//------------------------------// // Daspoint; Prologue: The Database // Story: Dashpoint // by blackhooves14 //------------------------------// Fast, she had to act fast. Well fast is her forte after all, she's been trained for it since she was a little filly. No one could know she was here, especially the Princess, her hooves never touched the library floor and her wings silently flapped as she hovered quickly through the halls like a ghost. Finally she made it to the computer room. She set herself up by the nearest one she could find and began to log in, after a few seconds of searching and hacking she found herself in the Equestrian Royal Database, the biggest source of knowledge unavailable to the public and only available to high-ranking government officials. The home page wasn't particularly user friendly, she was greeted with a black void of emptiness when suddenly bright green words danced across the screen. *** EQUESTRIA ROYAL DATABASE ACTIVATED USERNAME: BLACKANDWHITE PASSWORD: ***** PASSWORD ACCEPTED REBOOTING MAINFRAME REBOOTING DATABASE >LOADING DATABASE >LOADING ALL FILES ACCESSING DATABASE >ACCESSING FILES >RETRIEVING FILES ESTABLISHING CONNECTION TO LIBRARY... PLEASE WAIT... LIBRARY CONNECTION ESTABLISHED TIME PERIOD: THE LUNAR PERIOD DATE: DARK MOON/DAY 16/ YEAR 1105 OF LUNA LOGIN TIME: 8:26 P.M. WELCOME TO THE EQUESTRIA ROYAL DATABASE. I AM THE A.I. LIBRARIAN PROGRAM: 7W1L1GH7 5P4RKL3. SO TELL ME, WHAT CAN I DO FOR YOU? >SEARCH DATABASE >CONTRIBUTE TO DATABASE >SAVE DATA >LOGOUT PLEASE NAME THE DATABASE FILE YOU WOULD LIKE TO EXAMINE BELOW. SEARCH: ESTABLISHMENT OF THE LUNAR PERIOD EXCELLENT CHOICE, PLEASE WAIT WHILE 5-P1K3 RETRIEVES YOUR FILE. ... THANK YOU FOR WAITING! UPLOADING FILE... FILE UPLOADED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To know the story of our ruler Princess Luna you must first know of the beginning... TIME PERIOD: THE SOLAR SOVEREIGNTY DATE: 1 DAY BEFORE THE SUMMER SUN CELEBRATION LOCATION: PONYVILLE, EVERFREE FOREST, THE ANCIENT CASTLE OF THE ROYAL PONY SISTERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------      Almost 1500 years ago during the rule of Princess Celestia Equestria was threatened by Nightmare Moon.  The 6 incarnations of the Elements of Harmony, Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Rarity defeated Nightmare Moon and returned her to her former self, the sister of Princess Celestia, and our current ruler, Princess Luna.  Peace was established between the two sisters and harmony returned to Equestria. PLEASE WAIT... TIME PERIOD(S): THE SOLAR SOVEREIGNTY/THE SUNSET FUNERAL/THE FIRST YEAR OF THE LUNAR PERIOD DATE: 20 YEARS AFTER THE NIGHTMARE MOON INCIDENT LOCATION: CANTERLOT, PRINCESS CELESTIA'S CHAMBERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------      After 20 years of harmony the days soon grew dim.  Princess Celestia was old and dying, after the attack on Canterlot by the Changelings, Celestia was wounded by the Changeling Queen Chrysalis, this resulted in a shortening of her lifespan, knowing her end was near she called her sister and the Elements of Harmony as witnesses.  It was there she passed her incredible powers to her sister Luna making her the new ruler of the sun and moon. Celestia's powers unfortunately were the only thing that kept her tethered to life and she died in her bedchamber ending the Solar Sovereignty.          The inhabitants of Equestria came far and wide to attend The Funeral of the Setting Sun.  Ponies, Griffons, Dragons, and everyone in between came to pay their respects.  After the ceremony Luna was established as the new ruler of Equestria thus beginning the Lunar Period.      As the new ruler of Equestria Princess Luna took a step in creating a brighter future for all of Equestria,.  She supported the progress of technological and scientific research with Twilight Sparkle as overseer.  She opened up trading between kingdoms, she also developed the Lunar Calender and established new laws to approve research.  Over the course of the next 1000 years Equestria became more technologically advanced with Canterlot being the central hub of everything.  Many ponies worried that this rapid growth of technology would destroy their way of life, but under the guidance of Princess Luna harmony between nature and machine has been fulfilled and peace has reigned throughout the land ever since. END OF FILE THANK YOU FOR READING, IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE YOU WOULD LIKE TO EXAMINE? Y/N? SEARCH: ELEMENTS OF HARMONY CLONING PROJECT I'M SORRY, BUT THAT FILE IS IN THE CONFIDENTIAL/RESTRICTED SECTION, UNLESS YOU HAVE PROPER CLEARANCE YOU CANNOT VIEW THIS FILE. PASSWORD: ******* >PROCESSING >VERIFYING USER ACKNOWLEDGED, WELCOME! PLEASE WAIT WHILE 5P1K3 RETRIEVES YOUR FILE. ... THANK YOU FOR WAITING! UPLOADING FILE... FILE UPLOADED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WARNING: THE FOLLOWING FILE CONTAINS PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION.  UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE OF THIS INFORMATION WILL BE PUNISHABLE TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LUNAR LAW. PROJECT: Harmony² TIME PERIOD: THE LUNAR PERIOD DATE: FIRST-QUARTER MOON/DAY 23/YEAR 1089 OF LUNA LOCATION: CANTERLOT, UNIVERSITY OF CANTERLOT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------      Over the course of Princess Luna's rule she had witnessed the deaths of the Elements of Harmony.  This bothered the Princess on two levels.  One; she had just lost some of the closest friends she's ever had, and two; the Elements of Harmony were the most powerful weapons Equestria had.  The government still possessed the 6 elemental gems, but without their pony counterparts, they were just shiny trinkets.  With the thought that Equestria could be attacked by another threat similar to Nightmare Moon (or worse) Princess Luna resolved to recreate the elements of harmony by creating clones of the 6 original ponies.  This project was called Harmony² and it had to be accomplished by any means necessary.  It became apparent that Princess Luna had already planned this project prior to the deaths of the six ponies for she had preserved bits of DNA from each individual pony. While it was somewhat disturbing to some, it made the project move that much faster.        With the DNA collected Canterlot scientist began work on cloning each pony.  As biological work began Princess Luna started going over the details on how these little ponies would live their lives.  They needed to live similar lives as their counterpart and they had to earn their cutie mark's in a similar way, but most importantly they needed to all be friends.      It was finally decided that the clones would all live together under the same roof.  They would be taught what they are and who they are meant to become.  They would not be taught how their original's received their cutie mark otherwise the whole plan would fail due to the cutie mark being forced rather than discovered. PLEASE WAIT... THE FOLLOWING INSERTS ARE JOURNAL ENTRIES FROM THE LEAD SCIENTIST DR. MANEDEL. TIME PERIOD: THE LUNAR PERIOD DATE: WANING CRESCENT MOON/DAY 15/ YEAR 1090 OF LUNA LOCATION: CANTERLOT, UNIVERSITY OF CANTERLOT, BIOLOGY AND GENETICS WING, LABORATORY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Today is Waning Crescent Moon Day 15, 1090 and I have great news!  Harmony² was a success!  All subjects are stable and growing well, all vital signs are reading normal and all subjects should be fully grown by the next moon.  This is unbelievable!  I thought the Princess had lost her mind when she suggested such a thing, but it's working!  It's actually working!  The information on this would be of great value to the scientific world, but she's wanted us to keep quiet about this entire project.  Perfectly understandable though, I mean she is crossing many moral boundaries and breaking the laws of nature. Well it's for the good of Equestria, I'm actually pretty glad that I'm a scientist and not a politician, with my work I can just hit the reset button and start over, but in politics, when skeletons come out of you closet, those old ghost will haunt you and your reputation forever. TIME PERIOD: THE LUNAR PERIOD DATE: DARK MOON/ DAY 23/ YEAR 1090 OF LUNA LOCATION: CANTERLOT, UNIVERSITY OF CANTERLOT, BIOLOGY AND GENETICS WING, LABORATORY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ What have we done?  What did we do wrong?  Okay...get yourself together Manedel we can fix this...Oh Celestia...Oh Luna, WHAT HAVE I DONE?!  Okay...today is Dark Moon 23, 1090.  Something has gone wrong with Subject #4, Rainbow Dash's Clone.  We DID NOT expect this to happen at all.  All 6 subjects were of similar color 3 moons into the project, we expected they all would change color, which they did!  EXCEPT FOR SUBJECT 4!  She is not light blue she's still grey!  A sickly monochrome grey!  What do we do?!  We are too far into this project to abort them now!  They...they're just about to be let of the tubes...they're about to be "born" soon...what will the Princess think?!  She'll be here soon...she...THE PRINCESS! OF COURSE! She's the re- END OF LINE IT IS ASSUMED THAT PRINCESS LUNA WALKED IN ON MANEDEL AS HE WAS WRITING THIS.  THE COMPUTER AUTO-SAVED HIS REPORT, BUT HE DID NOT CONTINUE TO FINISH IT. JOURNAL ENTRIES CONCLUDED PLEASE WAIT... TIME PERIOD: THE LUNAR PERIOD DATE: DARK MOON/ DAY 26/ YEAR 1090 OF LUNA LOCATION: CANTERLOT, UNIVERSITY OF CANTERLOT, BIOLOGY AND GENETICS WING, LABORATORY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Today was the big day, all subjects were 11 moons old and were ready to be released from their test tubes.  Miraculously, all subjects of Harmony² successfully survived "birth".  All clones were virtual spitting images of their original counterpart, except for Subject #4 Rainbow Dash's clone.  She was as Mendel described it "A sickly monochrome grey".  Each pony was given a name similar to their original counterparts.  For the first few weeks they slept, then they became restless and wished to play which they were allowed to do so from time to time, until they were finally ready to live in the castle. TIME PERIOD: THE LUNAR PERIOD DATE: WAXING CRESCENT MOON/ DAY 8/ YEAR 1093 OF LUNA LOCATION: CANTERLOT, THE ROYAL PALACE, Harmony² APARTMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------      Princess Luna wanted to keep the fillies close to her so she had an entire floor built into the castle for the clones to live in, but soon they would have to move to Ponyville to begin their new life.  Time passed and as the scientist and caretakers watched the girls grow, their observations noticed that the clones did share many similarities with their original counterparts.  These traits allowed some of them to earn their cutie marks rather quickly. THE GIRLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBJECT #1:Nightfall Shine A light purple unicorn mare with a dark purple mane with purple and pink streaks going through it.  She prefers being alone, but is happiest in the company of friends, and like Twilight Sparkle, she is also very intrigued by books.  Although a clone of Twilight, Nightfall's magic is particularly weak.  She would have trouble casting the most simplest of spells and sometimes would mess it up completely, thus she has not yet earned her cutie mark. SUBJECT #2: Ambrosia Named after the apple, Ambrosia is an orange earth pony with a bright blond mane.  As the clone of Applejack she is strong, hard-working, fun, reliable, energetic, stubborn, tomboyish, and brutally honest.  From the day she could kick she was assigned everyday to buck apple trees, this instilled a disdain for apple-bucking, and she wished to do greater things, she was introduced to more high-class occupations, but after a few jobs she realized that working with apples was what she wanted to do for the rest of her life and she had earned her cutie mark. SUBJECT #3Majesty Majesty the unicorn has the indigo curls and white coat of her fabulous counterpart Rarity.  She also possesses her eye for fashion and works very hard to create many wonderful outfits for her and her sisters.  She also possesses Rarity's generosity, as she is willing to help anyone in need in any way she could.  Rarity's other talent Gem Finding was activated when Majesty was walking around the Canterlot bazaar looking for fabrics, her horn detected the location of some gems in a rock, Royal Guards dug out the gems and Majesty received her cutie mark. SUBJECT #5:Posey Posey is the spitting image of Fluttershy, a shy pegasus pony with a pastel yellow coat and wavy pink mane.  She isn't a very strong flyer, and is incredibly quiet as well, but she is also incredibly kind.  Her talent for communicating with animals was discovered when she found an injured rabbit in the royal garden, once she nursed it back to health on her own, she earned her cutie mark.   SUBJECT #6:Fuchsia Tart Fuchsia Tart was given the same lifestyle Pinkamena Diane Pie was given.  She was required to work on a rock farm daily and would attend long boring religious sermons afterwards.  Her coat is a dull grey pink and her dark pink mane is straight and hangs low in a bob cut, her personality is solemn and reserved.  She doesn't spend much time around the others and has no interest in cakes, cookies or anything sweet in general.  She doesn't laugh or smile, and as such she has no cutie mark yet.      For Fuschia recreating Pinkie Pie's childhood was successful, but to create the rest of her life the project needed a crucial element to give Fuschia and Nightfall their cutie marks, a Sonic Rainboom.  The first Sonic Rainboom created by Rainbow Dash made a shockwave, that according to the original six, helped them discover their cutie marks.  (Research showed that 4 of them could have discovered their talent on their own at some point, but it was crucial for Twilight and Pinkie) When the Sonic Rainboom occurred, the shockwave tapped into Twilight's powers and activated them, and the beautiful colors inspired Pinkie to always be happy.  Unfortunately subject #4, Rainbow Dash's clone was in no position to provide such a thing for she has no colors. SUBJECT #4: Monochromia Flash Monochromia Flash is a pegasus pony with a grey coat and a black and white mane, her eyes are inverted as well with the iris being white with a black sclera.  Scientist do not know why Monochrome does not have the colors Rainbow Dash did, DNA test show that the she is Rainbow Dash's genetic counterpart so she is supposed to have the colors, the good thing is she has Rainbow Dash’s talent, going fast.  When she was able to fly Monochrome was taken out into the Cloudsdale race courses to constantly fly and develop her speed.  At such a young age she had already beaten all of her predecessors flight camp records by more than just a few seconds, a lot more.  It is possible that Monochrome may in fact be faster than Rainbow Dash.  Although without any colors she has no hope of ever creating a Sonic Rainboom.  Attempts were made at creating a Sonic Rainboom, but despite the exact calculations, form, and speed all Monocrome could do was produce a standard Sonic Boom. Monochrome has another flaw as well, she doesn't have Rainbow's personality, she isn't as brash or headstrong as Rainbow Dash and she doesn't enjoy the thrill of racing or flying, after flying sessions she would go to her room and sleep for the rest of the day, she would only come out for classes, meals, and to hang out with her sisters.  She doesn't have the passion of Rainbow and is very apathetic to most things in life and prefers to walk rather than fly.      With Monochromia Flash being the weak link the system it may take time for The Elements of Harmony to be recreated.  For now they reside in Canterlot within the Royal Palace. UPDATE: It has been aprox. 7 years past the intended date of Sonic Rainboom, this may possibly hinder the quality of Harmony² Subjects due to their approaching maturity. Possibility to re-clone Rainbow Dash and the others are being speculated and debated. END OF FILE THANK YOU FOR READING, IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE YOU WOULD LIKE TO EXAMINE? Y/N? SEARCH: CURRENT LOCATION OF ELEMENTS OF HARMONY I'M SORRY, BUT THAT FILE IS IN THE CONFIDENTIAL/RESTRICTED SECTION, UNLESS YOU HAVE PROPER CLEARANCE YOU CANNOT VIEW THIS FILE. PASSWORD: ******* >PROCESSING >VERIFYING USER ACKNOWLEDGED, WELCOME! PLEASE WAIT WHILE 5P1K3 RETRIEVES YOUR FILE. ... THANK YOU FOR WAITING! UPLOADING FILE... FILE UPLOADED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ While it is believed that the Elements of Harmony are kept in the royal vault in Canterlot Castle, they were moved after they were easily stolen by Discord. Princess Luna currently keeps explosive decoys in the royal vault while the real Elemental Gems are buried with their respective pony in their tombs. LOCATIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Twilight Sparkle: Crown, Element: Magic LOCATION: Ponyville Library, ebony coffin in the root catacombs Pinkie Pie: Necklace, Element: Laughter LOCATION: Inside a model cake in Sugarcube Courtyard Applejack: Necklace, Element: Honesty LOCATION: Sweet Apple Acres, Cutie Mark Crusader Tree House Rainbow Dash: Necklace, Element: Loyalty LOCATION: Cloudsdale, Hall of Fame, inside Tank's old shell Rarity: Necklace, Element: Generosity LOCATION: Canterlot, Canterlot Cemetery, Rarity's Ivory mausoleum Fluttershy: Necklace, Element: Kindness LOCATION: Everfree Forest, Lake Zecora, Poison Joke Island SO WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO DO NEXT? >SEARCH DATABASE >CONTRIBUTE TO DATABASE >SAVE DATA >LOGOUT WOULD YOU LIKE TO LOG OUT? Y/N? THANK YOU FOR VISITING THE EQUESTRIA ROYAL DATABASE SYSTEM! WE HOPE YOU WILL LOG IN AGAIN SOON! >LOGGING OUT USER >RETRIEVING FILES   >LOCKING DOWN DATABASE    >REESTABLISHING SECURITY PROTOCOLS     >FIREWALL SET TIME PERIOD: THE LUNAR PERIOD DATE: DARK MOON/DAY 16/ YEAR 1105 OF LUNA LOGOUT TIME: 9:18 P.M. >SHUTTING DOWN... GOODBYE      The screen went black.  The pony at the computer took a step back processing the information she had just read, she got the information she needed, now she had to steal what she needed.  She left the library and began to fly, she never needed her wings this badly, but this time speed was her friend.  She twisted and turned between the towering skyscrapers that pierced the skies of Canterlot, this was nothing compared to the flight camp courses, although the flying cars were a bit of a challenge.  Cloudsdale was very far away from Canterlot, but no worries, she'd get there soon.      Elsewhere in time a pegasus pony with a rainbow mane and pale cyan coat was hovering above her friend bragging and boasting in her usual manner.      "Well duh!" Rainbow Dash proclaimed, she grinned, confident in her statement.           "Oh please Dash," Twilight rolled her eyes, "that's just a silly gimmick they use in comic books to make them look more action packed and dramatic."      "Nuh-uh!  I could do something like that!"            "Really?  YOU could create a tornado vortex strong enough to levitate something?"      "Hay yeah!  It would be so strong it could...it could..." Dash darted her eyes looking for something impressive enough to lift from the ground, and she spotted a rock, "it could lift up that rock!"            "You mean, that rock?"  Twilight pointed a hoof at it.      Dash looked over yonder and saw that the rock was bigger than she thought, and deeply embedded into the ground.  Moss was growing around it, weeds were spread out all over, it was virtually merged with the grass and soil.  And it was huge, it was as big and was as heavy as two Big Macintosh's.              "Er..." muttered Dash a little worried, "Well...of course I could!"  Dash sounded confident, but was starting to regret her decision.      "Well all right if you're up for it then." Twilight said with a sly grin.  She and Dash went over to the rock.  "If you're going to do this right you need to know what to do, first-" she was suddenly cut short.     "I know what to do!  I've seen in comics a bunch of times before!  I just spin around it really fast and the flow of air should lift it up!  Or something like that...easy pie!"  Dash approached the rock, ready to perform the task at hand.     "But Dash, you need to know about air currents, velocity and how fast you need to go to actually accomplish this!"  
     "Oh be quiet you egghead, it's just a matter of monkey-see, monkey-DO!" and with that Dash began to spin around the rock in a rainbow blur.  The grass rustled as the vortex began sucking in air by the small tornado Dash was starting to create.  For a second it did seem like things were going to go Dash's way, when suddenly a black blur came in out of nowhere right through Dash's tornado knocking the pegasus pony flat on the ground at a high velocity.   Twilight almost fell over from the gust that blur brought with it, the trees bended forward in the direction of the blur and all of their leaves were torn from their branches leaving them bare, and not only that, but the rock was lifted up from the ground easily and was in midair, it landed close to Dash with a ground-shaking thump.      "Ugh...who the?"  Dash dizzy, saw Twilight come towards her.      "Dash!  Are you alright?!"  Twilight helped her friend up.      "Ugh...yeah...I'm fine" Dash was feeling groggy and disoriented, she's never hit the ground that hard.        Both ponies looked up and saw just a few feet away from them the silhouette of a pegasus pony looking down at them from atop of a hill, her body shrouded in shadows, all they could see was a pearly white grin of razor sharp fangs and a red lighting bolt shaped gem on her chest.      Something was wrong, Twilight could feel it, there was something familiar about this pony, but what?  Rainbow Dash could feel it too, she eyed the lighting bolt gem attached to the ponies chest, upon closer inspection she saw that it was attached to a silver necklace, a very familiar looking necklace, there was no way, "Hey!  That's my necklace!  My Element!  How did you get it?  And what the hay did you do to it?!"        The pegasus simply grinned and began laughing, Dash was getting seriously ticked and she screamed at the top of her lungs over the echoing laughter, "WHO ARE YOU?!"  With the angry words fading meaninglessly into the wind.