
by blackhooves14

Dashpoint; Ch 1: Captain Fluttershy

Rainbow Dash woke up, her back was aching from being hunched over her desk all night. She slowly opened her eyelids and saw the clock on her desk, it said 8:0-wait, a desk? Dash’s eyes shot open and she looked around at her surroundings. She was sitting in a very small and cramped cloud room, it was littered with candy bar wrappers, and crushed cups. There were a few cabinets and lockers in the room that seemed very unkept some didn’t even have a door, inside were brooms, mops, and buckets. The walls were barren except for a mirror leaning on the wall, a board that had various notes taped to it, and an old Wonderbolts poster which was wrinkled and torn. What was this place? Where was her house and her room? Where was Tank? Suddenly there was a knock on the door, “Um...come in?” said Rainbow Dash cautiously.

The door burst open and in trotted a brown pegasus pony wearing what seemed to be a blue and yellow Wonderbolts flight suit, only more bulkier and padded. “Hey, Rainbow Crash, you were supposed to clean the mess hall and locker rooms last night! Did you forget we had a party in there? There’s garbage everywhere!” it was Dumb-Bell, one of Dash’s least favorite pegasi.

“What the hay are you talking about Dumb-Bell? I don’t go around cleaning other ponies messes!” argued Dash.

“That’s Sergeant Dumb-Bell to you! And I think it IS a janitor’s job to clean up other ponies messes!” Janitor? That was the last straw.

“Oh yeah? Well I’ll clean you up Sergeant Dumb-Nu-AH!” Rainbow Dash had leapt over her desk, but instead of a burst of speed to tackle Dumb-Bell she tumbled over her desk and fell on the soft cloud floor.

“Ha! Ha! Typical Rainbow Crash, now get your nubs moving, or I’ll get Spitfire on your flank!” Dumb-Bell trotted out of the room, satisfied and laughing to himself.

Rainbow Dash had never been more humiliated and confused in her life. What was going on? Where was she, how was Dumb-Bell a member of the Wonderbolts? She got up on her hooves, it felt weird to stand up, she felt lighter, like she was missing something, hold on a second, ‘nubs’, what did he mean by that? Dash looked at her back, she was wearing a dark blue shirt, and not only that, but she had no cutie mark!. “No...it can’t be...” she thought. Quickly she tried to take off her shirt, she struggled for a few seconds and to her shock discovered the truth. Sticking out of her back were two cyan blue nubs where her beautiful wings once were. Tears began to stream down her face, “No...nonononono, it can’t be! NOOOO!!!” She grabbed whatever she could in the room, a bucket, a broom and began throwing them at the walls, all they made were a soft ‘thump‘ and fell to the floor. She looked at the mirror at her broken self, tears were streaming down her face, her rainbow mane was faded, her flank was bare, and her wretched nibs twisting about in confusion. “RAAH!” she screamed as she took a bucket and threw it at the mirror shattering it. What a befitting sound to all this madness, the only thing that seemed to make sense today. Dash curled up on the floor hoping to drown in her own tears or wake up from this nightmare.

“Um...hello? Dashie?”

Another sound ringed in Dash’s ears, a familiar sound, a familiar voice. It was soft, comforting...and also kinda wimpy, that voice could belong to only one pony. Dash opened her eyes and looked up.

“Fluttersh-” she stopped, eyes once again wide open in shock at a new and unfamiliar sight. “No...” Dash whispered.

It was Fluttershy alright, but it wasn’t the Fluttershy she expected to see, for this Fluttershy was clad in another altered Wonderbolts flight suit, it wasn’t as bulky as Dumb-Bell’s, it was more streamlined fitting a mare’s body, but it had similar padding and armor, and it also had a big pink butterfly similar to Fluttershy’s cutie mark (assuming Fluttershy’s cutie mark was the same in this world) proudly displayed across her chest plate.

“Um are you okay Dashie? I heard some loud noises coming from your room, so I came in to check if you were alright, um, if that’s okay, with you, I wasn’t bothering you or anything was I?” Still the same Fluttershy, but at the same time, NOT the same Fluttershy.

“What? No, NO! How could this be? How could YOU of all ponies be in the Wonderbolts!?” Dash immediately got up and started checking out Fluttershy’s suit, it was indeed a Wonderbolt flight suit, but why was it so armored?

“What are you talking about Rainbow Dash? I’ve been in the Wonderbolts since we graduated Flight School, you remember that don’t you?” Flight School? What was she talking about? She spent most of her life on the ground after Flight School! And how could she manage to have the guts and the skills to get into the Wonderbolts?

A pony suddenly walked by the janitor’s office and poked her head in, “Captain Fluttershy? You’re needed on the runway.”

“Oh, okay, thank you Lieutenant.” replied Fluttershy with a smile and the pony walked away. CAPTAIN?! Not only was she in the Wonderbolts, but she was CAPTAIN too?! This was all making Dash’s head hurt.

She fell to Fluttershy’s hooves and began to beg, “Please Fluttershy! Tell me! Tell me what’s going on! Where’s Twilight? Maybe she can tell me what’s going on!”

“Twilight? Who’s that?” inquired Fluttershy.

Dash’s heart sank. “Come on Fluttershy, quit kidding around, Twilight Sparkle, y’know? The most powerful unicorn in Equestria? Ponyville’s librarian? Princess Celestia’s student? Our own little egghead?”

“I’m sorry Rainbow Dash, but I’m afraid I have no idea who you’re talking about. And who’s Princess Celestia?”

This much information was too much for Dash to take in all at once; just yesterday she was hanging out with Twilight doing...doing something, what were they doing again? Something happened, a gray blur, some wind, red lighting, it hurt to remember. Dash’s head felt hot and tingly, like it was crackling and bubbling as if it was about to burst! “AUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!” she began to scream as different colors of lightning began to flash from her body and zap everything in the small room. Fluttershy began to squeak in panic.

“Ah, AH?! Rainbow Dash, what’s wrong, are you okay?!” Fluttershy tried to scream over the crackling thunder and lightning filling the room.

Suddenly, Dash remembered, yesterday was the victory party for the Wonderbolt group that took out one of the Solar Empress’ battlements, she was supposed to clean the locker rooms and mess hall, but forgot to. Wait, who was the Solar Empress? Oh yeah that’s right, she was the one who attacked Equestria on the day of the Summer Solstice, Princess Luna has been at war with her for almost a year now. The Solar Empress has taken almost a quarter of Equestria and is going strong, she took over what was once the Changeling lands two months ago and has been focusing her attention on the Dragon Country which is where the Wonderbolts and the Equestrian Army have been fighting for the last few weeks.

The lighting in the room stopped, most of the clouds absorbed it and became various shades of gray and black. Fluttershy was in awe, wondering how her friend performed such a feat, and survive it. Rainbow Dash groaned as she tried to get up.

“Wait right there, Rainbow Dash, I’m going to get a nurse.” Fluttershy began to take flight, when she felt her tail get snagged in Dash’s mouth. She stopped and turned around as Dash let go of her.

“Wait...I’m fine, please, don’t go.” Dash uttered quietly as her strength began to return to her.

“But Rainbow Dash, I don’t think pegasi can normally do that, you really should see a doctor.” Typical Fluttershy, always the doting mother.

“Please Fluttershy, I’m alright now,” she began to stand up, “, but you have to promise me, you won’t tell anyone about this, just keep this between us, okay?” Dash was incredibly serious about this, she had enough insight to know that they would probably send her to a loony bin if she told other ponies where she was from or what she remembered. She looked Fluttershy dead in the eye and glared at her, even if she was Captain of the Wonderbolts she was still Fluttershy.

Fluttershy backed down, withdrawn, she stared at the floor, “Um, okay...”

“Pinkie Promise?” said Dash sternly.

“A Pinkie-what?” asked Fluttershy curiously. Oh that’s right, if she hadn’t met Twilight then she probably doesn’t know who Pinkie Pie is.

“Um, never mind, just promise me you won’t tell anypony about this, alright?” said Dash

“Okay, but we need to talk about his later, meet me in my quarters at 1900 okay? Will you promise me that?” said Fluttershy worryingly.

“Okay, I will.” said Dash. Fluttershy smiled caringly and began to walk out of the small dark room, suddenly Dash remembered something, “Wait Fluttershy!” she called out to her.

“Hm? Yes Rainbow Dash?” Fluttershy turned around.

“Tell me, do ‘The Elements of Harmony’ mean ANYTHING to you?”

Fluttershy thought about it a moment. “Ummm...nope! Can’t say that I’ve heard of them.

“Oh, I see...” said Dash, somewhat disappointed.

“Okay...I’ll see you at 1900 okay? Don’t forget!” said Fluttershy as she flew away.

“I won’t!” weakly cried Rainbow Dash as she managed a meager smile. That smile quickly went away as she looked around at her current mess of a room, she thought about this whole ordeal, first her friends and now the Elements? Things were worse than she thought.

She had to find out what was going on.

End of Chapter 1