//------------------------------// // Purple is a Manly Shade of Pink? Or not... // Story: MLP: Friendship is Spike // by Bass Kick //------------------------------// In the words of Rainbow Dash, "Swagg." SMALL PARALLEL PLOTS INCLUDED!!! Not that you will like the fic any less, but I've just decided to through that out there ;D FRIENDSHIP IS SPIKE - CHAPTER ONE: PURPLE IS A MANLY SHADE OF PINK? OR NOT... Thursday: 10:00 pm "Drink! Drink! Drink! Drink!" The sounds of the oohs and awes and the cheering of the brightly colored ponies were echoing throughout the house, and could easily be heard down the block. An empty bottle of AJ Daniel's made contact with the wooden kitchen table, causing a loud thud. After swallowing hard, the purple dragon stepped away from the table and threw his arms up into the air. The crowd of ponies that were gathered around the table completely lost it. "Guh," The other competing pony slouched down on the table, his face buried in his hooves. Spike lit up in a blazing violet. "I win again, my man!" The dragon held his hand out, awaiting a sportsman-like hoof?shake. The colt at the other end of the table lifted his head up. "Naw, another, round..." The cheers of the onlookers anticipated another round of the drinking contest, which was already deep a full five rounds. Spike was doubtful. "Are you sure, Lucky?" He shook his head amuzingly. "You know you can't beat the champ, right?" The grey colt shot a competative look. "Oh I can beat him, alright. Now come on!" He waved to a pony nearest the fridge. "Another round!" The crowd exploded. Spike was always down for a challenge, but he wasn't gonna let this guy drink himself to death. "Dude, trust me, you can't beat me. I eat metal and breathe fire." The crowd took that as another set of challenging words. The colt that was near the fridge excitedly walked over to the table, and in anticipation set another two bottles of AJ Daniel's down. He then took the empty and almost-empty bottles off the table and walking back towards the kitchen. The departing-from-sober colt wiped the sweat from his face with his hooves. Spike was still trying to get him to decline the competition. "C'mon, man. Look at you; you're about to pass out." Just as spike finished his sentence, the crowd had gained mixed perspectives on whether or not the drinkers should enter another round. Just then, a mare steadily ruhsed up to Lucky and put her forleg around his waste. She thought the colt really was going to pass out. She helped Lucky stand up right and led him towards the exit door, which he walked compliantly in her guidance. "Come on, Lucky. You've had a little too much to drink ever since you got here," she said flattly to him, and he simply nodded and staggered out of the house. A certain light blue mare in the crowd frowned. Her light grey mane became still with a slight wave of depression. I wish I was her, walking with Lucky right now, she thought to herself. Her fandago eyes shifted towards the ground as the ponies around her kept parting. As Lucky left, Spike sighed deeply in relief. Music began to blast in the background, and Spike's pride was neck-and-neck with the volume of the music. He had won another drinking game, sixth one of the night. "No more drinkers?" Spike's eyes shot around the room, and to his enjoyment, no other colt was up to the challenge. Spike grinned and breathed heavily. "Well then, I guess nopony's brave 'nuff to cha--" "I'm brave enough! Can I drink? Please please please?" Spike winced at the energetic beg of the pink pony that was standing behind him with a bright face. I'm dead, he thought. Pinkie skipped over to the polished table and waved to the colt by the fridge, who brought out two new bottles of AJ D's. Spike himself began to sweat as the happy pony at the other end of ther table cracked open her bottle of whiskey. Spike was not ready for the challenge. "Uh, c'mon, Pinkie... You sure?" The dragon was trying to stall the new competition, that could possibly take hours of drinking. Pinkie simply nodded. "Uh, look at this..." Spike turned the label the bottle of toward Pinkie. "This looks like it's bootleg, anyway. There could be like a hundred poisons in this..." Unfortunately for Spike, Pinkie couldn't hear him in the fog of all the cheers. Spike was grinning and moving his eyes around the room nervously. A colt in the crowd spoke up. "Hey! She's not a colt! I thought that this was a colt's game of drinking!" A pony next to him in the crowd peered nonchalantly at him. "You must not know Pinkie Pie, then. Pinkie hopped up onto the table. "Oh, so you think I'm not strong enough?" She then put on a smirk and looked down at Spike, who looked timidly up at her. Pinkie's eyes narrowed on the purple dragon. "So, what'll it be? Wanna show these ponies who the real drinking master is?" The crowd began to cheer loudly again, mixed with the booming dubstep playing in the background. "Is that a deal?" Spike hesitated. "Uh... sure?" The cheering grew louder than the music as Spike slowly cracked open his bottle. Pinkie raised her open bottle in the air. "Go!" Friday: 2:17 am Almost everypony had dispersed from being near the drinking game at about around the mark of Pinkie's thirty-fifth win. But Pinkie didn't care. "Yay! I wain again!" Pikie jumped up and threw her arms up. "Dammit." Spike slammed his head down on the table again. "How many wins is that? Fourty-eight!? Yay! Better luck next time, Spikey!" Pinkie rubbed the spines on the back of Spike's head. A colt in the small crowd was dumbfounded. "Impossible," he said shaking his head. Pinkie Pie then skipped off humming, seeming to be completely unaffected by the four straight hours of the drinking game she had been involved in. Meanwhile, at a table at the back of the large room, a light grey mare sat alone, sipping on a glass of punch as she held it with both her hooves. A hot pink pony was trotting pass her, but after noticing the mare at the table, she slowed down and decided to talk to her friend. "Hey Shoeshine," the pink pony said as put on a smile (not that she didn't already have a smile from partying). "What's up?" The mare looked up from the table to see her friend. "Hi, Cherry B." Cherry Berry noticed the flatness in her friends words. "What's wrong? Whay aren't you having fun?" "No reason." Shoeshine sighed. Her friend had already decripted her feelings though. "Are you still thinking about Lucky?" Cherry Berry asked, understandingly. "What? Why would you say that?" Cherry Berry was still smiling. "Don't worry, Shine. He doesn't have a special somepony. I know what you were thinking about that mare." Cherry then winked. Shoeshine's mood lightened up. How did she know what I was thinking? she thought. Saturday: 9:00 am "Spike, get up!" "Ah... what?" Spike rolled over in his brown basket. He pulled the soft sky blue cover over his head and sunk his face into the pillow. "Spike, you have to get up!" Twilight startred pressing her hooves against the dragon's side, shaking him. "Did you forget about your errands?" Spike rolled on his back and threw the cover off. "Okay, I'm up. Now what do you want?" A scroll hit spike in the stomach. "Isn't it kind of early for this? I mean come on, it's a saturday." Spike yawned deeply. "On that scroll is the list for the stuff I want you to get from the market. I'll be out on royal buisness so I expect you to get something while I'm out, and make youreself usefull for once," she finished with a smirk. Spike rebuttled sarcastically at her remark. "Twi, I don't know what was colder; the fact that you're making me leave the house on a saturday or the fact that you think I don't do any work around here." Twilight still had a smirk on her face as she magically opened the library's entrance/exit door. "Oh, and I expect this place to be looking sparkling clean when I get back." "Fine, whatever." Spike waved her off. "Enjoy your boring 'royal buisness', mom. I've got some sleeping to do." "SPIKE!" "Okay, okay, Twi. I'm staying awake, gosh." /)^3^(\