Chips Brothers' Archive

by JavaChips

Father and Son

It was well into the night before they got back home. Java sent Micro straight up to bed while he checked the mail that had piled up in the past week. He was dwelling on the happy memories from the past week while he cycled through it, when a knock came to the door. As he opened the door, the smile left Java's face. Standing in the doorway was an orange-red colt, a deep grey mane. On his flank was a classic radio. “Hello Java.” he said.
Java did his best to contain himself. Looking at this colt filled him with a level of anger. His legs tensed up as he did his best not to raise a hoof. His teeth were grit as he spoke. “It's been a long time,” he told the colt, “Dad.”
The old colt, Sound Chips, could sense the frustration in his son's voice, a look of guilt upon his own face. “I can understand you're upset, but I'm just here-”
“Upset?! That's a nice word for it!” Java yelled. “You show up on my doorstep unannounced, after having been gone for so long, I think I have a right to be!”
Java couldn't stop himself from talking, unleashing these feelings he had been holding onto for a long time. Sound sighed and took a step back, looking toward the ground. “Please, Javani, I'm just here to talk to you. I want to talk, and make amends.”
“And why do you think I want to do the same?”
“Because,” he explained, handing over a letter he had been carrying in a pocket of the suit he was wearing, “You sent me this.”
Java looked over the letter, and he recognized it immediately. It felt like so long ago, that winter that last rolled by, when he had helped Dash and Cosmo start working out their differences. He had sent this letter that evening when Cosmo left. He sighed as he looked it over again.

Dear Dad,

How are you doing? I know I haven't seen you in a very long time, and to be honest I'm not sure if I'm writing this letter in the moment or if I truly want this, but I'd really like it if you'd reply. A lot happened since you left those long years ago. I got my cutie mark, it's a programming symbol, I have an electronics and programming talent it seems, you can guess where I got it from. After that I spent some time running a shop in Fillydelphia. Unfortunately it seems Fillydelphia had a lot of tech savvy ponies, so I had to move. With Mom's permission, Micro and I moved to Ponyville, it's a really great town. Micro especially has taken to it, I've never seen him this open and friendly before. I don't know if word travels all the way to Hoofington, but I helped to stop a pack of Canis that were threatening Equestria. It was a riot trying to stop those beasts, and we had a speaker malfunction at the worst possible time. I hated to admit it at the time, but when I was looking at the wires inside the speaker, in the heat of the moment my mind froze up, and I didn't think I could do it. But then I remembered that lesson you gave me, the one about connecting the wires properly. I guess you helped me out there, thanks. I won't tell you I'm not still angry, I am, but at the same time, you are my dad right? I'm not sure what to think. Maybe when you reply I'll know.

Your son,
Javani Chips

Java sighed, his emotions were in a whirlwind. He really didn't know what to say at that moment. “I told you to reply, like in a letter.” was all he could manage.
Sound sighed as he took a step forward, putting a hoof on Java's shoulder. “A letter truly can't express how I'm feeling Java. I had been doubting myself for a while recently. Did I make the right choices, was I being romantic or just selfish? I wasn't sure. Your letter brought me back onto solid ground. I want to make it up to you in any way I can.”
Java sighed, his emotions pulsed from one to another with each beat of his heart. “It's going to take more than a kind word or a friendly gesture you know.”
Sound sighed and nodded, stepping back again. “I know. It's pretty late, you must be tired. I'm staying at the Inn on the east side of town, come see me tomorrow and I'll see what I can do to start. Good night Javani.”
With that, he walked off, leaving Java standing there with an open door. He sighed, rubbing his head. He knew he wasn't going to sleep tonight, not with what just happened.
The next day Java was up early, just as the sun was rising. After making himself some breakfast, he had plenty of time to continue dwelling on the night before. What was he going to do? Was he going to go and see his father? Was Sound serious about patching up the relationship, or was there something else he had in mind? And what would he tell Micro? The last question bothered him the most, and he didn't have much more time to think about it as Micro came down the stairs, yawning as he took the last step. “Morning Java,” he said, “How did you sleep?”
“Fine, how about you?” he replied, watching his younger brother make his way into the kitchen.
“I slept fine, except that I heard some yelling, was something wrong downstairs?”
This was it, without a second thought Java shook his head, stepping into the kitchen to bring Micro his saddlebags. “It was nothing, just an upset customer who wasn't aware we were going out of town. Hurry up and finish your cereal, you're going to be late for school.”
Micro gave Java a suspicious look, he could tell something was wrong. He shrugged it off, however, and made his way out the door with his saddlebags on, making his way toward the school. Java sighed, still in a fumble over what to do. He gave it a moment of thought and then made his way out toward the western side of Ponyville, there was somepony he knew he could talk to about this.
“So what do you think I should do?” Java asked Rainbow Dash. “I figured you'd know how to help, since you had that whole problem with Cosmo.”
Dash sighed and shook her head, she had just taken in a lot of information. “I don't know Java,” she told him, “This is a very different situation from what I was in. All Cosmo did was beat me to the Wonderbolts and come around every year, I feel kind of silly thinking about it now. This is a serious situation. I guess if I had to say, you should probably go and at least give it a try. I mean, he's your dad right? If he's willing to make amends, why not?”
Java's hooves tensed up again, that was the exact answer he was hoping not to get. Deep down, however, he knew Dash was right. “Thanks Dash, I owe you one.” he told her, trotting away.
The two electronics colts sat across from each other in Sugarcube Corner in an awkward silence. Sound leaned his head down and took a sip of the milkshake in front of him, a freebie courtesy of Pinkie Pie. “My, they certainly make their milkshakes flavorful here in Ponyville.” he said, attempting to break the awkward silence. “So many different fruits on your palette at once, it's certainly an interesting-”
“So where's your wife?” Java interrupted, staring into his glass. “What was her name again? Silvia?”
Sound sighed and nodded, looking down at the table. “We divorced a couple of months ago, it was a mutual decision.”
“Well, sorry to hear that. I guess you haven't had the best luck in that department huh?”
“I guess not.” he replied, taking a deep pause. “You know, in the last month of my second marriage, I did see an article in the paper about your heroics. It got me thinking, really thinking this time. Did I make the right choice?”
The two sat in silence once again, taking in their heart to heart. Java took a sip of his milkshake and sighed. “Did you?”
Sound shook his head. “No.”
Java smiled, starting to see his father in a different light. “Come on.” he said, a new tone in his voice. “I'll show you around Ponyville. It's a great place.”
Micro sat as he usually did during lunch, his GameColt in front of him as he waited for his friends to come by. “Micro!” came Clickspring's voice from across the yard. Looking up, he saw both him and Shimmer making their way up to the tan colt. “Did you hear about the pony that came into town the night before? He was hanging out around your house all day yesterday.”
“What? Are you sure it wasn't a pony you just didn't know?” he asked, doubtful of anypony who would just stop by out of the blue.
Shimmer shook her head, adjusting her glasses. “We were walking with Miss Pinkie Pie at the time and she said she didn't know who it was, and I was given to understand that Miss Pinkie Pie knew everypony in Ponyville.”
It was true, Pinkie could recognize anypony from Ponyville from thirty yards away. The conversation had certainly gotten Micro's attention, his GameColt flashing away on the table. “Did you guys get a good look at him? What did he look like?”
Clickspring nodded and remembered back to the colt. “He was orange-red.”
Micro raised an eyebrow. “His mane was grey with age, but I could see subtle hints of a once purplish color.”
'It couldn't be...' Micro thought to himself.
“Oh!” Clickspring remembered. “And he had one of those old timey sorta radios on his flank as a cutie mark!”
Micro's eyes went wide, it was unbelievable. 'Could it really be...?'
Java hung his head low as he walked out of Rarity's boutique, though his mane was untouched. “No way.” he said under his breath as Sound and Rarity walked out behind him.
“And I have a friend of mine, a wonderful shampoo and conditioner maker, he adds a little bit of lime juice to the mix, it leaves a pleasing scent on the air.” Sound was telling her.
“Oh it shows, it really does.” Rarity said, staring at his mane. “I always thought perhaps Java got his idea of mane styling from his father, but now I don't think I'll ever understand why he believes such a bush of a mane is attractive.”
“Well,” Java interrupted, pulling Sound away from the dress maker, “We really should get going, it was nice talking to you Rarity, see you around.”
The two walked away from Carousel Boutique as Rarity waved goodbye. “Farewell, Mister Sound you simply must send me a bottle of that wonderful shampoo you told me about.”
Sound waved back and nodded as they went out of sight. “Well, that's all my friends.” Java told him, making his way toward home. “I guess all that's left is to show you where Micro and I live.”
It wasn't long as the two made their way to Chips' Electronics and the adjacent house. Stepping in, Java began giving his father the grand tour, making his way from the first floor and workshop up to the second floor. “Micro's bedroom is over there.” Java told him, opening the door to his room. “And mine is here.”
Sound looked around the room, and he could see it was a world of different from the room Java had as a child. The posters on the walls, the pictures of family, he did his best to ignore he wasn't in any. As he looked around the room, his eye was caught on the necklace sitting on the shelf. “What's that?” he asked, looking it over.
Java followed the gaze to the necklace his friends had given him as a gift. “That, it's a gift from my friends, they called it the Element of Family. They just did it to be nice, it's not a real element.”
Very carefully, Sound ran his hoof across the jewels embedded to resemble his son's cutie mark, and his heart sank. “Java, I'm afraid I may not have been entirely honest with you in my reasons for coming here to Ponyville.”
Java's high spirits suddenly fell. He knew it, he knew there was some deeper reason for him coming here, some selfish reason. “Oh really?” he asked, his hooves tensing up.
Sound nodded, sighing as he began to come clean. “When I heard that you were taking care of Micro, I was very worried about the both of you living alone. My real intention in coming here was to take Micro to come live with me in Hoofington, I was sure you had grown into a mature colt, but not mature enough to take care of him.”
Java gritted his teeth, trying to hold back his anger. He had truly began to believe his father was an honest man, who was there to make amends, and then he dropped this on him. “However,” Sound continued, walking up and placing a hoof on his son's shoulder. “After seeing your friends, hearing your stories and Micro's as well, I don't think there could be anyone better than you to take care of Micro, not even me.”
Java looked up, the hot tears he was building out of anger fell cold, they streamed down his cheeks as Sound smiled at him. “I have no doubt in my mind there is no one more qualified than the bearer of the Element of Family, than my own eldest son. I'm proud of you Java.”
There it was, the cards on the table. Java didn't know how to feel toward his father, who had come on dark intentions, and ended with kindhearted words. Java took a deep gulp of air and wrapped his hooves around the old colt's neck. “Dad!” he said, tears still streaming down his cheeks.
His actions surprised not only him, but Sound as well. With a smile, he wrapped his hooves around his son, and the two stood there as Java calmed down. As he wiped his eyes, he heard the door open downstairs. Making his way down, Java saw Micro taking off his saddlebags at the door. Micro turned and saw his brother, a smile on his face as he ran up to him. “Java!” Micro said excitedly, “Is it true? Is Dad here?”
His question was answered with hoofsteps coming down the stairs. Looking over, he saw Sound standing there, smiling at him. Micro's glasses slid down his nose, a smile going across his face. He didn't bother adjusting them as he ran up and hugged the old colt. “Dad! You really are here!”
Sound couldn't help but chuckle as he adjusted the young colt's glasses for him, smiling down at his excited son. “It's been a long time Micro, I've missed you.”
“Why didn't you tell me you were here? How long are you staying?”
Sound shook his head, making his way toward the door. “I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I have to catch a train tonight, I have a lot of clients in Hoofington I need to get back to.”
Micro frowned, following him to the door. He had been anticipating spending time with his dad. “But you just got here yesterday didn't you? I wanted to spend more time with you.”
“Sorry Micro, but you know what I always say, 'A customer in need is a customer indeed.'” he told him.
“Well, can I go with you?”
Sound stopped at the question, surprised. He saw the pleading look in Micro's eyes, then turned his gaze to Java, watching from across the room. “No,” he said, “You should stay here, with your brother. But I promise I'll come to visit very, very soon.”
Micro smiled and nodded, hugging his father tightly as he left. “Alright, I can't wait!”
With that, Sound took his leave, and the two brothers sat on the couch. “Why didn't you tell me Dad was in town?” Micro asked Java.
Java smiled. “I didn't find out until today either, sorry.” he told him, sparing the colt's feelings.
For a while the two sat in silence, Micro took the time to go deep into thought. “Hey Java, Dad wasn't really working late was he?”
Java froze for a second, but then shook his head. “No, he wasn't.”
“So what was he doing?”
Java thought for a moment. He had always thought he'd know what to say at this moment, whenever it had come. Now, however, with his father's visit behind him and his relationship changed, he wondered if the truth was what Micro needed to hear. Finally, he decided, he knew what to tell him. “It doesn't matter, the past is the past.”
Micro was a bit confused, but nodded. “Alright.”
As the night set in, the two brothers went to bed. Java made his way up to the night stand by his bed, a key in his mouth. Bending his neck down, he set the key in the lock of the lowest drawer. He turned the key carefully with his hoof, and took out the packaged parcel inside. Unwrapping it, he set the object down on the nightstand, sitting it up. As he layed in bed, he stared over at the picture he had set down. It was him and his father, standing on either side of the first radio Java had repaired. The young Java had a look of excitement, pride, and love in his eyes, a look he once again shared with his future self.