The Last Party

by Prony Boy

Chapter 3.5 (Part 2)

Pinkamina lay on her bed, gazing out her room window. It was getting darker, despite the full moon that glowed brightly. Pinkamina shifted her gaze towards her room door. Storm Stripe had only been gone for a couple of hours, but she had a feeling he’d get her job done. Ponies like him just needed a little motivation, and they’d do anything you’d ask them to. She had only really met Storm Stripe at last night’s party, but that one encounter told her enough about him. She never told him, but Pinkamina had been observing Storm Stripe since he moved into Ponyville last year. She was still “Pinkie Pie” during that time. Lately, her friends had been busy going about their own business, and whenever she tried to invite to something, anything, fun, they always had an excuse. It was enough to make her depressed for days, and to make matters worse, nopony had bothered to check up on her. When Storm Stripe first arrived in Ponyville, she had watched his moving carriage arrive from her room window. Storm Stripe and that other pegasus, Bright Wing, spent hours unloading all his belongings, and they looked like they were enjoying each others company. After the job was done, Bright Wing gave Storm Stripe a warm hug, and flew off in the direction of Cloudsdale. From her hiding place, Pinkie Pie had wondered when was the last time she and her friends had spent any time together. No matter how many parties she threw, it seemed like nopony really wanted to come. Storm Stripe didn’t know it, but the last party she had was both to welcome him, and to observe him, And Pinkamina had done both. She hadn’t even bothered to mingle with the other party ponies, not that they even paid any attention to her. When she given sent an invitation to yet another “Party”, she knew Storm Stripe would be too polite to decline. If her other friends wouldn’t come to her parties, she’d just make new ones. Starting with Storm Stripe. The only thing that really surprised her was how easy it was to convince him to murder anypony. She had figured threatening him with the death of his best friend was enough, but she was also prepared to threaten him if she needed to. The knife she had given him was a simple cutting knife, one she used to cut her pastries when she was baking. It would get the job done. Suddenly, a loud banging noise could be heard from inside Pinkamina’s closet. She sighed as she got up off her bed, and trotted over. Her “House Guest” was getting restless.

Pinkamina open the closet door to reveal the bound a gagged form of a cherry coloured pegasus. It was Bright Wing. Pinkamina stared down at her, and Bright Wing stared back, tears in her angry eyes. They continued looking at each other in silence until Pinkamina bent down, and removed the ball gag from Bright Wing’s mouth. She stepped back, avoiding an attempt by Bright Wing to bite her face. She growled at Pinkamina.

“ crazy bitch!” tears were rolling down her cheek. “I heard Stormy’s voice earlier....What the hell did you do to him!” She tried moving, but the ropes that bound her were tight, almost digging into her. Pinkamina smiled coldly.

“Nothing much. I just sent him on a small errand. He should be back in a few more hours, and when he does, I have something special planned for the both of you.” Pinkamina was enjoying the horrified look on Bright Wing’s face as she spoke, although her blank expression didn’t show it. It hadn’t taken much to capture the mare. Earlier in the day, Pinkamina found her wandering around town, trying to locate Storm Stripe’s house (which she had forgotten the location to). Pinkamina had approached her, telling her exactly where he lived. Bright Wing was happy enough to ignore the fact that Pinkamina knew such information and turned to leave. As soon as she did, Pinkamina gave her a strong buck to the back of her head, which was more than enough to knock her out cold. She had dragged the unconscious pony home, tied her up, gagged her, and waited for Storm Stripe to arrive.

Bright Wing continued to look at Pinkamina in fearful anger, not saying another word. Pinkamina decided that she had looked over her catch long enough and gagged her once more. Bright Wing immediately protested by making angry squeaks threw her gag, but Pinkamina simply bucked her in the head, knocking her out and leaving the room silent once again. Pinkamina trotted over to her dresser, pulling a drawer out, and rummaging through it quietly. After a few seconds, she took out a hair brush, clenched between her teeth, and placed it next to Bright Wing. She went back into the drawer, this time pulling out a can of paint, and some brushes. After finding the necessary items, she set about going to work, combing and painting until her “Art” was finished. She stood back from Bright Wing, admired her handy work, and then set out to finish the preparations for the surprise she had created for Storm Stripe. For the the first time since last night, Pinkamina chuckled a bit.

“I hope you like surprises, Stormy.”