//------------------------------// // Chapter 5: Spoiled Rich and the cake twins // Story: A Spoiled Foal // by Foal Star //------------------------------// After playing tea all day yesterday Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo all hugged Diamond Tiara the next morning, as they told told her goodbye. Sweetie Belle hugged first and cooed. “It was a lot of fun helping you care for your foalified mother, Diamond Tiara.” Scootaloo nodded and agreed, “Yeah, it was. And I really did enjoy the tea party, even if it was a little embarrassing.” Apple Bloom laughed, “Well, I don’t think anypony’s goin’ to know, just don't go showing those pictures of Spoiled to everypony.” Scootaloo blushed, as Diamond teared up and dawwed. “Come here you three,” She pulled them all into a group hug, and then she held up spoiled and cooed, “Go on, Mom, say bye bye to your friends.” Spoiled was reluctant at first but they all came up and hugged the little one, and before long, she was babbling and booping her muzzle on theirs. The three fillies giggled and they all kissed her on the forehead. As her friends left the house and went back to their homes. Diamond sighed. “Looks like it’s just you and me now, Mom,” She sighed again, as she put the little filly in her high chair and started to feed her. “Time for some num nums.” Spoiled shook her head as she groaned. “Nah, I du wan any. Tey yucky!” Diamond smirked, as she then cooed, “Here comes the choo choo train.” Spoiled tries hiding her mouth, but her foalish mind made her giggle a bit. Then diamond started tickling her mom’s exposed belly, making her giggle and squirm about. Tiara then hit the sweet spot on her mom’s belly, making her burst into fits of laughter, as Diamond swooped in and placed the spoon full of foal food into her mother’s mouth, making her pout and cross her forelegs. Diamond smirked, “Got ya, Mom!” Spoiled stuck her tongue out, as Diamond groaned and shouted “Randolph! Mom isn’t letting me feed her!” Randolph came over and giggled. “Alright, how about I feed her breakfast? You go on ahead and pick out some stuff to do with Spoiled.” Diamond nodded and walked off. She wondered what they should play as she came up stairs and looked over the nursery. She found the box Derpy had brought yesterday in the back. She went to it, and pulled out the dress and the make up kit and the wig, and giggled, “I can’t believe Randolph bought this.” Then an idea popped in her head, she bounced downstairs seeing that Randolph was finished feeding Spoiled. Tiara then asked, “Randolph, can you do me a favor?” Randolph looked up and asked, “What is it?” Diamond chirped, “Can you dress up Mom in her Goldie Locks costume, and then don’t come downstairs until I tell you to, okay?” Randolph nodded, before he sniffed the air and replied. “Alright, dear. Spoiled  just made a huge stinky, so I’ll change her diaper too.” Spoiled babbled angrily at the comment. Then Diamond rushes downstairs, as Randolph took Spoiled in her sagging messy diaper, as Spoiled pondered. “What’s my daughter up to now?” She froze, as she wondered. “What if she’s going to flush me down the big pony potty?! Wait, why did I call it that and not the toilet?! What’s happening to me?!” After her diaper change, Spoiled was dressed into the poofy, white frilly dress, and golden wig, and her face was covered in makeup as her diaper poofed out of her dress. Spoiled felt slightly relieved at this, but also embarrassed at how she looked. Randolph dawwed. “Aww, so cute. You're just the prettiest little filly alive.” He scooped Spoiled up, nuzzled her, and took her downstairs. Spoiled blinked in surprise at the living room. It was decorated in pink and white silk, with a pink rug. There was a small table with bottles of milk on it, and Diamond Tiara turned in her poofy pink dress. Randolph blushed upon seeing a pink princess pull up underneath it. Spoiled giggled and clapped her hooves as Diamond blushed. “Like it? I found a package of pull ups in my closet. They still fit me pretty well surprisingly.” Randolph joked. “Well Diamond, if you need help going to the potty, just let me know. I’m here to help.” He then set Spoiled down and let her crawl across the room to Diamond who giggled. “Now now, Spoiled, this is the padded gala. So show off your diapee.” Spoiled giggled as she lifted her dress, showing off her pink poofy diaper. Diamond squealed, then lifted her dress and showed off her cute pink princess pullup. They both laughed as Randolph watched, smiling. “What would you like me to do, Diamond?” He asked. Tiara looked up. “Nothing right now, Randolph. Just uh... don’t tell anypony I put on a pull-up.” Randolph nodded his head. “Your secret’s safe with me. Just let me know if there’s anything I can do for you.” Diamond then took her mom’s hoof and asked, “May I have this dance, Mom?” Spoiled reluctantly nodded, as they both waddled back and forth. Randolph put on some music and let it play as they waddled about. Spoiled plopped on the ground a few times, and when she did, Diamond plopped on her rump too, making her mom giggle. Then Spoiled waddled towards her daughter and hugged her, as Tiara nuzzled her close, hugging and feeling the softness of her mom’s fur as she blushed, “That’s how a foal feels? She’s so soft.” Randolph nodded, “Well, I did just give her a bath. I dare say her poopy diapers are worse than yours. Goodness, who would’ve thought such an elegant foal could make so much of a stink?” Spoiled groaned and babbled, “Wandopwh, stop! Ya embawassing me! Ya knew I had to go poopie and dat I couldn’t get to the potty!” Diamond giggled and started tickling her mom. “Oh, you’re a stinky little monster, aren’t you?” Spoiled just sputtered and fell on the ground, kicking about in her diapered rump. Tiara continued tickling Spoiled until she heard the faint hissing sound, and they both gasped, seeing that Spoiled had soaked her diaper. But then Spoiled just kept on sputtering and cooing like a foal. Diamond smirked , “I think you're beginning to like being a foal.” Spoiled giggled and squealed as she clapped her hooves in glee. Randolph smirked, and then he asked. “Diamond, I'm going to go out to the market and pick some stuff up for lunch. Is there anything you want?” Tiara shook her head, “No thanks, Randolph. I'm just going to get the soggy filly here changed before she leaks again.” Randolph came over and hugged the two fillies as he cooed. “Well, if there’s anything you need, let me know.” He then skipped off, as Diamond took up her mom, giving her squishy diaper a few loving pats.“Come on, soggy pants. Let’s get you changed before you get a rash.” Tiara teased. Meanwhile, out in town, Pound and Pumpkin Cake were in a stroller (they’d put into diapers as a precaution) being pushed around by Pinkie Pie, as they talked about Nanny De’Foal. Pound babbled, “I tink Nanny De’Foaw is nice. She a wot of fun.” Pumpkin shook her head, “Na uh, she mean. She tuwned tat Spoiwed Wich pony into a foaw. She's a meanie poopy head. Ya saw what she did to Mommy and Pwincess Twily.” Pound shook his head in protest, “It jus made tem go sweepy, noting mowe. Besides, I dun tink Spowied was tewin us ta whowe twuth. I heaw the gwownups say she not vewy nice, besides she smewws funny.” Pumpkin babbled back, “Even so, we saw Nanny De’Foaw take Spowied Wich, and mommy and Twily dun wememba anythin aftew she bwew tat dust into them.”     Pound shrugged. “I stiw dun tink she bad. I mean, she pways with us, and she teachin us ta use ta potty since Mommy, Daddy, and big sistew Pinkie Pie awe too busy. Wemember, she showed us that thewe’s no such ting as a potty monstew, and dat potties dun eat ponies.” Pumpkin still frowning, mumbling, “Even so, wew we got to be cawefu awound hew. What if she twies tuwnin Pinkie Pie into a foaw, ow Mommy and Daddy? We gots to twy and stop hew!” Pound rolled his eyes. “Ya wowin too much. Pinkie Pie save Equestria with hew fwiends and goes on cwazy adventuwes aww ta time. She wowdn’ wet tat happin to hew.” Pumpkin continued. “Yeah, wew we stiw gots to find Spowied Wich and make suwe she otay. I wowied about hew.” Pound suckled his hoof and replied. “Yeah, ya wight. We gots to find hew. It not evewyday ya gets to pway with a gwown-up tuwned into a foaw.” Pumpkin smiled and looked around for a method of escape. Suddenly, she gasped upon seeing a familiar looking butler pony skipping about, with bags at his side, which were full of groceries. Pumpkin shouted. “Wook! I tink is ta butwa! Wemeba, Spoiwed said she gots a butwa.” Pound nodded. “Yeah, he cowd be hew butwa. Maybe he can take us to Spoiwed Wich.” Then they both were stopped, as Pinkie Pie ruffled their manes. “Alright, I have to get some things really quick. You two stay right here, no running off.” The foals giggled upon seeing Pinkie bounce off. Pumpkin bounced on her diaper. “I wana be wike Pinkie Pie when I gwow up.” Pound hugged his sister. “Yeah, you wowd be a gweat pawty pony once you weawn to use ta potty.” Pumpkin giggled, then said to her brother. “Pound, we gots to get to ta butwa befowe he weaves!” Pound nodded. “Yeah, wooks wike Pinkie Pie is busy, so we gots to escawpe now!” Pumpkin nodded. She unsnapped their buckles with her magic, and they slipped underneath the stroller, and crawled over the butler, who was busy buying some applesauce from Applejack’s stand. They crawled into his bag, as he bounced off back to what would hopefully be Spoiled’s house. Later that afternoon, Cheerilee released the class for recess. But Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle, decided to stay and approach their teacher, who gave them a warm smile. “Hello you three, how are you doing?” She asked them. “Good,” They all answered, then they all blushed as Sweetie Belle replied. “Um Miss. Cheerilee, we have a question.” Cheerilee looked back at them and asked. “What is it?” Scootaloo blushed and whispered. “Miss. Cheerilee, um did you know that Diamond Tiara... is sick?” Cheerilee nodded. “Yes, I heard from her nanny. I do hope she does get better soon, a shame she came down with the same disease as her mother. Seems like the horsey hives is really getting around.” The fillies all blushed even more as Apple Bloom continued. “Well, seeing as this week is Family Appreciation day, Diamond wanted to bring her cousin from Manehattan to show to the class. Her name’s Goldie Locks, and she’s about two years old I think.” “But how can she visit when she has the horsey hives?” Cheerilee asked. “We don’t want that spreading again. I already had one class picture day ruined, I’m not about to risk another.” Apple Bloom nodded and replied, “Yeah, well her cousin doesn’t have it, and um...we think that we can get her to come down here.” Cheerilee went wide eyed. “Really? You think so?” Scootaloo nodded, “Yeah, we do. She’s staying over at Sweet Apple Acres so she doesn’t catch horsey hives, but we can bring her over tomorrow if you want.” Cheerilee nodded, “As long as her family is okay with it, I would love for Diamond’s cousin to come down. That’s very thoughtful of you three to help your friend when she’s sick, The three fillies beamed with pride as she ruffled their manes, “Alright, tomorrow it is. Don’t make me regret it.” The Crusaders all shouted together. “We won’t!” They then went running off to join their classmates for recess, as Cheerilee smiled at them. “So nice to see those three maturing and helping other ponies in need," She thought to herself. “Funny how Diamond Tiara never mentioned her cousin Goldie Locks before, even for Family Appreciation Day."But she didn’t dwell on the matter. As Randolph came back through the doors of the Rich’s house, he turned to see Diamond Tiara and Spoiled Rich. Spoiled was just in a big, poofy, pink diaper, while Diamond wore a pink pull-up, and they were waddling about giggling and babbling together. Randolph blushed and quietly skipped to the kitchen to prepare lunch. As he took out the supplies, Pound and Pumpkin popped out of one of the bags (Randolph was too busy preparing lunch to take any notice) and waddled out towards the living room. Diamond snuggled Spoiled who was bouncing happily in her diaper, before Diamond cooed, “I have to go potty. You stay here and don’t cause any trouble, got it?” As Tiara skipped off, faintly doing a potty dance, Pound and Pumpkin waddled up to Spoiled shouting. “Spowied Wich!” Spoiled turned and giggled upon seeing the Cake Twins. “Ya two! Wha ya doin hewe?!” Pumpkin Cake gave Spoiled a smile and hugged her close as she babbled. “We wewe wowwied about ya afta Nanny De’Foaw took ya fwom owa pwaypen.” Spoiled blushed, rubbing her rump with a hoof. “It’s otay, I shoudwn't have wun off outsidw without a gwown up. Doing so got me a few spankies.” Pound asked, “Really? Ya otay bein a foaw?” Surprisingly, Spoiled nodded. “Yeah, it's awot of fun! Diamown pway with me aw day, and she even wowe puw-ups fow me!” The foals looked at each other as Pumpkin asked her brother, “Who’s Diamown?” Spoiled explained “Wew she my fiwwy and I was hew mommy, bu now I ta fiwwy and she my mommy.” Spoiled blushed and scrunched diaper as she thought. "Why did I just say that? Why am I enjoying being a foal so much?" Pumpkin was confused and babbled. “Wait, so ya ta mommy and ya got tuwned to a foaw, so ya fiwwy takes cawe of ya?” Spoiled nodded making the foals giggled, as Pound commented. “I wish tat happen to owa mommy and daddy, so we can take cawe of tem wike tey take cawe of us!” Pumpkin nodded and added. “Yeah, tat wowd be awot of fun! We can even put them in cute diapees!” The foals then turned their attention back to Spoiled Rich, and Pound noticed the wig. He pointed as he asked. “Why do ya got to weaw tat?” Spoiled shrugged as she patted her wig and babbled. “I dun know. I tink they want me to just wook cute.” Just then, Diamond gasped upon seeing the Cake Twins and shouted “Pound Cake?! Pumpkin Cake?! Where did you two come from?! What are you doing here?!” The foals gasped and hid their faces with their hooves, as Randolph came in and gasped. “Oh dear, they must've somehow snuck in with me! Dont worry, I’ll get them back to Mrs. Cake. She must be worried sick by now.” Diamond nodded and agreed. “Yeah, we better hurry, Randolph. Before somepony comes here and sees Spoiled!” Just then, they heard a knock and a shout. “Hello, anypony home?! It's Pinkie Pie!” They all gasped as Diamond scrunched her pull-up and whispered. “I'm going to go hide, I can’t let anypony see me in this pull-up. Remember, if Pinkie sees Spoiled, tell her it's Goldie Locks, my cousin.” Randolph nodded, as Diamond ran off and hid around the corner. When he made sure Diamond couldn’t be seen, he then came to the door and opened it, seeing a nervous Pinkie who asked. “Hey Randolph, you haven't seen two naughty Cake Twins running about, have you? Randolph giggled. “Yes I have. In fact, they're right here!” He brought them out, as Pinkie squealed and hugged them close. “You two need to stop doing that! You're going to give your auntie Pinkie a heart attack!” Pinkie exclaimed. Spoiled stood back, looking at Pinkie and seeing how much fun she was having with the Cake Twins. Without thinking, she waddled out to play, as Pinkie strapped the twins back into their stroller. Pinkie turned to see the new filly and dawwed. “Aww, who’s this?” Randolph blushed and stammered. “She...she’s Diamond’s cousin, Goldie Locks.” Pinkie cooed. “Aww, come here little Goldie Locks. Want a hug too?” “Goldie Locks” started bouncing up and down, and waddled right into Pinkie's hooves as she smothered the filly with kisses. “Aww who’s a little cutie? You are, yes you are,” Pinkie picked the filly up, revealing her diapers, which made Pinkie squeal and daww, “Look at those adorable diapers!” She gave them a few loving pats, making the filly gurgle. Randolph blushed and replied. “You like them? We have tons, and I think the Cake Twins would adore them. They can hold a lot too.” The Cake Twins nodded and babbled excitedly, as Pinkie went wide eyed. She turned towards Randolph and replied, “Really? Wow! Thanks Randolph, that's really nice of you.” Randolph blushed as he cooed, “It's nothing, and I’m sure the Cake Twins would look adorable in pink.”  He skipped back inside, as Pinkie bounced, pushing the stroller inside. She put the foals down in the living room as she giggled, watching the fancy filly dance about in her dress and diapers without a care. Pinkie brought up a camera and snapped a few photos as she whispered, “This is too cute of a moment to pass up.” Randolph soon came back with cute, pink, frilly diapers, while the Cake Twins were trying to dance in their diapers with Spoiled. Randolph couldn't help but laugh and comment. “Looks like they really like them.” Pinkie smirked as she replied back, “Yeah, I'm surprised Pound Cake likes pink diapers.” Randolph then took the foals and changed them into their new pink diapers. After that, they were so happy and excited, as they started bouncing in their new padding with Spoiled. Pinkie dawwed. “Oh, this is too adorable.” Randolph nodded. “Yes, it seems they like them quite a lot.” He hoofed a few packages of diapers to Pinkie who blushed. “Aww, thanks. But we’re actually potty training the two. We even hired a nanny to help.” Randolph shrugged. “Just keep them, you never know if they may come in handy. Besides, you could always donate them if they go unused.” Pinkie took the diapers and sighed. “Alright. I think I’d better get back to Sugarcube Corner now, Mrs. Cake is probably worried sick. But it was nice seeing you, Randolph,” She then came over to Spoiled, and hugged her and cooed. “It was nice seeing you too, Goldie Locks. Maybe when we're not busy, I'll have the twins come and play with you before you go back to Manehattan.” She then placed the foals on her back as they waved goodbye to Spoiled, who waved back. Pound turned to his sister and bragged, “See, towd ya evwythin is fine. Spowied wikes bein a foaw and Pinkie said we can come and pway with hew.” Pumpkin pouted, crossed her forelegs, and grumbled. “Yeah, otay, ya right. Bu why did hew butwa caw hew Goldie Locks?” Pound shrugged as he babbled. “Who knows, maybe she gots two names?” Pumpkin smirked at her brother in a pink diaper as she cooed, “Yeah, I guess she might be embewassed weawin tose pink diapees.” She poked Pound Cake’s diaper a few times, as he blushed hard. Once Pinkie had left, Diamond Tiara ran into Randolph and hugged him close as she whispered. “Thanks, Randolph! You did great.” Randolph hugged Tiara close. “It's alright, I'd do anything for you, little princess,” He could tell how tired she looked, and hugged her as he cooed. “I think Spoiled and you both need to take a nap.” Diamond nodded, “Yeah, dancing all day made me really tired.” Randolph kissed her on the forehead and replied, “Come on, let’s get you and Spoiled to bed.” He took Spoile onto his back and carried her up the stairs (while escorting Diamond Tiara with a huff) and into the nursery. He plopped them both down into the crib as Diamond blushed and asked, “Um, Randolph, what are you doing?” Randolph giggled, “I thought you wanted to take a nap?” Diamond giggled and curled up, scrunching her pull-up, “Yeah, but not in my mom’s crib,” Spoiled crawled to her daughter and snuggled her, as the filly blushed even more. Randolph put a thick pink foal blanket over the two, then put on the mobile Diamond whispered, “Randolph, I’m not a foal.” Randolph kissed her on the forehead, “I know, but you do look like one in your pull-up. Besides, maybe Spoiled won’t feel so tempted to escape if she has a pony like you right next to her for safety?” Tiara giggled and snuggled under the blanket. “Okay, but just make sure my friends don’t see any of this. Make sure you wake me up and have me out of these pull-ups if they come back.” Randolph chuckled, “Don’t worry, nopony will know you dressed into your pull-ups but me. Just ask if you need to use the potty.” Diamond giggled and joked, “Okay, Randolph i'll use the potty like a big filly.”   Randolph winked at her, before closing the door. Then Tiara took her mom into her embrace, and snuggled and kissed her on the forehead, as she held her close. Spoiled was already sleeping, breathing softly as she tried suckling something, but nothing was in her mouth. Diamond looked around, soon she found a pink pacifier and placed it in her mom’s mouth. She watched it bob for few minutes, as she ruffled her golden mane and fell asleep right next to her.