//------------------------------// // Chapter 2- The Monster // Story: We Gotta Get Outta This Place // by Sense of Humor //------------------------------// Chapter 2: The Monster "MAYBE I SHOULDN'T HAVE ASKED THAT QUESTION EARLIER!" Twilight didn't try to dignify that mental shout with a comment. She instead focused all of her efforts on not banging against the side of the wall with every veering turn made by her pegasi pilots. She didn't really blame them for making such odd turns, as it was only causing by the threat of purple lightning striking them out of the sky. She could barely see out of her window to glimpse other carriages; the unending rain fogged and blurred everything beyond recognition. Twilight couldn't even remember which carriages housed which of her friends. A particular carriage floated up shakily next to them thanks to the powerful flapping of wings. "Twalaght? Ar you in this one?!" "You don't really have to shout." Twilight thought back with a wince. "It kinda hurts my head." "IS THAT YOU, APPLEJACK?! HI,COUSIN!!!" "...um, anway...this is quite th' storm we're havin' huh? Rainbow Dash can't even recall helping with a storm this big." Applejack continued. "Is Spike in there?!" Rainbow's thoughts inquired. "I bet he loves this." "He's with Trixie and Starlight in one of the lower carriages. " Twilight explained, half saddened by not being near her number one assistant. Well, they'd all be meeting up shortly anyways. " I think the low altitude might actually have been a safer idea than this height." "Nah, it just depends on the flying skills of your pilot! Like, right now, no pony has been struck by--" The sky itself tore open as a particularly thick streak of purple hot energy sliced between the two carriages and gave the girls quite a heart attack. Seeing the bolt strike, both carriage pilots veered away and went back to their zigzag patterns to lessen the chances of any lightning coming near them again. "Ah guess we'll meet up with ya'll soon!" Applejack's carriage veered away into fogginess again. "Hey, Twilight?" Pinkie asked, her eyes straining to see through the clouds ahead of them. This was impossible, as it seemed the clouds only got darker from here. "How much more of this do you think we'll have to take before we actually get inside the Island?" The Alicorn shrugged. "Keep in mind that the storm wall was pretty thick. It could be another ten minutes before we even--ah!" Light suddenly blinded everypony for several seconds, before all eyes adjusted to the blazing sunlight. Such a glow perfectly shined down upon the courtyard of the island; sandy Plains stretching from the obscured beaches and slowly morphing into grassy stretches of land. In the approaching distance, a series of foreign trees began to make their appearance sparsely near a very wide river, teeming with solid karst towers. The small, rocky mountains served as the perfect resting spot for several gulls and other birds, not to mention a high abundance of Moss of other plants somehow. Beyond all that they were approaching and had already passed, the largest volcano anypony had seen loomed in the horizon yet it billowed no smoke. "...or we could just randomnly end up inside." Twilight finished half heartedly. "It's certainly a lot more scenic than anypony was expecting, eh, your majesty?" One of the technicians spoke to her, and Twilight blushed as she realized that she hadn't even noticed him or his fellow technician's on board with her for that long. "Oh, right. Definitely! But I half expected that from a place as large as this..." She said as her gaze wandered back to the rather amazing view of the bigger-than-life island scenery. "So...what now?" This time, one of the Pegasi pilots spoke up. "Now, we find a place to land and set up shop." In five minutes time, the multiple flying carriages heard the one thing they'd been waiting hear ever since they arrived and we're now dividing off into different areas of the island to both scout and drop explosives. They flew like giant soaring eagles of metal, wings flapping hard and strong to propel them across countless acres of land and water. Rainbow Dash felt deja vu with this, as if it were actually her doing the flying and she wasn't really stuck inside this metal box left with nothing to do but stare out the window. Her mane flapped and billowed in the wind the more the flew, a direct result of the open door just a few hooves behind her. She felt a rough nudge against her ribs and turned to stare at Applejack, who offered a bright grin. "Aw, c'mon, Dash! Smile a little! Don't tell me this ain't the least bit excitin'?" "This isn't the least bit exciting." Rainbow Dash let her head flop down on her hoof. "Well, its definitely not practical for my mane! All this wind is far too strong!" Rarity whimpered and covered her head with an arm, failing to notice her friends stares for a long time. "...what?" "Okay, let's keep the open doorway clear of any passengers! We're going to begin dropping the cargo off!" One of the soldiers announced aloud, after receiving a mental command from his superiors. His horn glowed and soon one of the explosive devices carried on board was levitated into the air. "Alright, first drop in three, two--" "Can I do it?!" Everypony turned to Rainbow Dash, who pointed at the explosive again. "I wanna drop the first one out!" Applejack tilted her head at her friend's child-like desire to touch the thing and gulped nervously. "I don't think that's such a good idea, Dash. Let's just--" "Nah, its fine! She can give it a go. " The unicorn levitated the explosive carefully over to her, and he cringe a bit as he bit down on one end and carried it in her mouth. "Um, careful where you bite. Just take it over there and make it fly." Rainbow teetered and tottered this way and that as she walked towards the door, but she managed to carry it all the way over there. However, just as she turned her head to throw it out of the doorway, she lost hoofing with a yelp. Everypony yelped in shock and horror as Rainbow Dash fell out and disappeared from sight., rushing to see if they might spot her body tumbling down towards the earth. Rainbow Dash promptly shot back up alongside the carriage, laughing hysterically as everypony sighed in relief. "GOTCHA! You guys should a seen your faces!" Rarity rolled her eyes, pretending as if she hadn't been legitimately worried. "Not that funny, Darling." Applejack gave a hearty chuckle. "It actually was!" A boom down below interrupted them, their eyes traveling down to the giant sphere of explosion beneath Rainbow Dash. The cyan pegasus' eyes widened with fascination at the size of the explosion, and from the sound of other distant booms, it was apparent that other explosives were being dropped as well... "The readings are coming in now..." The technical advisor announced, his eyes staring only at the monitors they'd set up on the ground. Their screens were at first depicting seismic waves, but those waves were sent into another monitor that was slowly making a 3D representation of the island parts being bombed. Some showed evidence of swamps, some of high mountain ranges and others depicted a few deserts in the island. The only downside was that they had only covered a fraction of the island with everypony's combined efforts, but it was still a start. "Look at this, Princess Twilight! Almost none of this seems similar to the landscapes in Equestria." "Yes, that's true. A good reason for having these maps printed. " Twilight pointed out, but her eyes caught something on the screen. "Hey, what's that developing under the ground?" The technician looked as well, his eyes widening. "Hmm. That's a second layer of earth beneath the one we're standing on. Which means this ground is hollow by several hundred hooves!" "Remarkable." Was all Twilight could think of saying to that. "Just remarkable." "I'll say. " Spike offered with little interest. "Wonder why it's so hollow, though?" The Alicorn heard a noise from behind and looked to see Pinkie staring at her tail in disbelief; it was vibrating and shaking uncontrollably, moreso than in the past. "Woah! I'm getting a Twitchy Twitch! You know what that means, right?" Pinkie asked her friend worriedly. "Well, painfully yes. But maybe its something minor this time. A glitch in our systems! A bomb malfunction? A...um..." Everypony's ears perked up at an odd, rising sound that gained their attention. "What's that sound? Is that thunder?" In the large clearing just yards in front of them, the answer revealed itself. Deer of varying ages and sizes ran as a collective herd from one line of trees into the one at the other end or the clearing. They seemed frantic in their speed, eyes wide and bodies visibly frightened during their pounding sprinting. Bleats of fear escaped their jaws and echoed in the air long after they left. Nopony said anything for a full minute after that happened, but Twilight was the first to break the silence. "See, Pinkie? A stampede that wasn't even directed at us! Nothing too big after all." "But..." Pinkie glanced back at her flank. "My tail's twitching even more now." It was a pleasure to burn. Well, not really, but it was somewhat enjoyable to watch things explode. The soldier watched the giant ball of fire and smoke disperse into nothing after its large boom shook the earth, vibrating even the air above it. It left a large hole where a huge grove of trees should be placed, no doubt disturbing the peace or the jungles below them. But perhaps if they kept this up, they wouldn't even need to go searching for Prince Shining Armor later on today; he could just follow the sounds. The soldier shrugged to himself at this and tossed out the last of the explosive devices to the land below. He examined the empty crate and looked to the only other soldier in passenger area. "Well, I'm all out of 'em now. I guess we can head back to--" "LOOK OUT!!!" The soldier's blood seemed to chill when he heard that utterly distressed sound. The shrieking voice was faint--It came from a carriage not too far away from theirs. Even the pilots turned their heads to squint at the carriage with the screaming solider, wondering what he was screaming about. All of the soldiers that they could see on the inside were frantically pointing ahead and their pilots seemed to have an absolute look of terror on their-- Everypony's pupils dilated, their eyes as wide as saucers. Their voices had completely left them after they witnessed the instant deaths of everypony in that carriage. Things seemed to slow down entirely and it was as if they were watching the carriage fall from the sky in slow motion, crumpled metal and debris and all. The tree's leaves billowed as the whole thing tumbled down, down, down to the ground where it became even more crumpled and unrecognizable. Everything began speeding up again, speeding too fast. "WATCH OUT! WATCH OUT!" He heard his fellow soldier yell. He didn't see what hit the carriage-- he just saw the metal acting as the cockpit for the pilots suddenly crunch in on them and silence their brief screams. The soldier would have registered the sound of something wet bursting open and the warm spray or blood over his face and body, but the whole carriage just seemed to jolt to a halt and it caused his body to ram painfully into the metal wall before him. His own screaming mingled with the sound of the other soldier screaming, a chorus that highlighted the entire fall from the sky and the absolute fear coursing through them. They scrabbled their hooves at the walls in midfall, trying to stabilize their bodies before they impacted the ground. They could only see brief glimpses of the green world outside as the spiralled closer and closer to the ground. The force of the impact should have flattened their bodies like pancakes, but the trees seemed to slow their fall down just enough for them to survive. Billowing clouds of dust blinded the soldiers eyes for several seconds and he could barely make out the shape of his ally barely moving. "Ugh...eeeergh...what...are...are you okay...?" Due to the silence, he thought he was dead. "...M-My arms are...aaaugh...I can't feel..." Boom. The carriage vibrated. Boom. "What is that...?!" The soldier muttered to himself, practically whimpering by now. Boom. They both yelped when their metal surroundings jolted. BOOM. The carriage defied gravity, or so it seemed at first. It began to rise into the air at a slow, foreshadowing speed that frightened them even more. They at first saw only trees after the dust clouds were cleared away by whooshing air, but then they saw a wall made pure of brownish black fur that rippled as if it were living. Their hearts and stomachs dropped the higher they rose, and they rose without stopping for quite some time. A heavily muscled chest, and then big yellow teeth. Teeth with a gagging stench to them. Teeth larger than a minotaur. Teeth that bared at them. Red eyes that glared at them. The carriage was held higher now, way above its monstrous head and angled down so that gravity caused them to start sliding down to the open door, to its angry face. The solider trapped the edge of the doorway with his steadily failing strength, but his ally was not so fortunate. He screamed and screamed and screamed all the way out and all the way down. The soldier's arms refused to hang on for much longer and the thing below impatiently huffed hot air at his hind legs, waiting for him to plummet. The pony's heart was about to explode with heartbeats, but it went even faster as he finally slipped from the doorway. It stopped completely as shrieked, seeing the jaws he was destined to fall into open impossibly wide. "rAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUAGH!"