Midnight Rangers!

by mentalshock

Episode Four: Just Another Day pt.1

Flicker stretched out on a park bench. It's been about a week since the first monster attack. She groaned aloud as Trick and Bonezie walked up in front of her. Not wanting to deal with those two she quickly began to walk. The two bullies did their usual picking. This lasted up until these pony shaped creatures attacked.

These creatures were orange, green, white, brown, and purple. "Look what we got here," The white one said twirling a broadsword.

"I don't think these are them," The brown one spoke up wielding large gauntlets.

"Nah we're after that high school mare." The one in purple pointed to Flicker with an tower shield on her right arm.

"She isn't in the uniform though?" The green one holding a bow exclaims while extending a hand towards her civilian attire.

The orange one with an elongated battle-ax face-palms, "Because she hasn't morphed yet dingus."

She stood at attention and shouted, "It's Morphin' Time!" There was a gust of displaced air as Flicker's uniform formed around her. She brought her shield out, and took a defensive stance. She moved until this new enemy was between her and the barrier exit of the Crystal Empire. Flicker charged the center, shield raised to guard her head and torso. Her shield collides with the violet look-a-like. She carried the impostor out of the city. She found that it was becoming very difficult to move. Eventually Flicker stopped frozen solid in the icy wind and snow.

The doubles laughed at her as she struggled to move. "I think Rorrim put a little too much power in our morphers." The one in purple chuckled to himself. He grabbed Flicker's shield, and tossed it. "Green, go long!"

"Got it!" The mare in green shouts catching the improvised Frisbee, "Heads up White!" She gave it a toss to The stallion in white.

"This was almost to easy," The stallion in white said catching it, "Over to Orange!" He tossed the shield over to The mare in orange.

"Don't jinx us just yet," The mare jokes, "Brown, to you!"

"But you have to admit their wasn't much of a fight," The stallion brown stated, "Right Red?" He tossed the shield to Flicker.

Flicker caught her shield. The area around her was burnt as ice and cold water slid down her uniform. She brushed frost from her skirt before teal fire flared from her back. She attacked the the ranger clones holding them back as one by one her powers kicked in. Her body was on a sort of autopilot during the fight. Steadily she picked up speed in the fight. Her attacks caused the fakes to demorph into... nothing. Where they stood after the final blow is now nothing. The only evidence there even existed were their hoof prints in the snow. She looked around frantically trying to find the copies until the stallion in purple shouted from deep into a blizzard.

"We'll be back Ranger count on it." The sucking of air from a teleportation spell echoed in the snow. Then, they were gone.