Hot Wheels Acceleracers: Dimensons Collide;

by SonicStreak5344

Chapter 4: Hot Pursuit

Chapter 4: Hot Pursuit

Location: Planet Terra at the Crystal Empire

Sonic started to wake up from his knocked out state from Chaos Control and felt he was in a comfortable bed. All his senses started to wake up as well as his brain started working again. Then the he started to open his eyes.

At first the light shined into his eyes as Sonic regained consciousness. His head was pounding like a drum as it tried to figure out what happened to him. But some strange reason he didn't feel right well not his usual self when he last woke up. He felt different actually very different than normal it felt like he went through as washer and was put in a dryer and was now drying out.

Sonic's sight returned and what greeted him was bedroom with crystal flooring, walls, and sealing. Also he was in a bed and noticed it was nighttime as well which was strange. Last time he recalled is that it was in the evening just as the sun was going down. Then he thought to himself, 'Whoa where in the world?'

Sonic was able push the covers off and noticed that he no longer had 2 legs or 2 hands anymore, but now he had now were 4 legs with a medium tinted bright blue coat. Sonic looked at his body and noticed he had 2 wings in the same color on both sides of his body. Also Sonic noticed his left side of his new flank had a blue fireball on it. Sonic then said out loud with shock, "Whoa what happened to me?!"

Then Sonic remembered what happened to him just recently before he passed out. Matter in fact Sonic remembered what happened when Eggman used the chaos emeralds to turn him into what he is now. Then he thought to himself looking at his new forelegs, 'Wait Eggman used the Chaos Emeralds to mutate my DNA and turned me into this! After that it's all black.'

Sonic remembered how to walk on four legs from his unleashed adventure. So after walking a few steps Sonic got the hang of his new form and look. Sonic then thought to himself, 'I think it's easier to move around in this new form than it looks. Now I have wings maybe I can fly now too?'

Sonic sighed with relief and knew someone was taking care of him while he was knocked out. Sonic got out of his bed and headed for door to look for someone he could talk too. But Sonic did know he was in a another world, but he was about to get into the driver's seat.

Meanwhile Twilight was walking down the crystal hallway to her room when she heard a yelp of pain from somewhere. Twilight galloped for the sound and heard voices and a electrical shocking sound. Twilight raced for the sounds and came to a stop as she turned a corner.

There was nothing Twilight could see or nopony around, but strangely there were no Royal Guards on duty. Twilight hoped nothing happened to them. Then Twi saw something move ahead of her it looked a machine and she chased after it as it floated away from her. Twilight followed the machine downstairs and it lead her to the front door of the castle.

Then the machine disappeared like what it had camouflage. Twi looked around for it, but then the front doors opened unexpectedly. Twilight nervously walked outside as the doors closed behind her. Then she felt a electrical shock and yelled out in pain, "Aaahhhhhh! Ugh! Uh…"

Then Twilight fell forward and fell unconscious from that shock. Twilight flopped to the ground with flop and rolled down the front stairs as 18 headlights shined on the young lavender Alicorn. Twilight and her friends including Shining, Soarin, Sky Stinger, Spitfire, Flash Sentry, Sunburst, Starlight, Blitz Streak, Vapor Trail, Lightning Dust, Thunderlane, and Tempest were captured by the Silencerz, but Twilight's yell got the attention of a certain stallion who just woke up.

As they loaded Twi in one of the cars the front door of the castle flung open and a blue pegasus stallion stepped out! He saw Twi and her friends being captured and he was about to come to the rescue! Then the stallion yelled at the team, "Hey stop!!!"

Minutes Earlier

Meanwhile at the same time Sonic was busy looking around the building and for an exit. Sonic luckily found the stairs that lead downstairs and trotted down the stairs and turned left and entered a another hallway. Sonic had to admit this castle was something unexpected using crystal now that was smart thinking.

But then Sonic heard a small groan of pain from something and as turned a corner he saw a Royal Guard knocked out cold. Sonic couldn't believe his eyes the stallion looked like him, but was wearing armor that is and from the look of him he was shocked by a taser. Then Sonic kneeled down to the unconscious stallion and put his right front hoof to the stallion's neck and checked the stallion for a pulse and luckily he still had a pulse. Sonic sighed in relief, but then he said to himself with concern and wonder, "Who could of done this?"

Sonic got up to his hooves and looked at the stallion with concern and had a hunch that something or someone had infiltrated the castle and knocked the stallion out for a reason. He even wondered if other guards like the one he found were knocked out too. Sonic then said to himself after looking down the three empty hallways and the one that he came from and glanced back at the guard, "Well from the looks of him I think he was shocked and knocked out not too long ago!"

Then Sonic kept moving forward and came to a split off which lead to 4 more different hallways. Sonic went left again and headed into a another room. This room had stairs and a door at the bottom which was the front door of the castle. He had to admit this place was pretty fancy despite being created from crystal and could give castles on Earth a run for their money.

Suddenly Sonic heard yelling of pain outside with a lavenderish colored light coming from the windows. A few seconds later the light disappeared and more lights shined through the windows which appeared to be headlights. The blue hero then said to himself, "Better check out on what's going down outside!"

In a cyan blue colored streak Sonic raced for the door and quickly opened it to see where was noise was coming from and who was making it. When he got outside Sonic saw in front of him not far from the front steps of the castle 18 high tech cars with silver car bodies with 3 purple circuit lines and purple windshields. Then Sonic saw in the passenger side of the cars that 11 ponies and 7 stallions were knocked out by these strange drivers. Sonic found out who was responsible for knocking out that Royal Guard. Then he yelled at them, "Hey stop!!"

Sonic jumped into the air leaving a blue streak behind him. Then he divedbombed at one of the Silencerz cars closest to him. Sonic was about to turn the car into a pile of scrap metal with his famous Spin Dash attack.

But just as Sonic was about to do the Spin Dash on the car he was going for when the car disappeared into thin air! Sonic then stopped by opening his wings and flapping them and looked around and yelled, "What the?! It's gone!!! But how?!!"

Then the other 17 cars disappeared as they faded away and then in a smoke cloud Sonic was blinded and coughing from the smoke. As the smoke cleared the cars were gone, but left tiretracks behind. Sonic smirked and knew they won't be getting away from him that easily.

But just as Sonic was about to race after the cars he looked to the right side of castle and saw opening in the ground to a chamber of a cave of some kind. Sonic walked over to get a better look and saw the slope down lead to a flat surface at the bottom. So Sonic walked down the slope into cave, but he didn't get far when he saw a vehicle parked in front of him and it was a another car, but its paint job was azure blue.

The vehicle that Sonic found was the legendary 1997 McLaren F1 and now he had to even the plainfeild. It was time for car vs car! Sonic then thought to himself with a smirk, 'Well I have a car of my own now. If I'm going to save those ponies and those stallions I'll have use this thing in order to catch up! I would be roadkill if I took on those guys without a car!'

Sonic troted up to the F1 and saw the door was unlocked and the keys were in the driver seat. Since the F1 only had one seat it wasn't hard to sit in a high performanced hypercar that had a top speed of 240 MPH. Sonic climbed in the car and buckled up into the driver seat. Sonic felt weird with out his hands on the stirring wheel, but he can manage. Then Sonic put the keys in the ignition and started the car as the F1's 618 Horsepowered 6.1 L BMW V12 engine roared to life!

Then using his left back leg on the shift petal and put the car into 1st gear by using his right foreleg to move the paddle clutch on the steering wheel. Then Sonic's right back leg stepped down on the gas petal as the car's rear tires created smoke from the rubber tires. Then the car accelerated forward and sped off out of the entrance surprising everypony in the Empire as they all heard the car's 618 horsepowered V12 mid-engine roar from the car as it increased in speed.

Sonic followed the tire tracks leading into the open plains of the Crystal Empire on a dirt road which was somehow able to act like a paved road on Earth. Then Sonic saw clouds of dust and red glowing tail lights being kicked up into the air by something. Sonic realized he found the kidnappers and they getting away, but not on Sonic's watch and it was now time to get to work and it was something Sonic does the best at and that was saving the day.

The Chase

Sonic shifted the F1 to 6th gear as the car went faster to a speed of 210 MPH and climbing and started to catch up with the cars up ahead of him. Sonic rammed into the back of one of the cars with strong force. The charge didn't leave a dent, but the car that Sonic rammed was swerving around in front of him trying to stay stable. Then the car regained control and was going straight again.

Sonic went for another go as he rammed into the car in front of him. The car still didn't have a dent in it, but Sonic had made it swerve after his F1 rammed into the back of the car. Then just like last time the car somehow got back to being stable again and Sonic was starting to get annoyed as he prepared for another ram on the car.

The car that he was ramming into was Vert's car and Rainbow was in the passenger seat next to him. Then he said with surprise after Sonic rammed him the second time and regained control of the car once again, "Man whoever is driving that McLaren F1 is not really happy!"

Then Connor came on his com and said, "Yeah you got that right Vert! But what is a McLaren F1 doing here in this world?!"

Before Vert could reply Sonic's F1 rammed him again a third time and this time he dinted the rear end of Metaloid. Sonic got around Vert and was about to give him a side slam until Vert's dad rammed his azure blue F1 from behind. Sonic swerved around trying regain control of the car, but soon he was able regain control and straighten out and started to recommence his attack on the Silenzers.

Sonic was just about to side slam the car to the left of him the driver of that car sped up and Sonic missed his target. Then Sonic tried to take out Connor's car and missed again and ended up getting rear ended by Vert. Luckily, Sonic's F1 didn't take any damage and managed to remain stable from the ram.

Sonic thought was about to figure a way on how to slow the Silenzers down, but then Sonic saw a system on his car's dashboard that he never saw before with a touched screen on it as he flipped a switch. Then the screen turned on with 7 different tabs which are 7 different racer spec pursuit tech. Then a electronic voice said as the screen came on line,"Pursuit Tech activation engaged. All systems at 100% ready for use. Spike Stripes, Jammers, Turbos, EMPs, Shockmines, Shockwaves, and ESFs are all ready for use."

Sonic looked at the screen and smiled and looked back behind him and saw one of the Silencerz were coming up behind him! Then Sonic touched the Spike Strip tab on his touch screen and the electronic voice said, "Spike Strip activated."

Then from the rear the F1 a level 1 spike strip was deployed and was coming for the car behind Sonic! The Silencerz tried to drive around the strip but it was too late to avoid it. The car hit the spikes and the tires got hit, but lucky they didn't get punctured. But the strip did get the car spun around as it lost speed and was left behind in the dust!

Then a another Silencerz got on Sonic's right and was about to side slam him! But Sonic managed to dodge the slam by stepping on the break pedal as the car got in front of Sonic giving him a clear shot! Sonic then touched the tab that said ESF on his touchscreen device and the Electronic voice said, "ESF activated."

Then instantly electricity surrounded Sonic's car like a sheld and then he stepped on the gas pedal as his car rammed into the back of the Silencerz' car. But this time instead of just making a dent the ram gave the car a an electrical shocking punch from the Lv1 ESF! The ram sent the car swerving trying to fight for control. Eventually the car regained control, but its systems were shocked from the electrical force.

Then Sonic touched the tab that said Shockmine on his touch screen. Then the electronic voice said, "Shockmine deployed."

Then a emp like mine was dropped from Sonic's car and was alined with one of the Silencerz coming up behind him! The car hit the mine giving it a electrical shock and slowed down from the mine's electrical overload despite being a level 1. Now Sonic was giving the Silencerz a run for their money because they weren't use to cars with gear that can cause them problems.

Then Vert replied on the radio and was getting very annoyed by Sonic's car's new pursuit tech, "That's it! I'm ending this now with a EMP!"

Then Connor replied to him on his radio, "I'll give you some cover Vert! There's no telling what else this guy got in store for us!"

Then Vert replied back to Connor, "Thanks Connor! Lets go!"

Then the 2 accelerated for Sonic's car and Connor got in front of him! Sonic tried to pass him but when he got closer Connor blocked him from getting ahead! Then Sonic thought to himself, 'Why is this guy trying too keep me in one spot? This doesn't make sense it's almost like he's trying distract me from something?'

Then Sonic realized something the driver in front of him was lining him up for something. Then Sonic looked in his right side view mirror to see Vert behind him with lavender colored electricity charging up. Sonic realized what was happening they were getting ready for a EMP. Sonic looked at his touch screen and saw the Jammer tab and said, "I hope this jammer can disable that EMP in time! Better use it now while I still have a chance!"

Sonic's right foreleg touched the screen where the tab was and from touching it the electronic voice said, "Jammer activated."

Then at the same time as Sonic activated his level 1 jammer Vert's car's weapons systems went offline and the EMP he was getting ready to fire was instantly shut down! Vert could think of one thing that can shut down weapon systems a jammer. Then he called on his radio to the rest of the team, "Watch out guys! This guy has jammer equipment equipped on his car! Recommend using force!"

But after Vert said that his car's weapon systems came back online! Now he can take Sonic down and get to the portal! But then in the distance he saw a sliver ring with a bluish portal inside it floating a few miles up ahead! Then he heard Connor saying, "The portal is up ahead! Go as fast as you can!"

Then the cars flew past Sonic as they left him in the dust as he watched them accelerating for a portal! Then Vert's car raced by him and he was far behind now! But Sonic wasn't going to give up that easily and said to himself, "Man! Those cars are fast! How can I catch up with them now?!"

Then Sonic looked on his dashboard and saw a blue button near his touch screen system. Then Sonic said to himself and hoped it was something good, "Well lets what button does."

Sonic's right foreleg touched the button and then at behind his car blue flames ignited from his exhaust pipes. Then at the same time a kick of acceleration as the F1 went past 240 MPH and reaching around 260 MPH and was catching up with the Silencerz. Sonic smirked at this and knew he wasn't out of this pursuit one bit because he wasn't going anywhere.

Then Sonic saw the Silencerz drift through a curve ahead of him and Sonic knew he had to get through the curve. As Sonic got closer to the curve he stepped on the brake pedal but kept on the accelerator. Then Sonic turned into the curve and took his other backleg off the brake and drifted though the curve. Smoke came from the F1's back tires as they gripped the dirt paved like road.

Then after Sonic got through the curve he saw a huge silver ring like portal up ahead him! Then Sonic knew it was time for the Turbo the last thing he hadn't tried out yet. Sonic hit the tab that said Turbo on his touch screen. Then the electronic voice said, "Turbo activated."

Then for a second nothing happened until green flames ignited from the car's exhaust system and it pushed Sonic back into the car seat and felt a rocket kick of acceleration. The F1 going faster than it was going at before and it was like in a jet fighter and Sonic was holding to the steering wheel making sure the car was straight. Sonic looked at the portal as it got closer and closer and he was gaining on the Silencerz fast like rocket fast.

Then when the Silencerz got near the portal all of their cars glowed whitish blue and entered the portal which made them disappear. But Sonic was right behind them as the Turbo deactivated to recharge and using the speed that his Turbo boost gave him Sonic entered the portal the same way as his car glowed whitish blue and entered the portal, The portal stood open for a few more second until in a white light came and blinded everything. After the light disappeared the area where the portal was now gone like it vanished into thin air. Sonic didn't know the race was just about to begin and two new enemies were about to rise from the shadows.