//------------------------------// // Mission 1 : Forestwalker // Story: Call of Duty : Magic in Action // by BoarHide //------------------------------// The wind was blowing against the team. They stepped in a jungle that is straight out of the world. The team scanned around. They had an uneasy feeling toward everything nearby. "Forestwalker" Day 1 - 09:47:32 Sgt. Gary 'Roach' Sanderson Task force 141-6 Everfree forest ["Ghost here, reporting in."] Ghost called in his comm. ["The signal is clear. All copy, over."] Ozone and Scarecrow replied. ["The comm is clear."] Archer and Toad replied. "Very well. the comm is fresh." Ghost said, looked in his tablet on his arm. "Our target is nearby. Remember, we must find our possible missing teammate and search for intels. If the old man is correct, our tablet can lead us to the target, or else, to our doom, so keep your eyes open." Ghost cocked his gun. "Follow me, the mark should be nearby." Ghost commanded. The team moved out. They went through the woods, kept themselves well-hiding and watched out for critters. A grim sky above was mostly blocking by the forest. Faint lights shone through leaves enough to see what is going on. They approached toward the mark until they reached an edge of the forest, looked at an impossible comical terrain far away and close by. The sky was damned by the dark sun and a vile atmosphere. The team hid in a shadow of the woods and bagan to scan the area. A heavy fortified settlement was n front of the task force. They spotted familiar equine guards are patrolling and stationing towers. The fortification was made out of woods and reinforced by iron bars. The equine guards were well-armed with medieval weaponry like swords, bows, shields, but collectively had an discipline as conscripts and militias. Ghost looked in his tablet. The mark was in the north side of the settlement. "Archer, Toad, get in your position." Ghost commanded. "Roger." the recons replied, moved out to find an observation point. Ghost and the rest of his teammates continued to observe equine guards. Most of them had no different from an armed civilian, but still blessed with courageous, ambitious and high morale. The team kept waiting, silently watched the equine guards. The equines were talking, unaware of the task force nearby. Many of them were quite cheerful, unfitted the ambiance. ["Snipers, in position."] Archer and Toad reported. "Copy." Ghost replied. "Archer, give me the sitrep." ["The garrisons are plenty. Without cookies, we got nothing."] Archer reported. ["They are mostly fresh, straight from their home. Some tricks should work fine, but should not let our guard down."] "Good." Ghost replied. "Keep your eyes open. We need a further investigation." ["Understood."] Archer said. The snipers kept looking through their scopes. They scanned the east side of the wall, spotted two equine guards are carrying a big pot of soup. Archer kept his eyes on their routine and made a mental note. Accidentally, the equines spilled their rations all over the place. Panic soon ensued. The equine guards slowly made a fuss out of their spoiled meal. One of the mint equine guard, who is responded for spilling the pot, tried to be explaining how the soup is lost, but another cream equine guard, who was helping her carrying the pot, appeared to be very angry. The mint equine guard was panic, randomly pointed her hoof around and appeared to be trying to make more excuses. ["Sound like a big trouble."] Archer said. In other hand, Ghost moved with other teammate around the forest, sought for an entry way. They discovered a canal heavily covered with reeds, but the culvert at the wall was blocking the way. Ghost shook his head, continued to look around the fortified settlement. "I said again," Lyra said. Her armor was clanking. "It was an accident!" "I'm sick of your poor excuse, Lyra." Bon Bon said, knocked her helm annoyingly. "I told you to be careful with the food, and now, there go our food - right down in the drain." "Please, Bon Bon! I'm sorry." Lyra said, begged her friend with a puppy face, "You should understand me the most." Bon Bon sighed, shook her head. "You're always acting like a foal, Lyra." The cream mare said, sighed, "Well then, we should ask Applejack if she had any spare apple food. We have to keep our ponies well-fed after all." Militia ponies mumbled, but collectively agreed. Many of them complained their meal had been delayed. Lyra beamed, thanked her friend for forgiven her and the backup plan. Lyra and Bon Bon went down from the wall, told the guard to open the door, told them they need to go to the Sweet Apple Aces. The door had opened and let the duo mare go out the wall. It had been awhile since Lyra and Bon Bon had left their peaceful life behind to serve their homeland - like many other ponies in Equestria where things are going down hill. The sun and the moon had been losing control, as well as the weather. Ponies now had to depending on their personal magic to grow their food, set their own schedule and figure out how to fix their sun and moon. Many equestrians collectively agreed the crisis will move on as usual, but when they started to doubt it when the strange phenomenon is not going to anywhere, and royal calling for militias made thing clear that this is no joke. Lyra had some troubles to keep up with Bon Bon in her armor. It was dark and eerie even it was in a midday. Still, Lyra and many ponies (like Pinkie Pie) was still cheerful and bloomed. The mints pony reached to her candy bar inside her armor, ate the treat to soothe her hunger. "Lyra, please." Bon Bon said, "We didn't have time to eat a snack here." "C'mon, you sound like my mom now." Lyra said with her snack in her mouth. Bon Bon flashed her grin and shook her head. The duo headed toward the Sweet Apple Aces - unaware of their surrounding and stalkers. "Where are they going?" Ozone said. "Probably patrolling. Follow their trail." Ghost said. "Archer, the dolls are heading to the west. We have to check where the hell they are going. Relocate to their next check point, out." ["All copy, over."] Archer said. "Squad, follow me." Ghost commanded. The equines headed to the west, occasionally interacted with each other. The team tracked them faraway from a shadow, kept the equines in sight. The orchard were found to be their destination and the task force quickly sneaked in and hid outside of a red barn. Roach kept himself close to a window and hid behind a create. He heard somebody is talking from the inside. "...it's alright, sugarcube." an unknown person said, she had a faint Texan accent. "We may not have many apples as before here, but ah'm sure Granny Smith will sure understand." "Oh, thank, Applejack." another person said, "We own you this time." "Nah, it's nothin'." the Texan woman said, "C'mon, Apple Bloom, Let's see if we have apple pies to spare." The team waited until people inside left the room. Under Ghost lead, they quietly get in the barn without anyone noticing. The barn appeared to be a living house. Every furniture was fairly small or uncomfortable for a regular person. Pictures of apples and colorful equines could be seen around, but no single human was in sight. ["What is this? ...A Disney playset?"] Ozone said. ["Everything here is playset,"] Ghost retorted, ["with a hellish ambiance."] The kitchen caught no interest from the team, so they moved out. They sneaked in a storage room where they heard something have walked in. The room was filled with baskets of apples and creates, perfect for the team to sneak and hide. "Here, y'all can have this." the Texan woman said. The team looked around, but no person could be seen anywhere. An orange equine tapped its hoof on a crate and put a basket of apple on a cart. The orange equine said, "If y'all have any trouble, just tell me." "Thank, Applejack." the cream equine said. "I know we can be depending on you." ["That's explain it,"] Ozone said, ["for their ridiculous name, mostly."] "Applejack, how long do we have to do this?" the small equine said, "I miss the school already." "Aw, mah sister." the orange equine said, "Ah'm afraid we can not do anythin' right now, but ah'm sure the princesses will find the way." "We should got to ask Twilight." the small equine suggested. "Sure, sugarcube." the orange equine said, "Ah will goin' to deliver the food afternoon with Big Mac. This time, ah believe Twilight can figure out what is goin' on to the sun and the moon." ["The delivering?"] Ghost said. The orange equine tapped on one of two big creates and said, "Here the food supply for Ponyville fort. This apple food products can keep every pony well-fed for three months just in case of blockade or emergency." The orange equine looked and admired the created. "Normally, these food supplies are for an upcomin' winter, but this is an exception." "Is it fine for doing that?" the small equine asked. "If Twilight said so, then yes." the orange equine said. She tried her best not to showed a sadness in her voice. The orange equine hugged her sister. The team slowly moved around the storage room and got a close look on the big creates. Ghost looked at his teammates and pointed at the creates. Ozone and Scarecrow nodded, carefully moved closer to the create and inspected it in the shadow. "Archer, we have discover a food cargo will moving in the fort next few hours. Rendezvous at the red barn in the orchard in the west." Ghost said. ["Roger, coordinate confirmed."] Archer said.