//------------------------------// // Further Confusion // Story: Fact Finder: The Show Must Go On // by Zombi //------------------------------// Fact Finder: The Show Must Go On -Chapter 7: Further Confusion- Fact Finder gaped in a combination of shock, disbelief, and complete and utter terror. The one responsible for the deaths of 18 innocent Canterlot citizens was sitting on her bed, right in front of her. How did he find her? How did he know where she lived? Did he follow her? But the most important question of all was.... What happens next? It was now horrifyingly obvious that there was nowhere she could possibly escape from Zombi's seemingly unquenchable blood-lust. The grotesque stallion sat awkwardly, staring at her with his round, black and red eyes while his leathery grey wings twitched at his sides... As if he were preparing for the perfect opportunity to strike. None of the three ponies said a word; two of them couldn't. They had become paralysed with unquestionable fear. The rain, however, refused to join them in their silence, continuing to pound the windows relentlessly, the shadow of each droplet speckling Zombi's cold, emotionless face as the dull light of the outside world shone through the window. Without warning the bloodthirsty pegasus arose from the bed, leaving a damp imprint on the covers behind him as Fact Finder and Hot Pursuit leapt back, struggling to contain their cries of horror. He tilted his head to one side, observing them both with an unreadable expression pasted upon his unnatural visage. The red-maned mare could feel her the current of magical energy flowing through her horn at increasing speed as her heart pounded against her ribcage as if it was desperate to escape the horrible fate that awaited her... She tried to suppress the rapid flow of energy, just enough so that her horn did not glow. If Zombi were to notice then he would surely strike before she had a chance to attack, and he would tear her limb from limb... This mental image almost caused the detective to regurgitate; not only because it was so horrible, but because it was possible. It was true... Her and Fact were completely at the demented stallion's mercy. And from what she had seen as of late... ...She doubted he had any mercy. He opened his mouth; his razor-sharp teeth glinting in the dull light of the obstructed sun, ready to sink into the flesh of the first unicorn to make a move. At last he spoke, his voice sending shivers down the young mare's spine. "Miss Finder..." He said in a low growl, taking a few slow steps towards her. Suddenly his stance altered dramatically; his head hung guiltily and his wings clung to his dull, grey form tightly. He patted the floor with an awkward hoof, looking up at her with an expression filled with regret and fear, like a foal who knew he had defied his parent's will. "I... I am truly sorry for running away from you last night... B-But you see, I was ever so scared... A-And I didn't want to be arrested..." While Fact Finder stood, slack-jawed and awestruck, Zombi turned his attentions to Pursuit, who was equally as confused. "O-oh.... I... I do not believe we have met, good sir..." He extended a slightly hesitant hoof, obviously unsure whether or not the caramel-coated stallion would accept his greeting, given the way he appeared to be gaping at him. "M-My name is Z-" The unusual pegasus never managed to finish his introduction however, as Pursuit had swiftly gathered his senses and grabbed zombi's throat in a ring of deep blue magic, constricting it and throwing him to the floor with great force before pouncing on him and pinning him down. "You son of a..." Fact could not be sure if the officer had bothered to complete that sentence, for if he had, it had been drowned out by Zombi's scream of intense pain when Pursuit's hoof impacted upon his face with incredible force. Pursuit did not stop there... He continued to pound Zombi's face relentlessly, desperate to avenge those he had lost. So this was why he didn't grieve the night before... he was containing it within him. Saving it for now. Fact cringed and winced every time the vengeful stallion's hoof struck Zombi's face... Even though she was fully aware that she felt nothing but hatred for the ruthless killer. However, her detective's instincts were warning her that something was amiss in this entire situation. That something was... out of place... She swallowed her squeamishness and watched the odd pegasus' actions, to observe how he reacted to his current predicament; and what she found was mosy surprising indeed. He was not fighting back. Not even a punch. The unicorn's emerald eyes widened and her brow creased in confusion. What in Luna's name is goin' on here!? Suddenly, another unexpected thing happened. Zombi's face contorted into an unreadable expression; somewhere between anger and grief. His eyes closed as the next punch caused the deep red blood to pour from his bruised and beaten muzzle; his mouth opening and closing in an odd manner, almost as if... Then he began to cry. Fact's jaw dropped and she stared in amazement, as the cold-blooded killer before her began to gush salty streams from his tightly closed eyes, sobbing like a wounded child. "I-I'm sorry! I'm so, s-so sorry! P-please! S-stop hurting me! I- I'm..." He gasped though his tears. Pursuit paused for a moment... But only a moment. Once again he drew back his leg, preparing to strike Zombi full in the face. "I'm not falling for it..." The unicorn officer growled, viciously. "Don't expect me to go easy on you, just 'cause you're blubbing... Not after what you did to them!" The next few words to be spoken, stirred the detective into taking action. Zombi curled up and squealed through his incessant tears of pain and confusion. "I don't know what I've done!!!" Fact Finder could tell immediately that the puzzling pegasus was telling the truth, and she leapt forward, grabbing Pursuit's powerful hoof with both of her own before he could strike his wailing target again. "Wait!" She gasped as her partner struggled against her grip. "Ngh... Stop, dammit!" She refused to let go of his hoof, forcing it back with all the strength she could muster; which was a surprising amount given her size. The caramel stallion glared back at her, surprised and astounded that she would even consider defending the creature that lay beneath him. "Fact, what the-!?" Fact returned with her own heated glare, while Zombi peeked from behind his blood-drenched hooves, still whimpering and shuddering violently. "Look at him, HP! He hasn't got any idea what's happening or why!" She relaxed her tense grip, allowing Pursuit's hoof to slide down between hers slowly, until she released it and it fell to the dumbfounded colt's side. He stared down at Zombi with a blank expression, refusing to believe that he had no clue what was going on around him. Eventually, Hot Pursuit shook his head vigorously. "N-No! H-He's lying!" He gripped the battered, bat-winged by the foreleg, who squealed pathetically and started to release rivers of oblivious tears once again. Pursuit didn't know what to do... He had almost beaten this pony within an inch of his life, for something he could not even remember. His expression transformed into one of complete and utter horror as he rose from the bloodied and bruised pegasus, trembling with unimaginable guilt and fear. "What have I done...?" Fact stepped forward and hauled her partner away by the shoulders. from the blubbering wreck who lay bleeding on the carpet. She then, crouched down before Zombi, inspecting him thoroughly, making sure the emotions he was currently displaying were as sincere as they appeared. After a short while she was satisfied. The red-headed pony reached forward with a slightly quivering hoof and placed it gently on the stallion's back, resting between his wings. The unexpected contact caused Zombi to shudder violently and stare at her with large, fear-filled eyes. The ruby rings of his irises no longer fazed the mare... nor did the sea of darkness that surrounded them. "I-I'm sorry..." He whispered through shaking gasps. "I sh-shouldn't have run aw-away..." His dull, grey eyelids had started to flutter, struggling to keep themselves open. Fact Finder merely nodded and shushed him quietly... "You're losing a lot of blood Zombi..." She muttered, stroking him behind the drooping ear lightly. "Don't fight it... You rest and we'll take care of everything, won't we?" She cast a backwards glance at Hot Pursuit, who was still gaping in shock and horror. At last he shook himself, grasping reality firmly and nodding. Although he could not believe the words that left his lips. "Y-yeah... W-We'll take care of ya..." Satisfied, the unicorn detective turned to Zombi again and forced a smile, desperately attempting to conceal her inner turmoil. What is going on!? Her mind was screaming as it strained itself to process the information it was taking in. The expression appeared to have been successful, as Zombi returned the smile wearily, exposing his blade-like teeth. Though it may have simply been the blood-loss... "I'm so s-sorry..." He sighed quietly, his round eyes flickering shut as he slipped into the realm of sleep; a final tear rolling down his snow-white cheek. "M-Miss Finder..." Then there was silence. Half an hour later, Fact and pursuit had cautiously tended to their "guest's" wounds, constantly aware that he might spring up from his weakened state at any moment and slaughter them both... Which, thankfully, did not happen. The pair had agreed on allowing Zombi to sleep in Fact's own bed, until he regained consciousness and recovered from the beating Hot Pursuit had dealt to him. Meanwhile, The two unicorns were sat, slumped in their chairs in the living room; processing the events that had occurred this night. "Well..." The redheaded mare began, shrugging; seeming oddly nonchalant about the whole affair. "I've got nothing to say..." She cast her gaze over to her shell-shocked partner, an expression of deep concern pasted across her pale yet steely face. "Except that I'm confused as buck..." Pursuit shook his head slowly, screwing up his features. "I don't get it!" He exclaimed loudly, but not so loud that he would wake Zombi, who slumbered soundly in the next room. "We saw him murder my friends! I saw him with his tail around your throat! He admitted everything!" The caramel unicorn gestured towards the bedroom with a still trembling hoof. "But he's in there, sleepin', and he doesn't remember a damn thing!" Fact Finder leaned back and sighed, staring blankly out of the window; into the dark, stormy skies as the rain slammed against the glass pane with a series of rapid, audible smacks. Though her face seemed devoid of all emotion, the officer knew, thanks to years of experience with her, that this meant the mare was deep in thought. "Could be that his mind... Ain't all there. He could suffer from a multiple personality disorder. But a super extreme case; where it is literally two minds occupying the same body." She tilted her head, resting it against the cool window, and closed her eyes."You know what I mean, right? He probably doesn't remember what he did because it was never really his doing." Pursuit stood suddenly, causing Fact to open her eyes and stare at him, without actually moving her head from the window. "Y-You really think so?" The golden-maned stallion inquired, biting his lip. He was evidently in a state of panic. "Y-you mean he could switch at any moment, kill us both, and not remember any of it?" He paused, a look of realisation in his sapphire eyes. "Wait... wait a minute. He recognised you." The Detective raised an eyebrow, confused by Pursuit's sudden outburst. "I'm not sure I-" She began, before she remembered. She had never informed him of her very first encounter with the frightening stallion named Zombi. "Oh... yeah." The emerald eyed detective rose in the chair slightly, shuffling into a comfortable position so she could fill her partner in on the entire event. The taller pony glared at her sternly, crossing his front legs and slumping in the chair with a huff. He seemed so childish at times... "Are you hiding something from me, FF?" He growled, causing Fact to return a glare of her own. The mare sighed and shook her head wearily. "No... No of course not... I've just... " She rested a cheek on one of her pale grey hooves as Ace padded over to sit beside her for support. "Been kinda too busy to tell you." "Well, I'm here now. An' we have plenty of time!" The stallion puffed loudly. "Care to tell me how that freak of nature knows you?" Composing herself, the unicorn sat up in her chair, clearing her throat and preparing to begin her tale. And while she spoke; in the dark, silent bedroom... Zombi stirred... End of Chapter