//------------------------------// // Part 2 // Story: Homebound // by RodTheBrony //------------------------------// After she was done comforting Twilight, Sunset rode her bike over to Twilight’s parents house as fast as she could. She wanted this conversation to be as peaceful as possible when talking to them. She didn't want to mess up any chance Twilight had coming with Sunset to Equestria. When she arrived at the house, she put her bike beside their driveway and started walking up the driveway. When she got to the front door and rang the doorbell. There was no response. “Weird,” Sunset said to herself. “Their car is in the driveway so they must be here.” She rang the doorbell again. Still no response. Sunset looked through the window on the door. All of the lights were off except for the light coming from the basement. Sunset looked behind her, looking to see if anyone was nearby, before she started walking to the back door. This was technically trespassing but it was the only other door she could try. Besides, Twilight’s parents knew Sunset so if she was caught, it would be a simple explanation. After she got to the back door, she knocked on the door. It took a second but then she saw the shadow of Twilight Velvet, Twilight's mother. She was walking up from the basement, walked toward the door and opened it. “Oh, hi Sunset,” Twilight Velvet said holding the door open. “Hi Ms. Velvet,” Sunset replied. Twilight.V smiled. “C’mon in, whatever you need you need, we can talk about it inside.” “Thanks.” Sunset said. As Sunset walked in the house, she instantly smelled roasted chicken. Twilight.V could tell right away what Sunset smelled. “What I think you are smelling is my homemade roasted chicken,” Twilight.V said. “It's a new recipe.” “Smells good,” Sunset replied. “Why thank you.” Twilight.V said smiling. “Is Mr. Light here?” Sunset asked. Twilight.V turned away for a second.“No, he is on night shift.” “Oh ok.” Sunset said nodding her head. Sunset had followed Twilight.V into the basement to a couch. Here the smell of the chicken was stronger. There was probably a second kitchen in the basement. “Have a seat,” Twilight.V said directing Sunset to the couch. As the 2 sat down, Sunset cleared her throat. “So, what did you want to talk about?” Twilight.V asked. “Well, it's about your daughter,” Sunset responded. “There is something I want to talk about that involves her.” “Oh, ok. What’s wrong?” Twilight.V asked with a curious look on her face. There was a silence while Sunset was thinking about what she would say next. “She told me she talked to you yest-” Sunset didn't get to finish her sentence before Twilight.V interrupted her. “SHE IS NOT GOING WITH YOU TO YOUR HOMELAND!!!” Twilight.V yelled at Sunset. Sunset was shocked on how fast she reacted. She must really not want her to go. “Look, I want to try to talk about this to you peacefully,” Sunset said trying to calm Twilight. V down. “I want to try to convince you.” “You can try but it won't happen.” Twilight.V was getting louder now. Sunset could tell she was mad. Twilight.V turned away from Sunset, trying to prove her point. Of course it didn't work, letting Sunset continue her statement. “Please, Twilight would want this,” Sunset said calmly. “She really wants to go. Wouldn't you want your daughter to be happy?” Twilight.V still had her back turned to Sunset but still replied. “ Yes but that is an unknown place for both of us. Therefore it is not safe for Twilight.” Sunset paused before responding. “I will be able to guide her around. It would be easy. It would be like me discovering this world. It will be easy for her after a week or two.” There was a silence between the two. Twilight.V didn't know what to say. After a bit, the silence was broken by Twilight.V. “You have a point,” She said. “I just want to keep her safe. I have no clue about what is going on in that world. For all I know, a war could be going on there. I don't want her to be hurt or even worse, die.” “I know it is hard,” Sunset said putting her hand on Twilight.V’s shoulder. “I know how it feels. You think the worse case scenario will happen. You think you will lose her like I lost my parents.” Sunset started to tear up before she said her next sentence. “My parents left me with little notice. They thought they could go far away and I would be fine. I was only 15. I think went to Manehattan. Or to you, Manhattan. I took a trip to Manehattan about a month later to see them. I missed them. When I got there I found out they had-” Sunset didn't get to finish to sentence before she started to cry. She didn't realize how much she missed her parents until this moment. The way it happened was so tragic to her, she hated thinking about it. Twilight.V turned to Sunset. She hugged Sunset trying to comfort her. The two were silent for a few minutes until Twilight.V said something. “It's ok. I understand,” Twilight.V said reassuringly. “I'm sorry for your loss.” Sunset tried to responding but nothing came out. She just continued to cry. She was happy Twilight.V was calm about the situation now. “You made a solid point,” Twilight.V said calmly. “Twilight can go with you.” Sunset’s crying slowed as she wiped her eyes from her tears. “T-thank you” Sunset barely got out. “This means so much. For both me and Twilight.” “You are welcome,” Twilight.V said. “Just please make sure she visits now and again. I still want to apologize for the way I acted yesterday .” “Will do,” Sunset replied. Twilight.V smiled. “Now, excuse me but I got to go,” Sunset said getting up from the couch. “Ok,” Twilight.V replied. “I guess I will see you later then?” Sunset nodded just before getting up. She waved goodbye before she ran up the stairs and went out the front door. She ran as fast as she could down the driveway, grabbing her bike and rode over to Twilight’s house. It only took about 10 minutes to get over to Twilight’s house. When she got to Twilight’s house, she saw Twilight on her lawn reading one of her books. Typical Twilight. As Sunset walked up the driveway, Twilight put her book down, noticing the presence of her girlfriend. “Hi Sunset,” Twilight said smiling. “Any luck with my parents?” “Yep” Sunset replied as she sat beside her girlfriend. ‘I don't know how but I convinced your parents.” Sunset wasn’t going to say only her mother said yes. It would ruin the excitement Twilight had. “How did you it?” Twilight asked. “They seemed hell bent on keeping me here on the phone.” Sunset smiled. “When I told her I would guide you and you would be safe, they lightened up about the situation. It was hard to get to that point though.” Twilight smiled. “Thank you Sunset,” She said. “You don't know how much I want to be with you. If it weren't for you, this wouldn't happen.’ Sunset smiled along with Twilight. “How are we going to tell the girls?” Twilight asked. “I mean, we have to somehow.” “I will deal with that,” Sunset replied. “You don't need to worry about that.” Sunset pulled out her phone from her pocket. “I'll text them to come here. I'll do it then. You don't need the stress.” “Ok, thanks Sunset” Twilight replied. Sunset smiled in response. “Oh yeah, your parents said that they want you to visit when you can. They said they wanted to apologize for what happened over the phone.” “Oh, of course” Twilight responded. After she finished her sentence, she got up. “Excuse me Sunset. I am going to put my book away.” “Go ahead” Sunset replied. “I'll be out here.” Twilight smiled and then went into her house with her book in hand. Sunset smiled. Everything was going as planned. She wasn't expecting things to go this smoothly but it had. All she needed is to get the girls over and she could do something she has been wanting to do for a month now. Propose to Twilight.