Nearly Drowned: An AppleDash Story

by Goat Carnival

Chapter 7: Complete Memory

Applejack tossed and turned in her bed. She knew by now Rainbow Dash would be out of surgery. Probably resting, or dying quick. She hoped she was just resting.
One word haunted Applejack's mind. Love. She recognized the voice. Deeper than most ponies', and very raspy. Rainbow Dash. Where had she heard the mare speak this word to her? One word spoken by the pony she loved clouded all other thoughts. Applejack shook her head, attempting to allow other thoughts enter her mind.
It was then that a memory came back to her. She remembered something said to her in the past. She couldn't remember how long ago.
Applejack, If we don't live through this, and if you can still hear me, I want you to know that what I just did for you was out of love.
Applejack couldn't put the puzzle together. She gathered that the voice belonged to Rainbow Dash, and that she was telling her that she loved her, but she couldn't remember why.
She suddenly remembered. The river! It was at the river that Rainbow Dash confessed. It only made sense. In all the past "good things" Rainbow had done for Applejack, she'd never in the end told her she loved her. The only time Rainbow would have done that would be at the river, after she'd saved her.
So she does love me... Applejack thought to herself, smiling a little. If she lives, I'll tell her.


The mare's eyes opened. She took in everything she saw. Bright lights, blue ceiling tiles. I'm... I'm in the hospital... she thought. She couldn't talk. What's going on? Why am I here?
Nothing made sense. She couldn't remember anything after falling asleep in the forest. She just fell asleep, and then woke up with a pain in her side.
The doctor walked in. "Rainbow Dash! You're up!" he said. "Your friends will be glad to hear of this. The Wonderbolts were in the lobby earlier, you know."
"They were?!" Rainbow exclaimed. "What did they say?"
"They were worried about you. Luckily your friends calmed them down."
"Are my friends still here? And what about Applejack?"
"Er... no, they left hours ago, but Applejack is still in the building.
"Can I see her?" Rainbow Dash asked expectantly.
"Not right now, Rainbow Dash. It is after hours and we expect the patients to be asleep."
"How in Equestria do you expect me to fall asleep when every pony I know has been worried about me? Applejack and I got seriously injured, I've missed I don't know how many Wonderbolts practices, and the rest of my friends had to give the bad news to everyone else on top of their worries!" Rainbow snapped. "It makes zero sense for a pony to try to 'get some rest' when they have the pressure of their friends' mental health weighing on their-"
"Miss Dash, please, watch your temper. The stress could kill you," the doctor commented.
"What kind of hospital is this?! Stressing a half-dead patient out as soon as she wakes up, knowing full well the dangers of telling her?"
"Rainbow Dash, I'm sorry about that. Perhaps you'll be happy to know, however, that Applejack is able to walk about, and you should be tomorrow. We'll allow you to reunite in private, if that's okay."
"Y-yeah... I'm okay with that," Rainbow said, finally calming down.
"Alright, then. I'll arrange it," the doctor said with a sigh of relief.
He left the room, leaving Rainbow Dash to rest. She fell asleep to the slight quick beeping of the heart rate monitor.