//------------------------------// // Anxiety // Story: The Space Pony // by Edenme //------------------------------// The next day, the strange pony awoke more strengthened then everthanks to a special herb tea Twilight had brought with her. When he rose up, he coughed a little and was to tired to do anything other than eat, drink (not like there was much to eat anyway though), and the ocassional murmmer. What he was murrmering was unclear to Twilight. Though she did catch things like 'Am...Dead?' and 'What happened?' To these questions, she could not answer, nor did she want to. Having this pony awake still was terrifying to her. Finally, after many hours in the tent, the pony spoke,"Where am I?" He said this with a voice tormented with the cold and some form of pain. Twilight answered, "You are four days away from the borders of YakYakinstan." "Are you at war too?" He replied with a voice of remorse. "No, of corse not," Twilight said with a almost offended tone,"Are you?" The pony thought for a second, then said," We call it another name. I think at-" The pony collapsed suddenly. It looked like twilight would have to what a bit longer for answers. With his final thought they moved out, slowly. As they were moving, Twilight could not shake a feeling of anxiety. As if some pony (or some thing) was watching her. She even noticed the strange pony looking on edge as well (that was before he went to sleep though). Twilight would have to whatch out from now on. Anything could be out there. Though what ever is out there may not be a thing at all. Besides this emotion of fear brewing, other things were brewing as well. Another storm was set to play out in two days, and when it hit, she would rather have a wall between her, and that mountain... *** After the pony awoke again, he had more energy and could even stand for a time. This time, Twilight was hoping, she would get a better understanding. "So...who are you?" Twilight said slowly. " I am... I... I can't remember for some reason." This was seemingly hard spoken for the stallion, for he still did not have much energy. He still even coughed, stuttered, or even couldn't even complete a sentence at times. This was of corse understandable. Now that the pony could walk a bit Twilight noticed something. It seemed like he was just learning to walk again. Twilight quickly blamed it on the recent crash he had. I mean, it would only be logical. *** On the final night before they refuse the town, Twilight was awoken to the sound of movment inside the tent. When she got up, she saw the battered pony looking scared while looking out the front of the tent. She asked, "What are you doing at this time of night?" The chestnut stallion looked at her with a grave face and said,"I think they have found me." "Who is they?" Twilight asked in response. Twilight suddenly remembered the anxiety from the previous day. This made her even more terrified. "I can't remember," he said in a agitated voice,"I just get this feelingthat they are after me and anyone I meet." "I can't really explain it. We just need to get away." At this sentence, twilight became ten fold more terrified. The seriousness in the pony's voice was true and full, and ironically, that is what scared her the most. So Twilight got up and looked out into the darkness. To her utter horror, strange creature were closing in from what seemed to be all sides. At that moment, they were truly surrounded and unfathomably terrified. At this moment, Twilight thought,"May Celestia help us all..." And maybe, just maybe, someone would really help them in the end. But would it be obvious, or a pony no one expected?