//------------------------------// // Session 57 // Story: Ponies and Dragons (Just Have Fun) // by Alex Warlorn //------------------------------// Session 57.0 General Lemarc Time: Didn't check it before Daleks surrounded us Place: A space station that is apparently NOT abandoned It had happened so many times before. Surrounded by Daleks, with nothing but his wits, tools, and TARDIS to get him out...oh, and a plucky companion. That too. The Doctor began formulating plans by the dozen, when his mind hit upon a memory that sent all the plans crashing to a halt. "River?" "Yes?" "I...can't get us out of this one." "Why not?" "Because of something you told me, er, will tell me. This station, this Dalek encounter, you told me this was The Day The Doctor Did Nothing. No spoilers, as ever, but you said that it was a fixed point in time and emphasized just how important it was that I live up to the title." "I wouldn't have happened to have given you any advice, would I?" "Not in the least. You just giggled and charged head-on into the angry mob we were up against." "I really dislike myself right now." "Welcome to my world. Alright then! Hello everydalek! As you know, I'm the Doctor and this is of course River Song." AFFIRMATIVE. WE. ALREADY. KNOW. INFORMATION. IS THEREFORE. IRRELEVANT. "Fine fine. (Can a stallion not buy time anymore?)" YOU. WILL. SUBMIT. OR. BE. EXTERMINATED! "River? I'm about to break rule one?" "Which rule one? We have Faust-knows how many." "The only one that matters: I'm going to tell them the truth." "...Congratulations Doctor. You've actually surprised me." "I choose to take that as a compliment." The Doctor took a few steps forward, as if preparing for a heroic, defiant speech. "Alright, here's the truth. I'm on the run from a love-crazed pegasus mare who has been granted time-traveling powers by a Muffin Button and the powers of the mail. I'm hiding here in the hopes that your station's remote location will be hard for her to find, but since you're here, I'm hoping your defenses will at least slow her down. After this situation is resolved (somehow, he muttered), I'll leave and let you get back to your...Dalek-ing." THE. DOCTOR. LIES! "Yes yes, I know. Which is why I've lowered the TARDIS's telepathic shields enough so that you can confirm the veracity of my statement." "The TARDIS has mental shielding?" "I KNEW you didn't know everything about her! I mean, ahem, yes it does. Not too fancy, but usually prevents lethal attacks and casual mind-reads. Its all-or-nothing like that. Really hurts the Daleks, since they're so "evolved" they can no longer perceive sarcasm. So they did the smart thing and assumed I'm always lying unless they have leverage over me. But now..." THE DOCTOR. IS NOT. LYING! IMPOSSIBLE. THE DOCTOR. ALWAYS. HAS. A PLAN! ALERT! ALERT! UNKNOWN GRAY-COLORED OBJECT. APPROACHING .THE OUTER DEFENSES! The Daleks all turned to analyze this new threat, and the fact that the Doctor had apparently been telling the truth for once. "I'm not even surprised that she can survive in the vacuum of space, but I am puzzled as to why she didn't just appear here." "Ah, that would be the only good part about this predicament. As we made our way in, I noticed the Daleks had a temporal web up. Essentially it catches objects travelling through the time vortex, and it either shoves them out to its edge or pulls them in to the center. I figured I'd be the only target they'd actually want to keep, and that anything-or-pony else would get expelled." "Doctor, I know what a temporal web is." "Sorry, used to having companions who don't know these things." "Are you not at all worried about Derpy facing, you know, the universe-conquering Daleks out there?" "River, I'm worried about the Daleks out there" The Dalek perimeter SYSTEM. FAILURE. ABANDON. SHIP. The fifth Dalek ship to attempt an interception exploded twice...somehow, as a grey blur flew right through it unharmed. Despite being in a vacuum, there was a distinct noise coming from it. "Love is in bloom. A muffin button of love, a ship that goes boom." The Command Center "Doctor, is it odd that I'm more puzzled by the odd structure of those lyrics than that she's projecting sound through space?" "River, at this point, nothing is odd." Their musing were interrupted by the Daleks, who had refocused their attention upon them. THE. DOCTOR. WILL. EXPLAIN. THIS! "I already told you-she's trying to get me, and I'm hiding here. Really, it should wear off any moment now, and the forces letting her go through the time vortex should rubber-band her back home. Then I leave and you get on with your Dalek-ing. Everyone wins." ALERT! INNER. DEFENCES. PENETRATED! THE SANCTUM. WILL BE BREACHED. IN APPROXIMATELY. TWO. MINUTES! THE DOCTOR. FEARS. THIS. BEING! "Now hold on, I wouldn't say-" THE DOCTOR. HIDES. FROM THIS BEING. SEEKS PROTECTION. THE DOCTOR RUNS. BUT FEARS NOTHING. YET HE FEARS THIS BEING. THIS BEING OF. CHAOS. THIS BEING. WHO CAN DESTROY. DALEKS! ALERT! SANCTUM. HAS BEEN. BREACHED! RETREAT! RETREAT! And so it was that Derpy, flying at full speed and humming wedding marches, entered the control room to find the Doctor and River idly watching as several Daleks fled through every available entrance. "Hello sweetie." she purred, eyes batting. "Now that's just uncalled for.", grumbled River. Derpy walked over to the Doctor, opened her mailbag, and gave him his postcard with her mouth. "There you are. Now, I've got a few...propositions to discuss with-" "Derpy, wait. You're a good friend, and a wonderful companion, but this can't go on. I can't afford the possibility of children given my track record of running from things, and besides, River and I are already an item. I do care about you, quite deeply in fact, but not in that way. I'm sorry." "Oh. Ok." And with that, Derpy's eyes, voice, and posture all returned to normal, her strabismus even kicking back in. River's face was torn between looking relieved and annoyed. Her voice, however, had no such ambiguity. "Really? That's all it took! We could have avoided all this if you just talked to her?!" "Well, yes, but then we wouldn't have gone on this adventure. And without that Discord wouldn't have been mayor of Hoofington, those taffy-spiders would've conquered those bipedal elephants, Bon Bon's mother would have conquered Equestria with candy-flavored giant vegetables(still not sure how that works), and The Day The Doctor Did Nothing wouldn't have happened. Funny bit of wording, that. I didn't do anything, but Derpy did, and that combination scared off the Daleks. " "At least I can take some small consolation in that my description of this event will annoy you. It did annoy you, right?" "Oh incredibly." "Wonderful. Now let's get back to Equestria before you wind up fleeing to another plane of existence rather than start another conversation." "Mind if I tag along?" Asked Derpy. River gave her a look. "Why? You didn't need our help getting here." Derpy gave River a look right back. "I was delivering mail. And I did. So now I don't have mail to deliver." She said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. River, who didn't enjoy not understanding things at all, just gave up and sighed. "Of all the worlds in all the galaxies I've been to, none are stranger than Ponyville." One Week Later, The Castle Of Friendship "...and that is why I will require 24 hours notice from either Derpy or you whenever a Muffin Party is planned." The Doctor finished explaining his story to Twilight, and took a sip of his tea. Twilight, for her part, was taking it rather well, though part of the reason may have been the elimination of all the stops aside from the first and last-it would take too much time to explain, and he'd never answer all her questions in either of their immortal lifetimes. "All right. I'll make sure to coordinate with Derpy so you can be informed whenever you return to town." "Thank you Princess. Though I must ask, why aren't you more...well, curious as to the properties of the Muffin Button?" "Its Discord. Anything other than the basics is simply impossible to pin down. While I do have the few books and studies written on the subject of chaos magic, beyond that I've filed the non-harmful things he does with the Pinkie Sense in the "avoid questioning to maintain your sanity" file. Besides" she said with a smile "its just muffins. What's the worst that could happen?" Session 57.1 Mtangalion Pinkie Pie opened her mouth… "No," snapped Gilda. She pulled a fresh batch of clawsants out of the oven and inhaled deeply, pleased with her work. And the bits she was earning by working part time, of course. Pinkie sucked in a deep breath, undeterred. "Hey Gilda! Do you want to play…" Gilda put the cookie sheet down on the stove and removed her oven mitts. "No." "... that rhyming game? Cause it's…" "No." "... really a lot of fun and I just know…" "No!" "... you'll be able to sing a beautiful heart song if we just work you up to it!" Gilda looked despairingly at the sun outside Sugarcube Corner, which had risen only five minutes ago. "Ugh, Pinkie Pie! There's a reason why we griffons put no-singing sings all over Griffonstone. It's okay! I'm not musical. I don't even want to be musical!" Pinkie Pie gave Gilda a surprise squeaky-hug, making her wings pop out, and booped the tip of her beak. "But Gabby sang a really cool heart song..." "News flash, Gabby isn't normal! Can we please just focus on this morning's orders? We have a lot of stuff to bake." Pinkie deflated a bit. "Oh. Well, okay, I guess…" Three, mouthed Gilda silently. Two, one, … Pinkie perked up. "Hey, Gilda, can we…" "No!" Pinkie tried the droopy ears and the big watery eyes. "Please, please, please, please?" "No, no, no, no!" Pinkie stared at her, not making a sound. Ten seconds… fifteen… twenty… Gilda started to sweat. But that was just the hot oven, right?" "Please?" "Okay!" screeched Gilda, panting. "Fine!" "Yipee!" squealed Pinkie, bouncing in place. "I promise, you won't regret it." She pulled out a mixing bowl full of batter with a wooden spoon in a pink whirlwind, already stirring away. "We can play while I work on this cake!" Gilda sighed heavily. "Cake, huh? You're gonna make a cake?" Pinkie grinned slyly. "That's not all! I'm gonna bake the cake I make." "You'll never taste it," deadpanned Gilda. "After you bake the cake you make… I'll take it!" And Pinkie gasped. "Are you going to make me take the cake I bake to the lake!?" Gilda snickered despite herself, starting to get into it. "Yeah, I'll make you bake a cake and take it to the lake… with a rake!" Pinkie seized Gilda with outstretched hooves. "Why would you make me bake a cake just to take it to the lake with a rake? Is it a fake?!" Gilda rolled her eyes. "For goodness sake, the cake I'll make you bake so I can take it to the lake with a rake won't be a fake!" "Um… ahem." Pinkie and Gilda turned to see Spike standing on the other side of the sales counter. Pinkie Pie oohed. "Morning, my good drake! Did you come to hear about the cake that Gilda's gonna make me bake…" Spike face-clawed. "Please don't say all that again." "... so she can take it to the lake with a rake for goodness sake? Aw, why not?" Spike groaned. "You know, I'm going to chalk this one up to ‘Because Pinkie Pie' and try to forget that any of this happened." "You and me both, buddy," quipped Gilda. "Ow!" Pinkie Pie had just rapped her on the head with an empty pie tin. "Combo breaker!" The little dragon unrolled a scroll, shaking his head. "Twilight sent me to order more of those cupcakes, just in case. You know the ones." Pinkie Pie's grin grew until it became somewhat disturbing. "Spike?" "That tyke, Spike?" said Gilda casually, holding back a snicker. Pinkie shrugged theatrically at her. "Twilight wants cupcakes, but how about a tyke like Spike?" Gilda tapped her chin with a talon, pretending to think it over. "Maybe a tyke like Spike should ride a bike." Spike backed away slowly. "Hah, hah. Yeah, real funny, guys…" "But would a tyke like Spike ride a bike or a trike?" "Neither, dweeb! Spike the tyke wouldn't like a bike or a trike, he'd take a hike." Spike shuddered, then abandoned the checklist and ran for the door. "Make it stop! I can't take any more! Twilight!" Gilda blinked slowly. "You realize, you've taught me a whole new way to annoy ponies." Pinkie scratched her poofy mane with a hoof. "Ponies think that's annoying?! Nah, I'm sure they're just having more fun than they can stand!" Session 57.2 Kendell2 "Not a word..." Gilda said, her cute little Griffin with the rest of the Mane Six at Rainbow's behest. "I think you look cute!" said Pinkie Pie, the group connected to Gilda via chat. Gilda grumbled. "Yeah, cute...Look, just because I WORK at the company doesn't mean I know where anything is. And even if I DID I couldn't tell you." "No problem, G. We just need a Griffin to find some of those pieces," Rainbow replied. Because you needed a party to find the puzzle pieces, the reward and collection aspects were shared among the party. After all, the last thing the game was trying to do was make players argue with each other, so making them have to bicker over who got the item they'd earned. Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Pony Twilight (as Minty was an Earth Pony) headed out along the ground and into caves, Sunset, Rarity, Spike, and Human Twilight spread out to use scanning spells, Rainbow Dash took to the sky, Fluttershy started looking for small places to go into and Gilda got Puzzlemint's scent (which was used for some games in Griffin's starting location as well), all looking for the little collectibles scattered throughout the game world. "Ah! Found one!" Rainbow Dash called, flying through an air current (which was how they made places only Pegasi could go to) and grabbing the floating, glowing puzzle piece. Sunset continued to use scan spells...and picked up a little hole. "Fluttershy! I found a hole for Breezies!" Fluttershy found her way to Sunset's location and flew her little Breezie avatar into it. "Oh! Found a piece!" "So did we, darlings," Rarity replied, her scanning spell letting her find a hidden path that lead to another piece. 'Found one,' Gilda wrote in the chat, having followed Puzzlemint's scent to find one hidden in the forest. Pony Twilight looked around a cave...only for her character's 'clumsy' personality trait to cause her to trip and fall harmlessly down to a lower level (fall damage did not exist, if the fall was too far butterflies would just rescue you and put you back where you started). "Oops!" Pinkie Pie had her character look down after her. 'Minty, Minty, Minty...' she typed into the chat. However, Twilight happened to fall right onto a puzzle piece hidden on a ledge. "Oh...Found one!" Soon enough, they'd assembled enough pieces of one puzzle to put it together, which lead to a minigame of actually putting the puzzle together to reveal it was a festival of the Castle of Friendship in Ponyville. "Jolly good job," said Puzzlemint. "Here's your prize!" The prize, in this case, was a crown for each of them, and they also got to keep the puzzle picture and could use it as a painting in their house. "That was kinda fun," Applejack admitted. "It's a bit more fun to make a scavenger hunt out of it." 'It was fun...I guess...' Gilda typed. "Come on, we've still got a lot more to find!" Rainbow Dash commented, rather enjoying herself at this point. Session 57.3 Devcon101 Suri stood in front of a small bakery on the streets of Manehattan, looking at the HELP WANTED sign posted in the front window. So far her search for work hadn't gone so well. The fashion community treated her now like a pariah after her theft of Rarity's line had been revealed, practically booting her out of the business. Other than sowing, Suri had few talents she could call "job worthy." One of those just happened to be baking, which she could attribute to her mother, one Sicklysweet Polomare, being an avid chef and often recruiting her daughter when she had been younger to assist her. Ever since, cooking had been a side hobby for the pink mare, and while she wasn't great, she felt she could hold a job at a small bakery. Suri sighed and trotted inside, a small bell jingling as she opened the door. The booths that had been set along the walls laid mostly empty, save for a pegasus mare and an earth pony stallion who were enjoying the last of a small box of cupcakes. The floor was covered by a mint green carpet, and similarly collared banners were hung above the window as added decoration. Near the back of the store rested a series of rather large counters, each with a glass window putting on display series of varying delectable delights, from cookies, to tarts, to cakes, to pies, and more. On the walls to either side of the counters were built in freezers, containing treats best kept cold. Standing behind said counters was an earth mare Suri knew very well. Her coat was a light green color, her mane a deep blue and in a style that resembled Suri's own if she let the back of her hair down. Around her neck a blue scarf was wrapped, upon it a pattern resembling the one on Suri's neckerchief, and atop her head was a classic puffy chef's hat. Sicklysweet Polomare hummed to herself, looking up to see who had just entered within her bakery with a small smile, only to blink a few times upon seeing who had entered. She then rubbed her eyes, blinking a couple of times, as if to check if what she was seeing was real. Her smile then proceeded to widen into a large toothy grin. "BUTTONS!" the mare happily chirped, trotting through a small gate placed between the side of the last counter in the row and the wall and heading over to her. "It's Sur-" Suri barely had time to reply as Sicklysweet wrapped her up in a big hug. A big crushing hug, which Sicklysweet did not seem to notice as she latched on to her daughter. Suri's eye twitched a little. "Mother, you're crushing me." Sicklysweet blinked, near spontaneously releasing her grip on Suri, who took a breath. Her mother proceeded to give a weak, apologetic smile and a quick "sorry dearie." Suri frowned, before continuing. "First, my name is Suri now, not Buttons, okay? I spent good bits getting it changed. Second, I came for the job offer." Sicklysweet raised a brow but nodded at the first, but at the second frowned a little, confused. "But I thought you were in the fashion business now, with that old friend of yours?" Suri frowned, eyes narrowed. "Let's not bring her up, mmkay? But things happened, and now I'm out of that line of work. You willing to hire me or not?" Sicklysweet thought it over for a moment. "...Okay, you're in!" Suri nodded. "So where do I start?" Sicklysweet smiled and began to trot over to the counters again, motioning for Suri to follow. Suri nodded, smiling as she gave a quick glance at her mother's wallet that she had pilfered. "...You're lucky I'm your mother, dearie. Anypony else would've already booted you out for stealing their wallet" Sickly said, not even turning around. Suri blinked, opening her mouth a bit to speak. "How did I know? Call it a pickpocket's mother's intuition. Now get over here and give that back. You have work to do dearie." Session 57.4 Alex Warlorn and Mtangalion Diamond Tiara said, "Pipsqueak, I just want to say... er, I'm sorry that during our campaigns for class president that I told everypony, 'HE'LL TURN YOU ALL INTO BRAINWASHED ZOMBIES!' Want to come and play video games?" Pipsqueak nodded, "It's okay Diamond Tiara... you can make up for it by attending one of our Luna's Witnesses' meetings." Diamond Tiara stumbled when she saw the crowd already seated in the pews... more batponies than any other tribe, with some Diamond Dogs for good measure. "Are... we in the right place?" Pipsqueak grinned. "Right you are, this is the nine o'clock no-howling service! You wouldn't like the other one." Diamond Tiara couldn't stop herself. "Since when the Tartarus, are there this many Diamond Dogs in Ponyville? Since when are there ANY Diamond Dogs in Ponyville? The average pony here didn't know what a zebra was! And what's with all the Diamond 'wolves?' They were a isolationist even more recently than the Yaks! And I checked the history books, the whole 'wolves' thing was propaganda by the northern Diamond Dog separatists to give themselves an excuse to declare independence from the wealth-obsessed, anti-emigration (that's leaving a land, not entering it), anti-intellectual policies at the time of the kingdom of Dimondia! Since racial unity was big in back in the day, they needed to separate themselves SOMEHOW from the REST of the Diamond Dogs!" Diamond Tiara contiued, "And the reason northern diamond dogs BECAME masters of disguise because of their trek north." "Um, was that a good idea, luv?" stammered Pipsqueak, when quite a lot of dogs turned to face them. "This little pony has a big mouth," grumbled one of the Diamond Dogs. Another pawed and sniffed Diamond's crown without asking permission. "Good taste, though. This is real silver and gems." "We're here on a holy pilgrim thing," said a third, shoving a paper flier in Diamond's face. ~~~ ! LUNA'S WITNESSES MISSION TOUR ! Visit Ponyville, the first town to celebrate Our Lady Luna's redemption, and home of the hero ponies who defeated the Nightmare! See the Friendship Castle, home of Princess TWILIGHT Sparkle, ally of the MOON! Tour the Castle of the Two Sisters and join in the Longest Night Memorial Howl! ~~~ The first Diamond Dog nodded to himself. "Those 'Wolves' left a long time ago, but they're still a bunch of stinky poo heads. Hmph! They act like walking on two paws is beneath them. I like to laugh at their stupid super-fluffy fur!" One of the batponies trotted over. "Now, now, Fetch. You know that Diamond Wolves are equally welcome among us." Session 57.5 Mtangalion Prince Blueblood rounded a corner, claws snagging on the carpet, and loped down another stone tunnel. "This is absurd. I'm running from a pack of wolves. I'm a wolf! I should stand my ground!" He skidded to a halt, panting roughly, and cringed at the sound of all those eager she-wolves getting closer and closer. "Blueblood, you fool. You know you're not a brave pony. Why did you think it would be any different now?" Just when Blueblood was bracing himself to run again, a large stone carving of wolves being banished from someplace or other sank into the wall with a thunk, then slid aside. "In here," hissed a voice. "Well," muttered Blueblood. "That's not ominous at all!" But he wasted no time squeezing himself through the secret door, which immediately slid closed behind him. Then there was a lot of fumbling and cursing in the dark, and a real fear of getting his oversized wolf body stuck in a tight passage who knew how far underground, before he slid down a ramp and tumbled into… a brightly lit shop? Full of glass display cases and sparkling gems? A small female wolf was waiting to greet him, white-furred with gray sock paws and gray face and ear markings. She put a forepaw to her chest and bowed, wagging her tail cheerfully. "Welcome! Alisa hears you need collar." She padded over behind a counter and pulled out a rather large collar, then set about replacing some of its gems with other gems. Blueblood watched her, frowning. "You didn't rescue me from those other she-wolves just to have me all to yourself, did you?" Alisa tisked. "Prince Blueblood, he's so untrusting." She gave him a playful smirk over her shoulder. "We're both wolves here, aren't we?" She'd actually pronounced his name correctly. That startled him a bit. "How do you know who I am?" "Wolves hear things," said Alisa, with a wink and a flick of her ears. She padded over with the collar, looked from him to the collar several times, then loosened the leather band all the way before she looped it around his neck and buckled it on. Then she beckoned him towards a mirror, wagging her tail again. "Gems say you're ally of Icehome, don't have a mate but not searching right now. Looks good?" Blueblood blinked at his reflection, standing up a little taller and turning from side to side. The collar *did* look good… regal, even. He even found himself wondering if jeweled collars and torcs could possibly make a comeback in pony society. "I… I don't know how to repay you, miss. Literally, I don't. I have quite a lot of bits, but I'd have to ask my advisors how to actually spend them here." Something else occurred to him. "Why didn't Prince Erik just bring me here in the first place? Wait, wait just a moment. The storeroom keeper… she did want to send me here, but Erik wouldn't hear of it! What's going on between you two? Just what sort of a shop is this?" He glanced around, but couldn't see the name of the shop anywhere, although there was a less dusty space on the wall where a sign might have been. "What game are you playing?" While he'd been admiring himself and spinning theories, Alisa had left, and now she was returning with a covered tray. "Long story. Now, eat. Blueblood's had a long day." She lifted the cover, revealing a plate full of spiced meat with a generous helping of mushrooms on the side. Blueblood cringed. "Now see here, miss. I might look like a wolf just now, but there is no way…" Then his sniffing nose caught the scent of the meat, and his body had other ideas… and suddenly ‘wolfing down his food' wasn't just an expression any more. Just like that… he realized that he was already licking the plate clean. "What's the matter with me?! I ought to be sick, revolted! Why was that so…" He yawned hugely, stumbling a bit. "Don't worry," said Alisa cheerfully. "Good food for guest. Alisa didn't drug it to make Blueblood fall madly in love with her." "That's… disturbingly specific," Blueblood managed to say, through another heavy yawn. "I never slept after that game at the tavern, did I? Miss, is there… This is a pickle. I would ask for directions to a hotel, but again, the problem with spending my bits..." Alisa chuckled. "Communal sleeping cave is always open. Even important wolves like it. Wolves feel strong, safe when pack is close. But Blueblood's just a regular wolf, so he knows all about that, right?" "Just… show me where it is," grumbled Blueblood, barely awake enough to put one paw in front of another. Prince Blueblood looked at Alisa's rack of ponysuits, appalled. "Why do I have to sneak home in one of these? Why are they all female?! There's no way I'll fit!" Alisa shook her head. "Of course they're female. Alisa doesn't like disguising as stallion. Hurry now, it's your only chance!" She grabbed him and shoved into a cute mare costume until he was sure the suit would rip, but impossibly, awfully, he fit right in! The next thing he knew, Blueblood was home at Canterlot Castle, but the zipper was stuck, and he couldn't get out of the suit! "What are you doing, slacking off?" the chief of staff shouted. "Put your maid uniform on and get to work!" Then he had to mop and dust the entire castle, and Upper Crust and Fancy Pants came by just to laugh, somehow knowing everything, but assigning him more and more cleaning duties instead of helping. "No, I won't put up with this!" snarled Blueblood, finally having had enough. "I'm not a helpless mare, I'm..." Wait, why was there an enormous full moon right outside the window? When had it become night again? "No, the curse!" He thrashed and howled and tore his way out of the suit, snarling at fleeing nobleponies. "Come back! I'm not a monster. I… am… Blueblood!" Everything shattered… leaving the prince standing in a peaceful moonlit grove and terribly confused. Princess Luna stood facing him, her starry mane flowing in the early evening breeze, and oddly, a little shorter than he was. "There you are at last, nephew. You must be quite taken with that wolfpony form, if you're even wearing it in your dreams." Blueblood looked himself up and down, and just as Luna said, he was the hulking white-furred blue-eyed wolf once again. He opened his maw, hesitated. "I'm sorry. Did you say… wolfpony? I'm fairly certain those are fictional." Luna smiled. "They were, but now it seems they are not, thanks to Discord. ‘Thanks to Discord' … it still feels odd for us to say that." Wolfponies, thought Blueblood. Right… one of the imaginary races from that awful trashy romance novel series… which Auntie Luna adored for some reason, even going so far as to be the patron and publisher. "Hah, yes, such imaginative stories. Real page-turners, every one of them, but I don't know if I'm so keen on playing a character from those books permanently." Luna gave him an amused look. "If you had actually read those books, nephew, you would know that wolfponies can freely transform from pony to wolf and back again. They are only forced to become wolves in bright moonlight." Blueblood's ears drooped. "What? You mean, at ANY time, I could have turned back into…" He shut his eyes tightly. "I need to be a pony again. I need…" The dream dissolved, and Prince Blueblood woke in darkness, gasping. "Pony…" He felt himself, grinning. The collar was still on him, but loose enough to fall right off, almost. "Pony! I have hooves! Ouch! I have a horn!" He focused on his magic, conjuring a soft light, and froze. He was in a cavern, surrounded by wolves. Dozens… hundreds maybe, snuggled into a big floofy pile. Some of those sleeping wolves were squirming, annoyed by his light and perilously close to waking. And Alisa… she was leaning against him, about the same size with her being as small as she was, and him being a stallion. She opened one eye and winked, then yawned, resting her head on her forepaws again. "Wolf," thought Blueblood urgently. "I need to be a wolf again, before I'm a wolf snack! Come on, come on!" He felt a bizarre *stretching* and a surge of strength… the horn light vanished, but he could feel that he'd done it. He'd actually done it, changed between pony and wolf at will! To Tartarus with pony maid costumes… he could march into the Crystal Empire as a *stallion*, make a bank withdrawal for ticket money, and be on the next train home! Then Blueblood remembered that he was still in a cavern packed with sleeping wolves, and stifled his triumphant shout, chuckling nervously instead. "I'll just… make my way home in the morning…" Session 57.6 Alex Warlorn Ace Space Hero Rainbow Dash looked back at his squad mates and allies. "Okay, before we go on this critical mission, who among you would you say has been the most helpful, and beyond reproach?" The mix of equines and aliens all pointed at one particular crewmate, one who had saved Rainbow Dash's life early on in their adventure. Without saying a word, Rainbow Dash drew her side arm, and vaporized them where they stood. Their last words were, "NO! MY EVIL PLAAAAAANS!-" - Behind the game master screen, Applejack slammed her hooves on the crystal table. "RAINBOW DASH!" "Hey, stop borrowing your plots from modern Whinny Land movies." Session 57.7 Devcon101 Suri and Sicklysweet trotted back into the bakery, finished with a (mandatory for employees, as Sickly had put it) game of Kitchen Calamity, a favorite of Sickly's. Sickly trotted over to the counter and got out some utensils, humming to herself. "Grab me the blue cookbook on the second shelf please, dearie~" Suri nodded as she trotted over to a bookshelf, upon which rested a series of various books of different colors. Her eyes grazed over the second shelf's contents, until they rested upon a rather thick, blue colored cookbook titled "Chocolate Chipper's Compendium of Countless Chocolatey Confectioneries". However, as she did, she took notice of a book that she didn't believe anypony would normally have on a shelf of cookbooks. Setting down the blue cookbook, she grabbed the brown book and removed it from the shelf, giving it a look over. The cover depicted a pair of two golden hearts above a golden cauldron, the tile "The Complete History of Hearts and Hooves Day" printed in gold coloring along the spine. Looking again, she noticed a series of other books along the shelves, ones that, to her at least, didn't appear like they belonged alongside the various cookbooks. "Mother? You really need to stop accidentally placing history books with the cookbooks, mmkay?" Sicklysweet turned around, brow raised. "What're you…? Oh! Those. Those belong there dearie." It was Suri's turn to raise her brow. "Why?" Sicklysweet smiled, trotting over. "These have a few recipes for some more "unique" ingredients. This one has the formula for a love poison for example." Suri blinked. "Don't you mean "love potion"?" "Not at all, dearie." Suri frowned. "Who on Equus would let that through editing?" Sickly shrugged. "Who knows? I certainly don't." Suri thought on it for a moment, but shrugged it off, her eyes giving one last glance over the shelves, soon landing on a few books near the end of the bottom shelf, including "Equestria's Most Wanted" and "Assassins of the World", which, judging by the heavy amounts of dust on them, hadn't been touched for a while. "What did you want out of these?" Sicklysweet gave a nervous smile. "Those? Oh, nothing. Those are ones I actually did misplace dearie" she said quickly, taking the books off the shelf and holding them close. "I'll go put these back where they belong. Take the cookbook and start baking the tarts for me." She quickly trotted out of the kitchen, muttering something about her thinking she had gotten rid of them. Suri raised a brow, grabbing the actual cookbook and heading over to the kitchen counter, wondering just what her mother had taken out of those books, knowing full well her claims of having "misplaced them" were lies. Session 57.8 BrutalityInc Manoeuvring thrusters fired, and with a startling speed and grace – for a given value of either – the small frigate dodged and weaved its way through the field of ice and rock floating in the void. Not a single fragment even lightly touching the sleek metal alloy surface of its main cylindrical hull, even as it continued its daredevil trail through this proverbial natural minefield, guided by the almost uncanny skills of the pilot; at such speeds, any impact with a fragment of considerable size could have catastrophic consequences. Near the end of the dance, the spacecraft tilted ‘upwards' – up and down having no real meaning in the zero-gravity void – just as it approaches a particularly large ball of rock and ice floating among the debris. This time, the main engines fired, and a prolonged impulse blasted from its two pairs of primary thrusters, mounted on delta-shaped ‘wings' on the horizontal plane of the cylindrical hull at the rear, accelerated the spacecraft upwards in time to avoid the incoming bolide, instead merely skimming dangerously close to the surface. Within moments, it climbed over not only the rock, but right above the field – and allowing those inside to behold a spectacular view. The field of ice and rock it was in belonged to a planetary ring system, stretching out before them as far as the eyes could follow from where they were, all the way behind the planet that it was orbiting, shining brightly even with the planet's distance from the faint, tiny sun, wider and larger than several planet Equuses combined. The planet itself, a gas giant, is a radiant goliath of colourful clouds, circling around sphere from the poles to the equator either as relatively calm patterned bands, interrupted by blotches swirling in intense, violent maelstroms; the frigate was around the side of the planet where it has an eagles-eye view of the two largest, dwarfing all others by magnitudes, seemingly circling in close proximity with each other, seemingly locked in a battle of dominance. Rainbow Dash, the pilot of the small frigate, leaned back on her seat to relax and enjoy the magnificent sight, just as her friends caught up with her in their own crafts. "So let me get this straight, Twilight…" Rainbow Dash patched in through the comms to ask, just as they came up beside her craft, "We're free to do whatever we want in this game?" A screen popped up on her display screen, revealing Twilight Sparkle, dressed in a formal uniform that wouldn't be too out of place from those worn by a futuristic scientist, in contrast to the cyberpunk fighter jockey attire that Rainbow was wearing. Fittingly, she is in command of a starship that did resemble more a science/supply vessel than a bonafide warship that Rainbow is commanding: it has a single primary hull, saucer shaped, with various sensor arrays and antennaes around a dome at the center which Rainbow guessed is the bridge command. On the underside, two cylindrical outboard engines, glowing on their hemispherical ends with power, drove the vessel forward even as Twilight spoke. "In essence, yes." Twilight confirmed, "Enchanted Entertainment told us that this game, Galaxia, has no mandatory objective or goal that the players must accomplish. There are many factions and characters in the game who might give you quests and missions to do, but you're free to take them or decline to pursue whatever fancy you feel like it. And we can do it as long as we like it, too." Indeed, it was mind-boggling to think about the sheer freedom they had been allowed to do; everything they saw and experience in this enchanted space sandbox game is procedurally generated, from the stars, planets and asteroids, all the way to the space stations, space colonies and spaceships, and the various characters and races that own them. Enchanted Entertainment has boasted that everywhere they go, they will find new places, new people and new adventures, in a practically infinite universe for players to explore and interact, and from what they've seen so far, as play-testers, it seems the space opera magical adventure game will live up to their promise. "But what about that note at the beginning, saying that we have to get to the galactic core?" Rainbow Dash asked, "What's there for us to find?" "It ties to the backstory of the setting: ages ago, the ancients built a civilization that spanned the galaxy, uniting the stars in peace and prosperity that lasted an aeon." Twilight explained. Incidentally, they are called Galaxians, from which came the namesake of the game, "But something terrible happened, and their civilization collapsed. In their wake, other races arose and found their own places among the stars, waring and trading and building upon the ruins and relics they left behind. As we go along the game, we will find some of these relics, along with hints as to what caused their fall and disappearance. The developers told me that their ‘greatest gift' to the future can be found at the galactic core, one which would determine who would inherit their legacy, and either bring peace to the galaxy… or destroy it." "Wow, must be something VERY big and powerful, from the way they describe it." Rainbow Dash noted. "Well, then, I suppose that's where we're headed?" Another screen popped up, showing Rarity Belle, dressed in a fabulous captain's uniform, "Maybe, darlings, but I would advise against it. We're currently in the galactic rim, and they said that it becomes more dangerous as we go core-ward. I feel we are not ready yet, with our current levels of technology and spaceships. We can do a lot of other things first while we prepare ourselves." Just then, Rarity's spaceship arrived. It was an elegant and graceful vessel, befitting the stylish unicorn seamstress: it was a large battlecruiser, but it resembles more like a flying wing with sleek, curvy organic design, with a shiny exterior, with a smooth chrome-plated surface interrupted only by its rudimentary weapon emplacements. Even the bullet-shaped engine pods, in pairs like Rainbow Dash's frigate, looked gorgeous. By its side was Applejack's cruiser, and it stood in sharp contrast to Rarity's own work: constructed with emphasis of function over form, aesthetically it was an ugly, blocky thing, with a wedge-shaped front module and an aft-section seemingly made of dozens of cylindrical engine pods stacked together and covered in armour. The rectangular mid-section connects the front and aft section, which also mounted two long cylindrical pods on the side as well as a large array of weaponry. "I like how you can mine the environment and harvest the resources in ‘em space rocks and planets." Applejack noted, popping up in another screen. "We can trade these resources at the nearest space-stations and use the credits to upgrade our ships, until we can have enough firepower and armour to deal with any hostile varmint that the galaxy could throw at us going core-ward." Indeed, the Mane Six designed and built their own vessels in the starting sector, when they were all dumped into the game piloting little more than a construction pod. A few hours of harvesting and building later, and they had designed new starships befitting their own taste. "True, but why stop THERE?" Rarity noted. "In-game, we can build more than one ship, and hire crew for them. A fleet or several would do nicely for our space-odyssey purposes – and maybe a few planetary bases along the way! I sometimes wanted to build a palace fitting for a space princess on an exotic planet!" "And I want to build a space station where everyone in a hundred light years could meet!" Pinkie chimed in. Her corvette was… weird, for lack of a better term. It looked like a giant teapot, minus the neck and with the handle turned horizontally. "Just think about all the ponies and space aliens who can party together in one place! Maybe we can host space-races around the planet it orbits, too!" "We can do that as we travel the galaxy, meeting with the many factions that populate it - from the smallest planet-bound primitive tribes to shining star kingdoms and mighty galactic empires, both alien and non-alien." Twilight noted, her interest piqued at what randomly generated alien cultures she would meet, "We can learn so much about them – maybe help them out and do quests for them. Earning some goodwill would help us handsomely on our objectives." "That is a wonderful idea!" Fluttershy concurred, piloting a strange-looking vessel with no armaments, but painted with a big red cross – to signify the fact that this is a hospital and repair ship, "And I can't imagine all the alien creatures that we'll meet along the way!" Rainbow Dash groaned, "But doing all that is boring! Hay, it's tedious! Where's the action? I want to go flying around blasting the bad guys!" Suddenly, a drifting debris next to them exploded, sending shards of rock and ice hammering onto their spacecraft. As alarms on their consoles flashed and blared, they turned to see what – or rather who – caused this commotion. A squadron of ramshackle, predatory-looking spacecraft are baring down upon them, already firing their weapons. On the side, they could see an all too familiar symbol – an alien-looking skull with what looked like two blaster rifles on cross-guard. "Well, RD, you want to blast a baddie? Here you go: space pirates!" AJ offered. "Now that's what I'm talking about!" RD exclaimed, excited, even as she activated her frigate's weapons. "Let's start this off with a bang!" The group sprang into action; RD's frigate and Pinkie's corvette surged forward at rapid speed, flanking the pirates even as they peppered the void raiders with their pulse lasers and chain guns. Applejack and Rarity trailed behind them, giving them supporting fire from their cruiser and battlecruisers in the form of missile salvos and beam cannon fire. Twilight and Fluttershy stayed back, supporting their friends with ECMs and shields from the former's science vessel and repairs and healing from Fluttershy's ship. Between the six of them, the space pirates were soon sent reeling, with the group in hot pursuit. All in all, not a bad beginning for this Enchanted magical adventure game. (A homage to the upcoming space sandbox game Avorion, as well as other space opera themed RPGs and sandbox games like Space Engineer, Hellion, No Man's Sky, Star Citizen, Darkstar One, Elite: Dangerous, EVE: Online, among others. Feel free to continue from where I left off) Session 57.9 Devcon101 The Brayden Brayden casino in Germaneigh was bustling as usual. Living earth ponies, pegasi and unicorns, along with zombies, skeletons, mummies, ghosts and a variety of other undead, sat at the various tables and stood at the numerous slot machines. A nice background melody played, overlaid with the clacking of rolling dice, the jingle of a slot machine jackpot, the rolling of balls in roulette wheels, and the ever present victorious cheers and angered groans of the gamblers. At one of the larger tables near the back of the casino, surrounded by a red velvet rope, was a private table, currently rented out by two of Lich-tenstein's nobles: Lady Abra-Ca-Dabra and Lady Sunshimmer. The two had just arrived to the table, and took their seats. Lady Abra-Ca-Dabra was an earth pony mare with a purple coat and a wavy yellow mane. She wore a long black cape held by a clasp that looked like a candy corn. Atop her head she wore a classic witch hat with an orange ribbon. She carried with her a small bowl designed to look like a jack-o-lantern filled with candy corn, via, oddly enough, magic. How an earth mare used magic was a secret Abra-Ca-Dabra wasn't willing to share, but many believed she used some sort of magical object, most likely an amulet, that she kept hidden on her person. She levitated a few candy corns into her mouth, which she ate with glee. Lady Sun Shimmer meanwhile was also an earth mare, though not a living one. Her body was mummified in strips of linen, all except for her head, which lay mostly uncovered, excluding a few strips. Thanks to illusionary magic she had had cast upon herself, her head looked just as it did in life, with a yellow coat and red hair reminiscent of that of one Sunset Shimmer, but between minuscule gaps in the wrapping one could see the dead flesh that betrayed her undead nature. She wore red robes, held with a clasp resembling a sun, and upon her back were a pair of saddle bags, each emblazoned with the symbol of a sun that resembled the clasp on her robes. As she sat herself down, she opened the saddlebag and retrieved a muffin. She took a bite out of it, chewing it, only to blink, opening her mouth as an amount of sand just about equivalent to the size of the bite she tried to eat poured out. She sighed in disappointment, putting the muffin back in her bag before looking at Abra with a hint of envy as the mare happily devoured her candy corn. After a moment of silence as the two waited for the dealer, Sun took a glance behind Abra and then around them, as if looking for someone. "Abra, where is that companion of yours?" she asked in a dry, raspy voice, raising a brow. Abra popped one last candy corn into her mouth, devouring it with a grin, before answering. "The mysterious and magnificent Abra-Ca-Dabra is not fully sure. All Pumpkin Tart said was something about doing some "satellite parenting" for our great matriarch." Sun blinked. "Duchess Tart...spoke?" "Yes, she does from time to time." She hovered over a small hoof-full of candy corn and ate them all in one bite, ignorant of the angered and envious glare given by Sun. Moments after a zombie in a suit strolled over to the table, a deck of cards on hoof. He entered the roped off area and took a seat at the table, silently taking out the cards and beginning to shuffle them. "Finally! ‘Bout time you got here." Abra and Sun leaned forward, eager to start as the zombie readied to begin passing out cards… "Evening ladies. Might I join?" Abra and Sun turned to the border of the roped off table, where a skull floated in midair. A dragon skull, with glowing green orbs in its empty sockets. Abra and Sun narrowed their eyes. "You." Abra's tone was one of displeasure, leaning back and crossing her front hooves. The skull sighed in irritation. "Is this about the game last month? I thought I told you, I won fair and square!" Abra raised a brow. "That many times in a row? Abra's no fool, you clearly had some trick up your sleeve." The skull just stared at her, silent, before slowly looking to either side of itself, before looking back at Abra. "…Low blow." Session 57.10 Mtangalion "So there you have it," said Prince Blueblood, once again clean and impeccably dressed. On the other side of the chessboard, Trixie Lulamoon was still hanging on his every word. "Of course, the bank manager required me to give my pass code, and submit to truth spells and an identity scan. I could hardly fault the poor fellow for that… I did institute those security policies myself after all… but calling Prince Armor down from the palace to personally vouch for me seemed excessive, to say nothing of sending me home in the royal carriage, with a borrowed coat and a large Guard escort. Still, here I am." Trixie opened her mouth hesitantly. "And… were the Princesses able to cure you? Of being a wolfpony, I mean…" Blueblood grinned slyly. "My dear Miss Lulamoon, whyever would I want to be ‘cured?'" Trixie stared, then gasped, drawing back. "Yes, that's right. If it pleased me, I could become that great ravening beast again right here… and now!" Blueblood lit his horn and casually moved his bishop to capture Trixie's pawn. "Incidentally, check and mate. Good game, as they say." Trixie twitched, then started to giggle. When Blueblood raised an eyebrow, she only laughed harder, until she had to pound the table and brush tears from her eyes. "Blueblood, you magnificent fiend! Trixie had no idea you were so adept at weaving a tale. Have you considered reading for the foals on Nightmare Night?" Blueblood flinched. "Well, no… not as such." His hoof strayed towards his collar button. "So, you don't wish me to prove that my story was true?" Trixie rolled her eyes. "Oh, don't bother with that. Whatever petty illusion of you becoming a wolf you've cooked up, Trixie would see through it in an instant! The Great and Powerful Trixie would not dream of asking of a fellow performer to spoil his own performance." She hoofed him in the shoulder playfully. "Mind you, you're no A. K. Yearling. Trixie will prove it the next time we play chess, when she shall tell the spooky story and you attempt to concentrate on the game!" Blueblood said his cheerful and polite goodbyes by rote as Trixie thanked him and left the royal tower, but he was already lost in thought. "Unexpected," he mused. "Though, perhaps it's better this way." He glanced up, noticing a servant waiting nearby. "Yes?" The uniformed unicorn bowed respectfully. "Pardon me, your highness, but a postcard arrived from a Miss Rarity Belle." He hesitated. "It said only ‘I know.' and ‘Let's talk.'" The Prince groaned, remembering the torn vest he'd left in Ponyville. "She knows? Of course she knows…" He glanced at the waiting servant. "Leave me. I'll compose a reply later." He waited until he was alone before he started pacing the floor. "Blast that mare. As if being covered in cake and chased with a butterfly net weren't enough, now I'm to have her fanfillying over me?" He stalked out the door of his apartment and shouted, "That mare will yet be my doom!" into the castle halls. None other than Princess Luna herself stuck her head out of another door just down the hall. "Having second thoughts already, nephew?" He'd seen his aunt in many a sad or lonely mood since she'd returned. Playfully smug was a new and ominous look for her. "We were hoping to have you model for the cover of Midnight Heart's next book." Blueblood grinned defiantly. "I won't give up that easily, Aunt Luna. I'm the first Prince of Canterlot with any real power in three hundred years." "Power that you must needs keep secret," Luna reminded him. Blueblood turned his nose up. "I don't care! It's mine, and I intend to enjoy it to the fullest!" He shut the door to his apartment with authority, and somehow his hoof wrenched the knob right off the door. Both of them did a mild double-take at that. "Abnormally strong, even in pony form," murmured Luna. Blueblood was already nodding. "Got it. Anything else I should know about wolfponies?" Princess Luna smirked and teleported in a whole stack of hardbound Dusklight books, piling them at his hooves. Blueblood's jaw dropped. "Oh, for… How many of these blasted novels are there? Can't I get an executive summary? Some Cliff Hanger's Notes, perhaps?" Luna's smirk only grew. "This is only the first four trilogies, nephew." Blueblood smiled back at her through clenched teeth. "Wonderful. I'll clear my calendar." Session 57.11 Alex Warlorn "AHHHHH!" "Trixie, what's what?!" Princess Twilight came running. "It's as if my previous incarnation and myself were alive at the same time, causing a distortion in time and space!" "... You've been trying Applejack's hard cider again haven't you?" Twilight groaned. "Have not!" Trixie said like an indignant foal. "Well, excuse me. I have to organize these books on undead pony history that spontaneously appeared in my library... that have apparently have been in the library longer than the library's existed, but that's fine." - The thestral Windy Whisper meanwhile, felt like she was having a nervous break down. She nearly broke down crying. "But I was writing FICTION! FICTION! This makes no sense!" She wondered if the stress of Rarity's antics of trying to find imaginary creatures, combined with the unearthing of apparently a world wide eons old conspiracy within a world wide eons old conspiracy, had having a bad affect on her sense of reality. Maybe she was just hallucinating the wolfponies and the undead country that had just popped into existence that everypony was treating as normal? "I liked to write wolf ponies and vamponies and undead because they didn't exist. They let me make up whatever I liked that I felt fit the story as long as it didn't undermine what I wrote before. This... this, THIS DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE!" Windy Whisper wailed, chugging apple juice like it was going to be illegal soon. "Maybe... maybe I need to retire from writing all together? I... I don't know if I can take this." - The undead Nightmares (the name was a 'joke' by Nightmare Moon/Princess Luna when the curse was placed on them) with their mindless skeletal puppets the Bone Fiends, of Sunny Town, were extremely confused. Their town had existed in isolation within Everfree Forest for a thousand years (it was always a thousand years). Where Everfree itself seemed to steer ponies away from their town. So why the Tartarus were they suddenly getting letters from a country they'd never heard of? - "Remember when we just sat around the table between weekly friendship problems/saving the world, and just had wacky fun playing games." Pinkie Pie said as she and Rainbow Dash were playing a game of Castles and Crossbows. Their two little plastic armies trying to destroy their custom built little plastic building block fortresses. Rainbow Dash had built a massive and heavily reinforced fortress, which made it one big target. Pinkie Pie had built hers in a spread out manner, making taking down her entire 'fortress' much harder, as the game considered it to be one fort according to the rules. On the other side, the Wonderbolts had done wonders on Rainbow Dash, so her armies were more organized than Pinkie Pie's, that were all over the place, but it played to Rainbow Dash's advantage on the space between their fortresses... sort of. Since launching their little plastic balls meant also keeping their own armies out of the cross fire while hitting the enemy's armies to boot. "It has begun to feel a little empty around here somehow." Rainbow Dash admitted. "I know. You'd go charging in! Applejack wouldn't lie to even the evil monsters, which Spike would always exploit. Twilight would come up with all these super detailed perfect plans for every encounter. I'd do Pinkie Pie stuff. Rarity would role play her character to the hilt. And Fluttershy would try to end even the battles with the mindless brain eating zombies peacefully!" "It does feel like everybody just gotten distracted with new things lately. But hey, things always work out with us, I'ms sure they'll be back here soon!" Session 57.12 Kendell2 Rainbow Dash and Applejack hit away at their controllers, playing a comic book fighting game. "Did yah ever notice how fighting game special moves are kinda nuts?" asked Applejack, playing as Mistress Marevelous and using her lasso to grab Rainbow Dash's Fillysecond and throw her through a wall...where she hit a full speed carriage, launching her across the place into a bridge at which point she fell into a different area of the arena as they continued the fight. "You mean like this?" Rainbow Dash said, catching AJ offguard with her ultimate after a few more attacks. "Dang it!" Fillysecond flew past Marevelous, sending her spinning before grabbing her and running off so fast she time traveled. The two came out of warp, Fillysecond slamming her into the nose of the Spinx, still under construction in Egybit. She grabbed her, drug her back the otherway, and further back in time, where she slammed her into a prehistoric dragon's face. She then took her opponent back to the present and slammed her into herself when she was still spinning from the start of the move face first, at which point past Fillysecond grabbed past Marevelous to start the move in the first place. "But yeah, you're right, I did just KO you with a time paradox. Remember our finishing moves in that fighting game?" Applejack nodded, looking over to the Crusaders, who were playing said game. Right as Apple Bloom pulled off hers, which involved enough rope tricks to fill out an entire rodeo. Session 57.13 Kendell2 "Well, I hope Sunburst enjoyed his little break," said Shining Armor, giving his daughter a nuzzle, Twilight having come over to play a game of O&O with Shining and his friends, something Flurry seemed to enjoy. "Why DID you need to give somepony to watch Flurry Heart?" Spike asked. "I thought she liked Sunburst." "She does...but, well...They were playing Alien Alicorns vs Space Pirates..." Shining started. Spike shot Twilight a look. "Okay, I guess the foals might have enjoyed that book..." Twilight admitted. "And Flurry seemed to have gotten a little too into it the game..." Shining Armor admitted. Shining Armor opened the door to Flurry Heart's room...and blinked, finding it the expanse of space. "AHHHHHHHHHHH!" screamed Sunburst, now a star dust covered Alicorn flying from an army of space pirates...which were clearly Flurry's toys turned into them. Flurry giggled, sword fighting with several pirates. "I thought she had a limiter on her!" Twilight asked in disbelief. "She does...most of the time..." Shining Armor said, blushing a little. "Remember how Chrysalis organized an attack by the Winter Court? We kinda took it off to protect the Empire...We may have forgotten to put it back on..." A group of Winter Court changeling raced into Flurry's room, all with sadistic smirks. A few moments later, they all ran out, screaming like little girls, the lead one now a chibi version of himself while half the others where shrunken down to toy size. The last one to exist found his tail grabbed in a telekinetic aura and screamed as he was dragged back into the room. Flurry Heart gave a happy laugh, horn igniting and suddenly the group found the room the expanse of space, all star dust covered Alicorns, and surrounded by space pirates. "...And we still forgot..." said Shining Armor, eyes wide. "...Well, might as well have some fun while we're here," said Twilight, giving her niece a nuzzle and letting her ride her into battle. Session 57.14 Grogar-the-oneser "Are you sure you don't want to use a altered mind spell." Trixie said, they were playing go fish. "For the last time yes! If Bulk promised he and the other at the spa can keep a secret then I can trust them to keep a secret." Starlight said annoyed. "Well SORRY for bringing it up." Trixie said annoyed. "I just find it very risky, especially since theirs a possibility of one of those spa ponies turned out to be a blabbermouth." "Trixie as someone who admittedly use brainwashing like techniques, I can tell you with a straight face that they don't work as effectively as you think." Starlight said. "And yet, you still created that red cloud of anger." Trixie teased "First of all, that was accidental. I tried bottling my anger inside but then the anger leaked out via magic and I had to put it in actual bottles. Secondly it might have not have escalated so quickly, if someone notice sooner." "How was I to know when to look up when an ominous cloud forming! They didn't even leave a shadow when it was formed!" Trixie stated "Hmm, good point.. got any three's?" "Uh..." Trixie said noticing her hand was mostly threes. "...no." they then heard a blasting noise "What was that?" Both got up and open the door to see Twilight, Spike, Shining Armor and Cadence as video game characters with flurry laughing a bit as she rode Twilight. Both slam the door hard, trying to process what they just saw. "I can't believe we lost cause of singing!" Rainbow Dash said "I can't believe it didn't happen sooner." Gilda said after listening to Rainbow story "Seriously, you ponies sing so much I'm surprise you can find time to feed yourselves." "Worst of all, this proves we didn't even break the friendship record set by griffins, they hated working together!" Rainbow dash said, she then remember her company "Er I mean-" "Relax Dash, I know what you meant. My species isn't exactly known for team building." Gilda said, wincing at the memory of trust fall she try to initiate with the people in griffon stone, suffice to say it wasn't pretty. "But I did find my species love winning so its not to surprising that whoever was put in there won the thing." "Do you think it was that sports team?" Rainbow Dash asked "You know from the equestria games?" "Hmm, maybe but what are the odds." Gilda said, unaware that said mention team were heading back to manehatten to break there record.