Talking Is Hard

by Leoshi


"So, you know how each season has a new event for that year's posters, flyers, and other advertising things, right?"

"Um, no."

"No? I thought I told you that at some point..."

"Oh, well, you might have. Maybe I just forgot, or maybe I was distracted, or..."

"Okay, okay, let's not board that train of thought. I'm just thinking that maybe I should ask to be the center of the new photos. Kind of like how it was when I was officially made a Wonderbolt, you know?"

"Yes, that I do know! You looked so happy!"

"Heh, I had every reason to be. Anyway, I'm thinking that it would make some sense, right? The whole team would be there, but I'd be in the middle, as an instant success story for the younger pegasi who want to follow my example."

" know that you had to work very hard to become a Wonderbolt, right?"

"Duh! It was all I could think about since I was a filly!"

"That's a good point. I'm just wondering if showing you in the middle as an 'instant success story' would actually be true. Because, well, you did have to work very, very hard to get here. It wasn't...instant."

"Eh, it's the message that counts, right? I made it through with passion, perseverance, and a whole lotta mistakes, but I finally got here. I mean, even Twilight had to go through a whole bunch of trouble to get where she is now, and she's considered a role model."

"I suppose you have a point."

"Right! So anyway, these photos..."

"You were saying the whole team would be there."

"Oh, yeah! I'd have to talk it over with them to make sure it's okay, and I'd be okay if it's not okay."


"It's just that I've had this idea stuck in my head for about a week. Ever since I heard that the photo-shoot was coming up, really. And I know that I won't be able to get over it unless I try to make it happen. Kind of like my dream of being a Wonderbolt, you know?"

"I guess so."

"Huh? You don't sound very convinced."

"Oh, um, I don't mean to say that it can't be done. I just...well, I just can't relate. I'll still support you, though, no matter what!"

"Heheh. Thanks. talking about this idea isn't even relevant to you? We can change topics if that's the case!"

"Don't do that! I might not have anything to add, but I'm happy to listen."

"You sure?"

"I'm sure. It won't be time to feed the critters for a while anyway, and I've missed talking with you."

"Well, all right! Where was I?"

"The same spot. The whole team would be there."

"Was I? I thought I, I must be really distracted today. Hm. Anyway, we'd all be there, and I would be standing with the others bowing down before me. Or maybe I should be held up on all of their hooves while I pretend it's natural?"

"Don't you think that's taking it a little far?"

"Ha! No, no, it's taking it much farther than just a little!"

"Oh, hehehe!"

"I'm joking, of course. I like attention and all, but there's no way I'd get the team to agree to that. Their collective pride wouldn't allow it."