//------------------------------// // Cup of Joe // Story: Trixie! Order Up! // by BrightIdea //------------------------------// Donut Joe was afraid…his eyes widened to dinner plates, his sucked in a gasp of air he thought his lungs would pop, and his legs quiver like jelly. He was afraid that…afraid that… …he had died and gone to heaven. The skyscraping towers of Canterlot could never be as beautiful or brilliant as the skyscraping donuts before him! Every single building stacked with layer upon layer of donuts, carefully carved showing off intricate details of windows, panes, doorways, and ever gargoyles! The street beneath him paved with glaze. He saw canals flowing with jelly and custard. An entire city made out of donuts! It was unbelievable, though it looked so glorious Donut Joe felt humbled by it all. It was even snowing sprinkles. He felt tears of pure enjoyment on his eyelids. Above him a voice; female and pure began to sing softly on the breeze. Donutopia…Donutopia…Donutopia…[ “Donutopia?” Joe asked, but immediately after regretted his words. “RRRRAAARRRGGGGGH” a roar split the air, blowing away his bliss, the sweet voice, and all sense of serenity as it left only a bleakness in its wake. ‘A DRAGON? HERE?” Donut Joe shouted as the ground shook under his hooves. Quickly losing his balance he felt flat on his face. As another roar split the air he saw a smoke stack plume on the other side of several donutscapers. He clawed his way across the ground to hide underneath a bench made out of pie crust, praying to Celestia for salvation as the beast loomed into view. “TRIXIE RRAAARGGH! THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE! RRAAAARGH! TRIXIE! SO AMAZING GRAAAUGUH” the one-hundred foot demonic mare roared as she pushed over a donut skyscraper. The falling donuts crashed into another skyscraper causing a slow, but destructive domino effect throughout the city. Opening her mouth full of jagged teeth and two jutting tusks she roared, spitting gout of flame that roasted the sprinkle snow. Her cloak normally sewed with stars and diamonds was emblazoned with burnt donuts and pony skulls. A glint caught his eyes and with horror he noticed that the beautiful towers of donuts had all transformed into broken and jagged dinner plates! He couldn’t hear his own weeping over the sound of smashing plates. She stopped one minute, jagged hooves scratching her coarse, black mane hips before continuing her rampage. Eyes redder then fire seemed to search throughout Donutopia’s ruins for something. Donut Joe’s own eyes looked with her eyes trying to figure out what it was she was looking for. He realized too late that her blood shot eyes had locked onto him and the following roar told him she was looking for him. She took one step towards his hideaway her hooves cracking the glazed pavement underneath her. Donut Joe ran for it screaming like a little filly Tears of fear streaming from his eyes he turned back just in time to see her pull off her crooked hat. Underneath two jagged antlers, one like a tree branch and the other curved to the side, poked up. Taking her hat she pointed it toward Donut Joe with a wicked glee in her smile as the air around Donut Joe changed. He heard a sound like a vacuum and suddenly the ground underneath him was rolling backward. He tried to jump away, but he was already being carried toward the misshapen Trixie! He plummeted into the abyss inside of her hat. Her cackling laughter was all that he heard and knew. - AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!” Donut Joe shouted as he fell out of his bed, hitting the wooden floor with a heavy thud. He struggled in his blanket, limbs kicking for several minutes. Realizing where he was it still took him several more minutes before he could calm down his heart and think. ‘Everything…is ok. Think about donuts…think about those wondrous holes…’ Joe thought to himself as he climbed upright and looking around. His apartment was a decent place to live; most of his bits went into his donut shop so his apartment was rather Spartan besides the few essentials. Still, after that first day with Trixie he had found enough bits to get her an apartment. It was an apartment that was AWAY from his kitchen as ponyly possible. “Still…” Joe mumbled as he cantered toward the window. He could see that it was well past morning, he hadn’t even heard his alarm go off. “At least she has adjusted as well…as I had first hoped after these last few weeks.” Pushing open the window he snorted at Celestia’s sun which was just about in its noon position. He let the slight blasphemy go realizing that he had missed the morning rush. “Where is Trixie? She knows when I open and where I live. Why didn’t she come wake me up?” He didn’t bother snorting again as he soon thought of why. Ever since her kitchen stunt he had forbidden her from any showboating in his donut shop. He was surprised enough that she listened to his words when he was around. Joe could tell though that she still had built a layer of resentment. Especially when she began making all kinds of excuses so she could skip work and put on street shows. “The Great and Powerful Trixie has a migraine! The Great and Powerful Trixie’s hooves are tender today. The Great and Powerful Trixie has had a vision and must go save a colt trapped down a well! Blah. She should be grateful! I get no respect! Not even in my own establishment! Still, at least she has softened…a bit.” The sound of thunder rolled in overhead and Donut Joe had to stop himself from imagining all of Canterlot falling like a stack of dishes. He began to pull himself back into his apartment so he could go look for Trixie when something hit his nose. If he had not smelled it he would have dismissed it as regular rain and wiped it off. Though he had smelt it though on the tip of his nose and he now focused on the raindrop. It wasn’t rain. At least not regular H20 rain. “No…it can’t be…” Donut Joe mumbled. Licking it off his nose Joe smacked his lips. “Chocolate…rain?” Author's Notes: Oh I couldn't resist writing this when I thought of it. =D This chapter is rather like its name. Short with lots of flavor.