ranger's plight

by count of hollow shades

museum mishap

“Excuse me, do you know where the guide pony is? Me and my friends are visiting from prance.” these mares seem nice, “sorry I don't know where the guide is, but I would be happy to show you around.” pens stable is bigger than I thought it would be. It seems that his descendants decided that a humble country home was not enough for the rulers of fillydelphia and the province of Sylvania. “the house was built in the year 1043 b.c.l (before celestia and luna) by the pen family. the land was granted to them by the unicorn royal family to absolve a loan owed to Billy’s dad. he was after that moment the single richest noble in equestria at the time. the unicorn king lived in the old country and the big migration had not really gotten started yet. Billy was one of the nobles who preached peaceful coexistence with the other tribes, not a popular opinion then. however, it had its appeal, that and the prospect of free fertile land drew a lot of ponies. in the next room, you can see his armor which he..." *slam*

a dragon ran down the hallway, he was sweating profusely. he has no idea what is going on, all he can think of is a smell and a face.

what hit me, DRAGON!!! it is probably an adolescent by its size, but still larger than most ponies. what is that pink hue in its eyes. *arg* it swung its claws at me, THE GIRLS!!! I look around the room, they seem to have left the room, good time deal with this jerk. I left my weapons in my room, so what can I... there a spear on the wall. probably a priceless relic, I use my tail to grab it. I use it as an extension of my tail, jabbing and slashing. it is only a matter of time before he just thinks to roast me, time to finish it. I extend my wing momentarily blinding him, I then thrust the spear between his legs and turn it tripping him. I then slammed his face with my hoof, again and again.

security had to drag off him after I knocked him out. it took 5 guards, 4 cops, and a taser spell.
dad will not like this, being arrested may ruin my record. not as if i killed him, i just put him in the hospital... he will regrow those teeth...and those scales...and his jaw was not that fractured. the door opens.

captain armor clad is not happy, he not only have the mayor looking over his shoulder on the daktari case, and now this country bumpkin fall right into it, "so mr... ranger, you are not here for the assault. the witnesses all agree that it was self-defense. what i don't get is why he attacked you. do you remember anything"

hmmm... "his eyes were an odd pigmentation pink, perhaps caused by an hormonal imbalanced. the clumsy way he fought lend credence to that theory." he looks a little surprised "ya surprisingly articulate aren't i. i am big, not dull. and it is guardpony ranger."
little does the little hero know that the dragon that he just put in the hospital was pike crag, the head of the largest dragon gang in the city. the other gangs are quickly struggling to fill in the void, and this underworld civil war is about to get worse.

the griffin triads are a secretive bunch, a secret society of extortionists and info brokers. a microcosm of griffinstone society, with conflicting khans competing for money, territory, and power. the anarchy reminds them of home. they pounced on the dragon's to take advantage.

the noble houses are the elite of the city, the patriarchs and matriarchs. there exist in this secretive cliche a counsel of 5 great dons, leaders of the many leaser nobles. they keep them from devolving into opportunistic predators, doing whatever they wish. the base of power for the nobles come from various places, industry, politics, trade, land, and finally crime.

the zebras are a minority in the city, consistently suspected, harassed, victims of violence. daktari was well respected in their community, his coma was the last straw. they formed several militias, so called striped watches. for self defense, or perhaps vengeance.

the city of sisterly love is a powder keg, and someone is dropping matches.

armor clad is looking through the archives to find forest rangers records. "hmm, graduated from north edge guard academy, majored in military history, minored in forensic magic, etc etc. bright stallion, it seems. i will have to talk to his commanding officer."
texas ranger was reading a note that arrived from fillydelphia, "i wonder what that son of mine has done this tim... WHAT!!!!"
after an hour or so yelling about how forest is a no good bum, texas finally agreed to have forest work on the case. after all, not as if he could stop forest from getting involved anyway.