The Hooded Mask Guardian.

by Neutral Boy

Prologue: Rainbow's Masked Hero.

When you play in an intense sports of any kind, either by land or ocean, you had best watch your back. Why you might ask about it? Well if you're not careful enough, it could lead you to injury, broken bones, or be killed.

No matter what sports or games you play in, there'll always be some ruthless rivals and cheaters.

* * *

Inside the girl's restroom, a certain girl with Rainbow hair lies weakly on the bathroom floor. She opens up her left eye, the right refusing to open, as her body was flooded with a sudden rush of agony. Dash tried to breathe, every nerve in her screaming in torment, as tears fell from her eyes, causing more in the right. She tried to stand, regretting it instantly the moment her arms moved.

'Ouch.' Rainbow thought in her head.

She saw that further away, staring back at herself from the mirror, was the image of a broken girl. Half of her face was purple, while the view of her swollen closed eye, as well as both her nose and her jaw broken to one side, frightened her. Around her, was a puddle of crimson that leaked from her nose and among other places. She assumed they were probably in bad shape, as well.

Rainbow couldn't hear anything on the other side of the door as it was completely silent. She had no idea how long she’d been laying there. She tried to scream for help from anyone outside the girl's bathroom, only for a searing torment to erupt from her throat and jaw along with the coppery taste of blood, killing the sound quickly. Rainbow Dash began to weep as she tried to remember what had lead to her laying in the school bathroom at night, but it hurt too much to think. Being unable to move, all she could do now was wait and pray someone would find her soon at this night time in Canterlot High.

'Can't believe that I'm going to die like this.'

. . .

. . .

. . .

As some minutes passed by, something didn't feel right, like another person is in the restroom with her.

Rainbow couldn't figure it out. Her body can't even move right now, yet she doesn't feel no pain and blood.

'W-What's going on?' Rainbow questioned in her head.

Her mind snapped out of it when she felt something pick her up and walking out of the bathroom.

There were only a few times where Rainbow barely caught a glimpse of something or actually, someone.

'W-Who is this person?'

Dash's magenta eyes could only see the mask person carrying her body in bridal style while running fast.

She tries to speak up, but somehow couldn't and can't hear of what this person is saying to her.

Dash's mind panics in little sweat as she can't tell of where this masked person is taking her.

Although, Rainbow calmed down later when she notices a hospital up ahead.

The masked person made it inside while still carrying Rainbow's beaten up body.

Rainbow's left eye sees the person laying her down gently on a bed and talking to a nurse by the door.

Dash couldn't hear of what they are saying, but at least she knows now the masked person saved her life.

'T-Thank you, whoever you are.' Dash thought with tears in her eyes before closing her eyes completely.

Several hours earlier. . .

Dash stood in the huddle with the other girls on her soccer team as the roar of the crowds on both sides cheered in excitement. Rainbow looked up from the group to the scoreboard. The game so far had the Wondercolts trailing behind by only one point. And due to Gilda, the ref would be dropping the ball.

The Griffons were undefeated for the last three years. The girl’s Soccer division referred to this as “The Streak” since it was the longest winning streak in the division’s history, which made Dash all the more determined to win. While on the other hand, the Griffon’s team captain, Lightning Dust, was hell bent on continuing her team’s glorious streak. Ever since she joined the team her freshman year, she had led her them to victory fifty-six times in a row, and in a few minutes it would be fifty-seven. Dash broke the the huddle and she took her offensive position. Across from her was her ultimate rival, Lightning Dust.

"Are you ready to lose, Lightning?" Rainbow taunted. Lightning only scoffed.

"May I remind you that you said that last game?" Lightning broke into an evil chuckle as she took her position, as well. Rainbow Dash laughed , and she and Lightning Dust stood face to face. The ref held the ball and dropped it in between the two girls. Rainbow watched as the ball hit the ground and the chaos began. Rainbow was the first to swipe the ball. She zoomed past Lightning as fast as, well, Lightning. Easily she dodged most of the other team. She was almost towards the goal with the clock ticking down ever so slowly. The goal was Gilda. She had as many red cards as a tomato plant, but was easily the strongest girl on the Griffon team. Dash readied her kick. This was it. The streak was about to lose that glorious streak. She could see it now. The crowd cheering her on as-

"Swipe! See ya later, sucker!" Rainbow tripped over herself and landed face first in the dirt. As quickly as she fell, she could see that Suri Polomare had stolen the ball. Rainbow felt adrenaline pump into every bone and muscle in her body. Soon, she was sprinting across the field, racing against the clock for the ball. She slid past Cloud Kicker and swiped the ball away in ten seconds flat. Rainbow had the ball and there were ten seconds left in the game. She looked for an opening but Gilda was ready for anything. Rainbow readied her kick once more and she kicked the ball. The world suddenly started to slow down and Gilda leaped to block the ball.

Swash! The ball hit the goal’s back net and Gilda hit the cold hearted ground. The crowd was silent for a whole three seconds. Then the crowd erupted with excitement as the game was now tied. Coach Spitfire called for a time out. Dash ran over and sat on the bench with the rest of her team and gouged down the rest of her gatorade.

"Nice job out there kid, but it's not over yet,” Coach Spitfire said “You only delayed the inevitable. I'm sitting you out for overtime, but if we need you you're getting your butt back out there, got it?" Rainbow proudly nodded.

Rainbow cheered her team on as they kept back the mighty Griffons. It was nerve racking being on the sidelines, but Rainbow knew it was for the best. Besides, when Spitfire eventually puts her in, she’ll be known as Rainbow Dash, hero of the Wondercolts!

"Rainbow Dash! Get in there, we’ve got an injured player. You can guess who caused it," Coach Spitfire shouted.

Meanwhile outside the game


Back into the soccer game, the crowd roared as fans of both teams screamed. Rainbow looked up at the scoreboard. It read: Griffons two, Wondercolts three, and it only took a second for it to sink in that she had done it. She won the game, she was going to the finals and she had ended the streak.

“Yesssssss! Yessssssss!” Dash screamed, raising her arms in triumph as her team surrounded her and cheered with her.

“Noooooooooooo!” She heard Lightning Dust scream from the other end of the field. She was furious, and her screams got worse as she started shouting profanities along with Gilda and Suri, as they started kicking over the Gatorade coolers on their side of the field.

Dash and her team made it back to the sidelines where Coach Spitfire was waiting for them with a huge grin on her face.

“I’ll be damned kid, you actually did it!” Coach Spitfire shouted over the thunderous roar of the crowd as she high-fived Dash a few times. Dash’s teammates suddenly stepped away from her, and before she could ponder why, two of the players poured one the of the coolers of ice cold Gatorade over her head as they celebrated their upcoming trip to the finals.

After most of the fans and players had left the field and things had died down, Rainbow walked to the locker room. She opened the door, and she was almost tackled to the ground in a giant bear hug from all of her friends. "Rainbow Dash, that was the most fantabulous amaztastic thing I had ever seen!" Pinkie practically yelled. She started to ramble on about a party and started to leave to prepare. The rest of her friends left to the party as Rainbow started to collect her things.

“Rainbow Dash, you should totally come over to my house so we can celebrate!” Pinkie said excitedly.

“Sure thing, Pinkie. You girls go ahead, I'll come by later, ok?"

Pinkies face scrunched up. "Okie dokie lokie, but I'd better see you there," the Pink poofy hair girl said with glee.

"You got it Pinks. I just got to get this stuff together and go wash up." Dash said as she walked away.

Pinkie and Rarity were walking together on their way to their first class. Pinkie was rambling on about how not-fun it was for Dash to have skipped her own party, but she wasn't deterred easily. The party girl was already planning a 'Congrats on winning and sorry you were too tired to come yesterday' super party. Rarity, slowly growing annoyed and bored of Pinkie, was glad to see Twilight and Sunset approaching.

“Twilight, Sunset! Hello girls!" Rarity shouted out to her friends.

Twilight smiled and waved, and Sunset shouted her own greeting.

"Pinkie, you locked my book in your car." Twilight said once they were close enough not to shout at each other.

"Well, then I guess we're going to have to head back to Pinkie’s car," Sunset began.

"Must we all go? Class is starting soon, and—" before Rarity could finish her sentence, Pinkie had grabbed the three girls and was rushing them toward the parking lot.

Halfway to the parking lot, the girls had a near head on collision with Applejack and Fluttershy, the former reeling in surprise and the latter squealing in shock and curling into a ball. "Fluttershy, it's just Pinkie and the others, running around for some reason." Applejack shot a suspicious glance toward Pinkie with the last part.

"Oh, so you mean they found Rainbow Dash?" Fluttershy asked, rising to her feet.

"No, silly Twilight locked her book in my car, so we need to go get it! Why would we be running around just because we found Dashie? Oh right, her party! I'm going to need streamers, and balloons and—" Pinkie was cut off by Applejack sticking an apple into Pinkie’s mouth, earning a disapproving glance from Rarity.

"So, ya'll are saying you haven't found her? Where is that girl?" Applejack shrugged off the topic, as Pinkie had already begun shoving the others toward the parking lot. Grabbing Fluttershy’s arm, she began chasing her friends. A few minutes later, Applejack and Fluttershy caught up to Pinkie and the others in the parking lot. Pinkie had her face against her car's window, and there was a set of keys on the ground. "What in tarnation is going on?"

"Pinkie can't find her keys." Twilight explained angrily.

"Um, these wouldn't happen to be them, right?" Fluttershy asked, holding out the set of keys that were on the ground when she and Applejack arrived.

"Yes, now can we please go? I am not going to be late for class, and there is no way I am going to hold it for forty minutes!" Rarity snapped, snatching the keys away from Fluttershy.

"Well if you had to pee, why didn't you say so?" Sunset asked, hiding a smirk.

"I was a little busy getting dragged against my will to the student parking lot," Rarity grumbled, but her cheeks were just a bit rosier than normal. Noticing this, the others suppressed laughter while Twilight motioned for Rarity to go.

"Class will be starting soon, we should all be heading off." Twilight said, finally in possession of her book. The group headed back into the building, and Dash's whereabouts were brought up again.

“Well, her car is in the parking lot so she’s here somewhere." Applejack pointed out. "She must be off with the some of her soccer team or somethin'. Maybe they made it to the finals, after all.”

"Well, I’m sure we’ll run into her eventually," Fluttershy commented, pushing the door open as they walked back into the school.

"Of course we will, now off to class we go." Sunset and Twilight went down the hall to the right, Applejack going to the left with Fluttershy, and Pinkie continuing straight with Rarity. The girls exchanged farewells as Rarity turned toward the bathroom. Sighing with relief, she pushed the door open and screamed in shock as she stumbled back out of the door and landed on her butt, causing the door to shut again. Her hand was covering her mouth to quell her screams as tears started down her cheeks.

Hearing Rarity's scream, Pinkie swiftly spun around on her heels and ran back to Rarity, closely followed by AJ as she came back around the corner she just rounded. Seconds later Twilight, Fluttershy and Sunset had ran back up the hall to the source of the scream.

“Rarity! What in tarnation is going on?” AJ questioned as saw the look of pure horror on her friend's face. “Ya look like ya seen a ghost.”

Rarity muttered something though the hand still clasped around her mouth.

“Pfff! Did that prankster jump out and scare you half to death again?” AJ asked with a smirk as she sung the restroom door open again. “Ok fun’s over Rainbo—”

Applejack became silent as her eyes widen in horror upon seeing of what she saw.

Gilda, Lightning Dust, and Suri Polomare's broken bodies and torn clothes lying on the floors with blood on them.

30 minutes earlier. . .

Gilda, Lightning Dust, and Suri were all in the girl's bathroom. Lightning was still fuming about losing that game. After three and a half years, they had lost “The Streak”: a streak they built from the ground up. "Rainbow is so getting it!" Lightning snapped, kicking over a trash can as a pile of some leftovers flew out of it.

"Three years! Three and a half years down the drain because of that absurd stroke of luck!" Gilda fumed, sliding her razor-sharp fingernails across a nail file.

Suri replaced the trash can Lightning knocked over. “It was really close, one freaking point!” Suri flung a paper towel across the room, hitting the person who was on her way in. “Sorry.” She grumbled, shoving the trash can back under the counter.

“No problem,” replied a voice, snapping all three girls’ attention towards the door. There, in the doorway, was the girl who had broken their streak, who had broken the streak. Suri jumped to her feet while Gilda slid off the counter. Lightning had already taken a stride towards Rainbow. “Oh hey girls, good game out there.”

“Yes, good game.” Lightning took Rainbow’s hand and shook it slowly, a glint of evil in her eye. She nodded to her two friends, one of them slipping around behind her and locking the door with a click.

Rainbow seemed to have caught sight of this, and tried to pull her hand free. “Um… yeah…” Lightning tightened her grip around Rainbow’s hand. The two girls made eye contact for just a second, Lightning’s gaze full of anger, Rainbow’s full of fear. Lightning jerked her arm backward. Rainbow’s eyes widened as she fell forward. “What are you do…”

Gilda lunged forward, swiping her fist at Rainbow. Her fist caught Rainbow in the eye, effectively blackening it. Rainbow reached out to stop her fall, knocking a vase off its perch next to the sink. Taking advantage of this, Suri kicked Rainbow in the ribs hard, landing her on her back. Lightning put her foot on Rainbow’s chest. “You win some, you lose some, don’t you Dash?” Lightning asked with menace.

She then threw all her weight into a punch aimed at Rainbow’s nose. However, Lightning’s foot slipped from Dash’s chest, and her fist ended up colliding with Rainbow’s jaw instead with a sickening crack. Having lost her balance, Lightning’s momentum carried her forward, leading her to hit her head against Dash’s. “Ah, dammit! I’m gonna make the next hit even harder for that!” Pulling back and rubbing her head, Lightning readied her fist for another punch, only to see Gilda had beat her to it.

Using her nails as a weapon, Gilda managed a few cuts on Rainbow’s arms. Pulling her onto her knees, she reached for the vase that had been knocked to the floor. She grabbed it with the hand that wasn’t holding Dash and began to hit her over the head. After a few hits, it shattered, causing the flowers and water to splash everywhere, and blood to trickle down the side of Dash’s face. After that, she seemed to be losing consciousness. Still not satisfied, Gilda nodded toward Dash’s bookbag, which had been dropped before the scuffle began. Suri snatched it off the ground and began sifting through the contents. Eyeing a textbook, she tossed it to Gilda while flinging the bag over her shoulder, papers falling out in the process.

“This is what you get for ending our Streak, Bitch!” Gilda shouted at her but not loud enough to be heard outside the restroom as she pummeled Dash with the heavy book.

“You ended the Streak, so we’ll end your career!” Lightning Dust added angrily.

Lightning then jumped forward, clasping a hand around Dash’s now broken jaw. A scream died in Dash’s throat when the book collided with her head. Annoyed that Dash was already slipping away, Suri thought of an idea. “This should wake you up, bitch.” She growled before throwing all her weight into Dash’s leg causing it break almost effortlessly as a satisfying snap echoed around the room, accompanied by a muffled scream. Lightning laughed maniacally, putting pressure against Dash’s jaw.

Pushing her head forward so she was facing the ground, Lightning let Gilda and Suri both kick her hard in the ribs a few times again before dropping her to the floor. Rainbow looked up at the trio, pleading in her eyes. She began talking, her voice pained and slow. “Plea… stop. I just wanted to win, like you.” Dash carefully pushed herself onto her elbows. “It’s jus a game. Pomise not to tell ‘nybody. Plea stop.”

Gilda placed her foot on Dash’s other leg, smiling mockingly down at her. “How about no?” She asked, before pressing down on Dash’s other leg much like Suri did previously, causing another pleasing snap, followed by a scream that Suri shoved her fist into Dash’s mouth to stifle. Both of Rainbow Dash’s legs were now completely broken. Then, Lightning crouched down in front of her. Her eyes shining with mock sympathy. Her mouth cracked into a sly grin before she readied a kick.

“Let me show you the kick that started the Streak you ended.” Lightning sneered, backing up a little while Gilda held Dash’s head in place, then running forward and kicking Dash in the head. Her foot connected with Dash’s nose with a crack and a spurt of blood. “GOAL!”

The kicked created two separate cracks; the first came from the rainbow haired girl’s nose as it broke to the side, the second one came from her neck as it snapped back from the force of the kick. That blow did it, she was out cold before Gilda even let her drop to the floor. And when she did, blood quickly pooled around her face.

Satisfied, the three stepped away from Dash’s unconscious form. Lightning nonchalantly wiped the blood from her shoe with a paper towel. Giving her companions a thumb’s up, she lead them from the room. Suri turn around one last time before the three left the restroom she walk over to Dash and proceeded to stomp her hand under her boot until she got yet another satisfying crunch.

“Look who else isn't going to the finals now!” Suri spat at Dash’s unmoving body on the ground.

Unbeknownst to the girls while they walk out, a person appears behind them.

Suri turn around just in time to see Gilda pick up the unconscious girl's phone. Before Gilda tries to throw Rainbow's across the room and smashing it to pieces at the wall of the restroom, her hand was grabbed by an figure behind her.

"I don't think so." The figure said coldly to her.

Gilda, Suri, and Lightning suddenly find themselves hit in the head and on the floor real hard outside the bathroom.

Yet somehow, all three of the girls can't move their body around to see who caught them off guard.

"I won't let you f@@@@@s get away with this."

The girls became angry and found themselves to seeing the hooded masked person right in front of them.

The masked person slowly took off his mask and shows his face.

"Recognize my face, bitches? Because I already know you three hurt my little brother."

The girls eyes widen in horror as they recognize the hooded masked person's face as his face grin.

"I know, let's play a game called whack your bullies, shall we?"

The boy puts his mask back on and starts to torture the girls, very bad and nasty.

"Let's start first with the model reject, Suri Polomare."

Suri sweat in fear as she couldn't move as the hooded boy was right in front of her. He takes out a knife from his pocket and a metal bat in the inside back of his hoodie. His first target is smashing Suri's left elbow with his bat as she screams in agony. Ignoring the screams, he continues to hit her left elbow until stopping at number 20. His next target is her other elbow as Suri's cries continue while Gilda and Lightning could do nothing, but watch in fear. After done with that left elbow, he uses the bat again to whack both of Suri's hands, fingers, feet, legs, ribs, and shoulders while humming to himself. Adding to the touch, the hooded boy uses his knife to cut most of Suri's hair off and used hit bat to hit her in the face before Suri lost conscious.

Gilda and Lightning couldn't do nothing as they both witness Suri beaten up to a pulp.

Satisfied of torturing Suri and sighs, the hooded mask boy turns his head to the next two bullies on the ground.

"Next is the soccer reject whore player, Lightning Dust."

Dust tries her best to move away from him, only that her body moved a little bit in response. The mask boy stop her movement by using his metal bat to swing hard on Lightning's back, leaving her to grunt in pain. He then did the same thing to Lightning's body as she screams and cried out to stop this agony. Not quite done yet, he bends down and picks up Dust by her yellow hair as tears were coming down her face. He uses his mask to head-butt Lightning's face, then the second time, and continues doing so a dozen times until he stopped and looks at Lightning's bloody bruised face.

Nodding to himself, the mask boy threw Lightning's unconscious body to Suri's side.

Meanwhile, Gilda's body told her to run away as she felt that it's her turn next.

"And finally, the biggest bitch reject in CHS who also hurt my little bro the most, Gilda."

The hooded mask boy turns his head slowly to Gilda. Her fear and sweat came down on her body as she's the last one to be beaten up badly. Her mind filling to run away kept playing over and over, but she couldn't do nothing and stare in horror with the hooded boy in front of her as he readied his bat. Gilda screams loudly as multiple bones were bruised and broken, just like Suri and Lightning. The mask boy then picks Gilda up by the neck and begins to head-butt her too until her face is swollen. Not done yet, he uses his knife to cut almost all of Gilda's hair. Again she cries when some of her hair were pulled out and went silent when the mask boy punches her in the teethes and continues to cutting up her hair until she only has a few hairs left on her head.

Finally, he finishes an uppercut to Gilda's face as her broken body tumbles over to the two girls.

"Feel free to rest right now cause we're not done yet, not in a long cold run."

The hooded boy then got out his cell phone and calling someone on the line somewhere as it rang and picked up.

"This is's an emergency, Rainbow is bleeding to the girls bathroom at CHS."

"Also I know who did this...Gilda, Lightning, and Suri...yes these three are responsible.....yes.....oh really?"

The masked boy glance over to the girls as his face had his teeth grinning open.

"They're unconscious right now...I'll need an arrest report for these three...okay, thanks bye."

When the mask boy closes his phone, he heard something in the girls bathroom. He walks in the bathroom and finds Rainbow Dash on the floor barely alive while her body isn't responding to her as multiple bloods were on her. Worried for the rainbow haired girl, he hurries over to her and takes out some medical kits to help keep her alive.

"Don't worry Rainbow Dash, I'll do whatever it takes to save your life."

Present time. . .

"What happened to Gilda, Lightning Dust, and Suri Polomare?" Applejack muttered under her breath.

While checking in close to see if they are okay, she stepped on something and found a paper.

'A note?' Applejack thought.

Curious, she grabs it and opens it up to see why a strange note is here. AJ's friends also went in to the bathroom as she ignores their screaming and crying. What she finds on the note is shocking and surprised to AJ as her hands were tightening up and shaken as she kept reading the note to herself.

"A-Applejack dear, what does the note say?" Rarity said to her friend.

After reading a long note to herself, AJ's eyes rage in anger and looked at the three girls on the floor disgusted.

"I'm going to call the teachers and principals." Applejack said in a serious tone.

AJ's friend Rarity felt nervous from her action as she use her right hand to lay on Applejack's shoulder.

"Applejack, are you ok-" Rarity got cut off as her friend slaps her hand away.

"STAY OUT OF MY WAY RARITY!" AJ shouted at her friends as she storms off to get some help.

Rarity was in a shocked state as she didn't notice that Twilight and Sunset went after AJ. Fluttershy cried into Pinkie's arms while Pinkie's mane went flat from seeing the beaten up bodies. None of the girls don't know of what really happened in the girl's bathroom, yet they can't seem to find Rainbow Dash anywhere and Applejack calling for help with rage and worry in her eyes.

"Excuse me miss."

Rarity snapped out of her state and turns around to see a couple of police officers and a medic in front of her.

"We have a warrant for an arrest for the 'Streak' soccer team of Gilda, Lightning Dust, and Suri Polomare."

Meanwhile. . .

In one of the patient bedrooms, Rainbow's blurry conscious opens up to her, only to see a dark room.

"How is she nurse?"

Rainbow's ears perked up from hearing some talking behind the other door.

"She's doing fine and will be better within a week or two."

Her head turn right and barely hears some conversation on the other side of the closed door.

"Is it alright if I stay with her for one night miss Redheart?"

She tries to speak to tell them to come in, but somehow her voice couldn't.

"I'm sure she wouldn't mind it after I did saved her from those ruthless girls."

Rainbow heard the same strange voice in her presence and felt relieved to know her mask hero is still there.

"Just one question before you go in there."

Unfortunately, her mind begins to shutdown as Rainbow tries to fight back from falling asleep again.

"Why do you have that mask on you?"

Before Rainbow losses conscious again, she hears something the masked person say in response.

"It's a bit complicated to tell you, even if you didn't believe me Redheart."

A few days later. . .

Rainbow's eyes slowly open to see that it's morning outside as she yawns and stretches her arms out.

She pauses to herself, realizing she finally has control of her entire body.

She begin to inspect any traces of blood or pain on her, yet she can't seem to feel or find anything.

Suddenly, Rainbow hear a snore coming from the side of the bed and turns her head to see who it was.

Scootaloo was sleeping right next to her big sister peacefully and that made Dash smile to her.

"Good morning Scootaloo." Rainbow said to her little sister while ruffling her sister's purple hair.

Scootaloo mumbles to herself as she wakes from her nap while rubbing her eyes.

When her eyes were looking at Rainbow awake, her mind stops for a moment until she smiles.

"Rainbow Dash!" Scootaloo shouted in excitement with some tears escaping her eyes in relief.

Rainbow didn't have time to defend herself as her waist were wrapped up by Scootaloo hugging her.

"Easy there little squirt. I'm still a little sore, you know?" Rainbow chuckles and rubs her little sister's hair.

As Scootaloo enjoys being in embraced with Rainbow, her eyes lit up and looks at her.

"Oh Rainbow, I almost forgot."

Scootaloo went into one of her pockets and took out Rainbow's phone.

"My phone." Rainbow said with eyes widen.

Scootaloo gave the phone back to Rainbow as she rewards her with another hug.

"Thank you Scootaloo. By the way, can you tell me of how I ended up in the hospital?"

And so, her little sister explained everything from what has happened the past few days and how the unknown mask is a hero who saved her big sister's life and beaten the living crap out of those soccer team girls. The 'Streak' soccer team were arrested for almost killing Rainbow Dash and the police wanted to testify against them. Rainbow agrees with Scootaloo as she wants to have those trouble makers rot in prison for good and giving them a taste of their own medicine.

Rainbow's nurse even came in the room and she immediately asks if the masked person is still here.

Nurse Redheart shook her head no and told her that he left the next day while Rainbow was asleep.

Not long after both of them were chatting to themselves, Rainbow's friends came in and relieved to see her awake.

While her friend were chatting, Rainbow felt disappointed that her masked hero isn't here in the hospital.

Yet, Dash could feel that he's still out there somewhere in her hometown or maybe farther away from Canterlot.

Tightening up her hands, Rainbow felt confident that she'll find him one day as she looks out the window.

"Whoever you are my masked hero, I'll find you out there one day after I get out of this hospital."