Fifteen Days

by UnluckyReaver

Day Thirteen

Dash shivered as the temperature continued to drop. What was a pleasant morning had slowly turned into cool afternoon. The light mist that was pooling between the trees was steadily growing into a dense fog.

“Stupid Everfree weather, doing whatever it wants.” Dash grumbled.

Paying the nether the pegasus or the fog any heed, Strider continued onwards.

“Shouldn’t we stop before it gets too late?” Dash asked. “I mean, I’m fine. Nothing to worry about. Not that you do either, but maybe we should?”

Strider didn’t respond, nor did he stop; instead he continued walking, ignoring the fog that was pooling around his legs. The afternoon turned into evening, Strider uncharacteristically continued walking.

“You sure you don’t want to stop? It is getting dark.”

Strider responded with a single word and pointed into the distance. Ahead of them, rising above the trees and surrounded by fog was an old ruined castle.


The sun was almost below the horizon when Strider pushed the old castle doors open.

“This is great.” Dash told herself as Strider went about setting up a small fire. “We’re so close. We should be back in Ponyville by noon tomorrow.”

Strider glance up at Dash as he managed to light the small fire. As Dash scooted closer to the flames, she realized the oddity of her surroundings. She wondered why the restoration project she and her friends had started stopped. Bits? Time? Effort? In the end, Dash decided that it didn’t really matter, Twilight had her own castle now, and she and her friends moved on with their lives.

Dash thought back on Twilight and the others, how they had joined together here in this room to confront Nightmare Moon and saw the power of friendship. Dash found that it seemed fitting that she would spend the night here with her new friend before introducing him to her old friends.

A smile came to Dash’s as she thought about the future, tomorrow she would be back in Ponyville and this whole ordeal would be behind her.