//------------------------------// // 5 // Story: The Anniversary // by Macmeg13 //------------------------------// Twilight Velvet was surprised at first when her son came to her completely out of breath, asking if he can spend the day with her. While she was skeptical at first, she decided to just let him join her. Not only did it give her a companion but it also took her mind off her 'too-forgetful-for-his-own-good-and-will-be-sleeping-on-the-couch-tonight' husband. They both entered the salon and Shinning held back a groan. On the right their was a high class salon with a hair dryers, sinks and high chairs. Currently most of the chairs had either young or middle aged mares getting their manes done by stylist. On the left was filled with fashion attires from hats, to shoes, to dresses, to accessories. Different colors of clothing in style and À la mode filled the other half with more young to middle aged mares, some getting help by the occasional stylist. As far as he knew, he was the only stallion here. Both of them checked in and Velvet sat down in a chair, a bib wrapped around her neck as she lazily flipped through a magazine. "So I wonder what new look Hoity Toity has envisioned for me this time. You know, he was in my favorite band - Magic Love." Shinning Armor froze, eyes going wide. Oh no. "Magic Love?" he asked, making sure he heard her right. Unfortunately he did. "He doesn't like anyone to talk about it, though..." Shining's phone rang. Discretely he checked it, showing Twilights and Spike face smushed together with silly smiles on his screen. He gulped nervously. "...so don't bring it up." Velvet finished, not noticing her sons discomfort. "Uh, I gotta take this. " he said pointing to his phone. After he got to a good distance, he accepted the call but still in a hush tone. "How's it going?" he whispered. "We got Jeff Letrotski." she replied happily as she skipped on the side walk, Spike bouncing happily with each step she took. Twilights phone was in her magic next to her ear as she walk effortlessly through the crowd of ponies, their destination up close. "Now we're gonna convince Hoity Toity." However, Shinning didn't look as happy. "Wait. Hoity Toity is Mom's hairdresser. Where are you right now?" He heard the door jingle open. "Walking in the front door of Hoity's salon-"she froze as both she and Shinning made eye contact. "Oh." Shinning hung up as he quickly joined them, making sure they were out of moms view. "You doofuses!" he whispered/shouted. "Mom's gonna see you and wonder what you're up to!" Twilight gave him a pleading look. "You gotta keep Mom distracted while we talk to Hoity." she didn't leave room to argue as she and Spike both left to the receptionist. With a frustrated growl, he turned to his mom with an anxious smile. "Say, Mom, maybe we should get you ready for Hoity." he said, swiveling her chair back into the sink. Velvet gasped in shock, dropping her magazine. "Shinning Armor, what are you doing?" she demanded. I am so getting grounded for this. With a flick of his magic, he turned on the water, obscuring her view. "You look like you need some conditioner!" he said, pouring half a tub of conditioner in his mothers hair, causing bubbles and blocking her view even more. "Shinning!" she shouted, though slightly muffled by the bubbles, as she struggled against his very strong grip. "Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up!" he muttered anxiously as he looked at his baby sister and her dragon. Twilight and Spike walked up to the high desk, having to stand on her hind hooves in order to look at the receptionists face. The mare in question looked back at the small unicorn with a bored look. "Do you have an appointment?" she asked, voice monotone. Twilight gave a sheepish grin, her social awkwardness returning at full force. "Uh, no. We're here to see Hoity. You know, the bass player from the band Magic Love." Twilight replied, levitating the CD as evidence. Both Twilight and Spike jumped in surprise when the whole salon gasped in shock, except for Shinning Armor and Velvet who the only sound that was heard from them was muffled screaming. At first Twilight thought she said something wrong, but before she could ask what, the back curtains opened dramatically, causing another round of gasps. Right away Twilight recognized him as Hoity Toity. Mane still white and fabulous as before and from the looks of it, it looked like he hasn't aged since the band. The only difference was the cuffs around his ankles, the tie and collar, and the large mirror sunglasses he wore on his face. In a stylish strut, Hoity Toity came forward, passing by all the nervous looking mares and stylists. Shining Armor swiveled around his mom, trying hard to block Hoity view. If he noticed the near drowning mare, he simply didn't care as he walked straight to the small purple filly and the baby dragon on her back. Eyes hidden behind sunglasses, he looked down in disdain. Twilight tried not to bolt as she stared at her own reflection in his glasses. "Reception," he called, not taking his eyes off the one who dared speak about his past in his presence. "who are these little ponies?" The receptionist shrugged, seemingly more awake then before. "I don't know, sir." she replied. Hoity examined them one more time before turning away with a sniff. "You're a mess." he declared, causing Twilight scared face get replaced with a flat unamused look. "Also..." he waved a hoof at Spike, who looked ready to strike at any second. "Dragon Chic is so last month." Twilight and Spike both shared a breif unimpressed look before Twilight took a deep breath. She got one rock star to join, she's going to finish what she started. "We're trying to get Magic Love back together." she said, bravely looking at Hoity with a determined look. She was about to continue, only to get interrupted with an indignant huff. "Oh, for Celestia's sake, talk to the hoof." He dramatically placed his right hoof in her face, causing her and Spike to lean back in order to not get hit. She glared at it before leaning left, looking at the stallion with a raised eyebrow. "You see," she continued, slowly moving his large hoof out of her personal space. "the first time my dad kissed my mom was at a Magic Love concert. And it's their anniversary-" Hoity interrupted again, much to her seething displeasure. She felt like she was about to burst into flames at any moment if he continued. "B to the O-R-I-N-G." he declared, dramatically flipping his mane, turning away of the small children. Spike growled, mouth smoking as he prepared to pounce of the stallion, only to be held back by Twilight. She raised a hoof, making him pause of his pouncing position. Twilight was determine to reason with the overzealous stallion, she was a filly of wits after all, not of violence. "Not yet, Spike." she whispered to the small drake. If he still wouldn't listen, then she will let Spike free. Twilight opened her mouth, another argument at the tip of her tongue, only to get interrupted again by Hoity. "Anyway, you don't need me." he said with a saddened look. Her eyes widened in surprise, for the first time today, the earth pony looked much more mature to Twilight. "I just play bass in the background." Hoity sighed, removing his glasses and looked at his own reflection from them. "Nobody even remembers me." He placed his shades back on with a solemn look. An idea popped in Twilights head. If he's going to say yes, then she'll need to convince him that he was indeed loved. And she knew exactly how to persecute her plan, the same way she convinced Jeff to join. "Are you kidding?" she exclaimed. Hoity jumped as he looked back at the now smiling filly. She walked up to him and patted at his shoulder encouragingly. ♪ I don't need to tell you what you already know, ♪ ♪ You're the one with style, you're the whole darn show. ♪ ♪ The other guys play their instruments fine, ♪ ♪ But next to you, their looks are a crime. ♪ Distracted by the sudden musical number, Shining's grip loosened on his mother, allowing her to finally sit up. "Shinning Armor!" she huffed angerly, her wet bangs obscuring her view. She was about to move them out of the away when something warm covered her head, muffling her surrounding once again. "Hot towel!" Shining shrieked, placing the hot towel on top of his struggling mother. He mentally pleaded for Twily to hurry up. Hoity, obviously pleased of the ego boost, couldn't help to show off. ♪ Well, they say true beauty, it comes from within, ♪ ♪ But you have to be comfortable in your own skin. ♪ ♪ So I exfoliate with an exotic cream, ♪ ♪ Just look at me: I look like a dream! ♪ He posed, causing the mares and stylists to sigh dreamily. It took all of Twilights will power not to roll her eyes. "You have to admit, he looks pretty darn good." she commented to Spike with a good natured shrug. Shining, once again distracted by the exaggerated posing, lost his grip on his mother, causing the towel to fall to leave a very damp and unamused Twilight Velvet. "Shining Armor, what is going on?" she demanded, only to receive darkness as a response. "Dry cycle!" he shouted, holding the hair dryer for dear life on top of his poor mother. Meanwhile, the ponies joined in on the motivational dance number. ♪ You're the one, yes, you're the star ♪ ♪ We need you back on bass guitar ♪ ♪ You're fabulous,♪ "I'm fabulous" he agreed, strutting around the room. ♪ You're fabulous,♪ "I'm fabulous!" ♪ You're the one we all can see, ♪ ♪ It's all about you,♪ "It's all about me!" he exclaimed, posing as the mares sang. ♪ You're fabulous,♪ "I'm fabulous!" ♪ You're fabulous,♪ "I'm fabulous!" Hoity wrapped a hoof around Twilights shoulders, a pleased smile on his face. ♪ You know, no two ponies are like each other, ♪ ♪ So don't be a look alike copying another, ♪ ♪ Unless, of course, you're copying me, ♪ ♪ 'Cause that gives you individuality! ♪ He winked at Twilight as he showed off his mane and clients, causing her to giggle. "♪ Nice 'do! But back to the matter at hoof. ♪" Twilight sang, both her and Spike giving him their best puppy dog eyes and charming smiles. "♪ So what do you say, are you back in the band? ♪" Hoity paused, deep in thought as he rubbed a hoof under his chin ♪ "Well, maybe if I can find my old leather. ♪ "he responded, though to Twilight, it was the best answer he could ever give. She squealed, hugging Spike excitedly. ♪ Spike, we're getting the band back together! ♪ she cheered. ♪ You're the one who sets the bar, ♪ ♪ The Hairdo King, the Fashion Czar, ♪ ♪ You're fabulous ♪ "I'm fabulous!" ♪ You're fabulous ♪ "Oh I'm fabulous!" ♪ You're the one we all can see ♪ ♪ It's all about you, ♪ "It's all about me!" ♪ You're fabulous, ♪ "I'm fabulous!" ♪ You're fabulous, ♪ "I'm fabulous!" At the end of the dance number, Hoity stood in the middle of the room, practically preening with pride as the clients returned to their hair as if nothing happened. The only sounds filling the air was was the light chattering and the muffled screaming coming from Velvet's hair dryer, a sweaty Shining Armor still holding on strong. Hoity felt a tug on one of his cuffs and looked down to see the small unicorn levitating an address on a piece of paper. "May we take that as a yes?"