//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 (Real misery is for those who suffered the most) // Story: Madness Combat, Ponies with Improbabilities // by Metei //------------------------------// “Rainbow! What happened to you?” Twilight’s voice was laced with worry from seeing her friend in a terrible state. Rainbow had blood covering her face, slashes on her body and her feathers mostly gone. A strange mark was on her side, depicting black fire. Twilight did not know what it meant. “I was attacked by a pony. It was-“ Rainbow cut off her conversation as she spotted something out of the corner of her eye. There, sat Pinkie but it was who she was with that caught Rainbow’s eye. She ran up to the pony and tackled him, her right hoof raised, ready to strike down on the pony. “Ow, what the hell, Rainbow? What are you doing?” “YOU! YOU WERE THE ONE WHO ATTACKED ME!” Rage seethed out of her like poison. Everypony in the area looked at Rainbow. Even Metei was surprised at the accusation. They all screamed in harmony. “WHAT?!” Metei looked over his handiwork. All the C4 had been place, so when war broke out, the first place to go bye was Canterlot, which would be lit up like a goddamn nuke explosion. Content with the placing of his bombs, he turned and began walking away to his next target, Ponyville. The only sound that was heard from that night was laughter, the kind that would turn your blood to ice. The next morning, Metei woke up with a massive hangover. In all his years, he had never ever touched alcohol as the substance would diminish your performance; therefore diminish the chance of surviving the tests and getting you killed in the field. A lot of agents did since they were drunk, out of getting killed by Hank, Deimos or Sanford, or just idiots shooting at each other for fun. Metei looked around the room and noticed that Pinkie was already up. Metei remembered the party last night vaguely thanks to Pinkie’s drinking contest, now that he thought about it, Pinkie had a lot more than he did. So why was she up so early? Reaching to the coffee table, Metei put his glasses over his now light sensitive eyes, grateful that they blocked out the damn bright sun. Deciding to get his lazy ass off the couch, Metei stood up, or what he called standing. As he put his hooves down on the hard wooden floor, his legs gave way and fell down. “Fucking drinking contest. GODDAMN IT MY HEAD HURTS!” Screaming was not the right way to get rid of a hangover. Sadly Metei had to find out the hard way. The headache intensified from his fit, causing him to lose his cool. By losing his cool, he destroyed the wall that was separating even more harsh sunlight from the room. Pinkie ran upstairs to see what the large bang was. She did not expect her wall to be obliterated. Metei looked over his shoulder and gave her a sheepish smile, adding a chuckle and gave her a sorry look. “Sorry, freaking hangover. I’ll fix the wall” Metei expected her to yell at him for doing something terrible; however she just gave him a warm smile. “Don’t worry about it. Spike destroyed my entire house once!” “But you live with the Cakes and the store” “Yep, he totally destroyed it all!” Metei was surprised. The little dragon he met last night seemed so harmless but from Pinkie he had destroyed the store. “Wow” “Yep, now do you want some breakfast?” “No thanks, besides I think I overstayed my welcome” “Don’t be silly. Now come on, you need to eat. I am not taking no for an answer” Metei saw no way to change her mind and only accepted. He looked out of the hole, staring at Ponyville. He did not see the shadow in the alley. “Surprise motherfucker” Metei looked at himself and cursed at him (self). He was disgusted that he would go and live with a pony. “Fucking disgrace. I’m glad I got separated from that fucktard. Honestly how could he live with them? Did he forget the training, our morals, and our fucking motto?! If he did, well he would have to die right? Yes, he shall die” Metei laughed at himself evilly, his plans coming to together. “Well now, no point in just standing around, I have a schedule to stick to” Metei walked out of the dark alley and continued setting up the bombs. This wet on until it was dusk. “That was freaking hard. Oh, well, hard work is usually always paid off when you do it right” Rainbow Dash was getting back to Ponyville after a tryout for the Wonderbolts at Cloudsdale. After getting rejected by them, she was in a bad mood. She did not know what went wrong with her performance that made them reject her. As far as she was concerned she did everything right. Sighing, Rainbow flew low as it made her even more depressed when she was flying high. She wanted to find Applejack and get comforted by her. After years of being with the country mare, she finally got the courage to ask her out. A few months later and they were happy with their relationship. Looking to her right she saw somepony familiar. It was Metei since she remembered him from last night challenging her to a drinking match. Metei had won weirdly, but he could not beat Pinkie when he vomited from the first drink with the party pony. She stopped behind him since he said that he wanted to talk to her in private after he party. “Hey Metei, wait up” Metei stopped and looked for the source of the voice. When he turned he saw Rainbow. “Oh, it’s you. What do you want?” “I just want to talk. I-I got rejected from the Wonderbolts” Metei looked at her. “And you’re sad because they turned you down?” Rainbow nodded. Metei looked at her before laughing. “What’s so funny?!” Rainbow was outraged that somepony was laughing at her, not only that but it was a friend that was producing the mean sound. Metei stopped laughing and looked at Rainbow. The air around them grew intense as he looked at her seriously “You have not experienced true misery. I have watched everyone close to me die, my home ravaged by a plague and I have been hunted down. So tell me, what makes you think that your life is shit just because you couldn’t get into your fucking dream job?” Metei glared at the surprised Rainbow Dash, surprised that she was complaining that she didn’t get into the Wonderbolts and stated that her life was over, when the pony in front of her had experienced more pain and suffering than anypony else. “Not so responsive are we? Good I need you to be quiet then” Black flames took over his snow white mane and covered his back, his red eyes shining brightly through his glasses, his mouth turning upwards and revealing razor sharp teeth in a manic grin. All was silent except for a struggled scream.