//------------------------------// // The Wedding // Story: When Two Worlds Meet // by Darkness 1 //------------------------------// With only a hour to go, last-minute preparations were being done, as Darkness was having trouble of what to wear, as he said, "Well....hmmmm....should I wear this? Maybe not.....oh come on! Figure it out!" Right about then, Twilight and her friends came into the room, and saw Darkness having troubles, and Rarity said, "You know, I don't think I ever seen you this flustered." Darkness turned around, and said, "I just want to wear something worthy for Luna to see me in, and as you can see...well....I'm not having much luck with this." Snowshy put of hoof on Darkness's shoulder, and said, "Just be yourself, just wear what feels best to you, that's the stallion's Luna fell in love with, and if nothing else, put your doubts aside, and just go out there, as you always have, brave, and determined." Darkness said, "Yeah, but still, I want to wear something special..." Snowshy stepped back, as Twilight stepped forward, as she said, "Darkness, you're worrying about it all too much, think about it. As Snowshy just said, be just who you are, be the stallion, Luna fell in love with. What I'm trying to say is, just be you." Darkness thought about it a moment and said, "You know what, you guys are right. I got it! I'll just wear the cape to my armor, only without the armor." Pinkie Pie said, "There you go!" Applejack said, "See? And I'm sure Luna will love it." Just about then, the attendant came in, and said, "Sorry Twilight, but you and your friends, should better be getting to your seats, we are literally, minutes away." Twilight and the others nodded, and waved to Darkness, and left the room, and attendant said to Darkness, "Nice choice, just to be honest, It's way better than what I was thinking you would wear. I was thinking you was going to wear something really fancy and ridiculous. And please, don't be offended, but I just don't think that would suit you very well." Darkness nervously laughed, and said, "Funny story..." Darkness was cut off, as the beginning notes of the piano, began to play, and the attendant said, "No backing out now, go out there, and be you. Sorry, I heard Twilight and the others, and I agree with them, just be the one Luna fell in love with." Darkness said, "Thanks, and its no problem, it's good to hear advice and some ideas from somepony else." Darkness took a deep breath, and said, "Alright, here goes." Darkness went outside of the room, and walked down the aisle and down to the altar, as he saw Princess Celestia, and Snowshy waiting for him, both of them, smiling brightly. As he came up to the altar, he went up the stairs, turned right, walked a little to the right, and turned around to face the crowd, and he could clearly see everypony from Ponyville, the Crystal Empire, and Canterlot had showed up for the wedding. Darkness tapped Snowshy on the left shoulder, who was just a little ways to his right, as he said quietly, "Wow, what a crowd, looks like we got everypony here, and then some." Snowshy smiled, and quietly said, "Yeah, it's not everyday, a sorcerer pony, and one princess of the night, get married. It's quite the occasion, and you, myself, and our friends, have done some much for the ponies that have attended, that they are all here to show their respect and joy for you and Luna." Darkness said, "Yeah, I guess you're right." Nothing more was said, as Darkness looked over to the left, and saw Princess Celestia, smiling with a couple joyful tears in her eyes, and she mouthed the words, "I'm so happy for you and Luna." Darkness nodded, and mouthed the words back, "Thank you." Just then, the piano began to play again, as the main doors to the room, began to open, as Luna, followed by two of her guards of the night, came in the room, as her guards followed her down the aisle a little, before going to their seats, as Princess Luna continued down the aisle. Darkness felt his jaw drop a lot, and felt Snowshy's hoof, raise his jaw back up, as he saw what Luna had choose to wear, it was the most beautiful dress Darkness had ever seen: starting with what she wore on her hooves, very pretty looking hoof shoes, and the dress, all covered with stars, it did not drag, but it was not too short, and was covered with the theme of the night, all of it, a dark purple-bluish color. Darkness whispered, "Wow...." As Luna came to the steps, she went up the steps, turned to the left, walked a little to the left, and turned to the face Darkness first, in which she smiled so happily at, and Darkness did too, and then she turned to face the crowd. Celestia, then walked in between the two, and began to say, "Before I begin, may I just wish my joy towards these two, for it is something, that I never thought I would get to see, my sister, getting married." She paused, and said, "We are all gathered here today, to witness, the marriage between, my sister, Princess Luna, and the sorcerer pony, Darkness, as they share each and every moment of this day, with each other." Princess Celestia then turned to Darkness, and said, "Darkness, do you take, Princess Luna, to be your lawfully wedded mare? To cherish, to hold, to love, for bad or for worse, in sickness, and in health, from now until eternity?" Darkness said, "I do." Princess Celestia nodded, and turned to Princess Luna, and said, "Princess Luna, do you take, Darkness, to be your lawfully wedded Stallion? To cherish, to hold, to love, for bad or for worse, in sickness, and in health, from now until eternity?" Luna said through some happy tears, "I do!" Princess Celestia back away a little, and said, "First mare, the rings please." Snowshy then opened a small box, and placed one ring on Darkness's horn, and the other, on Princess Luna's horn, and then walked back, and Princess Celestia said, "Then it is with great joy and honor, that I now pronounce you husband and wife, Darkness, you may kiss the bride." Princess Luna and Darkness went over to each other, Darkness then picked Luna up, and they kissed. Everypony celebrated, most of them in tears, as they back to walk down the steps. Luna then at that moment, tossed, the flowers she was carrying, up into the air as all mares, dashed to get it, and Snowshy ended up catching it. Darkness, still carrying Luna, went outside, and placed her in her carriage of the night, and got in the driver's seat, as everypony followed the two outside, and as he was about to give to command to guards to go, when he heard Twilight calling his name, and he saw Twilight getting through the crowd, and she came up to the carriage, and she said, "Wait a minute, when you two come back from your honeymoon, can I take history classes, on Equestria's early history?" Darkness smiled, and said, "Don't worry, I didn't forget, with Bolverk gone, and now that Equestria is now safe again, I don't see any reason why not. However, it will have to wait until I finish my work." Twilight said, puzzled, "Work?" Darkness said, "My work, on writing down all the history, that has been kept for you all, by your ancestors, the world needs to know the truth, so another tragedy like what happened to my ancestors, and the ancient ones, does not repeat itself. But I promise, as soon as I finish writing it all down, in volumes, I will come by your place, and you can ask all the questions you want about history." Twilight smiled, backed away from the carriage a little, and said, "I'll wait until then." Darkness nodded, and gave the order, to the guards, as Luna and Darkness kissed again, as the carriage rose into the sky, and out of sight. Snowshy and the others walked up beside Twilight, and Applejack said, "Darkness looks so happy." Rarity said, "They both do, I never seen the both of them so happy." Snowshy said, "I bet big brother's thinking, 'This is the best day of my life.' I've not seen him this happy in a long time." Twilight said, "This is a big day for both of them, they deserve the best, they both have went through enough, they deserve happiness for once." Everypony nodded, and Pinkie Pie began jumping up and down, and said, "Now, who's ready for the after-wedding party?" Everypony nodded, and followed Pinkie Pie, back to Ponyville, to Sugar Cube corner, as they began to celebrate, eating cake, and enjoying themselves till morning, where then everypony went home, for some rest, and enjoy the days of peace, with everything back to the way it was, peaceful, and still.