//------------------------------// // Weed makes me cool // Story: This is a story about a pretentious hipster piece of shit pone being derezzed. // by RoboCom64 Zelos //------------------------------// I hate the sun. It wakes me up from my slumber. Some people say, that I should just get myself some dark curtains. Some people are wrong. I am not going to waste my money, because the sun is being a dick. This day is too sunny and I don't feel like going out, so I use my computer and write another blog on my highly successful site. I rant about video games and how nobody in that industry knows what they are doing. Just at the moment of my hooves touching the keyboard, I hear the knocking on my door...God, what fools. "Open up, this is police. We have a warrant to search your room. There have been compalints on icky smelling smoke, coming out of the window of this house," At that moment I knew...I had nowhere to go and no way to hide what I had in my room. The secret is out of the bag. Everyone will know, and despite the legal issues, I am glad, that the ponies know, that I indeed smoke weed. Who knew it was so easy, to make them think of me as a pony of higher, more sophisticated tastes. "Open up the door! We can hear the rustling!" One kick later, they were snooping around my place. I was just sitting there, smiling and inhaling my vape. I bet they are gonna be so awestruck by what they find. "Hey, I see something...yeah, that's a bag of weed," I cockily smiled, as I heard them exlaim of me possesing that green treasure. "Well, well, well. I guess the secret is out. Yes...I truly am that great man, the one that kept slipping through your hooves for years now. I indeed....do smoke weed," I raised my hand to see the disrespect incarnate in front of me. I was unveiling my master secret and here the cops were just writing something on their ticket, "I said...I SMOKE WEED! DON'T YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO SAY ABOUT HOW COOL I AM!?" "Ehm...buddy, everybody does it...weed is not even cool. Actually, the guys who do it all the time, are counterproductive bores. I mean, you may think you are cool and funny, when you're high, but nobody's laughing," The look on officer's face...I don't get it. Weed is about the coolest thing one can smoke...where have my calculations gone astray....this is most unsetteling... "Anyway, here's a ticket. Pay the fine or whatever, just don't take too long. God knows, I don't wanna come back to a loser's den," cops laughed their way out of my room, but who won afterwards? It was me! I still blaze it and they shall never see a whif of my money! Who's the loser now!? "MOM, PAY THE FUCKING TICKET!"