My Little Sunset: Magical Girl

by madhat886

Chapter 19

Tomoko Kuroki laughs as everything around her is decaying away and the people running in terror before her. If she is to be a dark magical girl then she'll be the most powerful one ever. Having spent countless hours watching and reading both anime, manga, western comics, tv shows, and videogames, she quickly gasp how to use her new powers. She has the power to decay anything she uses her powers on, like that old man in that anime Bleach. But her powers don't effect her like his power did on him. She can decay anything around her in a field around her creating a bubble around her that kept her safe from harm, the police around her are firing their weapons at her even using tear gas on her but even that doesn't work on her. The gas just fades away before it even effected her, she couldn't help but wonder how the air she's breathing isn't being effected but she just waves that away with her magic selecting what to effect so that it doesn't harm her.

All the attention is on her now, like she always wanted. A news crew is filming her and news copters are flying around filming her and her alone. The tv screens in stores she past has her on it. She is the center of attention, she is....

"Having fun?" Discord ask appearing on a billboard stopping her train of thought.

"Discord we meet again," Tomoko said glaring at him.

"Yes we are," Discord said he sets his sights on her. "You did well during our last battle in World of Warcraft. But you simply couldn't beat me. So much for being a hardcore gamer, or should I be calling you Black Harvest."

"What do you want? Here to stop me?" Tomoko ask.

"Why heavens no. Why would, I care if you want to cause chaos around here. So much destruction in so little time. But I never cared about that stuff. Where's the fun in destroying everything. After all if everything is destroyed and there is no one left. Where's the fun?" Discord said.

"You enjoy doing this kind of thing online," Tomoko growled.

"Sure I might go and completely wipe out entire parties of players, but there's a differences between what you do in a game and what you do in real life. Besides, I hate people thinking that just because I enjoy chaos, that I love killing as well. What am I? That fictional Joker from the comics? Please like I would do that. Besides it's more fun having you humans around then the ponies ever were. When I decide that I been playing games too long and need time to get outside to have fun. Unlike the ponies who panic over just about anything that's outside their control. You humans enjoy my kind of fun. In fact you humans line up just to come and have fun when, I turn an area into my fun zone. It's nothing but a carnival for you humans. It's nice instead of everyone running around screaming their heads off after, I make cotton candy clouds that rain chocolate milk, or make inanimate objects come to life. The children love me," Discord explains. (1)

"So why are you here?" Tomoko ask.

"To have a front row view for a good old fashion superhero and supervillain, super fight," Discord said. "Once the Japanese government finally agrees to allow Sunset and the others to come over. It's going to be a show to watch."

"This is just a show for you isn't it?" Tomoko ask.

"Of course it is," Discord said. "This has all the makings of one of those magical girl shows, expect without it staring a native or dumb main heroine. Sailormoon is good but it's just like back in Equestria, the princess was the only one who really did any defending and without her... Well if the pony arm forces were anything like you humans, they might had been able to push back the Changelings. That's that main problem with magical girl shows, is that the creators of them always have the magical girls being the only ones who can do anything. Which is why, I enjoying watching this conflict with you humans and the changelings. The humans aren't all dependent on a small group of magical warriors to depend against some evil force, which unlike in the fictions the changelings aren't bond to attacking one city."

"Well it's often has the evil force only able to open a portal in one place at a time," Tomoko said.

"Or just lazy writing. Like those alien invasion movies where all the aliens are dumb to the point where the humans have a chance to fight. But at least, I'm getting to watch a real life magical girl show which is better then the ones that the hacks making the anime and manga ones, isn't going by paint by the numbers. Which reminds me," Discord turns to the news crew filming. "You all are living in a magical girl show, so why not give you all the opening for the show."


In America -

Sunset and the others been watching the attack on Japan, as they waited for the go ahead from the Japanese government to save them. And they been watching the exchange between Discord and the new magical girl, which is keeping her distracted from continuing her rampage. Then Discord suddenly starts talking about what's happening being just a show to him and going to be showing them the opening.

"Cool we're in a show!" Pinkie said.

"No we're not!" Applejack said.

"Then why is the tv showing an opening title thing?" Applebloom ask.

"What?" Applejack ask as she and the others all stared at the tv.


The tv scene shows Sunset in her magical girl form holding the bag that held the other elements, standing in front of a mirror with her pony self staring back at her.

"Remember Again."

Then the mirror fades revealing it's the statue base that use to stand in front of Canterlot school.

"Inside a world of broken words."

The portal of the statue showed Chrysalis with a bond in chains Celestia next to her, with an army of changelings around them.

"You cannot hide."

And the picture expands showing Sunset is standing in front of the school with teachers and students standing around her.

"You try to find the reason why."

Sunset throws the bag to the ground and brought down her axe on it destroying the other elements and the mirror.

"As days collide."

Celestia faces breaks apart as the mirror and the elements breaks, with the pieces flying up skywards.

"The seconds keep on passing."

Some of the pieces flying struck some of the students and teachers watching turning them grey but for a small light that glowed the color of the element they been given.

"Without a sound, you turn around."

The screen goes back to Sunset who falls to her knees staring at the spot where the portal use to be. With the world around her growing grey in color.

"And as you walk away I call to you."

The shards of the elements are seen flying across the grey colored world, viewed from space.

"Don't you let go."

The screen showed the shards flying across the American continent, zooming in on Mona Parker, Charley Bones, Lily Duncan, Maxine Caulfield, Chole Price, and Erma Metal. All being struck by a element shard.

"Take a look around, you are not alone."

On the open sea several of the shards struck Maui Hook, Moana Finder, Magnet Rose, Rikki Chadwick, Emma Gilbert, and Cleo Sertori.

"If you'd only stop and close your eyes, find the answers."

Next the shards fly across Russia, Fading Light and the Baba Yaga twins being struck with their shards.

"You'd find the answers."

In Taiwan, Ion Storm being struck with her shard.

"When you feel like the world is falling in."

Then in England, Pink Punk and Frankie Rag with their shards.

"And you can't seem to find the way back in."

In Poland, Lightning Hussar is shown being struck by a shard.

"Don't cry."

In Japan, Wind Leaf and Tomoko Kuroki are being shown being hit by a shard.

"Just hear these words and remember."

In Australia, Terra and Shade Mess being struck.

"Don't you let go."

In Israeli, Sonic Gust being hit by hers.

"Take another breathe when you're lost again."

The new scene shot shows Discord watching the events unfold as he sat back in a chair floating above space.

"If you'd only break the walls within find the courage."

The screen zoomed in back to the school and focusing on a shard of the portal.

"When you feel like the world is falling in."

The screen goes into the shard of the portal ending up on the other side.

"And you can't seem to find the way back in."

First it showed Equestria as it was before with ponies walking around, then transforming into a broken land.

"Don't cry."

The Changelings are shown flying around in their new human like forms overseeing everything.

"Just hear these words and remember again."

The cities and towns are replaced with slave camps.

"Outside, you're trembling as you stand."

The ponies are press ganged in working farms, mines, and factories.

"In the falling rain."

Others are in green pods.

"You try to find where you belong."

Canterlot Castle once someone out of a fairy tale, is now now dark and looming.

"As you drown the pain."

Chrysalis stood in the throne room with Princess Celestia trap in a pod along side with Princess Luna, and Princess Cadance.

"You hear the voices crying."

The screen turns up revealing the main six trap in their own pods.

"Inside a world monochrome."

The screen zooms towards Everfree Forest where the last of the free ponies in Equestria are hiding.

"But their eyes are bleeding tears of."

A energy dome covers the forest, with Changelings unable to go past it.


The ruins of the Castle of the Two Sisters is shown as it was before.

"Don't you let go."

It transforms as it's been rebuilt by the ponies, with a village surrounding it.

"Take another breathe when you're lost again."

The surrounding forest has been cut down for farm land and defenses been built.

"If you'd only break the walls within find the courage."

Trixie is shown wearing the Alicorn Armlet using her magic to fight off the changelings.

"When you feel like the world is falling in."

The screen zoom back into Canterlot castle, going into a old storage room.

"And you can't seem to find the way back in."

The screen focus on an old scrap book that opens revealing snap shots of a young Sunset and Princess Celesita together.

"Don't cry."

The pages started to turn giving a snap shot of events through Sunset's life with the princess, with the first picture showing a dirty Sunset filly looking upwards to the princess.

"Just hear these words and remember again."

At first they were happy together till there came a blast of magic in the foreground.

"Another silent prayer fades."

A picture showed the cause of the blast coming from a young purple unicorn.

"As the night slips past."

Sunset in the pictures after the blast is trying to get the princess attention, with the princess eyes on the young purple unicorn.

"I try to reach out to the light through."

The reminding pictures shows Sunset growing resentful and being cold, resulting in the princess showing her the mirror and showing an alicorn Sunset in the mirror.

"The glass as it shatters."

The princess is shown being fearful of what Sunset saw and moving further away from her. Till it shows the events of Sunset studying dark magic and being caught. The final pictures have Sunset being thrown out of the castle but her running into the mirror.

"Don't you let go."

The screen now shows the human Sunset kneeling before the broken portal, grey and lifeless. Till the human Celesita step up from behind Sunset placing her hand on Sunset shoulder.

"Take another breathe when you're lost again."

Sunset looks around as the students and teachers surrounds her with their element shards glowing with color.

"If you'd only break the walls within find the courage."

The world explodes with color all coming from the element shards, with all the magic users transforming into their magic forms. Snap shots of the other magic users transforming with color expanding around them.

"When you feel like the world is falling in."

Sunset turns to Celestia who is standing next to Luna, but in their magic alicorn forms.

"And you can't seem to find the way back in."

Sunset stood up color returning to her body as she looks upwards into the sky.

"Don't cry."

Words in English appeared in the sky. 'My Little Sunset: Magical Girl.'

"Just hear these words and remember again." (2)

The final shot is Sunset as a filly curled up against Princess Celestia sleeping as the princess looks down at her smiling.


"This is so cool!" Pinkie shouted out.

"Yes, I know. My pony counterpart is leading a rebellion!" Trixie said.

"It's like we're in a show!" Flash said.

"And Sunset is the star," Rainbow said glancing at Sunset who has grown quite and looking down.

"Sunset?" Rarity ask.

"Sunset what's the matter?" Applebloom ask.

"Come let's go and be by ourselves for a bit," Celestia said taking Sunset's hand in hers. Sunset nodded and walk off with her. (3)


Back in Japan -

"So am I a villain in your show or something else?" Tomoko ask Discord.

"Now that's up to you," Discord said. "Be a hero or be a villain or one of this anti something or another. It's up to you and you alone to decide."

Tomoko just stood there as she looks around at the devastation she has made, taking it all in. She spread out her wings and flew up into the air, flying higher and higher. Then she drive bombs picking up speed as she did so and using the speed shot off like a rocket away from the city.

"Well that was a anticlimax end. I wanted to see a magical girl fight," Discord turns to the news crew who gotten near to him, which is made up of a cameraman and a woman reporter. "Well thanks to the Japanese government spending the last hour or so debating about what to do, there is no fight or the magical girl respondeable for it captured. Is it so hard for you paperpushers to ask for help? There's a whole army base full of American magic users with one of them being from my world and is a train magic user. She would had been able to handle things, instead of all the damage that's been done."

Discord snaps his fingers and is suddenly dress as a accountant holding a calculator like adding machine.

"Lets see with the damage cause by said magic girl or Black Harvest, combine with the damage related to her rampage, counting car crashes and all of that, power lines, water mains destroyed or effected. Mustn't forget looting, lost productivity with people unable to work, wasted man power. Then the cost of rebuilding everything and paying the workers. The total cost of this little rampage is around 40 million American," Discord said looking at the little paper slip the machine spat out.

A tall apartment building that had a half circle taken out of it side, suddenly rumbled and fell over. Resulting in it having a domino effect as it knock over one building after another, taking out the entire apartment block. With the last building falling onto a gas station, which exploded setting the surrounding buildings on fire. The blast wave would had hit Discord and the news crew but he created a shield around them protecting them.

"Ok make that 80 million American," Discord said as he snap his fingers and in his hands is a big metal fork with a marshmallow on it and he started roasting it over the fire.

"Can't you do something?" The cameraman ask filming.

"I am," Discord said.

"You're roasting marshmallows as the city burns," the woman reporter said.

"You're right," Discord said as he snaps his fingers and a fiddle appeared next to him playing on its own. "Better?"

The news reporter and cameraman as well as everyone else watching just gave him flat looks.

"Alright fine. Seeing I'm already here, I'll help," Discord said snapping his fingers and a massive blanket of snow flops over the city burying it in 3 feet of snow at once. "There the fire is out."

"But now the city is covered in snow," the reporter said.

"Yes it is," Discord said as he snaps his fingers again and several bottles of different flavored sugar syrup appeared floating in the air around him. Which Discord started gathering some snow in a bowl and started making snow cones.

"You're just going to do stuff like this when we ask you for help aren't you?" The news reporter ask.

"Pretty much. I'm on no side of this and just do what I do for my own self interest. Just be glad I find it more fun in playing video games then causing chaos like back in my old world," Discord said who is now eating a giant snow cone.