When Robs Collide

by DestinyDecade

When Robs Collide

When Robs Collide

Canterlot High, Equestria City… Friday, 3:15pm

15 minutes ago, the school bell rang all throughout the facility. Students were heading out of the place in droves. They focused more on their weekend plans rather than worrying about homework and tests. Some stayed behind and went to the school fields to chat and relax. Others used it as a way to challenge one another to duels, as is the norm with not only this school but also the city. For one fellow however, he isn’t doing any of that.

The teen when it comes to fashion sense seems rather unexpected. His hair being for starters, consisting of blue with lots of red that sticks out like a sore thumb. Luckily he has a black headband that helps keep it together, otherwise all that hair would cover his eyes. Speaking of which, he has red eyes. His outfit is rather unexpected, consisting of a white jacket with black borders and blue stripes on the sleeves. He also wears a white jumpsuit, having black, red & blue stripes that meet in the center in a chevron pattern, white gloves, black shoulder and kneepads, yellow elbow pads and black boots. If people don’t know any better, this guy would probably be doing track & field in this manner.

With his light green book bag beside him, he gets a look at the sky above. It’s a way of him to say that he just wants to unwind and forget his troubles. His smile’s proof of it too but his relaxation today is going to get cut short.

“Hey, you’re in the way! Move it!” says a fellow student in an unkind fashion.

“Huh?” He responds, turning towards the one who shouted at him.

“Shouldn’t you be heading out? This place is for dueling only. Move it!”

“That’s not very nice. Don’t you think you should say please?”

“Oh, a big mouth eh? How about we make you move instead?”

“That’s not right. If you want to be rough, how about we play by your rules then… with a duel.”

He takes out something from his backpack, a black duel disk and inserts it into his wrist. It then activates, revealing the body’s extra deck on the left, the main deck on the right and the graveyard is in the middle of the side facing the blade. If that isn’t enough, the Duel Disk also reveals a sky blue blade formed out of energy and aligned to the main body of the disk.

“Of course if you have the guts to even try and take me on, I understand,” He tells him.

The student looking at him takes it like it’s a threat and takes out his Duel Disk, a red one that summons out an orange blade.

“Come on! Let’s duel!” the student says.

His opponent doesn’t respond other than giving him an excited glare. It’s something he loves, something he desires but he hopes that his opposition will be ready for what he has in store.

A few minutes pass. The student that challenged him is on the verge of defeat. He looks at his opponent, unleashing his final onslaught.

“Funny, I thought you wanted to duel but now you’ve had enough? How sad. Stardust Spark Dragon attack directly!” He shouts.

His monster flaps its wings and fires a blast of light energy striking its opposition, reducing his life points to 0. With the game over, his opponent is dazed and in shock. He sees the fellow power down his device, take his bag and walk off. Before he does so, the student had one thing to ask him.

“Who… who are you?” asks the student.

He stops, turns around and answers, “Who am I huh? I’m surprised you don’t know about me. But since you got beat by me I figure you have a right.”

“My name is Roy… Roy Starfall. People refer me as The Blossoming Stardust and one of the best the Synchro Division has to offer. Hope maybe you can provide me a challenge next time.”

Roy walks off while the student says nothing in response. Though he won the duel, he feels kind of bothered. Heading inside, Roy sees the other students talking and prepping up for their weekends. He catches eyes on one who’s ready to go. He gets her attention by waving. It succeeds.

“I thought you already left,” says Sunset Shimmer, a fellow student at Canterlot High.

“Nope. I wanted to stick around a bit longer but got distracted,” Roy replies, “What about you?”

“Had to take care of some things at the library. I’m going to be meeting up with my friends for a picnic. You want to come?”

“I guess so. It wouldn’t hurt to hang out with them. But I got to do something first and then I’ll meet up. By the way, did you like what I gave you?”

“You mean this?” She shows Roy a pendant he got her, a charm that consists of a teal blue crystal that is held on by a spiked hold and covered by two silver-like wings.

“The very same. You like it?” He asks.

“Like it? I do appreciate it but if this has to do with the fact that I started using Pendulum Summoning, you got another thing coming.”

“I at least tried… Little Miss Pendulum.”

Sunset gets upset after hearing Roy say this. Shaking her head, she says, “I told you not to call me that.”

“I can’t help it,” Roy admits to her, “You’re one of the few duelists in the school that use Pendulum Summoning. Everyone says that it’s too complicated to use but you make it look easy. Really easy.”

“Guess they never tried it. It’s not hard if you know how to implement it,” She follows, “But still… I appreciate the gift.”

“You’re welcome. By the way, where are the others? Shouldn’t they be heading out too?”

Sunset thinks on for a bit before realizing whom he refers to, “You mean Snips & Snails? They’re in detention. Do you remember?”

Roy thinks and tells her, “Oh I remember. Both of them got hauled in over a fistfight. Now they’re serving a week’s detention because they can’t learn to work together.”

“I’m surprised the principal is now starting to enforce more tag dueling. Not that I have any complaints about it,” replies Sunset.

“True. Anyway, I got to go. I’ll see you later.”

He heads off but not before hugging Sunset Shimmer from behind. It annoys her a bit but its Roy’s way of showing that he cares for her and the group they’re in. Once that got out of his system, he heads to the parking lot, spotting a motorcycle called a Duel Runner there. It was white, carrying a “dragon” motif, decorated with several bits of blue and yellow elements with red stripes. The cycle also contains a spot for a Duel Disk to connect into the cycle’s interface. Roy places his Duel Disk into the spot where it should be and turns it on. The screen in front activates, booting up. In turn, the wheels as well as its frame exhibit a blue glow.

“Alright. Time to head for home,” He says, getting on his D-Runner and then drives out of the parking lot.

Before he did head off, he spots something up ahead: the Wondercolts Statue. It is the symbol of Canterlot High, it’s mascot that carries the school’s ideals. It also serves as the inspiration behind the school’s team, the Wondercolts. Upon seeing the statue, Roy smiles knowing that he’ll be seeing it again the next day. However he begins noticing something strange. On the base of the statue, he sees something as if it wants to come out.

“What the?” He wonders. He goes for a closer look.

He looks and finds nothing out of the ordinary. He touches one of the sides only to find it solid. Checking the others, he finds that its harmless and he’s seeing things. But he hears something… something familiar. Roy checks to see so he takes out a card from his deck to find it glowing. The card in question is Stardust Spark Dragon. A silver glow emanates from the card along with the base of the statue.

“Stardust… what are you telling me?” He looks at the statue once more only for a light to emerge out of the base.

“The hell?!” Roy’s reaction comes too late.

The light not only engulfs him but his Duel Runner as well, leaving nothing behind. What began as a normal day at school ends with an interrupted peace, a duel and now a statue letting out a light that takes Roy somewhere far, far away from here. He may not know where he’ll end up but he only hopes that he can head back without an issue.

Meanwhile in another world… Canterlot High, Friday, 3:30 PM

The school day was over. It was the start of another weekend for everyone within Canterlot High. Half an hour had passed since the school bell had rung and students are already out the door. It didn’t last long for the place would be completely empty by the time it stopped. At a nearby locker, Rob Stallion was getting his things ready. He closed the locker once he was finished. As he headed out of the school, someone catches him by surprise.

“Hey there Robbie!” says Pinkie Pie, who in her usual manner appears with confetti flying beside her.

Rob soon feels confetti all over him and it didn’t help that Pinkie’s shout nearly scares him half to death. To be fair he’s never used to her usual antics and they would come where they least expect it. He soon ends up in a rapid embrace. It makes his heart skip a beat but he keeps himself composed.

“Pinkie… No offense but you scared me,” He tells her.

Pinkie responds, “Oh, sorry. I had no idea.”

“No idea? Oh, forget it. I can never get used to this. I thought you were going to a picnic today.”

“I am. It’s right there.”

“Huh?” Rob sees a picnic already set up ahead near the Wondercolts Statue.

“Uh huh, it’s there. So are you going to join us?” She asks.

“As much as I want to join in, I’ll pass,” He responds, refusing. Pinkie, in turn, feels disappointed.

“Aw, why not?”

“Cause I’m going to first get some food at Sugar Cube Corner and then I got to meet up with some of the Canterlot High Game Club cause we got to gear up for the weekend tournaments. It’s going to be a busy time and since I’m head of the club, I have a responsibility.”

“But you won’t be meeting them until later. At least hang out with us… pretty please?” She gives Rob a face that no one would refuse to give in at.

He didn’t want to say no and he didn’t want to let her down either so he was left with little choice, “I guess a few minutes wouldn’t hurt. All right, you win Pinkie. I’ll join you.”

Pinkie’s response becomes one of joy, jumping about and acting like a schoolgirl. All Rob can do is roll his eyes and let out a sigh but he didn’t expect Pinkie coming in with a surprise smooch on the cheek. His eyes widen from that. He then shakes his head to get the feeling of that kiss out of his system and once it was done, he focuses his attention towards Pinkie.

“Hey!” He shouts, stopping her excitement in her tracks.

With her attention towards Rob, he says, “Can we get this over with Pinkie? We can save your hype that I accepted it for later. Besides, I’m hungry.”

Pinkie doesn’t say a thing. She takes Rob to where her friends are as they get the picnic under way. Before long, everyone was settling down, relaxing and just having a good time. Pinkie wastes no time providing Rob with food her friends provided but she mostly gives Rob some sweets like muffins. He tries his best to tell Pinkie not to do this only for her to lodge a piece of cake into his mouth.

“You shouldn’t have done that Pinkie,” says Applejack, who sees Rob struggle to eat the cake.

“What? Robbie said he was hungry so I got to give him some food to eat,” replies Pinkie, although she sees Rob swallow the cake after a little while.

Once he finished eating, he turns to Pinkie and tells her, “I appreciate you helping me eat but can you at least give me a little breathing room? You almost made me choke on this.”

Hearing him made Pinkie a bit bummed but a gentle touch on the shoulder by him assures her not to worry.

He gets a juice pack nearby and with the help of a needed straw drinks. Everyone else continues eating in the meantime. Though it doesn’t take long before a conversation starts to kick in.

“So… been about a week or so since the Friendship Games have come and gone. You guys still in touch with Crystal Prep?” He asks them.

He gets nods from everyone around, including Twilight (or Sci-Twi as he refers her as).

“That’s good,” He continues, “Didn’t think the Games ended the way it did. I thought Crystal Prep would take you guys down like they did every other time.”

“It didn’t happen this year Rob. Were you there when it happened?” Rainbow Dash asked him.

“I wasn’t. I was away on a trip,” He tells them.

Applejack then asks, “You’re always away for something. How come you’re never around? Are you still a student here?”

“I still am,” He answers, assuring her, “Most of the time I’m on sabbatical and I use that time to at least get my studies done. Whenever I’m here, I mostly catch up on either my work or be in touch with my club. Fortunately I don’t have to deal with any of that. It’s enough for a well-deserved reprieve.”

“And I believe you deserve that rest darling,” compliments Rarity.

“I appreciate it,” Rob grabs a muffin and starts eating it bit by bit, “You enjoying your time at Canterlot High Twi?”

“Y-yes, I am,” answers Sci-Twi, “I never got to properly meet you and all but-“

“This introduction here’s more than enough,” He offers his hand to Twilight for a handshake, “A pleasure to meet you Twi. The name’s Rob.”

“The pleasure’s mine,” Twilight replies, accepting and the two shake hands.

“I take it that you’re a bookworm huh?”

Twilight gets a bit nervous before replying to him, “Y-yes, I am. Everyone at Crystal Prep knew me as an overachiever.”

“I can tell,” He replies.

“Are you two going to finish up?” interrupts Rainbow Dash, catching the two off guard.

“Um….” says Fluttershy.

“What is it Fluttershy,” Dashie asks her.

“Uh, aren’t we supposed to be having our picnic?”

“We are sugar cube,” assures Applejack, “Haven’t you been eating like the rest of us?”

Fluttershy gives her a nod, "I have. I’ve just been looking at whatever’s left of the statue. It just doesn’t feel right now that it’s gone.”

Applejack lets out a sigh, “You’re right about that. It may be gone but we all are still Wondercolts to the end.”

“Think maybe the school will get a new statue sometime?” Rob wonders.

“We hope so but it won’t happen for a while. Stuff like it takes time.”

“Fair enough. I was shocked when I saw the statue missing. I was like what in the world? Although thankfully the Friendship Games are every four years so I don’t plan on taking on thee anytime soon.”

“You weren’t even there this year. You’re never around when the school needs ya.”

“I already told Pinkie that but I’ve been busy so cut me some slack. Sheesh,” Rob starts feeling annoyed.

“Applejack, that wasn’t a good idea. Even if he did come by to help, it would all be for naught. In the end, we all were winners and let’s hope stuff like with what Twilight went through doesn’t happen again,” replies Sunset, who pats Sci-Twi on the back assuring her of that.

“Let’s hope so though if anything, you guys need to be ready for it,” Rob tells them.

“Well with what we’ve gone through here, we will be,” follows Rarity, “You shouldn’t worry.”

“Is that right?” Rob’s eyes turn toward what’s left of the Wondercolts Statue as light start coming out of it.

“Something up Rob?” asks Rainbow Dash.

“Yeah,” He says, “You guys may want to move a bit.”

“Huh? Why?” Pinkie wonders.

“Just do it,” He orders.

Though the girls did move a bit, they didn’t need to move far. Light soon comes out of the statue’s base and next thing they see is Roy and his Duel Runner emerging from it. As the light fades, they get a look at their unexpected visitor. No words were said, only expressions. Roy looks at the group while they look at him but his attention shifts focus towards Rob. Rob responds in the same manner, staring towards Roy. The two didn’t say a word. Their looks toward each other speak for them. But upon closer examination, Rob’s friends begin noticing something strange between the two.

“Uh, girls… something’s weird between the two,” says Sci-Twi.

“Now that ya think of it, there is,” wonders Applejack.

Pinkie notices this and after looking at both Rob and Roy, she says, “They… they look exactly the same.”

Rob and Roy continue to stare each other down. Pinkie and the others, however, continue to watch. It would only build the tension between the two boys but all this would have to reach a fever pitch.

Thankfully it did, “You want to talk or are you gonna stand there looking at me while Sunset and the others try figuring out the kibosh on all this?”

It doesn’t take long before Roy responds, “Why not. What I want to know is... where the hell am I? This ain’t Equestria City!”

Hearing that shocks everyone, even Rob, “Didn’t know you had a potty mouth.”

“So what?” Roy replies, “I want to know what I’m doing here? And above all else, what the heck happened to the statue!”

“As if you really need to ask,” Sunset tells him, “First off, how did you come out of the portal? I thought the portal only links here to Equestria.”

“How am I supposed to know? One minute I was going to head home but then, I looked at the statue because this thing here started glowing. Next thing I know, I get sent here. But then I look at him and something tells me you’re familiar,” explains Roy.

“Familiar?” Rob counters, “I don’t know a thing about you other than the fact you dress like you’re in track and field, you wear gloves, you wear a black headband and you have a motorcycle. Nobody in this school has a motorcycle, much less a license to drive.”

“My guess your friends never tried.”

“Enough with that. Why are you here?”

“I already told you guys earlier. That thing brought me here… and I just want to find a way to get back home. But I figure there’s a reason why I’m here huh?”

Rob has his eyes turn towards Pinkie who is just as concerned as the others, “Pinkie…”

“Huh? What?” she says, startled out by his words.

“Go to my locker. There’s a book bag inside. I want you to take that bag and bring it to me,” He orders, still having his eyes locked on her.

“But Robbie,”

Rob interrupts her on the fly, “Pinkie, do it! Now!”

She says nothing and does so, heading back to the school. His eyes then shift towards Roy, whose face shows a bit of nonchalant.

“Wow. Didn’t know you had a way with girls,” insults Roy.

“That’s the best you can bring out cause honestly, it just sucks. But seriously you need to step it up,” Rob counters.

“Excuse me but think you can give us something like a name?” asks Sunset.

“Huh?” Roy wonders before answering, “I guess you have a point. I was so busy talking to this guy that I didn’t make a proper introduction.”

“Uh, hate to rain on your parade but before you do, all you did was take pot shots at Rob and you’re doing a bad job at it,” says Rainbow Dash.

“Really. Who are you to judge fruit loops?” Roy counters, making Rainbow Dash upset.

“Fruit loops?! I ought to take that headband you have and wrap it around your neck!” She goes in, ready to make good on her threat to him. It takes two of her friends, Rarity and Applejack to hold her at bay before she would do anything rash.

“I guess your friends are good for one thing though… they can be really reliable when they hold you back from doing something dumb. Besides, even if you would lay a hand on me, you’d be too slow.”

This angers Rainbow Dash even further. Roy can’t help but let off a chuckle, finding it to be just hilarious. Although he notices Sunset Shimmer trying to figure out how Roy was able to get in here in the first place. She tries to look at it from all angles, even wondering if the magic from the portal had been siphoned again. Everything was normal. Sunset turns to Roy and tries to figure out how as he said, “How he got here in the first place”.

“You said you came out of the portal right?” She asks.

Roy gives her a simple answer, “Yes.”

“Then how? The portal only allows someone to go either to and from Equestria as in the Pony Equestria.”

“Pony Equestria? You must be pulling my leg here. At least where I’m from, the Wondercolts statue is still intact. Here, it’s… not even there.”

“Don’t worry about that. I want to know if you have any magic inside you.”

“Magic? Is this a joke? I told you already that I was staring at the base of the statue. Next thing I know, I end up getting swallowed by some kind of light and there you go, I’m here. Seriously, are you going to knack at me with this because you’re really creeping me out and I know girls that creep me out by getting in my face.”

Everyone’s speechless at Roy’s attitude. It doesn’t help that he finds how he got in to be a joke. Of course, it was enough to buy time for Pinkie to come by with what Rob asked her. He sees Pinkie come out of the school with a bag in tow.

“Robbie! Here, catch!” She tosses his bag at him.

He catches it, unzips one of the bag’s pockets and takes out something from inside, revealing it to be some kind of device. It was a dark blue square box that contains a screen on the top. The instant Roy sees it, that’s when he knows something’s up. Rob places the device on his wrist and two handles form around it, closing and holding it in place. The screen boots up, going online. The sides of the device extend out, revealing two other compartments. One side shows a deck of cards, the other is used as an Extra Deck and the bottom has an opening to put cards inside. Rob now stares at Roy with device already on the wrist of his arm. His actions say it all. He challenges him and hopes that Roy will take the chance.

“Where did you get that?” Roy asks him.

“I wouldn’t worry about how I got it. You should worry more about what I’ll be doing with this,” Rob replies.

“Is that so? If you haven’t noticed, you have something that shouldn’t be here.”

“Do I really care? Nope. I take it your ride also is something that shouldn’t belong.”

“That “ride” you speak of happens to be something I made myself. What you have is E.C High property. I want it back.”

“You want this back?” He tells him, “You’ll have to beat me first.”

“So you want to duel me huh?” Roy says, “Fine, I’ll accept.”

“But…” Rob stops him before he says anything else, “You didn’t tell us who you are. You were going to before Rainbow Dash decided to make a lousy joke and you countered by calling her fruit loops. Should have called her Skittles instead.”

Next thing Rob knows, he feels his head getting smacked by Rainbow Dash’s fist as a result. To insult her is an understatement but the way in how both Rob and Roy did it was purely one they should never do.

“Geez Dashie, didn’t know you were that rough,” says Rob, feeling the hit hard.

“Next time you make fun of me, I’ll make sure you get beat by the rainbow,” She assures him.

Roy lets off a chuckle that gets her angrier.

“Not. One. Word pal,” threatens Rainbow Dash.

“Fine. I was going to make myself known to you guys anyway, Rainbow Dash notwithstanding of course,” says Roy.

“So tell us already,” Rob demands.

“Okay fine, no need to rush. My name is Roy Starfall. I am the Blossoming Stardust,” He says, introducing himself to Rob and the others.

“Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Roy. Didn’t think you’d appear out of a statue,” responds Sunset.

“Can we drop that?” He requests, “Besides, I want to take on your friend because he has something that doesn’t belong to him.”

“You know the saying Roy. Finders keepers. Besides, you wouldn’t believe me how I got it but it’s better you learn when we duel,” Rob replies.

“Okay,” Roy turns to his Duel Runner and gets on, “Let’s do it!”

Before they could begin, Rob says, “Not here though. We don’t have enough room.”

“What are you talking about?” Sunset wonders, “You both have plenty of room and I doubt anyone’s going to know you two are going to go at it.”

Roy answers, “I have to agree with your friend here. We need more room and I doubt I’ll be able to move around in a place like this.”

“You want to duel? Follow me. I know a perfect spot,” Rob tells him. He then runs away from the school hoping to reach a place suitable for the two to do battle.”

“Where the heck’s he going?” asks Rainbow Dash.

“Oh, he’s heading for Canterlot Park. That place is perfect for the two to duel especially Roy who loves riding around on that motorcycle of his. Does he play card games with that motorcycle because I want to try it! I want to see how awesome it is!” answers Pinkie who then goes on her usual bantering about stuff that is nonsensical.

Roy shakes his head in disappointment and mutters, “If this is how your friends act Rob then I really do pity you.”

He then starts up his ride and drives off to where Rob will be. Sunset and the others follow the two to Canterlot Park. With the park having more room, it would be perfect for both Rob and Roy to settle things. By the time they reach the park, the two are already set with each of them on opposite ends of the park’s center.

“What’s going to happen,” wonders Fluttershy.

“Whatever it is, I better hope Rob doesn’t do anything rash. He’s up against someone riding a motorcycle. Isn’t it dangerous?” asks Applejack.

“Not unless he has a helmet,” says Pinkie who appears out of nowhere with that response.

“Can you tell that girl to shut her yap? She’s being a real pain in the butt,” requests Roy. Pinkie keeps quiet as a result.

“In the future, please don’t be disrespectful to Pinkie. She can be annoying but in my mind, she’s a friend I can rely on to lift my spirits,” Rob tells her.

“Is that right? Well, I hate to say it but your friends won’t be enough to stop me. After all, you have something that not only doesn’t belong to you but shouldn’t even be here,” says Roy.

“You want this? We’ll you’re going to have to beat me for it so bring it on!” He responds.

“Okay. Then I got nothing else to say… D-Runner, activate Duel Mode!” His shout has his cycle undergo a change.

The Duel Disk that was in Roy’s Duel Runner moves up, activating its duel mode, “DUEL MODE ON! AUTOPILOT STANDBY!

Next comes a device moving slowly on the bottom left side. It starts activating a flow of holo-energy that has it glow a white light on its wheels. Not to mention a blue circular blade emerges next to the Duel Disk. Rob boots up his device, a Duel Disk and a yellow blade emerges from it.

“Are you prepared? You should be. Let’s go!” Roy shouts, revving up his D-Runner and then racing forward towards Rob.

Rob doesn’t say a word, gearing himself up for battle. The duel had begun. Their audience was Sunset Shimmer and her friends and they’re unaware of the battle that would soon transpire.

“I’ll go first so be ready!” shouts Roy (LP: 4000, Hand: 5) as he begins.

He looks at his hand as he makes his first move, “I summon Stardust Knight (ATK: 1500/DEF: 900) in attack mode!”

He summons a monster that looks like a knight armed with a sword and a shield with stars on it. Gearing for battle, he’s ready for action. Rob’s friends look in awe as Roy brought out something they’ve never seen before.

“I place two cards face-down and end my turn,” says Roy, moving about on his D-Runner.

“That’s it huh? My turn now! I draw!” shouts Rob (LP: 4000, Hand: 6) as he draws.

“I summon Marauding Captain (ATK: 1200/DEF: 400) in attack mode!” He brings out a monster, a warrior in armor armed with a sword in each hand.

“That will not help one bit against my monster,” Roy tells him.

“You think so? Because when I summon this monster, I get to summon a monster that’s Level 4 or less from my hand and I choose this one, Gearfried the Iron Knight (ATK: 1800/DEF: 800)!”

Rob then summons a monster clad in black armor and his only weapon is a blade on his left hand. With a stronger monster, Rob has what he needs to engage. He runs in towards Roy.

“Time to battle! Gearfried attack his Stardust Knight now!” He shouts, ordering his monster to attack.

Gearfried goes in with blade in hand, striking Stardust Knight. Despite his best efforts, Stardust Knight falls. Roy’s life points take a needed beating (Roy’s LP: 3700) but it would be far from over.

“I ain’t done yet! Marauding Captain, attack Roy’s life points directly!” Rob’s monster does so, going in to deliver a twin sword slash that hurts him even more (Roy’s LP: 2500).

“Did you like that? I got more where that came from! But for now, I end my turn by placing two cards face down,” He says, placing them and ending his turn.

“Not bad… not bad at all,” Roy compliments, “To think you would actually strike me that hard in just one turn. Impressive.”

“Quit your compliments. Get on with it!” shouts Rob in response.

“Fine by me! My move and I reveal my face down card, The Shallow Grave (Spell Card)! It allows me to bring back one monster to the field and I choose my Stardust Knight!” says Roy as his Stardust Knight returns to the field, but his fight has only begun.

“From my hand, I bring out the tuner monster Turbo Rocket (ATK/DEF: 0) in attack mode!” Roy brings out a monster that’s small and has a high-powered rocket in each arm.

“What the? Why would you bring out a monster like that?! That won’t do you any good!” says Rob who is stumped by Roy’s move.

“Never judge a monster by what they have. It’s what they can do that counts. I take my Level 4 Stardust Knight and tune him with the Level 2 Turbo Rocket! Tune it up!” Roy follows, causing Turbo Rocket to go airborne and transforms into two stars of light that turn into two green rings. Each ring has small rotating rectangles signifying that wherever Roy is from, this kind of method has evolved.

They encircle Stardust Knight who then turns into four stars of light. Rob all the while looks to see what Roy plans on doing next.

“The stars gather and unite as one. Bring forth a warrior whose strength matches his determined heart!”

A light then pierces through not only the two rings but also the four stars of light that were in there as well.

“Synchro Summon! Come forth! Level 6! Stardust Assault Warrior (ATK: 2100/DEF: 1200)” The light then reveals a warrior armed with two twin laser cannons, packed for a fight.

“Synchro Summon… that’s cool,” Rob whispers.

“Are you guys seeing this?” says Sunset Shimmer.

“I wonder if this is all magic like with what we do,” wonders Applejack.

“If it was magic then you think those two would be the same as we all ponied up?” follows Pinkie.

“Well, I don’t know if it is magic,” Twilight answers.

“Good thing you don’t have that device of yours because we don’t even want to know if they both are using magic,” replies Rainbow Dash.

“Oh… since my spectrometer was destroyed during the Friendship Games, I never bothered making another one,” She follows.

“Good because that thing made me feel so tired, I wanted to crash,” Pinkie answers.

“You think all this was done by magic? Ha! You all are fools!” shouts Roy, catching their attention.

Everyone turns toward Roy. He stops a bit and says this, “You think what you see here is all magic? Huh? Is that what you think?”

“Well... yes. I think that it is,” answers Twilight. All her friends look speechless at her response.

“I got news for you. What you see here isn’t magic… notice what I’m riding?” He asks them.

“It’s a motorcycle. So what?” says Rainbow Dash.

“Guess I should take Rob’s advice and call you Skittles instead. What flavor are you by the way? Fruity? Tropical? Or maybe sour? I got it! I say you’re a sour because of your attitude,” Roy insults, making Rainbow Dash angrier.

“That it! I’m going to have you off that bike and on the pavement! Let me at ‘em!” shouts Rainbow Dash. Applejack restrains her with all her strength to hold her at bay.

“Anyway before this cupcake decides to thrash me, let me at least say that my Duel Runner as well as Rob’s Duel Disk are the result of technology. Not magic, technology. Think you now get it ladies?” Roy tells them, letting off a smile. Of course it only angers Rainbow Dash more.

“Y-yeah, we get it alright,” Twilight tells him.

“Twilight, Ah don’t know if what you said is a good thing or not but if we don’t keep Rainbow Dash under control, she’s going to do something crazy,” replies Applejack, still struggling to hold Rainbow Dash at bay.

“Maybe if Roy didn’t get her angry, we wouldn’t have to be dealing with a situation like this,” Sunset explains.

“Oh, so does this mean that you’re actually playing a card game on a motorcycle?” wonders Pinkie.

“Yes. That’s what it looks like I’m doing,” He answers, much to his dismay.

“Pinkie can you stop bothering him and help out here?” asks Applejack.

“Oh, okay,” Pinkie answers and just decides to help out with the others.

“It’s her fault she decides to go in and ask but like I said, all this here is technology, stuff that should remain in my world, not be in his,” His statement’s all that he can say but not before his attention then shifts back to Rob.

“Now then, where were we? Oh yeah, it’s my Battle Phase so let’s go!” His D-Runner goes full throttle, straight for Rob.

“Took this moron long enough,” Rob whispers.

“Stardust Assault Warrior attack his Marauding Captain now!” shouts Roy, ordering his monster to attack.

With both his laser cannons, he fires a few shots blasting Rob’s monster to oblivion. It also did a dent to his life points (Rob’s LP: 3100).

“To be aware, I know that since you had Marauding Captain, its effect allows only it to be targeted. Fair enough since I have the advantage now. I place one card face-down and end my turn. Now let’s see what you got!” He shouts.

“Okay then. At least this here is better than having to deal with these girls. They’re just nuts,” says Rob.

“You said it though you may want to keep your opinions to yourself. One of them wants to ram your head into the ground,” Roy replies, reminding him of Rainbow Dash.

“All right. Anyway, it’s my move!” He draws, getting a look and then smiling, “This should be useful. I summon Command Knight (ATK: 1200/DEF: 1900)!” Rob then summons a monster, another knight with a sword at the helm ready to fight.

“Another Warrior? Don’t you have anything better in that deck of yours?” Roy asks.

“I activate Command Knight’s effect, raising the attack of all my Warrior-type monsters by 400. More than enough to take down what you have!” Rob replies, ignoring Rob’s question.

Command Knight engulfs in an aura that also encircles Gearfried. In turn, their power is strengthened as a result. (Gearfried’s ATK: 2200, Command’s ATK: 1600).

“Great,” Roy thought, “Now it’s stronger than my monster. Just when I decide to strike back at this S.O.B.”

“All right! Gearfried, attack his Stardust Assault Warrior now! Go! Iron Blade Strike!” Rob shouts.

Gearfried goes in, dodging some of Assault Warrior’s laser blasts. He delivered a strike, gets blocked but then goes for another attack and succeeds. Stardust Assault Warrior bites the dust and it took a small chunk out of Roy’s life points in the process. (Roy’s LP: 2400)

“Yes! Now it’s your turn, Command Knight! Attack Roy’s life points directly!” He shouts, ordering his Command Knight goes in to attack.

Roy, however, anticipated his attack, “I ain’t going to feel that. I reveal my trap! Negate Attack (Trap Card)!”

A barrier encircles Roy and his Duel Runner just as Command Knight comes in to strike him for a direct attack. When it happened the attack gets blocked and it’s all for naught.

“Sorry, Rob but I can’t let you strike me twice. Negate Attack not only stops your attack but it forces you to end your Battle Phase. Such a shame,” He says.

Hoping not to let his anger get the better of him, Rob responds, “Fine. I end my turn then. But since I took down your monster, I have the advantage.”

“Is that so?” Roy tells him, “We’ll see about that.”

While Roy and Rob have their duel, Sunset notices some people coming in to check out what’s going on. They react with awe seeing Rob and Roy do something they’ve never even seen before or rather… never experienced.

“Uh Sunset, something the matter?” says Applejack.

“Guys, it looks like their little game is attracting a crowd,” She replies, pointing towards a group that has come to see.

“What? I wonder if they have a clue,” wonders Rainbow Dash.

“They probably have little idea but I only hope those two end their game before who knows what. Roy said it himself that what we see isn’t magic, but instead technology,” Rarity follows up.

“Technology that he says doesn’t belong here. Now I’m confused,” says Twilight who still watches the duel from afar.

Back at the duel, it was Roy’s turn and he’s ready to bring it in full force, “It’s my move now!”

Drawing his card, he looks at his hand to determine the best of choice of action and then he sees Rob with his monsters on the field. It was then he hears a familiar roar. That’s when he knew it’s time.

“First I draw Pot of Greed (Spell Card). It lets me draw 2 cards & then, I reveal my trap, Stardust Flash (Trap Card)! This lets me choose a Stardust monster from my graveyard and Special Summon it to the field. I choose my Stardust Assault Warrior! Return to me now!” His Stardust Assault Warrior emerges onto the field once again.

“Oh, so he’s back now for an encore huh? I can deliver that!” Rob replies.

“No, I got something bigger up my sleeve. I summon the tuner monster Dread Dragon (ATK: 1100/DEF: 400)!” Roy summons a dragon monster that for some reason has a wig on its head.

“Another Tuner monster? Don’t tell me…”

“You got it right Stallion. I tune my Level 6 Stardust Assault Warrior with the Level 2 Dread Dragon! Tune up!”

Dread Dragon transform into two stars of light that become two green Synchro rings. They encircle his returning warrior who then becomes nothing more than six floating stars.

“O flashing light, tear through the sea of stars. Shake our souls so your roar can echo the world!”

A light then pierces through it completing the whole thing and allowing the awakening of a new monster to emerge, “Synchro Summon! Take flight! Level 8! Stardust Spark Dragon (ATK: 2500/DEF: 2000)!”

A monster emerged from the light. It was a dragon, pristine in a spark-enamored light flying about with its shining white wings. If that isn’t enough, it let off a roar. Everyone looked up to see what it could do, especially Rob who will experience the full fury of its power.

“Impressed aren’t you?” says Roy, “You should. All of you are impressed by the elegance of my monster. Now let me show you what it can do. Battle!”

Roy’s shout startles Rob who doesn’t say a word, “Stardust Spark Dragon, attack his Gearfried the Iron Knight!”

Stardust Spark Dragon roars and then rises into the sky above and then rushes straight down. All Rob can do is watch as Roy’s monster prepares to strike.

“Divine light, unleash your judgment on your opposition. Go! Shooting Spark Sonic!” His dragon conjures up energy from his mouth and then unleashes it as a powerful energy blast.

Rob didn’t have much time. He looked to see if his face down cards would prevent his monster from biting the dust. It comes too late as the blast hits his monster, destroying it in the process. If that wasn’t enough, Rob gets sent flying a few feet due to the blast’s aftermath. He lands on the ground with a hard thud but that won’t stop Rob from continuing the battle. (Rob’s LP: 2800)

Roy stops his D-Runner before turning his attention towards Rob, “That is the power of what I carry with me. Even if you did have something that can save your monster, it won’t work.”

“Rob! Are you okay?” shouts Sunset.

“I’m alright,” answers Rob, “Don’t worry about me.”

“Oh you should be worried. Since now I have a monster that will guarantee me victory. For now, I end my turn by placing these two cards facedown. Let’s see what you can bring out Rob, besides that lousy Command Knight of yours,” explains Roy.

“Oh don’t worry, I got something up my sleeves,” Rob counters, drawing his card, “And from what I just drew, I’m ready to bring out my best.”

“Well bring it on!” Roy counters right back, shouting at Rob.

“I will… I reveal my trap, Call of the Haunted (Trap Card)! It lets me bring back a monster from my graveyard and I choose Gearfried!” He shouts, bringing back the same monster that had been destroyed earlier.

Roy watches as Rob continues his turn, “Next I play the spell Release Restraint (Spell Card)! I can release my Gearfried in order to summon something stronger in its place!”

Roy gets startled as a result. Sunset along with her friends look on to see what Rob can do next but she keeps watch on the crowd that’s coming in. By this point of the game, it was growing.

“Now then, I release my Gearfried the Iron Knight… to bring forth Gearfried the Swordmaster! (Lv7, ATK: 2600/DEF: 2200)” One minute Rob had an iron knight and the next came out a warrior that’s strong and packs a major punch, not to mention a sword as well.

“Is that guy strong enough to beat Roy’s dragon? Because if it is, I hope he sends Roy packing!” shouts Rainbow Dash. She continues to shout and say stuff that would give Rob some morale.

“I’m not finished yet. My Command Knight’s special ability activates giving Gearfried a power boost,” He looks as Gearfried starts glowing due to Command Knight’s power (Gearfried’s ATK: 3000), “And then I add this spell, Big Bang Shot (Spell Card) and I equip it to Gearfried.”

Suddenly Gearfried becomes covered by another aura and it was making him stronger (ATK: 3400) than before. Roy still holds his ground despite having his Stardust Spark Dragon.

“Confused? This raises my monster’s attack by 400… but there’s a catch. Should my Gearfried be destroyed, it gets banished instead,” explains Rob.

“That makes it stronger than Roy’s monster up there. Will it be enough?” wonders Applejack.

“Only one way to find out Applejack. I sure hope Rob has something that can help him win,” replies Sunset, watching the duel.

“But wait a sec, there’s more. Gearfried’s special effect activates. When it gets equipped with an Equip Spell, I can choose a monster you have and destroy it!” He follows, shocking Roy.

Gearfried does his thing, unleashing a slash of pure energy hoping to destroy Stardust Spark Dragon. However Rob has other plans, “I activate my Stardust Spark Dragon’s effect! Once per turn, and it can be either of our turns, I can choose a card on my side of the field and I can make it unaffected by battle or card effects! Take a guess what I choose!”

“The most obvious, what else,” shouts Rob as Gearfried’s effect gets brushed aside by Stardust’s attack.

“Nuts! It didn’t work!” complains Rainbow Dash.

“Don’t count Rob out yet, Rainbow Dash. This fellow won’t stand down against a ruffian like Roy,” assures Rarity.

“You said it! You hear that Rob! Teach that headband dweeb a lesson!” She cheers.

In response to Sunset and the others, Roy complains, “You know, I’ve had enough of your little fan club Rob. They should learn to keep their damn mouths shut!”

“I suggest you pay attention to me instead of them! I’m taking you down! Gearfried the Swordmaster, attack his Stardust Spark Dragon now!” shouts Rob, rushing forward as his monster goes in to strike down Stardust Spark Dragon, “Strike him down with Sonic Blade Slash!”

Gearfried strikes Stardust Spark Dragon hard but unfortunately, the dragon didn’t go down. The force of the strike pushes Stardust Spark back. Roy smiles seeing it survive but his opposition’s expression says otherwise.

“Though Stardust Spark is still on the field, you still take battle damage!” he shouts.

“I’m aware,” Roy replies. He turns his smile into an angry frown. (Roy’s LP: 1500)

“I’ll end it by placing one card face down. That’s it for now,” Rob follows that with a needed sigh. He then whispers, “Man… Roy is getting angrier by the minute. Huh?”

Rob soon notices more people coming in to watch, many of them from Canterlot High and even from the Game Club. They look at this in awe seeing monsters appear out of the blue doing battle with one another.

“Look over there! It’s Rob! I thought he was going to meet us!” says a fellow Game Club member.

“You said it,” responds Snails, a student who is also a member, “He made us wait only to waste his time doing this.”

“Why don’t you lunkheads lighten up? Besides, it won’t be long now before I make sure this guy gets the boot,” Rob answers.

“The boot you say?” quirks Roy, riding on his Duel Runner, “We’ll see about that.”

He drives full throttle but instead of towards Roy, he heads for the street nearby.

“What are you doing?” Rob asks.

Roy replies, “Bringing my best. I reveal my face down card Graceful Charity (Spell Card)! This lets me draw three cards from my deck, provided that I discard 2 from my hand.”

Roy hesitates a bit before he draws. He sees Rob with the only monster he has on his field and then turns his attention to Stardust Spark Dragon who is flying above. After taking a deep breath, he touches his deck and then draws his three cards. He gets a look and then turns to his hand. Everything is in place. Roy begins his counterattack but not before he sends the two cards he doesn’t need to the graveyard.

“First things first, I summon Watapon (ATK: 200/DEF: 300) in attack mode!” shouts Roy, summoning what looks like a small creampuff.

“Seriously? You summon a creampuff to the field? What are you thinking?!” Rob replies.

Roy ignores him while he continues, “Next I bring forth Mach Synchron (Leve: 1, ATK/DEF: 0)!”

Another monster emerges onto the field. It looks like a fighter jet but has arms and legs like a robot. It’s a hybrid monster that can fly but can’t do battle due to its low strength.

“Another tuner? That means…” He says.

“Exactly right,” Roy follows, “I tune my Level 1 Watapon with the Level 1 Mach Synchron! Tune Up!”

Mach Synchron becomes a lone green Synchro Ring, moving in and encircling the lone Watapon turning into a star of light.

“Wishes gather to call forth a new speeding horizon! O divine light, become the path that this will shine upon!”

A light pierces through and in turn, a new power emerges, “Synchro Summon! Level 2! Come forth my Synchro Tuner, the Power of Hope, Formula Synchron (ATK: 200/DEF: 1500)!”

From the two monsters Roy used comes a creature that like Mach Synchron is a hybrid of a robot and vehicle. In this case, it’s a Formula 1 Race car fitted with arms and legs with its head where the driver’s seat is at. Now with both that and Stardust Spark Dragon on the field, Roy is ready to take the duel up a notch.

“Before I do this, I activate my Formula Synchron’s effect. When it’s Synchro Summoned, I get to draw a card from my deck… like so. Now I’ll show you the power of what my dragon can do! Stardust Spark Dragon, my level 8 monster, I take you and with my level 2 Formula Synchron, we tune it up!” shouts Roy.

Roy revs up his cycle, going faster than normal. What happens next is unreal. His Formula Synchron transforms into two orbs of light that then become two green Synchro rings. Unlike previous instances, the rings pass through both Roy’s dragon and D-Runner. In turn, Roy’s D-Runner goes even faster to the point where he can feel the speed passing through.

“O Flashing light that tears through the sea of stars, shake the foundation so that your power can evolve!”

Things accelerate to the point where everything around him suddenly stops. And then… “Go! Accel Synchro!!!” Next thing that happens, he disappears out of the blue.

Back in the park, Rob looks to see where Roy had gone off to after pulling what he did earlier. Even his friends and the crowd wondered as well. However he notices something ready to emerge behind them.

He then shouts, “Everyone! Move aside! Now!”

Next thing that happens, Roy emerges out of the portal with a new monster in tow, one covered in gold armor from head to toe. Its wings also become enamored in gold as well, symbolizing its divinity. A roar soon follows from the dragon. Its aura is then unleashed upon the crowd in the form of a serene golden light.

“Shine your light! Level 10! Stardust Chronicle Spark Dragon (ATK: 3000/DEF: 2500)!” shouts Roy. It’s dragon follows with a roar, signifying its presence.

The crowd reacts with awe seeing Roy’s evolved monster. Rob on the other hand wonders if Roy is going to go for the attack. He doesn’t blink. He keeps his ground. He prepares for the worst that Roy will unleash upon him.

“Time to tip the scales in my favor! Stardust Chronicle, attack his Command Knight now!” He orders, commanding his monster above him to do the deed.

Rob notices something amiss and wonders, “Wait a second! You can’t! Command Knight’s special ability prevents it from being destroyed in battle as long as I have another Warrior monster.”

“Normally it be the case but not this time. I banish a Synchro monster to activate my Stardust Chronicle’s effect. Now my dragon is unaffected by any and all effects, including your knight!”

Roy banishes Stardust Assault Warrior. Stardust Chronicle then roars causing Command Knight’s aura to dissipate. With that gone, it goes on the attack striking Rob’s monster like it was nothing. The force from the attack sends Rob flying a few feet before landing on the ground with a hard thud. It hurt but his life points however are a different story. (Rob’s LP: 1400)

“Man… that really hurt,” He says to himself.

Roy stops his D-Runner, turning towards Rob who gets up after the attack, “Now you see what my dragon is capable of. I end my turn and now, Mach Synchron’s effect kicks in letting me get my Watapon and add it to my hand.”

“This is getting too good. I swear Rob has to win this. He has to!” says Rainbow Dash.

“Ah agree but that Roy fella keeps bringing stronger stuff out. No way Rob is going to pull a miracle out of this,” Applejack responds, turning Dash’s smile upside down.

Dash then shouts, “Who cares about miracles! Rob has to win no matter what!”

“All we can do dear is cheer him on. That’s what he would want right?” suggests Rarity to which Rainbow Dash approves of without question.

“That dragon…” whispers Fluttershy, “Just what is that?”

“Something wrong Fluttershy?” wonders Sunset.

“It’s… it’s that dragon there. Is it real?”

“No. It isn’t. Why do you ask?”

“It’s nothing. It just… I heard it talking.”

“Talking?” she wonders, “Really?”

Fluttershy gives Sunset a nod. Whether she’s making it up or not is hard to say. However with Rob in a very tight spot, everyone’s worried what will happen. Rob looks at his duel disk with worry. Roy has the advantage with an Accel Synchro monster on the field that’s equal in strength to Rob’s Gearfried the Swordmaster. And even if he could find a way to destroy it, who knows what else Roy would bring out. He turns his attention to his friends who are watching the duel unfold. They’re worried as he is. So is the crowd. Rob doesn’t know whether to tell them not to worry or to say that he may not do it anymore. But quitting isn’t an option. He takes a deep breath, looks at his duel disk and takes the gamble. This turn could be his last. He has a lot to lose and a lot to gain.

“What are you waiting for Rob? To surrender?” shouts Roy.

“Not a chance!” Rob shouts back, drawing the card that may determine the duel’s outcome. One look at it is enough to say that there’s a chance.

“Like you have earlier, I play Pot of Greed and it lets me draw 2 cards! Next, I activate the spell Mist Body (Spell Card)!”

“That won’t help you one bit.”

“Really? I doubt it! Mist Body is special since I can equip it to any monster I want and I choose Gearfried himself!”

Rob plays Mist Body, transforming into an aura of clear mist that soon covers his monster. Roy feels that Rob is wasting time, becoming annoyed in the process. Of course Rob anticipated it.

“You’re disappointed. Can’t say I blame you because you see Mist Body has a unique effect. Whatever it’s equipped with, the monster can’t be destroyed in battle. And you thought I was pulling your leg… but it gets better. Thanks to Gearfried’s effect, since I equipped him with a spell, I can destroy one monster on the field and I choose your dragon!” He says, pointing towards Roy’s dragon.

Gearfried’s effect kicks in, ready to deliver a crippling blow to Roy and his monster. Having been played for a fool, he decides to strike back.

“I activate my Stardust Chronicle’s effect! By removing a Synchro monster from play, I can protect it from any and all effects, including destruction!” Roy shouts, removing his Stardust Spark Dragon from play and in turn, protecting his monster from destruction.

But Rob simply smiles. He knew he’d do that, “Gotcha.”

Roy looks stupefied, “What?”

“Now Gearfried! Attack his Stardust Chronicle now!” Gearfried goes in, attacking Stardust Chronicle Spark Dragon with its Sonic Blade Slash.

It repels Gearfried’s attack and tries to strike but Rob’s monster avoids it and then strikes at the right time, delivering a fatal blow. The blow is enough for the dragon to be taken down by explosion. When it happens, two things occur: the cheering of the crowd as Rob did the impossible and the look of shock Roy has upon seeing his monster bite the dust.

“All right Robbie!” shouts Pinkie, going into full on cheerleader mode.

“I can’t believe it. He did it!” cheers Rainbow Dash.

“Yep. He did. He actually did it! That son of a gun,” follows Applejack.

“I couldn’t have said it better myself,” Rarity agrees.

“I can’t say the same for Roy though,” interjects Sunset.

“Why? Because his monster got owned?” Rainbow Dash wonders.

“I don’t think so,” Sunset disagrees.

“Then what?” She counters.

Sunset provides her answer, “I’m not sure. But from what I’ve seen, who knows what Roy will dish out next.”

Roy is still in shock seeing his monster taken down. Seeing it be beat by someone like Rob is one he struggles to comprehend. It never happened to him and now that he’s seen it, all he can do is watch and react in the only way possible… through shock and anger.

“STARDUST!!!” yells Roy. His reaction catches everyone, including Rob by surprise.

His emotions start taking over, turning from shock to anger in seconds. Seeing Rob up ahead already has him seething in rage. In his mind, he wants to make him pay. Looking at his field, he already has what he needs to do so.

“You may have taken down my monster but I still have a trick up my sleeve,” He says, catching Rob by surprise.

Rob responds, “How so?”

“Simple. My Stardust Chronicle has a second effect. When it’s destroyed, I can choose a Dragon-type Synchro monster that was banished and then Special Summon it to the field.”

“Wait. You don’t mean?”

“That’s exactly right. Be reborn, Stardust Spark Dragon!” With his call, Stardust Spark Dragon returns to the field.

Rob looks at it with concern but is not worried. Instead he focuses his attention on the only card he has in his hand. He lets off a sigh and says, “I place this face down and that’s it. I end my turn.”

“Good,” Roy replies, “Because this next turn is going to be the last.”

“How can you even say that when I have a monster right here that’s stronger than yours? By this point you don’t even have anything!”

Roy’s voice suddenly becomes dark, “If there’s anything you should learn from playing this game it’s this… expect the unexpected!”

Rob doesn’t say a word. Roy looks at his opponent calmly but with a look of anger in his eyes. Everyone in the crowd watches and wonders what either of them will do next. They saw what Rob had done. Now they’ll see what Roy will do, in the face of an overwhelming offense.

“This… ends now!” Roy shouts, drawing his deciding card.

“Alright. This is it,” Rob whispers, “Let’s see what you got Roy.”

“Reveal trap card, Synchro Gathering (Trap Card)! By banishing a Synchro monster, from my hand and graveyard, I can special summon monsters whose combined levels equal to a Synchro monster I have on the field. Since Stardust Spark Dragon is Level 8, you can guess what I’m bringing out. Return to me now!” Roy shouts again.

Light emerges from his Duel Disk and then some of his monsters start appearing on the field alongside Stardust Spark Dragon, “Stardust Knight! Mach Synchron! Watapon! And Turbo Rocket!”

“Wait a second,” wonders Rainbow Dash, “Four new monsters? None of them can stand up to what Rob has. What is Roy thinking?”

“If y’all know how Roy handles it, Ah’m dang sure that he has his reasons,” Applejack answers.

“Yeah well I don’t buy it. All we see is that he keeps bringing stronger stuff and they still get taken down. It’s hopeless for him!”

“Since when did you start favoring Roy?” intrudes Sunset.

“I’m not favoring him. Why would I? The guy’s a jerk!” She complains.

“Just hope he didn’t hear it.”

“You know I can hear it from here right?” assures Roy, “And the insults Skittles bring out ain’t good enough.”

His attention then shifts to Rob with his D-Rider already on the move, “Where were we? Oh right. Since I have new monsters, I may as well make use of them. If any Tuners are summoned due to Synchro Gathering’s effect, I can perform a Synchro Summon with them.”

“He has two Tuners… so that means he can do two Synchro Summons,” Rob figures.

“You’re catching on! Now the fun begins. Level 4 Stardust Knight, I tune you with my Level 1 Mach Synchron! Tune it up!” Mach Synchron goes from being a monster to an orb of light and finally a red synchro ring that envelops Stardust Knight and becomes four stars.

“Stars of the heavens, hear my plea. Bring forth a power that surpasses the limits of speed!”

The light pierces them all and a new monster appears in its place, “Synchro Summon! Level 5! Ride on my Synchro Tuner, Accel Synchron (ATK: 500/DEF: 2100)!”

It was a creature that’s one part motorcycle, one part high-octane fighting robot. But Roy isn’t finished yet. He still has another Tuner meaning a Synchro Summon is happening.

“Level 1 Watapon, it’s your turn now! I tune you with my Level 2 Turbo Rocket! Tune up!” Turbo Rocket becomes two synchro rings and then envelops Watapon, becoming an orb of light but not before a light pierces them both.

“Synchro Summon! Locked and ready! Level 3, Turbo Cannon (ATK/DEF: 0)!” Roy shouts, as another monster appears. It looks similar to Turbo Rocket except its armed with cannons for arms.

“Three Synchro monsters? Not enough Roy. Not enough for you to strike my Gearfried the Swordmaster! All it’s done so far has become a waste of time. Oh and you’re also delaying your inevitable defeat!” Rob replies, stating in his mind the obvious.

Roy has different ideas, “Am I? I doubt it ‘cause there are reasons. First my Accel Synchron’s effect activates. Once per turn, I can send a Synchron monster from my deck to the Graveyard. Then I can choose to either raise or lower my monster’s level. Care to guess what I really am planning?”

Rob couldn’t say a word. He sees Roy’s deck cycle through a card that he draws without delay. He lets out a smile. It has Rob concerned what he chose.

“I drew the Level four Hyper Synchron (ATK: 1600/DEF: 800) and with it, I send it to the graveyard so I can lower my Accel Synchron’s level!” shouts Roy. Accel Synchron glows a red aura due to its effect. In turn, its level drops down by 4 (Level: 1).

“Wait so since that monster’s Level 1, does it mean he can do one of those Synchro Summon things?” asks Rainbow Dash.

“If you look at it this way Rainbow Dash then yes,” Rarity answers, assuring her question.

“Yeah well whatever that guy brings out, Rob will take it down 1-2-3!” Rainbow Dash assures her friends.

“That’s right!” shouts Pinkie, out of the blue, “Robbie’s gonna win! He has to!”

“That Roy fella said it's the last turn. If that’s true then this is where he brings out his big guns,” follows Applejack.

“You’re probably right,” Rarity responds as well.

Twilight and Fluttershy look on in silence as Roy prepares his trump card. Everyone was on edge after Rob’s vicious offense and wonder how that can be topped. Rob watches his opponent gear up. He’s ready for whatever Roy has up his sleeves. After all, he had 3 facedown cards set on the field. That’s more than enough. Roy’s Duel Runner accelerates, racing past Rob and moving around the park at high speed. Roy’s eyes become focused, his emotions intensifying, reaching a fever pitch. Within this pitch, he felt his power climbing and with it, he brings it all out.

“You may have seen me use what I have to take it to the next level but it’s nothing… nothing compared to this,” He tells Rob.

Rob counters with a response, “Whatever you bring out, know that Gearfried the Swordmaster will take it down and it’s got 3000 attack points to boot!”

“I’m not the least bit amused. Since both Stardust Spark and Stardust Chronicle couldn’t get the job done, I’m left with little choice. You see… this… this is where I take the power I have and use it to go even FURTHER BEYOND!!!”

Roy’s shout surprises Rob and everyone in attendance. Regardless Rob holds his ground. He then sees his opponent ride off, going faster than before. Roy didn’t care. He had everything he needs.

“I take my Level 8 Stardust Spark Dragon, my Level 3 Turbo Cannon and with the Level 1 Synchro Tuner Accel Synchron, we tune it up TO THE MAX!” shouts Roy.

He revs his bike, speeding up faster than before. Accel Synchron turned into an orb of light, heading far beyond before turning into a gold synchro ring. Both Stardust Spark and Turbo Cannon enter the ring, turning into orbs of light… eleven orbs.

“Clusters of light who decorate the sea of the skies, hear my call. Bring me your blessing… a gift that will shine the world with its divine radiance!”

A light pierces them all. It then expands and Roy lets off a shout symbolizing the power that he’s attained, “Go! Delta… Accel… Synchro!”

The light gets to the point that it causes Roy to be engulfed and then disappear. Rob looks to see where his opponent went. He couldn’t find him. In fact, no one here could.

“What just happened?!” says Rob, “No seriously. Where did Roy go?”

“How would I know,” Sunset replies, “That guy was on his bike the whole time. He could be anywhere!”

Pinkie however had figured things out, “Oh no worries Sunset. Roy’s still here,”

“Really?” Rob wonders, “Prove it.”

“Um… I just said he’s still here. He just is… well…”

“Then it tells me that you don’t know,” Rob simply shakes his head in disgust.

Although Rob looks around, he isn’t aware that Pinkie is actually telling the truth. Roy is around but his power of using a Delta Accel Synchro did more than bringing out something powerful. It also had the power to pierce even the boundaries of reality itself. In fact, even now, Roy travels from one reality to another.

In another world…

Two warriors clash in a city full of ruin. On one side, a warrior named Mega Man RA in blue armor with a blaster for an arm opens fire on his opposition. The other, a white-armored warrior bears a cape and packing a sword that looks like an orange slice avoids the shots by repelling them. He then summons another weapon, a pistol with part of it looking like a grape. He fires several shots forcing his opponent on the defensive.

“Dammit! This guy’s good. He’s rivaling whatever I bring out right back. Who is he?” He says.

“Are you done?” His opponent replies, “This fight is getting pointless. You know it will not last.”

“I don’t care if it’ll ever last. All I care about is making sure you get beaten down. Now let’s finish this!”

His opponent turns some kind of key like lock on his belt causing a weapon to appear before him. Taking said weapon, he prepares to strike at his foe. While the fellow in blue gears up to deliver his final strike. Before the two of them do, something comes in interrupting them. It was Roy, still in his D.A.S. trance as he rides at high speed passing them both. The two get a look as he drove off piercing the boundaries yet again.

“What the hell was that?” wonders Mega.

“I’m not sure…” the fellow responds, “But that person.”

“What about him?”

“He… he seems familiar.”

“What?” Mega gets another look but his opposition gets his attention.

“Take off your helmet,” He asks him.

“Huh? Why?” Mega replies.

“Just do it.”

Mega didn’t waste time. He takes off his helmet, revealing a fellow with sky blue hair that is held by a ponytail. This surprises his opposition as he takes off his helmet as well. Mega, or rather, Robert Light looks in shock to see that there’s someone looking exactly like him. The difference is that the fellow has a mix of blue and orange hair with the orange seen in the middle and orange eyes. Other than that, both Robert and the fellow are nearly identical.

“Who are you? Why do you look like me?” asks Robert.

“If I were to tell you, you’d be surprised,” He responds.

“It would help since that guy that passed through looked like us.”

He thinks, not saying a word but eventually, he decides to talk, knowing that if he doesn’t, Robert will find out eventually.

“I am Ron. Ron Stoneseed, best known as The Blade Who’s On Stage. I know who you are Robert Light but it’s best you don’t know anything else. It’s for your own good,” says Ron before disappearing in a bright light.

Robert wonders what’s going on with all this. The fact that he has met someone who looks like him is enough to question it. Made worse was someone else appearing and intruding in his fight. Something isn’t right but will he find his answers? We’ll never know.

Canterlot High, Equestria City, Roy’s world… one hour later…

“I thought he was with you and your friends Sunset. He didn’t meet us,” says Snails, “We swear!”

“Well, I don’t know what happened because the last time I saw him, he said he had to take care of something. It’s been an hour and it’s already getting on my damn nerves!” yells Sunset in response. Her shout scares the two boys.

“Calm down Sunset. You don’t want to bust a blood vessel. Maybe someone or something must have challenged Roy to a duel. We don’t know what he does after school! Nobody does, not even the Synchro Dean.”

“Yeah,” Snips follows, “He’ll be back. You’ll see.”

“Oh yeah. You say he’s dueling but he promised that he would meet up with my friends for a picnic at the park. It! Never! Happened!” yells Sunset, “He just has to go up and disappear on me without any reason whatsoever! No phone calls, no text, nothing! I swear it, if I ever see Roy around here again, I’m going to make him regret ever calling me by that stupid nickname, Little Miss Pendulum!”

While Sunset continues ranting on Roy’s lack of commitment, Snips & Snails start noticing something up ahead. Trusting on their gut, they race toward Sunset Shimmer and push her out of the way. By the time they do, the three of them spot a beam of light coming towards. They get a look but it moves at such a speed that they only see it for as much as a split second. It eventually heads off. To where it would go? No one knows. However the three that were still staring at what they saw, turn their attention to each other and wonder what was that.

“What the hell was that?” says Sunset, “Seriously. What in the hell was that just now?”

“How would I know?” Snails responds, “It came in so fast that I couldn’t see it!”

“Neither could I,” Snips follows up.

“Anyway, we need to find Roy. The sooner we find him, the sooner he gives us a god damn explanation for abandoning me,” says Sunset.

But Snips then says this to them, “It can’t be that hard to find him right? He’s the only guy in the school that ever dresses in white. He’d stick out like a sore thumb.”

He follows up with a bit of a laugh but this only gets the other two to wonder about something. Snips stops laughing and says, “What? What did I say?”

“You say that he dresses in white right?” Snails asks. His friend nods in response, “Then what was that we just saw?”

“Like I said, I don’t know,” Snips answers. It only gets his friend agitated.

“Give me your duel disk. Now,” He orders.

Snips hands it to him. Snails gets to work on something, as Sunset Shimmer watches on.

“What are you doing?” She asks.

“Obviously the fusionist here took a picture of whatever it was that sped past us. If we can find the picture then maybe we’ll have a clue as to who that is. Here it is,” He explains, showing the picture that Snips had taken earlier in the form of a hologram.

They get a look. Unfortunately, the quality of the pic isn’t as great so Snails decides to send the picture data to his Duel Disk. Once that was finished, he gives Snips back his duel disk and then after pressing a few times on the screen, shows the pic that he took.

“Yep, as I thought. You did take a picture. Hmmmmm…” he wonders. They see him magnify the picture, getting a look at who shot past them.

To their surprise, their suspicions prove true. It makes Sunset upset. Her companions share mixed emotions. One is ticked, the other surprised.

“Figures it’s Roy,” says Snails, ticked seeing him in the pic.

“When he gets back, he owes me answers,” Sunset replies.

“Don’t worry. You’ll get that chance. Trust me.”

“Uh guys,” Snips wonders.

“What is it?” Sunset asks.

“I know that’s Roy in the pic but… what is that?”

“What are you talking about? That’s Roy there,” Sunset exclaims, trying to get his attention.

“No, not what I meant,” He says, “I mean… what’s that up there?”

“Huh?” Snails wonders, “Let me see. I mean…”

He moves the picture up. The instant he does, they look in shock. Some sort of creature was above Roy, covered in white. It was large, very large. It had eight wings, arms, legs, a circulated cipher above each arm and whatever that thing Roy summoned is already giving the three some very bad signs.

“What is that?” Snips asks.

“Are you kidding me? Did he just summon THAT?!” Sunset shouts, already complaining as it is, “I mean, what the hell?!”

“How would I know? I always see Roy duel and he never summons that!” Snips responds.

“Never huh? Do you remember when he dueled me on the first day he showed up?” Snails asks him.

“Yeah, I remember.”

“You mean after he beat me and the fusionist there?” Sunset follows, upsetting Snips.

“Are you turning me into a joke guys?” He asks them.

“How about yes because he wiped you out faster than I did,” follows Sunset. Snips gears up for a response but…

“Enough guys,” Snails interjects, “Point is that Roy summoned that… that thing. Whoever he’s dueling right now really is pushing him to his limits.”

“The only thing I hope is that he wins this… because if he doesn’t, then he really has to work his butt off to reach the top of the school division,” she tells them.

The three are left now to ponder and wonder who would push Roy to this point. Duelists always desire to improve and they do so by giving it their best. Whoever it is that forced his hand, they better pray that they can survive his onslaught… and live to endure it.

A few seconds later… Canterlot Park, Equestria

Back at the duel, everyone is moving about, wondering where Rob’s opponent went. Even Rob is looking for him, simply because Roy decided to go AWOL performing some convoluted synchro summoning that had him vanish into thin air. He didn’t need to wait long. Something starts coming from out of nowhere, as if it wanted to puncture the very area around here. Energy starts pouring out of it. Sparks emanate from that spot and before long, something came out. Everyone gets a look. It’s Roy, in his Duel Runner along with something big, something huge. It was a dragon, similar to the previous dragons that Roy had summoned before. Unlike them, this was a dragon enshrined in divinity. Its form comes to life, as a dragon blossomed in light. It’s wings spread out, its fists clenched and using its power, unleashed a roar that would echo all throughout town.

“Appear before me at last! Level 12! Divine dragon of light, Stardust Sifr Divine Dragon (Lv12, ATK/DEF: 4000)!” shouts Roy.

Stardust Sifr’s roar echoes through town. Anyone hearing it soon got a look at the monstrosity that is Roy’s monster. Its roar is fierce. A sonic blast soon follows with windows shattering at every turn. It was a sight to behold. Not even Crystal Prep Academy was spared from that dragon’s ferocity. The windows of the school tinted, starting to crack. This even went as far as cracking the trophy room in Principal Cinch’s office. Abacus Cinch, principal of Crystal Prep Academy looks at it and finds it upsetting. If they were to shatter, that would be a different story. Students from the school went outside to get a look, to find Roy’s monster up top from a distance. They react in awe and amazement. In the park, Rob gets a first hand look at Roy’s upgraded monster. In his thoughts, there are no words. None that describe how incredible this creature is. Not even his friends or the crowd can find the words.

“See this Rob? See the power that I wield up above?!” Roy shouts.

Rob quickly responds in awe, “I see it… what power.”

“This is my strongest monster, the divine dragon of light and what I need for victory… Stardust Sifr Divine Dragon! With 4000 attack points, nothing will stop me from taking you down!”

“I wouldn’t celebrate just yet if I were you. I still have my Gearfried the Swordmaster and he has 3000 attack points… all with your name on it! Despite you having a 4000 attack point monster, I have what I need to take you out!”

“Empty words from an empty fool. That’s how I see you… and your friends. Empty, hollow and stuff like friendship are a waste of time!”

Hearing Roy shocks everyone around the park. Rob carries an expression of disappointment, knowing that things like friendship are important. Denying it only brings the worst in people.

“I pity you. You only say that cause you never understood friendship,” Rob shuts his eyes for roughly a minute.

“What’s your point?” Roy replies.

“It’s just that… I pity you. Sure you do look like me, you ride a motorcycle like some kind of daredevil and you have a potty mouth. But the point is that things like friendship should never be denied. If you feel that stuff like friendship is what holds people like you back, prove it! Prove it with that monster you have so I can take your opinionated bullshit, turn it sideways and stick it straight up your redheaded ass!”

Rob’s eyes open immediately and it reveals glowing dark blue eyes due to some outside force. It’s as if something or someone possessed him to do this.

“Redheaded huh? Resorting to insults? Fine! I’ll show your dumbass what I’m really about!” Roy’s shout causes his eyes to glow red and like Rob, he had a feeling of possession.

But as they both gear up for their final assault against each other, Sunset and her friends have started to wonder what’s going on. They are in utter shock. Hearing such unorthodox language and witnessing them bring out their best to take the other down. It not only excited them but also left them reeling in surprise.

“My word. When has Rob ever said stuff as crude as that?” says Rarity, “Did his mother ever teach him that these things are bad?”

“How would I know?” Sunset replies, “The guy’s an enigma. He’s never in school, he’s always on sabbatical and whenever he does up, he just goes in school and then leaves. Nobody here in school knows… save for them.”

“Hey!” shouts Snips.

“We heard that,” Snails follows.

“Ah’m more worried about how this here duel’s gonna end. My guess it’ll never end until one of them’s still standing,” Applejack wonders.

“You’re right,” agrees Sunset.

“This turn is going to make or break them both,” follows Rainbow Dash.

Twilight and Fluttershy watch the duel, not saying a word. They would rather concern themselves over who will end up winning the whole thing. Both duelists still stare each other down. Their eyes glow brightly. They’re possessed by their innate desire to defeat their opposition. Both of them have strong monsters with effects that can favor them. The crowd watches on to see the decisive battle unfold.

“Time for me to put an end to all this! Now Stardust Sifr, unleash your power! Attack Rob’s Gearfried the Swordmaster! Wipe it out!” Roy shouts. Stardust Sifr roars as it prepares to attack.

Already airborne, it gathers energy from both its ciphers before redirecting it into an orb. It expands with each second, growing with more power. Rob watches, his friends watch, everyone watches it prepare its attack. It’s do or die now for Rob.

“Divine Dragon, may your judgment smite the dark and bathe the world with hallowed light. Shine forth! Shooting Sifr Sonic!”

Having grown enough, Stardust Sifr unleashes it all on Rob’s monster. Roy knows that with it, victory is assured. But having prepared himself throughout the whole duel, Rob gets his counterattack going at full speed.

“I waited for this! Activate trap! Warrior’s Honor (Trap Card)!” shouts Roy, activating his first card.

“What?” Roy replies.

“Here’s how it works. For every Warrior-type in my graveyard, I can raise one of my monster’s attack strength by 600! Since I have 3 of ‘em, my Gearfried’s attack strength is raised by 1800!”

Gearfried’s attack power increased (ATK: 4800), surpassing Stardust Sifr’s own attack.

“Yeah! Now it’s stronger than that dragon Roy’s got,” cheers Rainbow Dash.

“Now Rob has what he needs to win it,” follows Applejack.

“Win it? Not a chance!” Roy interrupts.

“What do you mean?” wonders Rob.

“Simple. I activate my own trap, Synchro Baton (Trap Card)!” Roy shouts, “I choose one Synchro Monster in my field and for every Synchro monster in my graveyard, it gains 600 attack points!”

“600 attack points for each one?”

“My graveyard has 4 synchro monsters meaning my Stardust Sifr’s power increases even further!” Due to Roy’s trap, Stardust Sifr’s attack power increases to an incredible amount. (Stardust Sifr’s attack: 6400)

“That’s absurd!” shouts Sunset Shimmer in shock.

“6400 attack points!?” follows Rainbow Dash, “How’s Rob going to beat that?”

“I don’t think he has anything that can beat that,” Applejack says.

Pinkie soon follows with this, in her usual manner, “I’m not worried. Robbie will beat Roy. He can do it. I know he can! Why do you think he has those three face-down cards he played? I know he has something that can win him the duel!”

“Well whatever it is, he better find a way and win! We’re all counting on him!” replies Rainbow Dash.

Everyone soon starts cheering for Rob to win against Roy and his powered up dragon. Despite being in a berserk state, Roy finds it annoying but Rob on the other hand, sees it as a sign of hope because he has what he needs.

“Your friends can’t help you. No one can help you against a power like this!” shouts Roy.

“Want to bet? I reveal my trap Kunai with Chain (Equip Trap Card)!” A chain forms out of the trap and latches onto Gearfried the Swordmaster.

“This card can be used in one of two different ways. I could either equip it to one of my monsters and give it a 500 attack points or I can use it on one of your monsters and switch it to defense mode. Guess what I choose? I choose the former and I boost my Gearfried’s ATK by 500!”

Gearfried’s attack is boosted by Rob’s trap card. Roy wonders as to why his opponent would do that.

“Skeptical aren’t you? You should be. Since an equip card is added onto my Gearfried, it’s special ability activates. Now I can choose to destroy one monster on the field and I choose that… your Divine Dragon!” Gearfried envelops in an aura and then sends it straight for Roy’s monster.

Roy is stupefied by Rob’s behavior, ((Idiot! Does he think a cheap trick like this can take down my dragon? Well I’ll show him. I’ll show all of them!))

“I activate my Stardust Sifr’s effect. If it’s targeted by either a spell, trap or monster effect, I can negate it and in turn, I can destroy anything you have on the field!” shouts Roy. Stardust Sifr neutralizes Gearfried’s effect and in turn unleashes a power of his own.

“Guess who I end up destroying… your monster!” Stardust Sifr fires a blast of light that wipes out Gearfried the Swordmaster. Rob can only look in horror, seeing his best monster be obliterated by a divine dragon’s power.

“Also since you equipped your monster with Big Bang Shot, it’s removed from play!”

Rob says nothing, seeing his Gearfried card banished instead of destroyed. But this is the least of his worries.

“With nothing to protect you, you’re history! Stardust Sifr attack his lifepoints directly! Shooting Sifr Sonic!” Roy’s monster unleashes his attack and with nothing to save Rob, he’s as good as history.

“I may not have anything to protect myself but I have one last trick up my sleeve! I reveal my final card, Contagion of Madness (Spell Card)!” He activates it, just as he is hit by Stardust Sifr’s attack.

“Here’s how this all works. This activates when your monster attacks me directly. I suffer 6400 points of damage due to your monster but guess what, you take half of it thanks to this spell card!” He shouts.

Rob’s last minute opportunity did the trick. From the blast of Roy’s direct attack, a beam emanates from the card and goes straight for Roy. It would be seconds before he realized his victory would turn into something else. It hits. The force of the blast pushes Roy off his D-Runner and into the ground. As this happens, Rob gets sent flying due to the unbelievable force of Stardust Sifr’s attack. He lands on the grass, hard. It knocks him out. Roy also gets knocked out due to the feedback from Rob’s spell card. Roy’s ride skids for a bit until landing on its side.

Stardust Sifr Divine Dragon lets out a tremendous roar before it disappears. The duel ends. Due to Roy’s attack and Rob’s last card, both players’ lifepoints hit 0. In other words, it’s a draw. Everyone was in silence, seeing in awe of the outcome.

But one voice breaks the silence, “Robbie!”

It’s Pinkie Pie’s. She rushes in to check up on Rob. Her friends soon follow. Everyone in the crowd does. They check on both Rob and Roy. Fortunately they’re all right.

“We need to get them into the nurse’s office. Stat!” says Sunset.

“Right!” the others say in agreement.

They take the two to the nurse’s office but soon find that the room isn’t available due to Nurse Redheart having already left. So they go for the next best thing: Canterlot Hospital. Once inside, Sunset explains to them what happened. In no time, the hospital staff takes Roy and Rob to a nearby room for rest. Now all they can do is wait… and hope the two will be all right. But seconds soon become minutes. Sunset, Twilight and the others wait and wonder if either of them will recover.

“Ah didn’t think that duel of theirs would end the way it did,” says Applejack.

“Yeah. It was insane,” agrees Twilight.

“And that dragon...” Fluttershy follows up, “It was so big and majestic. Amazing.”

Rainbow Dash is quick to complain, “What is wrong with you Fluttershy? Are you praising Roy’s monster or something? Do you have any clue what it did to those two?”

“Um no… I’m sorry.”

“Guys,” Sunset interrupts, “Look, it could have been worse. The good news is that they’re resting up. Thank goodness.”

“By the way,” Rainbow Dash wonders, “Has anyone seen Pinkie Pie?”

Sunset struggles to come up with an answer. They soon hear Pinkie outside the hospital, riding on Roy’s motorcycle and acting like she was someone who was playing a card game on a motorcycle. It was like her so what else is new. As they try to get Pinkie off Roy’s ride, Rob and Roy continue resting up in a nearby hospital room. Both are still out from the direct attack/counterattack. No ones know if they’ll be on their feet after that. Dueling is a different kind of sport but it doesn’t end with people suffering more than just a concussion. The most that this kind of sport can do is deliver serious physical injuries or worse. Rob starts to twitch and move for a bit. The pain from Roy’s direct attack still lingers. He gets up, shakes his head and then looks at where he is. He sees Roy in a bed nearby, still passed out. He’s at least okay. A duel to him is nothing, except for when you get blasted by your own monster’s attack. That hurts.

“Darn… what just happened?” He mutters, still reeling from the hit.

He lies down again to get some rest. As he does this, he notices Roy shaking a bit and then waking soon after. The only thing that goes in his mind is one thing: who won the duel.

“What? Where the hell am I?” says Roy.

Rob mutters in a response, “Dude, I’m trying to rest. We’re in a hospital.”

“Huh? A hospital? How did I end up here?” He complains.

“I have no idea. My guess Sunset and her friends kind of brought us here after that crazy direct attack backfire.”

“Backfire? I want to know who won the whole thing. I had you dead to rights with that direct attack. You should have lost!”

“In theory but I had that last face down and I had it ready.”

“Yes, Contagion of Madness. It’s activated when the opponent initiates a Direct Attack. Inflict damage to your opponent, equal to half the monster’s ATK as you take Battle Damage.”

“Since I took 6400 points of damage, it’s only fair that I send it right back to you. Basically there is no winner here. It’s a draw.”

Roy is speechless. He never got his victory. Rob didn’t win. He didn’t lose either. Instead it ended in a draw. Unexpected this turns out to be.

“A draw huh? You sneaky bastard,” says Roy, smiling.

“You still have that annoying potty mouth. When are you going to learn to show some civility dude?”

“Whether friend, foe or otherwise, I have a right to express myself how I see fit. Maybe you should learn something from me regarding that.”

“Thanks but no thanks. I’m not cut out to have a mouth as filthy as yours.”

“At least my outfit’s better.”

“Like I said, you look like someone out of track and field.”

“For your information dummy, I’ve been wearing this for a long time. At least it’s better than the crap you got. You look lame.”

“Again with the big mouth. Did your mother ever tried to put soap in that mouth to teach you it’s not okay to use bad words?”

Rob’s words struck a nerve in Roy. It gets him upset and he was ready to lob a punch into Rob’s face. Rob simply stares him down, goading him and telling him to “go ahead. Do it.” But Roy refuses, since they’re in a hospital.

He instead says this to him, “You’re one to talk. You said some bad stuff too during our duel. If anyone that deserves to have soap in their mouths, it’s you. How come your mother doesn’t do that?”

“I don’t have a mother… I don’t have any family.” Rob replies.

Roy responds soon after, “Neither do I. I was born an orphan, a commoner before I ended up adopted by some rich smug and then lived among the Tops.”

“Huh? Tops? Commoner? What are you talking about?”

“Better you don’t know. Besides, none of this stuff even exists here in this world. Here, everyone’s happy. Everyone’s getting along, spreading friendship and all that… it’s perfect.”

“I wouldn’t say it’s perfect. Even a world like this has its flaws.”

“True. That is true. By the way, do you think it’s high time we leave this place? I don’t like being in a hospital.”

“Good point but the duel took a lot out of us both.”

“A lot out of you, I mean. Besides, I can handle this sort of thing just fine. I’m used to it.”

Roy notices Rob feeling his shoulder, still reeling from the Duel that occurred earlier. All he can do is smile. He knew it.

“How… how can you be used to this?” Rob asks him.

Roy answers, “I’ve dueled for years. Stuff like that is nothing and yeah, people can get hurt but in the end, it’s all a game. Don’t worry. You’ll get used to it after a little while. Too bad nobody here plays the game anyway.”

Rob lets out a dejected sigh, “How optimistic.”

“At least for you,” But Roy soon feels pain in his lower chest and he too continues to lie on his bed.

Rob counters, “You were saying…”

“Shut up,” Roy quickly replies, “That’s… just a scratch.”

“Yeah right. You’re in pain, like I am. Only natural because you got your butt handed to you.”

“How long are we going to have this song of dance go? Besides, I would rather sleep than waste time hearing your damn mouth.”

“No shit man.”

The two continued to rest for a while. Eventually a doctor along with Nurse Redheart comes in to talk with both boys. It lasts a few minutes, with a bit of required checks. Nurse Redheart gives the two a clean bill of health but not before they tell them not to do something like that again. Rob and Roy’s response are simple shudders. It’s not like they can care. The two head out of the hospital to see a crazy sight: Pinkie Pie riding on Roy’s Duel Runner/motorcycle with Sunset, Twilight (or Sci-Twi) and the others trying to get her off. Upon seeing the two boys out of the hospital, everyone stops moving, except for Pinkie who’s still on Roy’s Duel Runner.

“You two out of the hospital already?” says Sunset. Both boys give a nod in response.

“How come Pinkie is on my Duel Runner? Without a helmet, no less?!” Roy responds.

“With Pinkie, stuff like safety is nothing to her,” Rob follows.

But Roy then says, “Yeah but that’s my ride. I don’t want her icky cooties on it! Can someone get her off my bike please?”

“We’re trying our best here so lighten up!” shouts Rainbow Dash.

Before they could, the Duel Runner hits something on the ground. Pinkie, unaware of it, gets sent flying. Everyone looks in shock, as she’s about to land on the ground hard. However someone unexpected soon catches her. Her eyes are shut. She’s wondering if she got hurt. Pinkie moves around a bit. Someone’s holding onto her. When she opens her eyes, she turns up to see Rob. He has a look on his face that says, “You weren’t paying attention.”

“Robbie?” says Pinkie.

“Had fun on that Duel Runner of his?” Rob replies. Pinkie gives him a nod, “Good, cause you almost got hurt when a rock right there hit Roy’s ride sending you flying.”

“At least you saved me right?” Rob responds by not saying a word, just being firm.

“Hey!” says Roy, catching both their attention, “You better hope your cooties don’t get on my bike!”

“Like how can cooties get on something like that? You’re just imagining things. That and you’re one stubborn boy,” Applejack responds.

“Stubborn?” He follows. His tone starts to change, “Speak for yourself. At least Pinkie is fine. It could be worse though,”

“Worse? Why do you have to be a jerk even after we were nice enough to get you and Rob into the hospital?” Rainbow Dash asks, in an upset fashion, “You should at least be grateful.”

“Dashie makes a valid point Roy,” Rob agrees, “Be a bit humble. Thank them and maybe they can show you that sort of gratitude they always gives me.”

“Okay fine,” Roy takes a deep breath and says, “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” Rainbow Dash replies, “See? Not so hard right?”

“Whatever,” But then he mutters something under his breath that Rob catches quickly, “Assholes.”

Rob gives Roy a stare, to which he doesn’t respond. As Sunset and her friends head to Canterlot Park, Roy turns to see Rob, wondering about something.

“Okay, how did you do that?” Roy whispers.

“Do what?” Rob replies.

“I don’t know, saving Pinkie when she’s like 15 feet away from you. Are you like a speed demon or something?”

Rob looks around hoping that Sunset and the others don’t get his attention. With the coast clear, he opened his jacket a bit revealing a uniform that is simply cosmic. His eyes widen in shock. Rob simply has a smile on his face.

“You’re not the only one who has secrets. I do too,” He tells him.

“Incredible. If I knew you had something like this, I wouldn’t have to act all dickish on you,” Roy responds.

“You’d still do it anyway. Besides I have it hidden for a reason,” Rob exclaims.

Roy simply follows up with, “Damn man.”

“Listen, just keep it yourself,” He requests, “I kind of prefer my other occupation be separate from what I have right now. Are we clear?”

“Yeah. Crystal.” Roy answers.

The two catch up to Sunset and the others, who waited for them. Together, the nine of them head for the park to relax and get their mind over what had occurred today. Sunset and her friends have fun, chatting and talking about things that are on their mind. Rob on the other hand prefers to relax. He’s the kind of guy that is either out somewhere or just doing nothing. This has Sunset and the others concerned.

“Aren’t you going to join us Rob? I mean, you really had us worried there,” says Sunset.

“Nah, it’s fine. I’ve had enough antics and the like for one day. Besides, it’s way better than being in a hospital,” He responds.

“I have to wonder why the heck you always have to come and go. You are always on sabbatical and you never bother to hang out with us. I mean, I understand that your studies are more important but the least you can do is maybe put a little time toward us. Heck even Pinkie worries for you.”

“Pinkie? Why does she need to be concerned about me? I tell her all the time not to worry. Yeah… she’s my friend and all but I don’t want her to worry. I mean, at least I drop by every once in a while to show that I care.”

Sunset counters with this, “That isn’t enough. You really need to start showing more care by being there. Coming and going isn’t enough.”

“Since when did you decide to be my guidance counselor? I didn’t ask for this,” He responds.

“You didn’t but if you want to start doing something different with your friends, now is the time.”

Sunset walks off back to her friends. She said her piece. Rob takes a deep breath and wonders if it’s worth a shot. He’s unaware though that Roy heard the whole thing. Heading closer, Roy checks in on his unexpected other self.

Rob turns and says, “Were you watching?”

He nods and responds, “Duh. Don’t you think you should hang out with them?”

“Forget it. I don’t like getting myself involved with what they do.”

“Is this why you are on sabbatical so much? At least I don’t have to contend with it.”

“It’s not like you have friends yourself.”

“I do,” Roy tells him, silencing Rob before he continues, “Where I’m from I have many friends.”

He closes his eyes before continuing, “Three I consider to be family. You may not understand it since you’re always the loner type but I would do anything for them. I would give my life for them a thousand times over. What the hell would you do? Would you do the same for them? Tell me. Would you?”

“What kind of lame brained question is that?” He asks in response.

“Are you going to give me an answer or not? Would you give your life for these people right there?” Roy follows once more, this time, pointing at Sunset and the others.

It takes a while for him to even say a word. Roy continues to watch, waiting for Rob to give an answer. He tightens his gloves. It doesn’t take Rob long for him to give Roy the answer he wants.

“Yes… I would give my life for them, even if it meant that I would do the impossible,” He tells Roy.

Roy smiles and replies, “That’s more like it. Come on. We need to meet up with your friends.”

“Good idea. What about your Duel Runner?”

“Don’t worry about that. Only I can operate it and it comes with its own security system.”

Rob doesn’t say a word afterwards. He follows Roy to where Sunset and her friends are. What follows is some usual chatter and relaxation though Pinkie immediately starts bringing food in turning this little meetup into a picnic. Everyone starts digging in, especially Roy who seems to be a bit too hungry from the looks of things. It’s to the point where Rob finds it a bit concerning.

“Uh Roy… have you eaten anything today?” Rob asks.

“Huh?” Roy replies, with food in his mouth.

“The least you can do is not talk with your mouthful boy,” requests Applejack.

Roy doesn’t say a word. He nods and then swallows whatever he has in his mouth. Everyone looks with utter disgust upon his actions.

All Roy can say is this, “What? Lunch wasn’t that good. It was lousy.”

“And how do you know that?” Applejack replies.

“Best you don’t want to know. Trust me.”

“This isn’t getting us anywhere,” says Rob.

“He’s right,” Rainbow Dash agrees, “Besides, we don’t even known anything about you. Do you even go to Canterlot High? And if you do, how come you aren’t there?”

“Uh…” Roy could only watch as she continues to ask more and more questions.

Thankfully someone comes in to interrupt it, “Ah think that’s enough asking for today. Roy doesn’t have to answer anything if he don’t want ta. Is it alright with you?”

“Yeah, sure. I appreciate it,” Roy replies, letting out a sigh of relief.

He then says, “Besides, even if I did tell you guys, you wouldn’t believe me.”

“Really,” wonders Sunset, “Why do you say that?”

“Did you notice how I came here to begin with?” He asks them.

“Yeah,” she answers. The others nod in agreement as well, “You came out through the statue. Are you from Equestria like me?”

“Equestria? What? What kind of question is that?” This has Roy confused.

“I don’t think you’re going to get an answer with that,” Rainbow Dash interrupts.

But Pinkie comes with an answer of her own, “I know. Maybe he isn’t from Equestria. He may be from another place that’s super sciency where people play card games on motorcycles. Am I right? Huh? Tell me Roy. Tell me!”

Roy looks at her with a silent yet narrowed expression. He doesn’t have anything to counter it. Or does he, “Pinkie… what… in the bloody hell did you inhale to come up with an answer like that?!”

Everyone was shocked by Roy’s choice of words, especially Rarity. She says, “Goodness! Did you mother ever teach you not to say such things!?”

He doesn’t respond but rather shrugs it off. This gets some of the girls a bit upset, especially Pinkie who seems to have her feelings hurt by Roy’s actions. Rob simply puts his hand on her head and nod negatively to this development.

“No wonder you are so hostile to everyone here,” Rarity theorizes.

“Yeah. What gives Roy?!” complains Rainbow Dash.

“I think we should worry more about Pinkie. Roy hurt her feelings and I think it’s best you apologize,” Rob suggests.

“Why do I got to do that?” Roy asks.

Rob answers, “I don’t know. Maybe you really struck a chord when she tried to at least explain where you’re from.”

Roy follows with a complaint, “Hey! I don’t know whether she was inhaling helium saying that or what? Why do I got to be the one that has to fix every mess I make?”

“And why do I have to be the guy that has to mediate between everybody. I’m getting too old for this stuff,” Rob concludes, “Can you like maybe say sorry to her so we can get to what’s really important?”

“Okay fine. I hate having to do this,” Roy says, then turning his attention to Pinkie who is at the moment feeling sad.

“Listen Pinkie, I… I’m sorry for hurting your feelings. That and I kind of yelled at you for riding my motorcycle so, apologies on that too,” He says.

He wonders if she’ll accept the apology. Pinkie takes one good look at Roy. His eyes don’t break contract. A few seconds later, she goes from being serious to cheerful. It startles Roy a little but at least he doesn’t have to deal with the wrath of Pinkie Pie.

“Apology accepted Roy,” She says, but not before she gets close to his face and says this, “But you better not be hurting people’s feelings again.”

“Uh, sure,” Roy quickly replies, “Can you like give me my space please?”

Pinkie nods, doing just that. Roy lets out a sigh of relief. He’s thankful he doesn’t have to deal with any of that anymore.

“Now that we got this out of the way, I think it’s time we can figure out where you’re from,” says Sunset.

“Like I already told you guys,” Roy explains, “If I were to tell you, you guys wouldn’t believe me.”

Sunset then says, “Oh don’t worry, we’ll believe you. We’ve seen stuff that is just out of this world. This is no exception with you showing up out of the Canterlot Wondercolts Statue and all.”

“That’s how Twilight was able ta come here in the first place… the other Twilight, Ah mean,” Applejack responds.

“What do you mean by that?” Roy questions, “I see Twilight right here.”

“It’s a bit of a long story darling. Best not worry about that,” Rarity exclaims.

“Okay, I guess,” Roy assures them, “So you want to know where I’m from right?”

Roy sees everyone nod in agreement. He then continues, “I don’t know if it’s right for me to say it but I am from Equestria.”

“As if we already know that,” Rainbow Dash then asks, “Where are you REALLY from?”

“I said it already! I’m from Equestria… or rather an alternate version of Equestria,” Roy answers, “A world where Duel Monsters is more than just a card game... it’s a way of life.”

“Duel Monsters?” Pinkie wonders, “You mean the card game that lets you summon super cool monsters to do battle with?”

Roy answers, “Of course. Can’t you tell I did it while riding a…”

He stops speaking. If he continued, Pinkie would go into a surge of excitement. Instead he keeps quiet and smiles.

“What else are you gonna say Roy?” says Rainbow Dash.

“Forget I said anything Rainbow Dash,” He follows, “I already told you guys that I’m from a different Equestria. In that world, there’s a place called Equestria City. That’s where I’m from.”

Twilight asks, “What is Equestria City like?”

Rob takes his time to answer, “Think of it like this town… but bigger, a lot bigger with cities on the ground and cities above. Many of the cities connect via highway lanes that people use to get around. This sadly can contribute to traffic but what do you expect when it has a population of 15 million people. Some cities also have like towers. They’re inverted slightly but at the top are cities made of crystal and those towers connect to others, linking the cities together.”

“So is it futuristic?” wonders Rainbow Dash.

Roy nods, continuing, “Yes. Oh and for those that live up top there, they are home to some of the richest people that live there. It’s a sight to behold. In a way, this is what my world is like. It’s a big metropolis with a simple way of life: “Winners win everything and losers lose everything. It’s competitive based.”

“Competitive? Like sports competitive or?” Rainbow Dash asks again.

“Everything where I’m from is competitive-based whether it be sports, studies, Duel Monsters, anything. There are two kinds of people that live in Equestria City: Topsiders and Commoners. Topsiders are the upper echelon, representing 1% of the city’s population and yet they control 99% of the city’s wealth, living in lavish skyscrapers, villas and even smaller cities that tower high above,” Roy explains.

“With villas like that, I wouldn’t mind living in a place like that wouldn’t you agree?” says Rarity but Roy however wonders if she meant it.

“And you sound just as smug as those Topsider douchebags,” Roy replies, delivering a quick strike with his words.

“Wait. So the rich act like jerks where you live?” Rainbow Dash wonders.

“Of course,” Roy answers again, with a nod, “Commoners are the 99% of the city’s population and they get treated like crap. Discrimination is high and if that ain’t enough, Security would go after Commoners who would be at the Tops without authorization. It’s messy and at least you don’t get to deal with this crap here.”

Having heard enough, Rob asks, “How long are you going to be talking about this?”

Turning to him, Roy answers, “As long as I need to. If your friends want to know what where I live is like, I’ll blab on until they feel they know enough.”

“Oh I know,” surprises Pinkie, scaring Roy, “Why not let Sunset touch you?”

“And why would I allow her to do that?” Roy wonders.

“Cause Sunset has this super awesome power that lets her see into other’s thoughts and memories. It’s so cool. She tried it on me and you know how that went right?” Pinkie explains.

Roy isn’t the least bit impressed with Pinkie’s suggestion. He says, “Are you out of your mind? I ain’t letting someone like her peer into my mind. That’s invasion of privacy.”

“It can’t be that bad,” persuades Pinkie, “I mean you’re letting Sunset get into your mind. It’s super cool.”

The others agree in unison. Rob says nothing, knowing of the risks but assures Roy that it is harmless.

“Are you sure I should let Sunset do this?” Roy asks him. Rob simply nods. He then turns to Sunset and gives her the ok. Pinkie enters into excitement upon the approval.

Sunset though is worried that her supposed ability may not work, “You sure you want me to do this? Last time I used this was during my time at Camp Everfree. I don’t know if it can work here.”

“You never know,” Roy assures her, “I only said it’s okay just to shut Pinkie up. Normally I wouldn’t allow it but if you want to know about me and where I’m from, I recommend you take the chance.”

“Okay. I do appreciate this.” Sunset takes a deep breath before placing her hand on his head.

Before she does so, Roy gently touches her arm and warns her, “Know that what you will see isn’t for the faint of heart. Plus there are some things in my world that’s best not to know. Got it?”

Sunset nods. Roy lets go of her arm soon after. She then touches her head and suddenly, her eyes open in a flash. She soon finds herself passing through some kind of vortex, moving about in a fast pace. Looking around, she finds nothing but a continuous swirl. Up ahead she sees light. She doesn’t know where it leads but hopes that it may be towards Roy’s home. Before long the light engulfs her. Next thing she sees is a world completely different from the one she’s from.

Everything that Roy told her turns out to be true. Cities were all over the place. Down below were city blocks where the low class the Commoners lives. She also notices many small cities connecting via highway lanes. Finally she notices the towers that house smaller cities for the rich and elite the Topsiders reside. Everything that Roy had told to them turns out to be true. A true sight to behold yet places like this are something to believe. She continues moving, hoping to find something else piquing her intrigue.

“So it’s true… everything about this place is true,” she says, “If this is an alternate Equestria, Canterlot High should be here somewhere.”

She then catches eye on the school, located in the central part of the city. It’s easy to spot since far behind it is a tower that houses a city home to its very elite. This Canterlot High is the same as it was back in her world but with one difference. She notices that the statue to Canterlot High, the Wondercolts Statue is completely intact. On the other side were a group of students. Two of them were sitting in a bench while the other two assume different sides of the park. One student, Roy Starfall, was in white with a blue device attached to his wrist. The other is a student that has a snail mark on his sweater and a duel disk quite different from his. Both of them were gearing to do battle. Sunset watches as the two prepare to face off.

“You’re the last one huh? Well I only hope you can put up a better fight than these two, especially the short stuff,” He says.

“Don’t worry,” His opponent replies, “I will make sure of that. As the top duelist in the Xyz Division and the strongest duelist in the school, I, Snails will be sure to knock you on your butt.”

Roy sees Snails power up his duel disk and a purple blade emerges. “Strongest duelist in the school? Nah. You ain’t the strongest… I am and I’ll show you why you are at #2!”

“What? #2? Prove it!”

“I can and will!” His duel disk activates revealing a sky blue blade.

Before long the two then shout, “DUEL!”

Sunset wonders what happens next but then things start to move about. Next thing she sees, she notices Roy riding about in his white motorcycle with a passenger in tow. The passenger having pink cotton candy hair and a helmet on can only watch as an officer, covered by a helmet and sunglasses and riding a white motorcycle with green sirens blaring continuously tails them. The night sky and the city’s many lights and an observant Sunset Shimmer are its only witnesses.

“Attention D-Runner in front, stop the vehicle! This is Security speaking! Stop resisting! I repeat, D-Runner in front! Stop the vehicle!” shouted an officer.

“Damn! Hang on!” says Roy, revving his bike accelerating further.

“What’s going on? What happened?” The girl replies.

“Curfew’s going on that’s what. Security comes around every night to make sure the streets are free of troublemakers. Guess we’re here on the wrong place at the wrong time huh?” He answers.

“This is Duel Chaser 225, calling Security Bureau. Suspect has refused to stop the vehicle! Currently in pursuit through Highway 7! Permission to undergo coercive enforcement?” says the officer.

“Do you have an identification of the suspect?” responds the operator.

“Yes. Transferring data now.” He presses a button, transferring an image. It didn’t take long for a response.

“Duel Chaser 225, this is Abacus Cinch! I give permission to undergo coercive enforcement. You are to apprehend this suspect by any means necessary! He must not be allowed to escape! Is that clear?”

“Understood. Commencing coercive enforcement! Activate field spell Speed World Cross!” Duel Chaser 225, activates a button causing the field spell to go online and a duel field to emerge.

In doing so, Roy’s motorcycle, or Duel Runner also undergoes the process to set up dueling. This has the fellow upset as heck but knows that it has to be done. He accelerates further, hoping not to contend with the officer but he knows that he has no choice.

“By the way, you got a name?” Roy asks the girl.

“Huh?” She replies.

“I didn’t ask for your name during the club meeting. What is it?”

“I’m Pinkamena Diane Pie but everyone calls me Pinkie Pie.”

“I see. Then hang on tight Pinkie Pie. I’ll show you what a real Riding Duel’s all about. Let’s go!”

He revs his bike up, gearing for his duel against the Duel Chaser. Sunset can only watch, as their duel would begin soon after. But then everything around her suddenly changes.

“Now what? Where am I going now?” she says, before heading now to another part of Equestria City.

As this happens, back in the real world, everyone continues to watch Sunset peer into Roy’s mind. This is worrying, as it has never taken this long before ever.

“Isn’t Sunset done peering into that kid’s mind yet?” asks Rainbow Dash, complaining in the process.

“Afraid not,” answers Applejack, “Yet it’s taking way longer than it should. What is going on within Roy’s mind that has Sunset so curious?”

“Either way, This has gone on long enough! Time to get Sunset out of there!”

Rainbow Dash heads to Sunset, hoping to get her out of the trance but someone gets in the way of that, “I won’t let you interfere!”

“Out of the way Rob,” she orders.

“No. If you try and push Sunset out of the trance she’s in, who knows what can happen. For the sake of your friend and Roy here, don’t intervene. She’ll be done when she is ready,” He exclaims.

“I don’t want to banter into this but Rob makes a good point. Sunset is using magic to peer into Roy’s mind and if we tamper with her, it could be damaging,” reasons Rarity, hoping that it can convince Rainbow Dash when Rob normally can’t.

Seeing Rob and Rarity’s reasons, Rainbow Dash takes a deep breath and sits down. This is enough to make the two pleased, especially since Sunset is still peering deep within Roy’s inner mind. Back within Roy’s mental subconscious, Sunset continues to peer into more memories. The next part she arrives in is much later, taking place in a coliseum far from Equestria City. She looks around to see a crowd of hundreds, watching in shock. Shocked that someone had defeated someone unexpectedly in a Duel. The duel in question was between Roy and another duelist. But this one was revered as a champion, a king. It was the King of Duelists himself, Jack Atlas. Jack was thrown off his Duel Runner, the Phoenix Whirlwind after suffering a direct attack. Landing on the ground, he looks in anger over the victory his opponent had gained. There isn’t a single person that can find the right words. Not even the host could find the words but she had a job to do. And she did it all right.

“Unreal… in just one turn, this exhibition match reaches its conclusion. The winner of this battle, Roy Starfall!”

Reactions from the crowd went from surprise to outright anger. Jeers started flying, people start throwing what they can find into the stadium. Everything was slowly going into a full out riot. Not even security is able to tame this quelling force. While this goes on, Roy checks up on Jack to see if he’s still able. But knowing this, there was another reason for it. Jack however can only grit his teeth, seeing the victor come ever closer.

“Looks like you’re still kicking. Good because at least you know I am no sacrifice… to you or this city,” says Roy.

“This was meant to show off my strength but instead you turned my overwhelming strength against me. How? How did you get this power?” Jack responds.

Instead of giving an answer to Jack, he instead takes something out of his pocket and shows it to him, “You want an answer? I have a question of my own. Do you know the man in this picture?”

“What man? What are you talking abo---,“ Jack stops before getting a good look.

Roy speaks once again, “Seems you get the idea. Now let’s try again. Do you know the man in this photo?”

“Why are you showing me this?! He’s not here anymore!”

“So you do know him. Okay, do you know his name?”

“Of course I do! What does this man, of all people, have to do with you?”

“Simple,” Roy takes a deep breath before continuing, “He’s the one who helped me start this journey I’m in… and he’ll also be the one to help me end it! Now I’ll say it again one… more… time, what is his name?”

It didn’t take long for Jack to say the words Roy wants to hear, “Yusei… Yusei… FUDO YUSEI!!!”

Jack’s shout completely silences the rioting crowd. It’s all Roy needs to hear. Even the name is enough for the crowd to wonder about him, a living legend that once protected this city is now gone and nothing but a memory. Sunset meanwhile, watches it unfold and it also has her wondering more about him.

“Yusei huh… I wonder what Roy has to do with him,” says Sunset. She continues look about, before the area around her changes again.

Time moves forward once more and this time, she’s in a room unfamiliar to her. This time, it is a place full of blue lights. Many shimmer the walls and the room is full of bright light that blend and echo in the area. She sees Roy looking about, as if he is confronting someone but his gut knows that the one he seeks is in this room.

“I know you’re here Abacus,” shouts Roy, “Your plan to turn Equestria City into your little kingdom has crashed and burned. The people have made their choice. Now you have to make amends, towards the city and the people you put through hell with!”

“Me? Make amends? Don’t be foolish,” Abacus suddenly appears, angered that everything had fallen apart around her, “I will never concede, not even to you.”

She continues while Roy watches, “Ever since you came into my life, you were nothing but a blight, a hindrance towards my plans for this city! You ruined Crystal Prep! You ruined my plans! You ruined everything!”

“Are you still bitter over what happened at Crystal Prep? It wasn’t my intention but I did what to be done for the school and for everyone.”

“You were nothing but a nuisance. You only did it out of your own self interests.”

“Really?” He says, scoffing at her, “You’re no different. It doesn’t excuse what you’ve done. You are so fixated on perfection, even back then, that you became blind to everything you had done.”

Abacus says nothing but knows what Roy means by it. “No wonder your fall from grace was real swift. Crystal Prep’s reputation was in shambles, tarnished due to what happened. People demanded that you take responsibility. You did and you resigned in shame, but deep down you felt that everyone wronged you so you instead decide to lash out against the world. It’s no wonder you got the job as head of Equestria City’s Security Bureau.”

“They all deserved to suffer, including you,” She walks closer towards Roy, “It was a position that suited me perfectly. With it, I could have anything I ever wanted and doing so, I would ensure that order be the permanent way I envisioned.”

“The old motto of this city, ‘survival of the fittest’ isn’t it? Is that what it is?” Roy asks.

She nods, answering, “Yes. Only the strong will survive in this city, my kingdom.”

“Really? Like being a winner? I don’t believe it.”

Roy continues, “Back then when I dueled you, I felt that I had to win because there was so much I had to live for. Failure wasn’t an option but part of me knew that losing was more important than winning a stupid game. Sadly you don’t see it that way. You couldn’t when I had beaten you and abolished the No Dueling rule. You went into denial and shunned everyone away because you couldn’t accept it.”

Abacus then asks him, “What’s your point?”

“What’s my point?” He then asks her, following with his answer, “My point is that you abandoned everyone due to your own denial… even one that you consider to be the most important of them all, your own daughter Sunny Flare!”

Hearing him strikes a chord within Abacus and she then explodes in anger, “How dare you… how dare you speak of my daughter Roy Starfall! Not even she could achieve what I desired! She was simply a means to an end, nothing more!”

This has Roy feeling real uncomfortable and in a way, real glum. He couldn’t stomach it any further but knows that a person like her has to be stopped. His fist clenches tightly, his sight sharpened and his emotions ready to converge.

“I pity you Abacus, really. I thought you were someone that only wants what’s best for this city but after hearing this from you, forget it. I now know what you stand for. You represent all the horrid things that this city had to endure. You want what’s best for yourself at the cost of everyone’s freedom. I, Roy Starfall, the Blossoming Stardust will stop you. Your end has come and I’ll make sure that you never hurt anyone again!” Roy proclaims, powering up his Duel Disk.

Abacus can only smile. She then takes out her own Duel Disk, attaching it to her wrist and says, “You, of all people think you can stop me? Unlikely. When I’m done with you, I will restore order back to this city. Everything will revert to the way I desire it and in doing so, I shall wipe all who stand in my way!”

She too, also powers her Duel Disk. No more words can be said between the two, except for this, “DUEL!”

Sunset had seen enough. She saw what needs to be seen from him and using whatever strength left, pulls herself out of Roy’s memories. Back in the real world, everyone sees Sunset return, having let go of his head. Both Roy and Sunset still feel the aftereffects to the point where they both feel drained of energy. Her friends go to comfort and check on her. Roy meanwhile, breathes heavily but carries a serious expression.

“So… did you enjoy your trip through my mind?” He says.

Sunset takes a deep breath before replying, “Yeah. Now I believe you. Everything you told me and my friends… it’s all true.”

“What?!” interrupts Rianbow Dash, “You believe him?! Why?!”

“Rainbow Dash, please...” Sunset asserts herself. “Look. I’ve seen deep within his mind and it’s true. Everything about him and where he’s from, it’s the real deal.”

“Yep. Told you it worked,” praises Pinkie.

“Pinkie, you’re not helping,” disrupts Rainbow Dash, yet again.

Applejack then interjects, “Both of you, stop. Sunset, are you sure you’re ok?”

Sunset gives her a nod. “I’ll be fine. Besides, now I know everything there is about you Roy.”

Roy in turn, gives off a smile, “I’m pleased… but did you really have to peer into my mind that much?”

“About that,” Sunset explains, “I got a bit carried away.”

“See?” Rainbow Dash intercedes, “Told you we should have got Sunset out of there.”

This gets Roy in an agitated mood and directs it toward Rainbow Dash, “Hey fruit loops. Instead of being an interrupting pest, you should worry more about your friend there.”

Having heard insults from Roy for the last time, Rainbow Dash has had enough. The next thing that follows is the sound of a fist punching someone’s face. It hurt badly. Roy’s on the grass still reeling from the hit while Rainbow Dash just walks off not saying a thing. It wouldn’t last long.

“Geez, for a girl you hit like a damn freight truck,” Roy says.

Rainbow Dash was quick to respond, “You deserve it ya jerk!”

“Really? Guess even where I’m from, you always did like things rough when you duel. Now I know what gets you triggered… fruity pebbles.”

Hearing yet another insult, she shouts, “That’s it!” And she follows it with another punch to the face. Unlike the last one, this one hurt just as bad, if not, worse.

“That’s enough Rainbow Dash. You need to stop!” shouts Applejack. She gets herself involved, hoping to quell the anger between the two.

“No, Applejack, it’s alright… I’ve had my fill,” Roy replies, still reeling from the second punch.

“Are you okay?” wonders Rob.

Roy quickly answers, “I’ll be fine. I’ve had worse. You know something? I think I’ve been here long enough. I need to head back home.”

“Home? You mean where you’re from right?”

“Yeah because being here would be more troublesome especially when I have to deal with your friends, no offense.”

“Fair enough. I think you may need to see a doctor after getting punched by Rainbow Dash, twice.”

Roy says nothing else and gives Rob a nod. He heads to his Duel Runner to check. The others get to clean up their picnic as the day-filled sky soon turn into a sunset of twilight. Sunset goes to check up on Roy who’s doing some last-minute repairs. She hopes to get his attention. She hesitates; worried that he’ll lash out on her. But he turns around and notices her.

“Something you want to tell me?” He says.

Sunset can’t find the right words. Roy’s gaze never moves away from her. He waits even now.

“Well, what is it? Come on. Tell me,” He says once more.

It takes a while but Sunset finally says something, “I’m sorry.”

“Huh?” He wonders.

“Yeah, I’m sorry,” she apologizes to him, “I’m sorry that Rainbow Dash punched you and well… us treating you kind of badly.”

“Forget it. It’s okay. I can tell this isn’t the world I live in. It’s so different yet so… peaceful. I need to get back anyway,” He tells her.

“How? How are you going to get back?” She wonders.

Roy turns around and tells her, “The same way I came here.”

“You mean… the portal in the Wondercolts Statue,” Sunset’s quick to figure it out.

“Yep,” He nods. “If it’s what got me here then it can be used to send me home. Come on.”

Sunset and Roy soon meet up with the others. Once she explains things to her friends, they all agree it’s high time for Roy to return back home. During their walk back to Canterlot High, Fluttershy gives Roy an ice pack to heal the injuries he suffered via Rainbow Dash. He appreciates it, much to Rainbow Dash’s dismay. A few minutes later, they reach the school. Roy does some last minute work on his Duel Runner before gearing up to go.

“All set. I’m ready,” He says.

Sunset wonders, “So are you heading back to your world?”

“I am but you’re wondering how am I going back right?” Roy follows.

“Wait so that there is like a hub?” Twilight queries.

“Of course,” Sunset answers before continuing, “I know it because that’s how I was able to come here from Equestria. But I didn’t think this would let you visit other versions of it. What are they like?”

“You already saw one of them due to viewing my memories,” tells Roy, “Didn’t you guys figure out that me and Rob look exactly alike? Well it’s because of… it’s complicated.”

“Complicated?! What are you trying to say?” Sunset is determined to learn about it all from Roy but even he can’t find the right words.

Fortunately Roy has the words to say this. “It’s better that you never know about it. Stuff like this can only bring ruin and the fact that I should be returning to my world is proof enough.”

Roy reaches the side where he first arrived and moved a few paces back, hoping to get plenty of room. He takes a deep breath but not before his attention shifts to Rob who by this point can relate to Roy’s conundrum.

“Roy… I appreciate that you came by and all but I figure I would return this to you,” Rob says, handing Roy the Duel Disk that he used in the duel earlier.

Roy shakes his head and tells him, “Keep it. It’s yours now. You put up a hell of a battle and that’s proof enough that you deserve it. I’ll just tell them that the Duel Disk got lost. No biggie.”

“No biggie? Why are you like this? Is it cause of them? They didn’t treat you that bad, aside from Rainbow Dash who punched you twice for making fun of her.”

“It’s alright,” Roy assures him, “Don’t worry about it. Your friends aren’t that bad but like I told you earlier, you need to be there for them. Time you stop making sabbatical excuses and start doing what’s right like actually going to class. You promised me after all.”

“Sure,” He tells Roy, “I’ll do that. I hope you come back sometime. Maybe you can put up a better fight in a rematch.”

“We’ll see… as long as your friends are okay with it,” Roy replies, putting on his helmet and then starting up his Duel Runner.

Sunset and her friends can only watch as Roy gets himself ready to go but something’s off. If what Roy says is true and that it’s the only way for him to return back, what will it mean for the other portal that would lead to Sunset’s old home? Before Roy can gear up to head home, Sunset quickly runs in interrupting it.

“Roy wait!” Sunset shouts, catching his attention.

“What is it? Here to say goodbye cause your friends ain’t doing that.”

This stops Sunset a little. She turns to see her friends waiting to see him head back. It’s upsetting for her but it didn’t matter. Sunset still has something to say.

“I… yeah, I am here for that. I’m sorry for how my friends treated you but I don’t want you to leave knowing that,” she says.

“Then what is it?” He responds.

“Are you sure this is the only way you can head back?”

Roy nods at her and explains, “Yep. But I need to do one thing since it seems your friends aren’t as convinced.”

“Huh?” Sunset wonders but not before Rob kindly has her move back a bit.

“Tell your friends that they should look at this!” He shouts.

Roy presses a few times on the screen in his D-Runner causing it to activate and a sky blue blade emerges. He takes out a card from his deck and places it on the duel disk blade. Suddenly his ace monster Stardust Spark Dragon appears above. Everyone’s amazed by its appearance, especially Fluttershy. Seeing what’s around it, Stardust asks Roy why it was summoned here. Roy in turn gives it a serious glare upon knowing that it was his dragon that brought him to this world.

“Stardust, I appreciate that you brought me here but I’ve seen all I need to see, especially him. I ask you please… use your power to open the portal to send me home!” He shouts.

Stardust Spark is quick to oblige. Soaring to the skies, it gathers up energy from its mouth to unleash the blast. Sunset shifts her sight from Roy to his dragon and to where it’s about to aim and fire its blast. Out of worry, she heads to her friends telling them to get out of the way. Stardust fires its blast, hitting the spot where out of nowhere, a portal emerges from it. The portal looks like a black swirling vortex with the opening leading to a world completely different from this one. Roy smiles seeing that his dragon finally did what was needed. Satisfied, it roars before disappearing back to Roy’s card.

“Thanks Stardust,” Roy whispers before raising his voice and says this, “So guys what do you think of this?”

“Wow,” says Twilight, intrigued by the emerging portal, “A dimensional portal. I didn’t think it would actually exist like this. Huh? What is that?”

Everyone got a look at the emerging portal and are shocked by what they see in front of them. It’s Roy’s world exactly as he said. What they don’t realize is that on the other side, Sunset (from Roy’s world) and her friends spot the emerging portal. This wasn’t pretty.

“Okay, I’ve seen weird stuff like this but my god, what is that?” says the alternate Sunset.

“Looks like some kind of portal. Didn’t expect it to appear behind the statue,” the alternate Snails responds.

“Uh huh but where did it come from?” wonders an alternate Snips.

“How would I know? You guys stay here. I’ll get a look,” alternate Sunset says, telling the two to move away.

Sunset looks at what’s on the other side to find not only another version of herself but also her friends. She’s surprised to see something like it but way far is something that looks like a Duel Runner and a certain blossoming stardust. Seeing this is enough to get her in a little rage, considering that Roy ditched her to get involved in the mess he was in.

“Hey Roy! You owe me an explanation for ditching me you dunce!” She yells, spooking Twilight and her friends on the other side.

But then Sunset gets a look and the two Shimmers enter a stare that lasts about 30 seconds. Instead of hostility towards that Sunset, she shows a bit of familiarity to her. It’s the first time that she would meet a version of her that didn’t have to go through the ordeals she went.

“So you’re me huh? I can already tell by that thing you’re wearing,” says one Sunset.

The other Sunset nods and replies, “Big time. Roy gave me that as a gift but you know I’m going to plant it on his you-know-what for ditching me.”

“Be easy on him. Rainbow Dash already decked him twice.”

“Really? Well I’ll be damned. Tell your Rainbow Dash I say thanks for me.”

“I will and hey… take care of him.”

The alternate Sunset nods but not before she notices her other counterpart moving away as Roy’s about to head off home. Back on the side of Rob’s world, Roy’s about to head off but he soon hear voices from Sunset and her friends.

“Hey Roy!” shouts Rainbow Dash, “We now believe ya! Your world is awesome!”

“I have to say Roy, that world of yours is marvelous. Makes me wish I can visit it sometime,” Rarity piques with the impressive curiosity.

“Ah only hope that Sweet Apple Acres is still around where you’re from,” follows Applejack.

Pinkie couldn’t say a thing, on the fact that she already entered through the portal and got her look, responding with an ever-satisfying glee. Thankfully she got out of there with the brightest smile anyone could ever have. Much to Roy’s dismay, at least she is pleased.

“Um Roy… good luck,” says Fluttershy.

“It’s amazing. This portal is created not just by magic but technology as well. Truly a wonder just like his world,” Twilight says, taking notes about it all the while.

“Guess your friends are impressed huh? Feel free to drop by when you’re bored,” suggests Rob.

“I’ll consider it. Got to go,” Roy considers. He revs his Duel Runner up as he gears to head off home.

Roy meets up with Sunset and the others. They all watch as he drives off into the portal and back to his world. In doing so, the portal suddenly closes never to reappear again. Everyone got a look at the side of the statue where he came out of, wondering if he’ll ever return.

“And there he goes,” says Applejack, “Back to that world of his.”

“Yeah,” Sunset agrees in response, “I will admit that was pretty cool but still… are there other worlds out there besides Equestria and I mean the one I’m from.”

“Who knows,” follows Rob, “I can say this. If there are any out there, it’s sure to see.”

All seven get a look as the sunset continued on, blanketing the sky with a somber yet amazing sight. Meanwhile on Roy’s world, the portal was still there and as predicted, Roy emerges out of it. Appearing on his Duel Runner, he makes a quick turn and stops his ride. He spots Sunset, his Sunset and the others but only prays that this one can be just as merciful as the one he encountered.

“Well well, look who decided to drop by unannounced!” shouts Snails, angered over the sudden entrance, “You got some nerve coming by here man. Do you have any idea how pissed off you made Sunset?”

Before he could continue, Sunset intrudes, “You no good, heartbreaking, loud mouth, redheaded, bandana wearing, bucket brained dickhead! You owe me a damn explanation right here, right now! Where the hell have you been?! We were supposed to head to the park for a picnic and you just ditched us! I hope you have a good reason why I shouldn’t take this necklace and ram it right up through you butt!”

After hearing her, Roy turns to Sunset, takes off his helmet and with a smile on his face says, “Heh… you wouldn’t believe me if I told to.”

The End