Shatter Realm Chronicles

by keithsterling

part 3

Shatter Realm Chronicles
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Altered History part 3
Shatter Realm

For the years that Grand Princess Blueberry Swirl Silverlight ruled the Crystal Empire, the land became exceptional, more than Princess Cadence could have ever imagined. But still, the weight of the Crown of Love felt heavy upon Blueberry’s head. Unlike her older brother and sister who were born to rule the land of Equestria, (Trained by Princess Celestia their mother and Princess Luna their aunt) Grand Princess Blueberry was more suited to a support role. Her compassion and heart was great in scale. But when it came to royal policies, her doubts kept her questioning her own decisions, eventhough none of her policies hurt the land or the ponies she ruled.

The longer she sat on the Throne of Love the more lingering doubts plagued her mind. She wondered if Princess Flurry Heart would ever come around to take over her mother’s throne and rule like she intended her to do. As time moved on, the bitterness in Flurry heart’s own heart never abated, forcing Grand Princess Blueberry to continue her unwanted reign as the Grand Princess of Love and ruler of the Crystal Empire. During the last Royal Conference that was held in the Crystal Empire, Grand Princess Blueberry took her sister Grand Princess Aurora aside and told her about all the doubts she had.

Grand Princess Aurora tries her best to alleviate her little sister’s doubts, but in the end she couldn’t help to ease her little sister’s mind. Later that same night, Grand Prince Somnus arrived at the Royal Conference after finishing up a few pressing matters with his Throne of the Moon in Canterlot. As he was settling in at his bed chamber in the Crystal Palace for the start of the Royal Conference, Aurora arrived and spoke to her brother. She told him everything that their little sister told her. Somnus sighed softly and told his sister he sensed Blueberry’s troubled mind when he arrived in the Crystal Palace. But unfortunately, there was nothing the two of them could do for their little sister, but tried to help where they could.

As the seasons came and went, Grand Princess Blueberry continued her rule of the Crystal Empire. In doing so, her trouble mind became suppressed and her doubts started to build-up to a level that no ordinary pony could withstand. If not for her lineage as a half Alicorn/half unicorn, that much build-up would have snapped her already frayed mind. As Grand Princess Blueberry grew into mare hood all the doubts she once had as an inexperienced ruler disappeared. She became that strong ruler that her siblings knew she could be. With her new found confidence, Grand Princess Blueberry remained at the helm of the Crystal Empire. Under her leadership, the Crystal Empire grew grander in scope; even the northern lights grew brighter and more intense, shining the power of love across Equestria.

In the Friendship Kingdom and Ponyville it was stuck in the mundane with Princess Twilight Sparkle and her Friendship Assembly busy solving numerous small friendship problems throughout Equestria. It left little time for the Friendship Kingdom to catch-up to the rest of the land in scope, allowing the dark element that escaped out of the Capital city to bury itself deep in the Friendship Kingdom normalcy.

The conductor of this dangerous dark element was a wicked female Imperator Alicorn named Harmonia. In ancient pony times, Harmonia was an impartial being that held dominion over the forces of harmony. She herself created the very elements of Harmony that Equestria was built around and governed by. As her harmony started to spread across the universe, the more she felt her disharmony side was of no use to her. In a fateful decision, Harmonia split and sealed away her disharmony side, leaving her pure.

In doing so, this caused her to become unbalanced without the darkness to balance the light. She was no longer an impartial being instead of letting the planet inhabitants learn for themselves the ways of harmony. She forcefully taught the planet inhabitants the ways of harmony, setting off numerous wars on the planet she ruled over. In the end, the planet destroyed itself and its population.

The heinous destruction of a whole planet and its inhabitants caught the attention of Empress Galaxy Cosmos the supreme ruler of all Imperator Alicorns in known space. She demanded Harmonia appear before her and explain herself, so she did. In an emotionless response, Harmonia said to her Empress, ‘they deserve it’ Sensing no remorse at all about the loss of a planet and its people in Harmonia, Galaxy pass judgment on her. The Empress seals the wicked Harmonia in a hollowed out asteroid and shoots it into the endless space ways forever. The asteroid that held the wicked Harmonia was named the Dark Star and mistakenly called the Wishing Star.

For eons, the Dark Star asteroid traveled the endless space ways in an endless arch. It passed once every one thousand years over the planet that the land of Equestria inhabited. Until a clash of very powerful light and dark magic knocked its off it course. The asteroid got caught in the planet’s gravity well and crashed there fully intact.

It buried itself deep in the planet crust never to be found, until a small group of Diamond Dogs looking for gems broke into the crashed asteroid shell awakening the wicked Harmonia from her long sleep. Extremely weak, she remained hidden underground for years. When she finally felt strong enough, she made her way to the surface byway of the tunnels in the mountains.

She came upon a land locked in turmoil. Harmonia, using her ability to hide in plain sight, travel about this turbulent land called Equestria learning everything she could about this place. While resting in a mountain cave somewhere in Equestria, Harmonia had a vision that would change the destiny of many ponies in this land:

The vision was of a yellow sun giving birth to three small suns. Two of the suns were stronger than the next and the third sun was the most powerful of them all. But the third sun was weaker than the last two suns. A dark claw reaches out and snatches the third sun from the orbit of the larger sun, causing the larger sun to cry. As the larger sun weeps, the smaller sun transforms into a larger red sun and takes the place of the yellow sun and the other two suns before destroying itself.

The next morning, Harmonia rose from her slumber with the vision still in her head. She headed to the city in the mountains. Once there, Harmonia found her way to the Grand Royal Palace at the center of the city. As Harmonia was spying on the ponies inside the palace, her attention was drawn to a heartbroken white female Alicorn wearing a gold tiara, collar and horseshoes.

As she relished the torment that the Alicorn was giving off, it was not the reason it got her attention. On the Alicorn flank was the same sun symbol from her vision. Harmonia figured that this must be the larger sun from her vision. Over the next few months, Harmonia learned everything about the heartbroken Princess Celestia and the cause of the turmoil in her land.

Then one evening as Princess Celestia was alone in her own bed chamber, Harmonia appeared before her in her original form. She offered the grief-stricken Princess Celestia a deal. She would restore harmony in her land if she would give something up. Princess Celestia took Harmonia up on the deal.

The Remaining part of the history has been magically sealed by the royal order of Princess Celestia Silverlight and her Royal family.

It is forbidden for anyone to break the magic seal on this document with the exception of Princess Celestia Silverlight and her royal foals.