

by Creativa-Artly01

Chapter 7

The next day, all Equestria has a giant party in Canterlot to celebrate the return of the Mane Six. Even Celestia and Luna decide to show up. They're glad Twilight is back. They're glad her friends are back. Twilight runs over to Celestia and gives her a hug. She then does the same to Luna. It's a happy, happy day in Equestria. Even so, only Shining knows the true cost and he hopes to keep it that way. He can't let anyone else know that he didn't send Tirek back to Tartarus. Besides, everyone is celebrating and he doesn't want to ruin the mood.

Pinkie Pie begins to sing. It's a song about how great all her friends are and how great the ponies that love them are. Her friends just giggle, smile, and laugh. They're glad to see Pinkie back to her spunky self. Pinkie shares a hug with her five best friends. She's thrilled that they're all back in Equestria side by side. Her friends begin to sing at her side. Everything is truly perfect.

Meanwhile, Tirek has taken to hiding in the dark shadows of the unknown. There, he finally starts to feel bad for what he's done and ends up banishing himself to Tartarus. Everything is now truly perfect in the world, no thanks to Shining Armor and the Mane Six. This time, it's thanks to the villain and that's a rare thing in Equestria, a very rare thing in Equestria indeed.