Hot Wheels Acceleracers: Dimensons Collide;

by SonicStreak5344

Chapter 1: Mutation Transformation (Rewrite);

Chapter 1: Mutation Transformation (Rewrite);

Location: Planet Mobius; Not far from a newly built base by a certain megalomaniac wanting to take over the planet in a open plain in a vast forest;

It was another peaceful night on Möbius, unless there is a battle for the powerful 7 Chaos Emeralds in the crossfire! Every world in any dimension has a hero, and Möbius' hero is Sonic the Hedgehog. Sonic is called many things, but what makes Sonic famous is the title of Fastest Thing Alive on Möbius. When evil is on the loose, Sonic and his friends are on the job. Especially against a certain mad scientist who builds armies of robots and is nicknamed Eggman caused he was shaped like an egg.

Right now, Eggman's new secret forest base is in complete chaos! Egg Pawns, Egg Fighters, and different kinds of Badnicks were getting blown to pieces, and their parts were flying all over the place! The cause of it was a two-legged, jet-black, striped-haired hedgehog with a patch of white fur on his chest and futuristic hover shoes. The hedgehog jumped into the air and waved one of his hands, and yellow energy-like spears appeared and started raining down on more Eggman robots as a battle was happening and the future of the world was in the balance!

But today, it's a normal routine in Sonic's life, as in stopping his plans for world conquest. Sonic and nine of his friends were smashing through Eggman's robots. They were trying to stop Eggman from using the emeralds for his diabolical plan. Sonic's team was comprised of his best friend and little brother Tails, Knuckles, who has a bone to pick with Eggman for tricking him in order to steal the chaos emerald he found, Shadow the Hedgehog, one of Sonic's rivals but can be friendly at times, Blaze the Cat, Silver the Hedgehog, another one of Sonic's rivals but much friendlier than Shadow is to others, and Rouge the Bat, who is a treasure hunter, thief, and a friend of Shadow, was helping too. Then there were the Babylon Rogues, comprised of Jet the Hawk, a speed rival to Sonic, Wave the Swallow, and finally Storm the Albatross.

While Tails and the others were distracting the Eggman robots from the outside, Sonic, who had already gotten inside Eggman's base, was racing for Eggman's main lab. Sonic knew that was where Eggman could be keeping the Chaos Emeralds, and whatever Eggman was planning to use them for was not good. Sonic then saw a bunch of Sneezer Turnt Robots up ahead coming from both the left and right hallways, locking on to him and getting ready to fire on him. Sonic then had a smirk on his face as he sped for Eggman's welcome party. Sonic jumped into the air in a blue streak as the robots started firing at him! He then curled up into a ball and did a good old spin attack on the bots, charging for them and reducing them to scrap metal with an explosive ending. Yeah, Sonic is a bit of a showoff at times.

Then Sonic raced around the left-hand corner of the hallway and smashed through more robots trying to keep him from getting to their evil creator and ruining the new plan. Sonic smashed through waves of Eggman robots one after another, and they went down like dominoes. Then, a few minutes later, after dealing with the 29th wave of robots, Sonic saw the main lab door to his left. As he stopped and looked at the steel door, he then said to himself, "Heh, time to pay Eggman and his robots a little visit."

Then Sonic jumped into the air again and did another spin attack as he turned into a high-speed spinning ball once again before smashing into the door, cutting through it easily as the door exploded, leaving smoke and metal shards of it in pieces. There in the room that Sonic busted into was a certain surprised egg-shaped mad doctor who didn’t expect to see his blue arch enemy sooner than he calculated. Also in the room, Eggman had 5 assistant robots, who are Decoe, Becoe, and Bokkun, and 2 new bumbling lackeys, Orbot, who had a red head top and a black bottom and was shaped like a sphere with red hands and a sarcastic personality, and the last probability, the dumbest one of all, was Cubot, a robot with a yellow head top and a black bottom and was shaped like a cube. Unlike all of Eggman's minions, Cubot wasn't smart and also had voice problems, which could change his personality too.

Eggman growled as he saw Sonic when the smoke cleared and had a smirk on his face: "You blasted Hedgehog! I spent a week rebuilding that door last week, thanks to you! Have you ever heard of knocking at all?"

Sonic smiled and replied back at the mad doc with his smirk on his face, wiping off dust from his arms, "Sorry, Eggman, but I had to bring the door down on your little scheme. Now where are the Chaos Emeralds? If you cooperate, I won't have to break more of your little toys."

Eggman growled again after Sonic made that remark about his robotic creations. Then the mad scientist yelled at Sonic in an angry tone of voice, "Grr! Your manners are worse than ever, you little blue spike ball! I'll just have to teach you some! GET HIM!"

Just then, more Sneezer robots—about six of them—rolled up behind Sonic from the door he just destroyed while he wasn't looking and took aim at the speedy blue hero. Sonic looked behind him and smirked as the robots started shooting at him and started running around the room at a fast speed. Then Sonic did his Sonic Boost move and mowed down the robots as one fell, followed by two more who suffered the same fate. Soon, three more robots went down, and in a few seconds, all the robots that Eggman ordered to destroy Sonic were now scarp iron. Then Sonic started walking towards Eggman, who was now nervous and scared.

Eggman was shaking like crazy and sweating like a cow, along with his robots, as they cowered in fear as the hedgehog got closer. Then Eggman, Decoe, Becoe, and Bokkun got to their knees and were in a begging position now, and Eggman pleaded, "Oh, please, Sonic! We're... sorry. Please go easy on us; we'll turn over a new leaf, I swear. Please give us another chance!"

After that, Eggman moved forward, put his hands together, and begged for mercy from his archnemesis. Then Decoe said, with artificial tears coming from his eyes, "That's right, we'll be good, we swear!"

Becoe then cried to Sonic. "Yeah! Don't send us to the scrap yard, Sonic! I'm too young to go there!"

Then Bokkun crawled to Sonic as he stopped to watch the show and said, with tears coming out like a stream of water, "Yeah, what they said, Sonic! Please don't have a grudge against me for using television bombs on you and your friends in Chris' world and in space! Go easy on us this time! Please forgive us! Have mercy on all of us! WWWAAAHHHHAAAAHHHHAAA!"

Orbot and Cubot, who were watching the whole fiasco, were nervous, hoping Sonic wouldn't tear them apart. Then Orbot said to Cubot with fear, "Cubot, I don't want to be permanently disconnected. I hope Sonic lets us off the hook this time!"

Then Cubot replied in a cowboy voice, not wanting to go off line early, "I don't know, partner, but we were built a few weeks ago; we're too young to go caput now!"

Sonic, who was amused and smiling at the whoa show that Eggman and his robots were putting on, said to Eggman, "Well, this is new. You and your robots are showing remorse, Eggman. If you played nice, my friends and I wouldn't have broken all your little tin toys."

But unknown to Sonic Eggman, he let him get through his robots on purpose. As a matter of fact, the whole reason Eggman had all of the Chaos Emeralds was because they were the perfect bait to lure Sonic into a trap! Eggman started grining evilly as he pulled out a controller with a red button on it, and since Sonic was completely off guard, the mad doc yelled, "Gotcha!"

Eggman pressed the button, and a bottom-open glass cylinder tube came on top of Sonic, trapping him inside. Sonic looked around in surprise and glared at Eggman as he started to laugh. "Hoohoho! I can't believe you actually fell for my trap, Sonic. You're the one who's going to be sorry you broke plans for the last time!"

Then Sonic pounded the glass as hard as he could, but it didn't break. Then Sonic yelled at Eggman as the doctor smiled evilly at the results of his trap, "So the whole thing was a trap? What are you up to this time, Eggman?"

Eggman chuckled evilly and said to the trapped blue hero, "Hehehe, you're about to find out, my little blue hedgehog friend. Or should I say my little blue genie pig? Hahahahah!"

Then Eggman turned around to his right and said to Decoe, who was now sitting in a chair next to the computer console, "Decoe, bring the ray down above Sonic's tank." "And get it charged up, why don't you?"

Decoe replied back with a salute and said, "Right away, Doctor! Bring the ray down above the tank right now."

Then Decoe pushed a blue button, and the seal above Sonic in the tank opened up, and a laser came out of the darkness of the hole. The laser was aimed directly at Sonic! Then Decoe started typing on the keys of the keyboard, and the laser turned on, glowing blue.

Eggman then said to Becoe, sitting on his left side at another computer console, "Becoe, fire up all the Chaos Emeralds." "Raise them to full power!"

Becoe replied back to his creator and said, "Right away, Doctor Eggman!"

Then Becoe pressed a green button, and Sonic turned around to see all 7 Chaos Emeralds in a machine rise out of the floor! Also, all seven were giving the ray above him power! Then Sonic growled and yelled, "Okey Eggman, what's going on here?! Why did you set traps for me in the first place? And whatever you're up to, I'm certain it's not as good as usual!"

Eggman laughed evilly as a reply, "Hahaha. Right, you are Sonic. Allow me to explain why you are in that tube."

Then Eggman walked over to the tube where Sonic was locked inside and said with an evil smirk, "I have just made a discovery about the Chaos Emeralds that you and your pesky friends didn't know about. It would seem that the Chaos Emeralds have the actual power to rewrite genetic codes. So I had the brilliant plan of using you as a test subject and turning you into something I could get rid of easily! All I had to do was lure your friends into my base and capture you! Hahahahah!"

Sonic was in shock; he didn't know the Chaos Emeralds had that kind of power! Then he realized what was above him—it was a DNA ray! Then he heard a charging nose above him and saw a blue ball of energy forming, and when it fully formed, it locked onto Sonic. Then he said with worry, "Uh oh!"

Eggman's evil grin grew as he knew it was time to fire the beam! Then he said to Sonic as he started to walk backwards to watch the light show, "Right, you are a hedgehog! Now, Sonic, allow me to use my new DNA ray on you and say goodbye to your old DNA. Forever. Hehehe hehehehe. Decoe FIRE!"

Decoe yelled in reply to his master, "Yes, Doctor Eggman is firing DNA Ray now!"

Then Decoe pressed a red button, and then a beam of blue energy hit poor Sonic as he started to wail in extreme pain! It felt like his own body had turned on him and was changing both inside and out. Then the scene zoomed in on Sonic's skin as a microscopic image of one of Sonic's DNA helixes was exposed to unknown genetically altered DNA code from a different species in the form of blue electricity, mutating Sonic's genetic code. Then it zoomed back to a normal view, showing Sonic still in the tank, wailing in extremely excruciating pain! Then suddenly both Sonic's shoes, socks, and gloves disintegrated into ash by the energy, and then Eggman noticed Sonic's body was beginning to change. As Decoe and Bocce monitored Sonic's vital sighs as the mutation was beginning! Sonic's heart rate was going faster and faster as the pain from the energy was extremely painful!

Sonic's hands started to retreat back into his arm and started to become sky blue furred forelegs with hooves. Then Sonic's legs grew bigger, got the same medium blue coat color again, and were the same length as his new front legs. Sonic's back had pain going through it, and his center body got new ribs. Sonic put his new forelegs down as the transformation was continuing. Sonic's fur changed color from blue to sky blue in the center of his body. A spiky blue tail came out above Sonic's bottom, then a pair of wings sprouted out on both Sonic's right and left sides, one on the left and one on the right, and were in Sonic's new fur color. But a strange blue farball mark appeared on his new flank.

Then Sonic's skull got bigger and thicker, and his mouth and nose became a muzzle with sky blue-colored fur. Sonic's ears changed to horse ears and got the same new colored fur the rest of his body had. But Sonic's spiky blue hair didn't change; it became longer but retained its shape and became a mane.

Then after that, the beam stopped and the machine went back into the sealing, and the energy around Sonic disappeared. Also, steam was coming off Sonic as he tried to catch his breath. Sonic opened his eyes, and they were still green, but they were facing forward. Sonic heard his heartbeat as everything slowed and his vision started to get blurry. Soon he fell unconscious from the pain; his body went numb, and he passed out, hitting the metal floor in the tank with a thud. At that moment everything went black for him.


Eggman smiled evily with the end result Sonic was completely knocked out cold. He had at last gotten even with his arch nemisis for all the trouble he caused for ruining his diobolical plans. However, Eggman completely forgot about one little important detail that happens when the Chaos Emeralds are altogether and was about to come back to bite him. Then he yelled out loud in triumph, "It worked! Finally something worked for a change! I finally gotten even with that little blue troublemaker for messing with my plans! Now Möbius will be mine! Hahahahah ohohohoho!"

Soon Orbot said to the doc in a worried tone as he looked at the machine that had the Chaos Emeralds in it while Eggman was too busy laughing his butt off at his victory over Sonic and thought nothing could spoil the moment, "Um... boss, I think you forgot something! I don't think you shouldn't be laughing right now!"

Eggman turned to look at the robot and said with a confused and annoyed look, stomped up to his sphere like robot lackey, and got in his face, "What are you taking about Orbot?! I didn't forget anything, so stop bellyaching! "You're ruining the moment here!"

Then Cubot said still his cowboy voice and he was also worried about the same thing that Orbot realized that Eggman didn't realize; he maybe be dimwited but he sometimes have good points especially for this situation that Eggman forgot about, "Um Bossman, I reckon you did forgot somethin' important."

Eggman was about to strangle the annoying Dingdong cube-headed robot until he heard a familiar electrical shorting sound as he turned to see the machine with the Chaos Emeralds inside short-circuiting, and his face went from rage to fear. Then Eggman remembered what happens when all seven Chaos Emeralds are together, and he ended up starting it again! Chaos Control!

The mad doc then turned around at the robots before he yelled at his dumbbot assistants in both angry and panicked tone, "You Tin Can Turkeys didn't bother to tell me that Chaos Control would happen! You clanking clauds were suppose to make sure it didn't happen!!"

But before any of his robot lackies could reply, a blinding white light started to come from the machine as it started to go haywire! Then streaks of white shined from the base as it was engulfed in a dome of white light as it caught Sonic's friends in the blast, and it mutated their DNA too, just like with Sonic! Tails became a Pegasus Stallion, Knuckles became an Earth Stallion, Shadow was turned into a Unicorn Stallion, Silver became a Unicorn Stallion just like Shadow did, Blaze became an Alicorn Pony, Rouge became a Pegasus Pony, Jet was mutated into a Pegasus Stallion just like Sonic and Tails, Wave became a Pegasus Pony like Rouge did, and Storm became a strong Pegasus Stallion as well. The white flash obscured the area for a few seconds. After the light stopped and the area could be seen again, the base and everyone were gone.

But Sonic's newest interdimensional adventure was just beginning, but this time worlds will collide, two intelligent species from two separate dimensions will collide as well, unknown robots programmed to drive that existed long ago when the human race was young, and the race for the Chaos Emeralds and certain mystical devices will take place on strange otherworldly race tracks in unique new worlds. Team up with three human racing teams one is a highly secret military-trained team, while the other two live to race and race on the streets! Not only that, they'll drive some of today's and yesterday's cars of the real world from around the globe, from the high-speed 295 mph or more cars to the most legendary, technologically advanced, high-performance, and masterfully made sports, muscle, performance, super, exotic, and hyper cars from around the world!

(Cosmic Realm Movie version from Hot Wheels Acceleracers Ultimate Race Starts);

With Cooperation From

The scene changed showing events during Hot Wheels Acceleracers The Ultimate Race with shots of sides of some new cars. One shot showed Vert and Galorium racing in the Storm Realm during the Ultimate Race as the future acceleracer flowed the Racing Drones leader through the lightning rods of the track. Two other shots were in sky blue coloration showed the Teku and Metal Maniacs in the Cosmic Realm trying to hijack one of the Racing Drones’ Sweepers while the other one show the two teams in the Drones HQ with Nolo and Kurt’s car jumping off a track just as a large energy ball exploded on impact as the drones were trying to blast them. As the scenes were changing moving shots of two-tone blue hyper car was racing down a road in city with a 1,168 Horsepowered TwinTurbo Aluminum 5.0 L V8 roar the car was easily recognizable that being a Koenigsegg car. The car was a limited edition Koenigsegg Agera RSN as it raced away with a Nitrox II Afterburner boost as light blue colored flames ignited from the back tires as it raced away.


There was a sudden scene change showing Vert in the Acceledrome with Sparky in Reverb and jumping onto one of the tracks that led to the hologram of the Wheel of Power as the Ultimate Race was starting and was going after Galorium. A sudden shift in the scenes showed two scenes at the same time on the top Vert was dodging incoming energy balls from the Drones’ jets and managed to get into the tunnel before being launched forward by a booster near the ramp to the Wheel of Power and disappeared in a yellow colored flash while on the bottom showed Nolo and Kurt in their cars in the Drones HQ as their cars made a jump off a ramp just as a large energy ball struck the ground behind them with drone cars not far behind them.

Written by
Mark Edans

A quick change show the side of a 2012 Lamborghini Aventador LP 700-4 racing down an Interstate through Cantalot City at high speed with its signature Lamborghini V12 roar echoing as it entered a tunnel underneath the city. Then another scene change came showing more scenes from the previous Acceleracers movie. One shot showed Vert in the Water Realm during the Ultimate Race while other two shots showed the Metal Maniacs and Teku in the Cosmic Realm and the Racing Drones HQ. The shot of Nolo and Tork smashing into some Sweeper Drones and getting swept up by the Sweeper and of Karma with Taro in her car dodging energy balls from Racing Drones while making a large jump.

Produced by
Ian Richter

It was followed by a scene changed as it showed the back side of a 2024 7th generation navy blue Ford Mustang thundering down the road of old Highway 35 before the new muscle car rocketed away from the screen followed by a 2012 McLaren MP4-12C Coupé that was McLaren orange with silver colored rims. A new recap of events came showing more from the last movie with the top showing Vert and Sparky now in the Cliffside Realm as Galorium was in the lead as Reverb landed on the track as it dropped from the sky before racing off after RD-09. The last were of the Teku and Metal Maniacs in the Cosmic Realm luring in the Sweeper they used to get into the Racing Drones HQ on the right while on the left showed Nolo and Tork jumping off a ramp from Racing Drones’ cars in the robots’ HQ.

With Cooperation by
DHX Media
The Pokémon Company
Sierra Studios
Universal Studios
Sonic Team
4Kids Entertainment

A quick scene changed which like all the others showed the back of a blue Rimac Nevera racing down track found in racing realms and the environment was of a certain valley where no humans live, but a world where mythical creatures especially dragons. As the hyper car raced into a tunnel as its tail lights came and zoomed out of sight another scene change showed two Silencerz cars one called Covelight while the other called Antracite were battling against RD-L1 in his RD-08 car in the Cosmic Realm. The identity of the driver of Covelight is still the mystery, but Antracite’s driver was Major Wheeler Vert’s father who is the leader of the Silencerz as the 3 cars were in the homestretch to the end of the track. As the cars neared the final stretch Covelight side slams RD-L1’s car to the side the 2nd in command of the Racing Drones tried to fight back and tried to keep his car stable which proved to be fruitless as Jack took the lead before Covelight hit him again this time sending him flying of the track as the car lost balance and the light gravity took over sending it flying back into the space like racetrack. Soon Jack and his fellow teammate that was driving Covelight behind accelerated their cars and made a smooth and sharp turn to the last stretch to the portal which was just ahead. Jack was still in the lead and with a royal blue color light trail from his car’s tires as the two Silencerz made the jump into the portal as Jack entered it first with a teleportation sound before shifting to the shot of him back on Earth in Silencerz HQ still in Antracite as the Cosmic Realm Accelecharger appears in front of him in a royal blue light.

Music by
Brian Carson

A quick scene change like the previous ones showed a Race Red colored with White racing striped 2nd generation 2023 Ford GT with a 2019 grey Chevrolet Corvette Stingray ZR1 with the Aero Package feature for the body not far behind it racing through the mountains of Colorado with snowy conditions on the road as the Rockies were covered in snow. A shift in scenes came as it showed the Teku and Metal Maniacs escaping Drone HQ by using the EDR equipped on their cars. First it was Kurt and Wylde then it was followed by Nolo and Tork, Taro and Karma, and finally Shirako, Porkchop, and Monkey who were all on Porkchop’s car with Racing Drones not behind them. Porkchop pressed the EDR’s button and in a white flash as they were teleported back to the Acceledrome only to come face to face with the Racing Drones that went with Galorium to take the Accelechargers from the 3 humans teams on Earth, but there was one racer who was unaccounted for and was busy racing the evil leader of the Drones.

Directed by
Andrew Duncan

The next shot showed a scene of the spinning back wheels in slow motion of limited edition 2018 Koenigsegg Agera RSN in its two-tone blue coloration before changed back to normal speed and the rims blurred and the Agera raced away out of sight. As the hyper car was out of sight it showed more of the previous movie this time showing Vert and Galorium at the end of the Ultimate Race meeting the Acceleron. As the alien spoke to Galorium as he point to Vert who was declared the winner of the Ultimate Race, “He is a true Acceleracer.”

Then quick scene skip showed Vert gaining his Acceleracer skin thanks to the Acceleron he was meeting. Followed by another one showing Galorium in her true form being thrown into space by the Acceleron. After that a 3rd scene skip came and showed Vert back in Reverb preparing to head back to Earth and said through the radio, “Wisdom is a circle Dr.Tezla what you receive you must give back.”

Vert turn off the radio and starts Reverb before racing for home with Sparky, the Accelechargers he got from Galorium, and his wisdom circle. As Vert drove away from the Sphere heading back to Earth to save his friends as the Acceleron said to him knowingly as Reverb neared the portal to Earth, “When you return Acceleracer you will not be alone.

At that moment Vert’s acceleracer skin’s racing helmet activated covering his face and raced for the portal as Reverb hit the portal and entered in flash of whiteish blue. That was followed by scene of Vert escaping the Acceledrome before it exploded as his car entered the portal at high speed and disappeared as the explosion engulfed the hologram of the Wheel of Power while destroying the drones that made it to Earth. There was another white flash making everything go white as there was no more scenes showing of what happened after the explosion.

Then the scene changed to the iconic 2005 Hot Wheels logo and sound of a car racing by then replaced by a burning fire sound as the tail end waved like actually fire. Then the logo moved up as the second part of the logo which looked like it was part of car with 5 gauges, a rear wing, and 2 sound speakers below the wing had a then sky bright blue thin line around the speakers. The bottom part of the logo turned up and then the sound of rivets being installed came as metal silver colored letters came down on top of the wing to form the word Acceleracers!

Once all the letters were on the wing the logo turned on as the gauge and the speakers including the neon lights which were lighting up in a neon blue color that was starting to beat with the music. Suddenly, below the title there was a sky blue streak as the Lamborghini Aventador LP 700-4 raced below as more words appeared in the streak right in the middle right below the title with a whooshing sound in a sky blue light.

Hot Wheels Acceleracers
Dimensions Collide

During that time while the title was being shown the sound of a car engine roaring as it was in motion. Then the title glowed white and then the scene and title disappeared in a blinding white light!