//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: Crystal Royal Interuption. // Story: Hot Wheels Acceleracers: Dimensons Collide; // by SonicStreak5344 //------------------------------// Chapter 2: Crystal Royal Interuption Location: Planet Terra Meanwhile in another dimension in Equestria the sun was starting to set as a train bound for the Crystal Empire made its next stop of the day. White smoke billowed out of the smokestack from the engine as the train slowed to a stopped at the Crystal Empire train station. After the train came to a complete stop the passengers disembark from the train and walked for their destination. For a group of 8 ponies and 1 purple dragon with green scales they were heading for the crystal castle in the center of the city. The group is the Main 6 with Starlight Glimmer and Tempest Shadow who's real name is Fizzlepop along with Spike Twilight's number 1 assistant. The group was at the empire to visit Twilight's older brother Shining Armor and his family. Cadence and Shining were busy taking care of their new filly Flurry Heart who is an Alicorn just like Twilight and Cadence. The reason why they are visiting today because Twilight arranged with Shining to stay at the Empire for a couple of days. The reason behind that decision to come there was after Twilight heard Rainbow Dash repaired the family bound between her parents which was quite a while ago. Now Dash stays in touch with her parents and they vist her sometimes as they wanted to see how their daughter was doing and were proud of her for not only being a teacher at the friendship school, but also a full feldged Wonderbolt. Thanks to that Twilight thought about Shining after hearing that and wrote a letter to him 3 days ago asking if it was okey she can visit him and his family. Then just yesterday Twilight received a letter from Shining saying it was ok for her friends and herself to visit the empire for couple of days. He also said Sunburst was wanting to visit Starlight and figured out that this was a perfect opportunity to get the 2 to see each other again along with meeting Tempest who was now Twilight's newest prodigy. Also Flurry was wanting to see Twilight again after all she is Twilight's young niece. Then Twilight asked Trixie and Discord to look after the Castle of Friendship along with the Friendship School for the couple of days while they were gone. Now the group was coming up the castle where the Crystal Heart was spinning in its rightful place they saw a familiar white coated unicorn stallion at the door to the castle smiling. The stallion had a blue mane and a cerulean blue stripe similar to Twilight's mane. The stallion's cutie mark was a shield with Twilight's cuite mark it and had blue eyes and near his hooves were blue. Twilight raced over to the stallion and was happy to see him because the stallion was her brother Shining. Both Shining and Twilight felt like it was ages since they last seen each other. Then the white unicorn stallion said to her with a smile, "Hey Twilight it's great to see you again. I guess you and your friends didn't waste any time getting here." Twilight just giggled at the comment and replied to her older brother, "Aw well Shining you know me always ahead of schedule." Then the rest of the girls and Spike came over to the big brother and little sister reunion and they said 'hi' and 'nice to see again' to Shining and replied back to them, "Great to see you all of you again too. Well how about we go inside?" The ponies nodded and Shining opened the door and group walked inside as Shining shut the door behind him. Inside Twilight was walking down the hallway with her friends and brother and couldn't wait to see Cadence again along with young niece Flurry Heart. But they didn't know that they were about to be pulled into a new adventure that will put them in the fast lane. Meanwhile at Sunburst's house. Sunburst was doing some reading of spell books and was catching up with Starlight pretty fast and in no time they would be equal soon. He did some spring cleaning earlier when he heard Starlight, Tempest, Spike, and the Main 6 were coming to visit for a few days. In no time the house clean with no books on the floor and on shelves he even cut his beard off so he can look nice for the visiting group. Sunburst was just about to leave to meet Twilight and her friends at the castle when he spotted a very old dusty book on the 1st bottom shelf sticking out like sore thumb. Sunburst's horn glowed in its aura as the book became surrounded by the same aura and levitated it over to him. At first glance the book looked pretty old and the title on the blue front cover of it was long gone with only some spots of ink of the words of the title were all that remained. After that Sunburst sat it down on his reading table and saw it had no author and saw what was the faded words on the book which was Unknown Alien Symbols. Then he open the book with his magic to the first page which was completely blank, but when he looked at the second page to his surprise there was writing on it and in the center of it was a weird and strange alien like symbol that looked like a lightning bolt, but it wasn't easy to read since the writing of the page was too faded thanks to the ravages of time. However, there was one word he could see and it wasn't faded like the rest as the word describe the symbol saying 'Storm'. Then Sunburst turned the page to find a identical one but the center was curved instead of jagged like a lightning bolt. The word describing the symbol only word just like the last page did. But this time it was a different word and it only said 'Water', but the other page had its words faded too just like the previous one. That left Sunburst confused he never heard of symbols that looked identical but the difference was the centers of the symbols, "Weird I never seen 2 symbols before and probably nopony has either. But these symbols don't look Equestrian either so then who created them?" Then Sunburst realized that he would go see that Twilight and her friends were at the empire yet. Then he thought if he toke the book along with him so Twilight and Starlight can help him find out who created these strange symbols. Then Sunburst closed the book with his magic and then lifted it into the air as he walked towards the door and closed it behind him. Then he started off for the Crystal Empire Castle where Shining Armor and Princess Cadence live. Sunburst passed the crystal like houses that looked amazing and were pretty strong too. That's when he wondered how Starlight was doing right now. Sure he knew that she was busy with friendship problems and helping Twilight and friends save the day from evil foes trying to concur the world things couldn't be better. But some ponies and stallions wondered are they not alone in the universe well they aren't and they should try the massive multiverse other dimensions connect them with others. With different intelligent life forms including humans! Back the Crystal Empire Castle; While Starlight, Tempest, and Twilight's friends were done unpacking and settling in into their rooms for the night and after having a nice dinner. Shining and Twilight were talking each other on the porch that gave a beautiful look of the scenery catching up on what's new in their lives. Twi told her brother about how things were going with her own life and with her friends' lives. She even told him about Dash and her parents and he was surprised Dash's parents missed her a lot after she moved from Cloudsdale to Ponyville. But after a effort make things right Rainbow repaired her bond that she had with her parents. Then Shining said with surprise, "Wow so Rainbow's parents visit her a few times and write to her about she's doing? That's pretty deep sis. You think we should visit our Mom and Dad sometime?" Twilight nodded in agreement with her older brother. Both hadn't seen their parents for a long time since both Shining and Twilight move away from Cantalot. She soon said in reply to Shining, "Yeah I guess we hadn't seen mom or dad in a long time." Shining smiled and then said and nodded in agreement. "True." Then Shining and Twilight heard Sunburst entering the main door. The sound of the door opening echoed throughout the castle and everypony heard it from inside. The two siblings noticed that Celestia's sun set for the night as Luna's moon started to rise into the air and everypony were getting ready for bed. Shining then looked at his younger sister and said, "Well I guess we'll talk about visiting our parents in the morning then. You ok with that Twilight?" Twi just smiled and nodded in agreement and replied, "Sounds good to me Shining." With that fresh in their minds they soon turned around started walked back into the castle throne room and Twilight shut the doors to the porch with her magic. After she made sure the door was locked and everything the lavender Alicorn caught up to her older brother as they getting closer to the doors to the room. They were about to leave and head to bed when suddenly, a unannounced white flash appered behind the two siblings and when they turned around to see what it was or who it was they were blinded by the light and had to close their eyes. But the light was there just for a brief second until the flash died down and both Twilight and Shining heard a small thud came from something in front of them. *THUD* Then the lavender Alicorn and the white unicorn stallion opened their eyes to see the light was gone, but Twilight gasped to see something else in the place of the sudden flash of light. Laying unconscious in front of Twilight and Shining was a pegasus stallion and was the same age as Rainbow, but his coat was a bright turquoise blue and had a blue spiky tail and mane that reminded Twilight of a hedgehog. The stallion had a blue fireball cutie mark on his flank and it was a mark that Twilight nor Shining had ever seen before. But they noticed that he wasn't from around here at all. Then Twilight exclaimed with shock, "I never seen this stallion before!" Shining was confused he knew both unicorns and alicorns were able to use teleportation spells, but not pegasi they were only able to fly and control weather. But this new mysteryrous pegasus came out of a white light like he was teleported from somewhere and also, there was a faint remainment of a strange energy that he never felt before. It felt like the Elements of Harmony's power, but much more powerful than what he knew of about elements from Twilight. Then Starlight, Tempest, the five Wonderbolts, Lightning Dust, Blitz Wing, and the rest of Twilight's friends and Spike including Cadence and Sunburst entered the room after they felt the weak burst of unknown power. When they got to the throne room where Shining and Twilight were at they saw the knocked out stallion. Then Applejack exclaimed with shock, "What in tarnation happened?! Twi who in tarnation is that stallion?!" Twilight and Shining explained everything on what happened and the sudden strange white flash that brought the stallion to the room. Cadence who was looking at the stallion and Spike was pooking him which didn't wake him up at all. Then the pink Aricorn then said to the group with concern, "I think we better get this stallion to a room and let him rest. From the look of him I think he has been through a lot." Shining then replied with a nod and said in agreement, "Good idea Cadence." Shining then looked at Twilight and asked her, "Think you help me with this stallion Twilight?" Twi nodded and said back to her brother, "Sure thing. I'll try and help the best I can." With that Shining and Twilight used a combined levitation spell and lift the stallion in the same pink aura coming from their horns and walked to a empty guest room for the stallion to sleep in. The stallion wasn't very heavy, but had the same weight as Rainbow. But one question that everypony had that night was who was the blue stallion and where did he come from? But they didn't know there were worlds beyond their dimension and one of these other worlds was about come into contact with their world.