//------------------------------// // A New Problem Arises // Story: When Two Worlds Meet // by Darkness 1 //------------------------------// The statues went over to them, and said, "Let us help you, we can take you as far as Canterlot." And they kneeled down and held out their hooves. Darkness said, "Well, that speeds things up, alright, everypony! On to the statues!" Everypony went onto each of the statues hooves, and the statues put their other hoof over the other, as they closed over them, raised their hooves high, and with all their might, opened their hooves and threw everypony high into the air, in the direction of Canterlot. Everypony went flying, at a very fast speed, towards Canterlot, and Darkness said, "Those of you who can fly, grab hold of those who can't! And wow, we're almost there! Everypony! Try to slow down a little!" Those that could fly, grabbed those who couldn't, and began to flap their wings in the opposite direction, to try to slow down. And after a few moments later, they all landed in the middle of Canterlot, and right in front of Celestia's castle. Darkness said, "Good job everypony, now, we need to high tail it to Ponyville." Snowshy said, "Why? What's going on?" Darkness said, "Come on, I'll tell you while we're trotting our way to Ponyville." Twilight said, "Okay." Everypony then began to trot as fast as they could, towards Ponyville, and Snowshy asked Darkness, "Brother, please, what's going on? What's wrong in Ponyville?" Everypony trotted up beside Darkness, and they all wanted to know too, and Darkness said, "That ancient evil voice, said that he is going to use the forbidden spell, "Portal Summon', right in front of Ponyville, and bring back an entire army from the past! Plus, he is going to make this portal big enough to where it can't be moved! I don't know what will happen, if he succeeds, but Ponyville, does not need to suffer another tragedy. No! I will not allow it! We must save Ponyville before it's too late!" Snowshy said, "I see, and I feel the same way about Ponyville too, we cannot let this evil, get his way, we need to, if possible, stop him here, as well!" Everypony looked at Darkness, and all nodded, and showed him, that they felt the same way too. Twilight said, "Darkness we all feel the same way, we don't want Ponyville to harmed either!" Snowshy said, "We are in this together big brother!" Darkness said, "And together, we shall take this evil down, and save Ponyville!" Everypony whopped, and cried out, and together, they all continued towards Ponyville, and after a while, they made it to downtown Ponyville. Darkness said, "Alright, almost there...! To the front of town, everypony! No time to lose!" Everypony nodded, and trotted to front of town, and when they got there, they all looked around, and saw nothing, and Twilight said, "Darkness, are you sure, it's here? Are you sure you didn't....?" Darkness finished her sentence, and said, "No, it just seems we beat him here, he should be coming any minute..." Darkness was cut off, as a shockwave erupted out of nowhere, and knocked everypony off their hooves and pushed everypony back a ways and from what seemed to appear out of thin air, was floating a transparent pony. The pony said, "Darkness, well, well, well, look what we have here! You made it after all, your ancestors would be proud!." Darkness and everypony got back up on their hooves and Darkness said, "Do I know you?" The pony said, "You don't know me? Humph, a darn shame. Fine, perhaps, you know me better, by what I would be wielding, if I wasn't dead, I am the proud owner, and user of The Nightmare's Revenge! Hahahaha!" Darkness was stunned, he knew who this was now, he knew the name, but he was gripped by fear, he couldn't move, he couldn't speak, and everypony went over to him, with much concern, as Twilight said, "Darkness? Are you okay? You know who this pony is?" The pony asked Darkness, "What's the matter? Are you afraid? Speak!" Darkness regained his composure, and said, "No...it can't be...it's not possible! You are...Bolverk! The last king of the Sorcerer Ponies! The mad king!" Everypony was shocked, and Twilight said, "Oh no, not good....." Bolverk began to laugh maniacally, and said, "Muwahahahaha! I am surprised you actually know that sword! Unfortunately, because I am dead, and nothing more than a spirit right now, my physical body is still locked up, in my throne room, in the castle capital of the sorcerer ponies, damn those elder sorcerer ponies for betraying me! But they got what was coming to them, I assure you." Darkness said, "Yeah, I know, and you had to be stopped then, and must be stopped now!" Everypony nodded, and came up beside Darkness, and Bolverk lowered himself a little, as he looked at Darkness's friends, and said, "How pitiful, you, Darkness, surrounding yourself, with such filth such as them, you are disgracing your ancestors! And how can you stop me? I am already dead! Muwahahaha!" Darkness pulled out his katana, and said, "With what has been imbued into this sword, I can stop you!" Bolverk laughed and said, "Now, now, little pony, let us not be too hasty, I have a proposal to offer to you, and you won't be needing that weapon." Bolverk, raised his left hoof, and wrenched Darkness's katana from his grip, and threw it behind Twilight and the others, and Bolverk said, "Now, with that out of the way....Darkness..........Join me! Together, these pitiful ponies, will bow before us! They will either bow, or die! What do you say? What are willing to sacrifice? Your own kind? Or this present time?" Darkness said, "What do you mean?" Bolverk sighed, "For all your knowledge, you can't figure it out? Think about it....Oh fine, I'll tell you, but first, in our last mind conversation we had, I told you about how the mirror escaped my grasp, correct? Even though I am only a spirit, I can interact with anything that has spiritual energy in it. That mirror has such energy, I was able to pick it up, and warp to another dimension with it, however...it did not go as planned. I was trying to go back before the time of the great sorcerer pony war, but the dimensional rifts, denied me, because I was not a chosen one, for dimensional travel, so I was expelled from the rift, and was thrown back out as I watched the mirror, go into some portal, with a big courtyard, as some tall white creature, and multi-colored hair, picked up the mirror, and took it away into a big building of some sort." Everypony looked at each other, and they knew what Bolverk was talking about: the human world, and principal Celestia. Darkness said, "Now, I understand, so that vision I had.." Bolverk cut Darkness off, and said, "Yes, that was me, as well, I sent you that vision, so you could see what choice you would have to make, and I knew about the prophecy, so I figured, It was time to make it come true!" Bolverk then continued, "What I mean by what are you willing to sacrifice, is when I use the portal summon forbidden spell, what you don't know, is when I do so, I will bring back the entire sorcerer pony race, from the past. However, when I do this, anypony in the present time, will be sucked into the past, and because none of you existed then, you will simply die, and cease to be. So what will it be, Darkness? Your kind, or them?" Everypony looked at Darkness, but Darkness couldn't say anything, for the first time, he didn't know what to do, what to say. Bolverk began to raise himself back up, and said, "Tick tock Darkness!" A few more minutes went by, and Darkness still couldn't say anything, and Bolverk said, "Time's up! I will decide for you then!" And after Bolverk had finished speaking, he raised both his hooves, turned to the right, and began speaking the ancient words of the ancients, as blue flashes, came from everywhere and four giant blue crystals, came out of nowhere, and began spinning in a big circle, in front of Bolverk. Shortly after, the crystal spread apart, and giant gate began to form, and floated a little above the ground for a minute, and then landed on the ground, and a see-through blue area began to form in the middle of the gate, and blue sparks began to fly out of it from every direction. Bolverk was laughing manically, and said, "YES!!! Soon, I will reign supreme, once more! Hahahaha! Muwahahaha! Ahahahaha!" Twilight started shaking Darkness, and said, "Please snap out of it! We got to do something!" Darkness seemed to snap out of it, and with a fierce determination, and said, "I will.....not...let this world perish, just because, you want to bring back something, that was gone long ago! As much as I would love to see more of my kind, I cannot let millions be killed, just to see them! No, what is past, is past, and so are you!" Bolverk turned to Darkness, and said, "What did you say?" Darkness raised his left hoof, and called back his sword, which was placed back into his grip, and rushed at the gate, as well as everypony else, and plunged his sword into the middle of the gate, as the others, attacked and destroyed the crystals, from all sides. Bolverk was stunned, from what Darkness had said, but didn't realize what Darkness and others were doing, till he regained his composure, and then he saw what Darkness and his friends were doing, and he said, "Wait, what? No! You fool!" The gate began to spark everywhere, and Darkness and the others, got away from the gate, as it began to collapse on itself, and a very strong vortex began sucking in things, anything that was within the area, mostly trees, and dirt, and wood, and Darkness said, "Hold on to something!" Everypony, and those in town, held on to anything they could, as the vortex got worse, and Bolverk tried to escape the vortex, but was sucked in, and he said, "NOOOOO!!!!! Damn you, Darkness! I will...return!...And I will kill you and your friends!" The gate began to fall apart, and was sucked into the vortex, as it the vortex got even stronger, as houses, and various items began to get sucked in, and everypony held on, with everything they had. The entire gate had been sucked in, as Bolverk himself, cried out screams of fear, and then a huge massive explosion of blue exploded above everypony, from where the gate had been, and then as the explosion expanded, it quickly retracted as the vortex sucked it up, and the vortex closed, and everything went still. And Darkness said, "Returning? Yeah, right, don't count on it."As the dust settled, everypony began to go over to Darkness and the others, and began to stomp their hooves, in celebration. Twilight and the others began to celebrate too, as well, and Darkness laughed with joy, and said, "We did it....we actually did it! I can't believe it! I can't believe we pulled that off!" Snowshy said, "You better believe it, because we all just did, now, with Bolverk gone, Equestria is safe from his madness." Darkness said, "You're right, little sister, he had to stopped then, and he had to be stopped now." As Twilight and the others hugged Darkness, he said, "You guys, (sniff), are the best friends, I could ever have." Everypony let Darkness go, and Twilight said, "We feel the same way, I think we can all say, life just wouldn't be same without you as a friend." Everypony nodded, and Darkness saw somepony behind Twilight and the others, as the pony said, "Well done dear." Darkness said, "Luna?" Everypony stepped aside, so that way Darkness could see who it was, and sure enough: there was Princess Luna, with tears of joy in her eyes. Both Darkness and Luna, rushed to each other, and embraced each other, in a tight hug, and kissed and Luna said, "I'm so proud of you...." She began to tear up again, as Darkness wiped away her tears, and he said, "Please don't cry." Luna said, "I'm not sad, I'm just so happy, for you...for all of you." Darkness said, "As long as it's tears of joy, no more sadness, my dear. I'm here now." Luna smiled very happily and said, "It's almost time." Darkness said, "That's right, we have a wedding to attend to, which is only a few hours away." Darkness waved to his friends, and his sister, and said, "And I want you all to be there, you hear me? Oh, and I know this is kind of last minute, but I want you, Snowshy, to be my first mare, do you accept?" Snowshy smiled happily, and said, "Of course, thank you for the honor Darkness." Darkness said, "I couldn't think of anypony better, than to have a sibling to be right there." Darkness paused and then said, "And the rest of you, here in Ponyville, are more than welcome, to come, and bring your friends and family too, if you want." Twilight said, "We wouldn't miss it for the world!" Darkness waved again to his friends, as he and Luna, began to head to Canterlot, as Twilight, the others, and everypony else in town, began to head in the same direction.