Story of a Monster

by King of Madness

Redemption for a Monster

"Would you like some more tea, Discord?" Fluttershy asks me.

I give her a smile. "I wouldn't mind, my dear Fluttershy."

She reaches her hoof to the kettle.

"Oh, there's no need for that." I tell her as I snap my fingers.

The tea kettle sprouts legs and pours the tea itself before running off.

Fluttershy laughs at the display, much to my joy.

I still don't understand how I've ended up here. To think that only a little over a year ago, I was reeking havoc across Equestria just as I did over a thousand years ago. I had picked off the Elements one by one; twisted them into the very things they hate the most. I spread suffering and mayhem throughout the world. I watched from my throne as Celestia's world was once again torn apart. I didn't think they could stop me... But I was wrong.

I still remember the despair I felt as that Rainbow came towards me. I would have just teleported away, but my powers are chaos based and teleporting away at that very moment made too much sense. I remember the feeling of helplessness as I was turned back into stone after I had just gotten out. I imagine it was similar to how Twilight felt when I took away everything from her. Karma truly is merciless.

I thought I would be there for another thousand years or more, but after a couple of months passed, Celestia walked up to my statue. I looked down at her, thankfully I had kept my eyes open this time, as she gave me an odd look. I really can't describe it; but what she told me at that moment... It's something that I've thought about recently. I remember what she said word per word.

"I remember how you used to be, Discord. I remember when Luna and I first meet you. You really were a charming draconequus and I really did appreciate your pranks half the time... But I suppose I didn't show it much, did I?" She looked sad; maybe even guilty. "Maybe... Maybe if I had shown you more kindness, none of this would have happened. But I've done some thinking and I've decided to give you another chance. There's a certain pony that I believe can change you. But be warned, If you hurt anymore of my little ponies, there will be serious consequences for you." She became very stern during the last sentence.

At first, I thought she was pulling my leg, but, right after she finished, I was put on a chariot and brought to Ponyville. I already had a plan. I was going to manipulate Fluttershy into giving up her Element, thereby nullifying their only means of defeating me again. And no matter what I did, Fluttershy never lost her patience with me; which very much surprised me. No one had put up with me so... easily before. Of course, I didn't think much of it... until she called me her friend.

When Fluttershy told her friends that I was her friend too... I really don't know how to describe it. I've lived for eons and, in that time, no one had ever called me their friend. I could tell she truly meant it as well. I could barely believe it. Something in me changed at that moment, but I didn't realize that until I almost lost her. When she told me to put everything back to how it was, I was angry. She really thought I would turn everything back to normal just because I would lose the only friend I've ever had if I didn't... That's when it truly hit me. When I looked back at those lonely pair of skates, a realization came to me. All my life, I had searched for someone to call a friend. Someone who would appreciate me. Someone who would love me... Someone I could love. I never found anyone and I gave up; that's why I turned to torturing all of pony kind. I was just so tired of hurting that I decided to make others hurt instead. Nothing was there to hold me back... But now, I had something, someone, to hold me back.

I remember when those six ponies lost their Elements. The wheels in my head were turning for something evil... But Fluttershy quickly talked me out of it. I wanted to spread chaos, but I really didn't want to lose my friends. But then Tirek arrived. I've come to regret many many things... but betraying my friends for that lying, power-hungry monster is my biggest. I don't know what I was thinking. I don't know why I listened to him. I guess that part of me was still there; the part of me that took over Equestria. I really thought he was my friend; I really thought we were a team. When he betrayed me, I felt... broken. More broken than a stone prison could ever succeed in. Not only did Tirek betray me, he did it right after I had done the same to my friends... to Fluttershy. It was a pain I had never felt before. It was worse than all those years I spent alone; worse than all those years I was in that stone prison. It made me feel... empty. I couldn't even cry because of how hollow I felt. And I deserved it. I deserved it for my own betrayal. Twilight should have left me to Tirek... But she didn't. Even then, she called me her friend and demanded my release.

How did a fiend like me end up with such friends? I really don't know, but I couldn't be more grateful. I still have a lot to learn and I'll never be rid of my bad habit of being a jerk; after all, I'm the Spirit of Chaos and I've been this way forever. It just makes me even more grateful for my friends, even if I don't show it all the time. Though, between you and me, I'm most grateful for Fluttershy.

As this all runs through my mind, I look at my little pink-haired friend. "Fluttershy,"

She looks up at me. "Yes, Discord?"

I smile at her. "I just wanted to say thank you."

"For what?"

"For being friends with a monster like me."

She looks at me for a second before flying over and putting her forelegs around me. "Oh, Discord, your not a monster. You just make bad decisions sometimes. And I'm happy to be your friend."

I look down at her and wrap my arms around her. As her words sink in, I can't help the tears running my face. "Thank you, Fluttershy."