//------------------------------// // Work And Family // Story: Balance // by BioQuillFiction //------------------------------// I woke up in Toriel’s fluffy embrace… you can guess what that means. I told the girls about my deal with Luxu, and they took it rather well. I was naked, which I’m oddly alright with as a girl. It’s been about two weeks and my pregnancy has been showing. The little curve in my belly, the babies growing… I felt honored to be experiencing this, and a little horny honestly… pregnancy fetish while pregnant, what did you expect? I got dressed and ate breakfast, then did paperwork as usual. The girls were treating me like I treated them when Chrysi, Celestia, Shy, and Rune were pregnant. It’s flattering, and sometimes a bit annoying. Geeze, and knowing me, I’m gonna do the same every time they get pregnant. Which I hope is lots… Third child, but I had a big family… I kinda still want that… with sixteen wives… it’s gonna be big no matter what. Especially if this happens again...which it might… I was at my desk, working again on whatever the scouts reported in. “Beh, nothing of interest.” I complained. I get that times of peace are a good thing, but now that I can put my lethal combat practices to the side of good, I feel kinda lazy. Heartless have been spawning more, but some overtime and the status of all worlds part of Unity have been just fine. Even so, the events of both finding out I’m pregnant and what the Keyblades in me do when a fight starts, I’m not actually doing anything. Damn, pregnancy is sexy, but going though one is both a bitch and boring at the same time. “Zeke.” Rainbow’s voice came from behind my office door. She entered without an offer. “How’s it going?” “Bord mostly, what are you doing here? I thought you were helping the newly returned residents readjust and rebuild?” “I am, but some people wanted to talk with you first.” She stepped aside, and the Cakes came in. “Hello sir.” Mr. Cake said ”Hello.” Mrs. Cake said. “Rainbow told us you had our babies?” “Oh, yeah. They should be with fluttershy in the nursery. They attached to us fast.” “We wanted to say thank you for taking care of our babies.” “Really, we’re in your debt.” Mr. Cake said. “Well, I’m gonna miss them honestly. Little devils they are, but at the same time they’re angels… Hey, can we work something out?” I said, remembering the antics those two always pulled. “Uh, what exactly?” “Well, they’ve attached to us, but you are their parents. Maybe you can work as live in cooks, your kids still get to stay and won’t cry all nights cause they miss their friends.” “Well, what about our shop?” “Well, it is still your property, maybe when the twins are older they can take it over? Or, with your paychecks and spare time, hire help to work it and check up on it over time.” “Huh, well… That does sound nice. How much will we be getting payed?” “As a council member and my wives all mostly working, we have more money than we know what to do with. How’s five hundred a day sound?” “That’s more than what the shop made in a week!” “Again, more than we really know what to do with. So, you wanna cook something other than pastries 24/7, or stick with the shop alone?” “We’ll take the job.” Mrs. Cake said quickly. “Alright, you’ll start when you move your stuff in.” They left and Rainbow patted my head. “You just didn’t want to be missing the twins, didn’t you?” “You read me like an open book.” It’s been four days since the Cakes moved in as live-in cooks and it really takes the work off the girls. Plus, we get more time with the kids. I was in the library at the moment, reading over some old tombs on Keyblades. Most of it is stories and legends. “Dad… mom?” I looked up from my book and saw Button Mash was standing in front of me. “Uh, how much longer are you gonna… be like this?” “I still have a month before the babies are due, why?” “It’s just… some kids were talking at school…” “... Do me a favor, and don’t tell your mothers this.” Button nodded and leaned in close so I could tell him. “If they start a fight, verbal or physical, don’t be afraid to fight back, but try to dodge and block them. In a verbal sense, that’s like… you know what a rost is?” “Yeah.” “Rost them… good.” “Alright, why?” “It’s the fastest way to shut people up in my experience. One good rost and they get quieter than your mother Fluttershy.” “Alright… I’ll try.” Button left, leaving me. To my book. Not long after, Dinky came in with a smile. “Can I feel them?” “Again?” She nodded. “Fine.” I caved in as she rubbed my belly. This feels de-masculating, but I’m a girl now so screw masculinity. Another day had passed and Button stopped me in the hall. “Hey Dad… mom? Anyway, your advice worked.” “Oh, you roasted them?” “Yeah, they shut up and walked off with their wings under their arms!” “What was the roast?” “Well, he said ‘your dad must love being a broodmare’ and I replied, ‘Least my dad turned the right gender for that’ and he just got quiet.” I don’t know weather to feel offended or laugh? “Well… I get the joke, good job in ending the fight before it really began.” Button smiled as he walked off. “... Wow… that was just… the heck? Meh, expected some people to give shit about this.” Another week had passed, the twins in my womb had grown more. I was working again, filing the reports away and such. Any new worlds were rather far away from our current section of the galaxy, so reports were getting slow, to my thanks and boredom. Daybreak and the Council, the Unity, we’ve existed little under a year, now an estimated thirty percent of our galaxy has been contacted and about half joined in the Unity. We’ve come far, yet still so many Keyblades rest within me. I know it’s one Keyblade for every intelligent life form… but still, this is a lot. Damn, this work will never end, plus with all the who knows how many reflections out there, we got our work cut out for us big time… I wonder… if we do manage to find and join all worlds in unity, everything is balanced, and every reflection explored… what would happen after that? “Knock knock.” I looked at the door, Luxu and… some kinda Sweetie Bell with gears sticking out of her stood there. “Your forge is done early, put it in an empty warehouse along with some… modified blueprints for it, and this here, is my girlfriend Time Bell.” “Hey.” She said. “Hi.” I replied. “So… how did-” “Core…” She cut me off. “Oh… bastard.” “Tried turning me into the No Name keyblade. Failed, I can only see the future and send memories as messages to the past.” “Oh… well that can come in handy.” “I guess… So how come you tip off my senses as a Keyblade?” “Cause I am. Kingdom Hearts made me into a Human Keyblade because I got possessed by the Keyblade Graveyard.” “Oh. Well that makes sense. So you’re… a girl and pregnant now… THat’s… a thing…” I scratched the back of my head. “Yeah, I kinda-” “You guys, wait up!” Came the voice of another Sweetie Bell. She entered the room, out of breath. “Dang it, you ran like crazy.” “Oh, this is my wielder… Sweetie Bell.” Time Bell said. “Wielder?” “I kinda got turned into a Keyblade, Like Yellow can.” “Oh… well A, she’s cured of her darkness and god now.. And B, my kids are like that naturally cause of me…” Time just stared at me. “I’m gonna take a walk…” She said, walking off Followed by Sweetie. “Well, that happened.” Luxu said. “So, how much longer?” “A month or so.” I replied. “Ah, well then I’ll stuck around, after their birth we got a mission, Time saw a premonition of the future involving someone you might know.” “Who?” “Someone in a weird mask.” “Mask… Clearly not Core, so that leaves John. I haven’t heard from him in awhile, I guess I should see what’s up with him… after the birth.” “Great, so Time, Sweetie and I will just stick around til then, then after a bit we go find out what this is all about.” “Sounds like a plan. I’ll go tell the girls.” With that I walked off. If something happened, or will happen to John’s Equestria… I hope we get there in time… Childbirth… Hurts… The kids were born healthy, both Keychains that looked similar to X’s. My son, that I named Blake, Brown hair with my eyes. His Keychain form was like X’s, only rather than crossed Kingdom Key’s they were crossed Oathkeepers… and my daughter, Nix, black hair and bright blue eyes. Her Keychain form was crossed Oblivion’s… Twins… what else is there to say. I don’t know who was the card Luxu put in me, but I don’t really care, and it’s best I don’t know anyway, they’re both so cute… and mine… Wow… so this is what motherhood feels like… I like it. It had been a week since the twins were born and I had changed back into a man not long after. Though, Discord gave me the ability to change gender at will, as a baby shower gift, so I can still be a mom, and a dad… I’m not thinking too much into it. The girls, glad I had my… assets back, had me make up for lost time… Now Derpy, Flitter, Cloudchaser, Rainbow Dash, Toriel, Hearts Care, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy again, are pregnant… Yeah, busy week. I said my goodbyes to both the wives and kids, and walked into a DTL to John’s reflection with Luxu, Time and Sweetie Bell with Unum at my side. We exited in the Everfree, though, something was off. “X?” I summoned X… he was in his broken form. “No…” Something bad happened here. “Damnit… we’re too late to stop it… so we gotta help fix it.” Well, that’s your job. We walked through the forest for a while. We were getting close to Zecora’s hut when someone called out. “You there, you’re Zeke.” “Show yourself!” I called out. To my shock… Vanitas dropped from some trees up ahead. “You…” “Look, I’m not with Core, in fact, I’m kinda working against him at the moment, And before you start swinging that thing around, John trust’s me.” “And I should believe you why?” “Cause I know you can kill me. Look, just follow me, I’ll prove it.” I trust him. You WHAT!?!?!?! Look, He feels… different. Than the last time I saw him, I think we can trust him. … I hate that you are usually right about people. “Fine, prove it.” We walked over to the Everfree castle ruins, there was a barrier there and Vanitas said, “Unlock” and a doorway opened up in the barrier that we could walk though. Upon entering my heart sank. A lot of ponies were walking around, missing limbs or wit manic looks and twitching. Vanitas walked off somewhere and We wondered into what looked like a main lobby. … This isn’t even the whole world… We have work to do. We waited around for a bit, then I saw John walk in. “Oh, hey John.” I said.