//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 (First conversation with a pink one) // Story: Madness Combat, Ponies with Improbabilities // by Metei //------------------------------// Metei gazed around the inside of Sugarcube Corners, or whatever Pinkie called the place. The entire shop was filled to the brim of decoration, food, games and ponies, eager to meet the new pony in town. Metei was tearing up as back at Nevada he was a prisoner, and therefore did not have parties, even when he was a child, the only thing close to a party would have been for the people who ran the place while the test subjects ate the scraps. “Hey Metei, why are you all sad?” Metei looked at Pinkie who was right next to him, concern etched on her face, only being intensified by her deflated mane. “I’m not sad; it’s just tears of joy. I’ve never had a party or friends since childhood” Pinkie wrapped her hoof around his neck, bringing him close for a hug. “Well, you’ll never be alone ever again” The pink pony still smiled at the test subject, grinning madly at the scene in front of her. The pink pony backed off to let some space for the test subject to get up. The pink pony opened her mouth as if she was going to say something. If any other pony noticed her doing that, than they would have tried to shut her mouth, block their ears or ran away. However the test subject did not know the danger of letting the pink pony talk. A moment of silence for the test subject please. “Hi-my-name-is-Pinkie-Pie-and-I-don’t-think-I’ve-met-you-before.Oh,oh-are-you-new-in-town.Oh-my-gosh-you’re-new-aren’t-you.We-totally-have-to-throw-you-a-party” The test subject stared at her, not accepting that she just said three sentences without breathing. “That is correct. You don’t know me and I don’t know you either” "So, if I don't know who you are then that means that you're new to Ponyville, RIGHT? Oh, oh, that means I can throw you a WELCOME-TO-PONYVILLE-PARTY!" "I've never had a party before, so why are you doing this?" Pinkie stopped looking happy and looked at Metei, dumbfounded. "WHAT?! You have never had a party before? Well today is you lucky day since it's time for your welcome party" Pinkie spoke with clear enthusiasm, excited that there was a new pony in Ponyville, which meant a reason to throw a party. The test subject had to block his ears from that last statement, which was said- no SHOUTED in his ear. The ringing of his ears started to die down, so he opened his previously shut eyes from the vocal assault, and staggered backwards a bit. The ever growing grin which Pinkie was wearing made the test subject shift uncomfortably, swaying back and forth. It was not helping that the grin was accompanied with an intent stare that was unusual for the pink party pony. "Yeah, I am new here, but why are you so happy to throw me a party. No less, throw a party for a pony you've just met?" Pinkie pondered a bit on the question, confusion etched on her face. This seemed to go on for an eternity until the pink mare opened her mouth while the test subject prepared for another shouting speech. "Well why I can’t I, parties should be enjoyed by everypony, even new ponies" The test subject gave her a dead panned look as he processed the thought of throwing a party to a complete stranger. The idea turned from ridiculous to understanding. A new pony, who probably doesn't know anypony, would have a party in their name, just so they get introduced to maybe their future neighbours and friends. "What, I totally forgot to ask you something really important. I forgot to ask for your name. I mean I can't throw a party for you if I don't know your name and if I don't know your name then I can't write it on your welcome banner and if I don't write your name on your banner how is everypony else supposed to know who you are and if that happens then they have to guess your name and if that happens then you or somepony might not like my party and if somepony doesn't like my party then I'll be all saddy-waddy and I can't handle that again. QUICK, I need to fix this problem! WHAT'S YOUR NAME?!" The test subject stood dumbfounded as to how Pinkie could say all that in just one breath. Pinkie had to shake him to get his attention again. The test subject cleared his throat and answered the question. However, the one thing he forgot was that he did not have a name. He was raised in the testing facility and the people there only called him by his serial number. Glancing around him, he tried to find something, anything so he could have a name. His gaze shifted down to the shirt tag on his jacket, or more importantly the name of the company that made the jacket. He lifted his head from behind him and looked at Pinkie. "My name is Metei" Pinkie smiled at him, happy to learn her new friend’s name. She took notice of his mane and what was on top of it. “Hey Metei, what’s that white ring on top of your head?” Metei looked up and saw what she meant. He did not notice his halo since it was being camouflaged by his mane. “That’s just an accessory. Nothing special” Pinkie took the lie and asked another question, this time about the shades he had over his eyes. “Why are you wearing glasses? Are you a DJ like Vinyl?!” “I don’t know who this Vinyl is but I am not a DJ” Disappointment came across her face when Metei told her he was not one, shattering her dreams of having an epic party with two DJ’s. “Well then why do you wear them?” “I can’t explain it. Here let me show you” Metei lifted his shades and gazed into Pinkie’s eyes. Pinkie was shocked to see that his eyes were full black. She knew that Vinyl wore her shades to hide her blood red eyes and to hide what her true feelings were for some things, not only that but it is also a great accessory for her job. Metei had the glasses to hide his cold, black, dead eyes. She felt her knees wobble from the stare that Metei was giving her. As her legs gave away, Metei lunged forward to catch her, only succeeding by just mere luck. “Sorry about that, didn’t mean for you to faint” Metei gave a sorry look towards Pinkie. Pinkie only smiled at her companion, taking the apology and offering her own. “Don’t worry, besides I should be the one that’s sorry since I wanted to look at your eyes” Metei lifted her up and stayed by her side, in case she decided to collapse again. “Well I should get going to prepare for your party. See you later!” Pinkie waved at her friend as her figure started to shrink from Metei’s sight. Turning around to explore the town he stopped dead in his tracks. Two huge ponies’ chests were blocking him. Looking up, he gazed into the faces of the two Princesses. “We know that you’re the meteor that crashed into the forest”