Ponies and Dragons (Just Have Fun)

by Alex Warlorn

Session 56

Session 56.0 Devcon101

The atmosphere was thick with the feeling of anxiety. Nurse Tenderheart took a deep breath as she steadied her hoof, holding a set of tweezers. Small beads of sweat formed on her face, glistening in the light. Her eyes narrowed, focusing her gaze on the hole. The object was really rather tiny, and there was little space to grip it, so she’d have to be extremely careful. She couldn’t afford another failure. It would ruin her.

Nurse Snowheart, Nurse Sweetheart and Nursery Rhyme watched her, clutched with the same anxiety that grasped Tenderheart. Nursery Rhyme bit her lip, watching the most intently of the three. This one performance bordered the line between success and failure. If she got it out, good. If she didn’t, well...

Nurse Tenderheart held her breath as she slowly lowered the tweezers down towards the hole, moving her head slightly to the side to get a better vantage point. The beads of sweat now slowly trickled down her face, new ones forming to take their place. The tweezers slowly descended, getting closer, and closer.

They were in the hole now, ever so slowly reaching down towards the foreign object. She lessened her grip on the tweezers, allowing them to open, just enough to allow them to seize the item. She lowered them down ever so slightly more and tightened her grip, the tweezers closing down on the item. She took a breath. Good. Now she just had to get it out.

The tweezers began to ascend, ever so slowly. Nursery Rhyme eyes still held their intense gaze, the other two nurses now growing even more anxious as to the outcome. Almost there...

Suddenly, the sound of a loud crash boomed through the room, coming from outside. It was so loud and sudden it startled everyone, including Nurse Tenderheart. Her hoof suddenly jerked in its positioning, bringing the tweezers and object with it and smashing them into the side of the hole. Nurse Tenderheart let out a loud (and overly dramatic, of course) “Noooo...!” as it did. There was no getting the item out now. She had failed...

The sound of a buzzer rang in response to the failed attempt, the nose of the pony on the board glowing red. Nurse Tenderheart let out a few choice words in a brief fit of anger as Nursery Rhyme let out a quick “Yes!”, for Nurse Tenderheart’s failure had practically just ensured she would win this round. The reached over the board for the Operation game they were playing and grabbed some pretzels from the bowl on the table, shoving them into her mouth with a grin.

Nurse Tenderheart looked down sullenly. Nurse Sweetheart put a hoof on her shoulder.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll get the bread basket next time."

Session 56.1 QuartzScale

“That turned out to be something right?” EG Rainbow Dash chuckled stiffly. She knew she had mess up the plan but after a few groans the others all sighed and forgave her. She endeavored not to make any more hasty decisions. The creepy background had also made the decision to let her off much better.

The Shadow Prison was obviously heavily based on the past games made by CrystalSoft. The bars were covered in black sludge and within were skeleton enemies unmoving and trapped to the walls still turning to dust. The music was also horrifying as screams and crying broke through the heavy use of the string instruments. Even worse was the lack of enemies in the area. The chat was exploding during their entire trek as well seeing as every Umbrum soldier immediately gained ten levels the moment that the area was opened.

“So girls we’re about to fight the true boss. Any ideas?” Pony Twilight chirped up while another scream permeated the air causing Fluttershy to scream in terror as well.

“Hope there’s a save crystal and not die?” Sci-Twi answer in response.

“Honestly, Ah was expecting a better plan...” Applejack chimed in.

“To be fair we are the first ones to make it here darling. No need to rock the boat as it were until we actually get into battle. Besides this will be just like the fight against Discord when we got tossed into his true boss fight. I can’t begin to tell you how many times that was. THE. WORST. POSSIBLE. THING!” Rarity cried out before recomposing herself with a lady like laugh which caused a few of the others to cringe from the act.

“Either way we’re already here... Everyone have their items ready. We got lucky during the Sombra fight but now we’re gonna have to activate TRY HARD MODE. Time to crank this party up!” Pinkie began casting the special buffs that could only be dispelled manually.

“Heroes I’m glad you have come along with me to handle the problems of the land. Whatever occurs here I shall accept wholeheartedly.” Radiant Hope spoke up. The others were especially glad to have her along for all the healing spells she knew and their source of not dying almost immediately.

“Ok girls. Time for the final boss and us finally finishing off this expansion.” Sunset called out as they all caused their avatars to strike a pose. The slight levity made them all chuckle as they went through the portal into an area only known as The Heart of Darkness.

In the center of the arena was the wounded and heavily ripped apart King Sombra utterly devoid of malice or magic. He was still aware yet his eyes merely showed more the more somber nature he had when he stared into the Crystal Heart. As the party stepped forward the entire arena shook mercilessly until a mass of growling shadows flowed from the ceiling until it enveloped the entire arena. The party watched helplessly as an Umbrum being rose from the shadows eclipsing even the normally large Umbrum Soldiers.

“Such worthless fools finding their way into here. Once again my useless son couldn’t even do the one thing I wanted him to do in the first place. Still I don’t hold it against you, son.” The large Matron Umbrum carefully rubbed one of its claws across Sombra’s cheek. All the players felt something sick about this but couldn’t place their hoof/hand on it.

“This is all your fault you little tramp! I should have taken care of you long long ago. You corrupted my dark angel and turned him into this pathetic display. But don’t worry I shall make sure to turn you inside out as my new throw rug. So says Rabia, Umbrum Matriarch.” Rabia screamed out as the players all took their spots.

= Okami - Yami OST =

The first phase consisted of Rabia using darkness magic to constantly burn through their buffs and nearly kill them all. Strangely enough Rabia targeted Hope more often than not. It forced the team to cover for her weakened defenses while the few who could attack whittled down her health bar.

“You fools dare to stand up to me. I will not stand for this insolence.” Rabia screamed out as several Umbrum soldiers came out of the woodwork.

The second phase truly cemented how evil Rabia was as she would take several of her soldiers and viciously rip their heads off both healing herself and absorbing their powers for her own. Suddenly she was issuing forth elemental spells, buffs, and debuffs galore based on which of the soldier types she chose to devour. Fluttershy had become particularly vocal about what she was going to do to this monster unfortunately she couldn’t glitch back into dire bear form. After that phase was over she went even further into villainous territory.

The third phase had her force those powers into Sombra and use him like a puppet. Her parasitic tendencies threw Sombra into unstoppable screaming as he was forced to fight once again while Rabia floated out of attack range. She would still munch on her own forces just to force more power into Sombra.

A secondary target appeared in the tentacle that was drilling into Sombra’s head. Without missing a beat Sunset changed her target towards the tentacle.

“What are you doing sugarcube?”

“I’m freeing Sombra. We promised Hope plus we might get better rewards if we do.” That moment was all that was needed to convince the more battle ready players to agree with their target choices.

“Rrrgh! Arrrrrgh...!” Sombra cried out as his skin cracked as if he was made of crystal instead of flesh before being discarded by Rabia.

“Poor boy. He is trying so hard for his mother. And because of this hussy he had forgotten how to truly live. All for the sake of the Umbrum. All for the sake of our conquest. Foolish races that stand in our way. Prepare for the true battle you’ve all been waiting for.”

Rabia focused all her power into a single point as a tear in the prison widened out. A cutscene played out as the party was dropped into the midst of the Crystal Heart chained by black magic while darkness eked out of it. The entire Crystal Empire was enveloped in darkness while the arena around the heart tightened even further. From the darkness Rabia grew, and grew, and grew some more until she was as big as the castle itself. When her face lowered to the party her eye eclipsed the player characters as if they were ants.

“Uh... Girls? What are we supposed to do? She’s become incorporeal.”

“She’s a corporal? I didn’t know she served the military.” Pinkie smiled out.

All she heard were a few polite coughs and frowned muttering about ‘No respect. No respect at all.’

“It means she can’t be targeted.” Sci Twi clarified.

“Bingo. So now what do we do?”

A prompt appeared on screen.

=]Heal Sombra
=]Activate Elements of Harmony

Without waiting Pinkie quickly picked the option to heal Sombra. This caused Radiant Hope to trot forward and use one of her strongest healing spells on Sombra. Within seconds he was back up to full strength and uncracked.


It was the general consensus amongst the party except for Pinkie and Fluttershy who were merely smiling at the lovey dovey actions while Rarity fantasized about her prince to be.

“Hope you are far too kind to me.” Sombra muttered.

“And she is too presumptuous. Please Sombra. For me help them.”

Sighing and grumbling Sombra was added to the party as an NPC. With a quick flick of the Blade of Deepest Shadow Rabia was forced into one position and targetable once again. With renewed resolve the party targeted the weak point. Unfortunately it was fruitless. After the seventh time draining Rabia’s health bar everypony was nearly out of health and potions.

“This isn’t working!” Dash screamed out as Rabia got back up.

“We need a better plan. What was the weakness of Umbrum?” Applejack drawled out.
“Light. But the only light bright enough was the... Crystal Heart! We need to free the heart!” Pony Twilight yelled out making a few girl’s ears ring like a church bell.

With a little finesse Sombra was convinced to cut the chains keeping the heart trapped while Hope used her magic to heal the darkness away with light.

= Okami - Rising Sun OST =

As the last chain was severed Rabia was forced back to her normally large form instead of her castle monster form. The light from the heart weakened but didn’t dissipate her completely. Every player immediately attacked her head on forcing the abomination back while Sombra and Hope kept the darkness at bay from the Crystal Heart. Rabia screamed out in frustration bellowing about the things she would do to the ponies who fought against her for this folly.

As Rabia’s health bar hit zero a new cutscene played out. The players charged their connection with the Elements of Harmony and fired the magic into the Crystal Heart. The heart spun out of control as waves of Harmony based magic lashed out slicing through the Umbrum. Each Umbrum was grafted into a mass of shadows before enveloping Rabia as well and dragging her into the door where they were sealed. As she slid away she grabbed onto Hope.

“I will take this fool with me! I shall never go back alone into the darkness without my play thing. She will know my rage for all eternity!” The maniacal laughter echoed out as Hope was dragged away.

Without waiting King Sombra tackled Rabia forcing her to let go of Hope as the Umbrum were dragged into the void, Sombra included. On cue Hope grabbed Sombra in a telekinetic field keeping him from being dragged into the same fate. The force was too powerful though and dragged her with him. Rabia kept clawing herself back out of the void but it was a fruitless battle. She was still targetable.

Another prompt appeared on the screen before them.

=] Assist Hope
=] Attack Rabia

“Oh geez... What do we choose?”

“If we attack maybe the portal will close faster!” Dash cried out as a timer appeared above the prompt and read sixty seconds left.

“But if we help Hope we could just pull them back in and let the vortex do it’s job.” Sunset pointed out.

“Let’s attack. I know it sounds crazy but it will probably stop after getting Rabia then we can grab Hope and Sombra.” While the few ponies who groaned about the decision they each accepted the risks of having to fight the entire battle again including heading back just to find the Radiant Hope NPC in case the developers made that kind of horrible design choice.

The Elements of Harmony charged up and struck Rabia directly in the chest cracking her shadowy form and forcing it all the way into the Shadow Prison chained by shackles forged from the virtues they portrayed while also sealing the Umbrum within behind bars made of the same light. As the beam of harmony flowed back out the portal closed leaving both Hope and Sombra falling from a grand height.

As the two got close together to await the sudden stop, two telekinetic fields gathered the two revealing both Cadance and Shining Armor finally arriving with the Crystal Empire.

= There are 4 triggers to get the Golden Ending.

- You must have Radiant Hope as an NPC ally during the battle with Rabia and she must survive
- When Sombra is taken over you must attack the tentacle instead of Sombra.
- When choosing whether to heal Sombra or not choose to heal him.
- During the final choice choose to attack Rabia or she will drag Sombra within the Shadow Prison as well.

Session 56.2 QuartzScale

Everyone banded together to watch the cutscene for the end to the Wrath of the Crystal King. It had been an arduous journey full of intrigue and drama that even Dash had to admit was kind of awesome but in a mushy way that she barely paid attention to.

“Thanks brave heroes for saving this realm from the darkness that threatened it. Without you the changelings would have taken control of Canterlot while the Umbrum would have massacred the Crystal Empire. Still there is one matter left at hand. What should be done with the Crystal King.” The Shining Armor NPC looked over at the passive Crystal King and the fawning Radiant Hope.

A prompt appeared on screen.

=] Activate Elements of Harmony
=] Side with Hope

“Well of course we’re gonna stop him-” Before Dash could jump the gun Fluttershy chose the Side with Hope option. When the others attempted to glare at her Fluttershy used The Stare right back making them cower at the sight of her gaze which somehow affected them even through the game’s screen.

After siding with Hope... some against the will of the others the Crystal Heart filled up with the power of light and struck the Crystal King in full force. The light blinded everyone’s screen forcing them to close their eyes while Pinkie merely sported a specialty pair of sunglasses.When the lights finally faded there stood a perfectly normal King Sombra as a unicorn instead of a Umbrum dictator. A chest materialized right in front of the Crystal Heart as the cutscene kept rolling.

The accolades of the citizens of the empire and the rising of the new Crystal Princess Cadance gave way to celebration. Unbeknownst to everypony but the party Sombra and Hope trotted away into a new world they could enjoy together. They left two chests behind though. One held the Blade of Deepest Shadow while the other held one of the most powerful healing spells available to learn which could be used on any player. The party had to discuss aggressively on who would get it.

When the cutscene finally came to an end the group traveled back to the Crystal Heart which now was clear of corruption for the entire group to see. At least until the raid boss became active. Without missing a beat Pinkie got to the chest first.

“I hope it’s something awesome. I really want to get a weapon for all this.” Dash grumbled out.

“Well it’s probably important and... It that there another one o’those Orbs of Prophecy we got from back during the Reins of Chaos ending.” Applejack’s eyes managed to widen in game as well as out of it.

“Let’s play it!” Pinkie screamed out causing a few ponies to cringe at the action.

The screen faded out and the CrystalSoft logo appeared.

Crystal Soft Presents:

The voiceover of Celestia booms out while text scrolls along the screen reading one year later.

“It has been a trying time in the land of Equestria. New alliances are forming by the day. With the inclusion of Yakyakistan and Icehome the borders of Equestria have known new peace. Several Changelings have even switched allegiances after the farce of an invasion left them unable to be a threat.”

The view of the Yak leader and Diamond Wolf leader meeting with Celestia, Luna, and Cadance rolls by while they all sit at the table. The voice of Luna soon followed.

“Still that doesn’t mean that evil has given up. Something far sinister waits in the wings. There have been several cases of ponies losing all magical abilities and several much troubling issues with something far worse. The gates of Tartarus are breaking... “

The gates of Tartarus are blood red and oozing with magical. Each section is made from the bones of the fallen and held together by writhing plant matter. It also seems to be partially crumbling.

“We have yet to find the cause but worry paints our every step as more ponies falter and fall to the creature stealing the magic from others. It is only a matter of time before the troubles become worse.”

The scene of Discord’s statue being stolen in a strange magical embrace floats by scaring several of the girls. Only a shadow can be seen but they were unable to make certain of who has done it.

“The gates of Tartarus will open and we can only rely on our protege and our heroes to handle the problems before us. Beware the monsters that roam the dark for if you tarry you’ll become their mark. Let the screams haunt your dreams. For no one who comes to fight will make it through another night.”

The voice starts to laugh maniacally as several scenes flash by. Several warriors fighting large demons that broke from the gates as trees grow from nowhere smashing them away. Several shadows envelope the stragglers while the glow of green fire signals a change. The scene switches over to the gates crumbling open as four hooves slowly step out of the portal. The camera slowly pans up only to quickly focus on the creatures yellow eyes but just by size its obvious that it’s not a pony.

“Heroes we must prepare for Ascension.”

The camera slowly focus on two unicorns from behind only focusing on their cutie marks. One is a purple unicorn with violet and magenta striped mane with a cutie mark of a purple star surrounded by smaller white stars while the other is a yellow unicorn with red and yellow mane and a sun cutie mark half red and half yellow as if to imply it being a sunset.

The screen fades to black as the words ‘Ascension is coming’ flashes on the screen before going dark. The girls are stunned but eventually find their voices.

“Sunset... Were those marks yours and Twilight’s?”

Neither girl could answer because of their NDA’s stopping them but the girls could speculate all they want.

Session 56.3 Kendell2

The Mane Six and Chaos Six (plus their respective Starlight Glimmers) finally made it to Grogar's throne room (again).

The monster growled. "You come again? When will you learn that resistance is futile?"

"When are yah gonna learn that we don't give up easy?" asked Applejack prime asked.

Grogar growled and jumped down from his throne. "Then I'll have to teach you a lesson."

The battle began, only this time it was 12 on one instead of six on one and working together was much easier to face him.

The two Twilights bombarded him with spells, Twilight's being light magic and Chaos Twilight using dark magic, both covering for the differences in their classes and powering one another up.

Orangejack powered up Applejack with her musical spells as a bard, while Applejack attacked with her arrows.

Pinkie Pie likewise powered up Pinkamena, who did some melee. Grogar was alsu vulnerable to her holy weapons (Pinkamena also made a good healer).

Both Fluttershys took care of healing.

Rainbow Dash, being a Barbarian used melee combat while Chaos Rainbow covered her with arrows, firing whenever she fell back or was knocked away.

Rarity attacked Grogar with melee from the front while Chaos Rarity took advantage of the distraction to backstab and poison Grogar.

The Starlights...did whatever their mismatched abilities were able to, but they seemed to work together rather well as the classes they chose complimented each other.

Grogar gave a roar of pain as Twilight and Chaos Twilight hit him with a combined light and darkness attack, technically depleting his HP. "Enough!" he roared, six gems attached to his neck around his bell glowed, each looking like a synthetic diamond. He was surrounded by a 'rainbow', which was simply just grey with each a slightly different shade, digitized lightning crackling through it.

=Balance Slays the Demon - Alan Wake's American Nightmare=

"Not this time!" yelled both Twilights. All 12 transformed into their Element charged state and combined their powers together. The normal brightly colored Rainbow emerged and swirled around a dark colored Rainbow that crackled with lightning.

They flew up and slammed down on Grogar, clashing with his artificial ones for a few moments...until the ones attached to him sparked and cracked, exploding in a burst of energy.

Grogar roared out as the twin Rainbows washed over and flew around him, turning him to stone and shattering him to bits.

The group blinked, finding themselves back at the gaming table, the game world gone and their two GMs sitting at their screen.

"And with the Shadow King Grogar vanquished, Equestria was saved," Accord finished.

Discord snapped his talons and balloons and confetti fell from the ceiling. "Congratulations!"

Session 56.4 Alex Warlorn

"WHAT IS GOING ON AROUND HERE?!" Cloudy Strike exclaimed as he wandered through yet another abandoned town that looked like everyone had simply left on the same day. He'd chalk this up to monster attacks, but he hadn't had a single monster encounter. He was a blond pegasus with blue eyes and a wild spiky mane and an oversized sword, that many a pony missed was SUPPOSED to be exaggerated to contrast his underlying self-doubt. Or the time he made a heart broken forced laugh, and it was taken out of context and presumed to be bad acting.

And worst of all, his team mates seemed to have all up and vanished into thin air. He was all alone. There wasn't even that floating window of text that normally popped up when he found something important.

"Where all the townsponies?! Why are there tape recorders everywhere?! And what's with all the posted notes!? Was there a clearance sale or something!? Hellloooooooo? Is anyone heeeeeeeear?" He called out to the empty world. Everything still and frozen. "How am I supposed to become endeared to a colorful cast of companions and friends and inspired to save the world when there are no people?!"


"AAAAH!!!" Screamed the nameless, faceless, genderless, species-less, tribe-less and until quite recently, completely voiceless 'pony'. He backed away into a alleyway, terrified and confused. "Why is everything moving?! What are these THINGS going about everywhere?!"

This wasn't how the world was supposed to be, the world was supposed to be still, calm, and only change when he interacted with something.

"We aren't things, we're people. We tell you interesting stuff about what's going on," said a helpful townspony happy to explain things to the newest traveler through town.

"But... but... you don't look like tape recorders!"

"Huh?" The townspony blinked.

"And where are all the posted notes?!"

"Well, I can tell you about how that pony the blank cloak discovered he was genetically modified with DNA from an evil alien that his father mistook for a ancient race of ponies, and thinks its his mother and wants to blow up the world because it's what his 'mother' would want-"

"How am I supposed to figure out the mystery when there is no mystery?!"


"Mommy! My video games are acting weird!"

Discord popped in. "Oh it's not acting weird Button Mash! You told Sweetie Belle, who told Spike, who told Thorax, who told Trixie, who told me, that you were wonder how different video game heroes would handle different adventures! And now you do!"

"But I can't play their games like this! Cloudy Strike can't manipulate puzzles and the other guy can't fight monsters or level up or equip stuff!"

Button Mash thankfully didn't know there was also the hero now put into a Dark Spirits game who was now too terrified to talk with or buy from anypony, since once you bought all their stuff or helped them with their problems, they went crazy and tried to kill you, got killed, or killed themselves.

While the Dark Spirits hero was going in circles from thinking how the characters obviously trying to help him achieve his destiny 'must be' manipulating him to their own ends, and the ones trying to kill him and bring about the destruction of the world must be just trying to help bring about the next natural age of the world.

"Well, then, I'll chalk that up to Discord's School of Careful What You Wish For!"

Princess Luna teleported into Button Mash's bed room, within a tornado of blue smoke.

To the sound Button Mash's mother rushed in wielding a katana, eyeballed Luna, and quickly said, "Cosplay!" And pulled her son out.

Princess Luna boomed, "Discord, we are here to stop thy evil scheme to destroy all hope and imagination."


"It has become common knowledge now in Ponyville for ponies to fear expressing their hopes and wishes because they fear you shall hear them, and take it as justification to perform one of your sick games on them. This discourages ponies from sharing said hopes and dreams, thus punishing ponies from sharing their imagination, and thus limits the growth of Ponykind... what else could this be but an evil scheme, and deserving to be stone once more? Unless thy art an idiot and cannot tell recognize hyperbole or figures of speech. So which is it Discord?"


Trixie asked. "Discord, why are you wearing a dunce cap?"

"Shut up."

Session 56.5 Alex Warlorn

Rarity said politely, "Spike, darling, when you said you'd made a fan module for our super-mecha game based on one of the most famous manegas of all time, I shall confess I was expecting something a bit more... emotionally complex."

Spike looked geniunely confused. "Why? What's wrong with it? I fixed all the problems the show had!"

Shining Armor, who for once was playing WITH his little sister rather than one of them being behind the game master screen, explained. "You took a villain with complex and meaningful goals, driven by motives that anypony could relate to, and turned him into a 1-D super-villain who nothing ever goes right for. Rather than him being undermined and thwarted by the very thing that drove him to enact his plans to begin with."

"That's not true!"

Rainbow Dash said, "You had him rambling about how he was gonna conquer the world! You didn't once mention his special somepony who he's actually doing all his evil stuff For!"

"Oh come on Rainbow! You love villains who are just there for the heroes to punch out! Don't deny it!" Spike defended.

"Yeah, when we're playing Power Ponies, if this was Power Ponies, I wouldn't be complaining." Rainbow Dash said. "Actually, I would if Miester Freeze suddenly forget his wife existed, and was interested in just robbing banks!"

"Like in The Batmare cartoon?" Shining Armor offered.

"Yes, like in The Batmare cartoon."

"And what happened to the Sealing?" Rarity asked.

"Who?" Spike asked in an innocent and lost tone.

"Uh," Shining wasn't sure how to start. "The secret organization that was manipulating the world for decades, the one who Greenmeadow Starry was always reporting to? The guys who wanted to destroy the world and let everypony be united in the after life, who Greenmeadow was towing the line between obeying and pursuing his own agenda? And were the ones who actually ordered Kanji's assassination? The ones Greenmeadow told 'death creates nothing', just before they had their OWN army attack of giant Alicorn clones attack the base once the last Draconequus was dead?"

"Oh... they all died, or something," Spike said with the dismissive tone one would give to a one-scene background character in a filler chapter.

"Well, that's an inversion of the rest." Twilight said. "You had all the ponies driven crazy by the Third Disharmony suddenly recover. You had all the spirits of all the moms freed from the mechas and restored to physical form... without any of how this would affect any of the characters EXCEPT Sunny I'm-Starry! And you had Kanji turn out to be 'just in a coma', and THEN you had-"

"FINE FINE YOU HATED IT! I GOT IT!" Spike snorted and pouted.

The ponies looked at each other.

"Dear..." Rarity said carefully. "We thought the way you GMed the battles with the Draconequi were all well done, and you did a nice job translating the giant Alicorn Clone mechas into game stats. And your designs of the city, was all well done. We LOVED all the epic battles you put together! They were all very exciting! And I'd love to play them again! But... I feel that you made things a little too black and white. If you have a villain who did what they did for self-centered reasons, you shouldn't go back and make it not be their fault they tried to end the world."

"Oh... you mean like how in Pony Rangers, that elite team who turned evil, was retconned in the comics to be under mind control? Or the pony ranger who turned evil after using dark magic, was retconned after he was back to normal to be possessed by a wolf pony spirit? Or how in the original Neighponese version, the Green Pony Ranger wasn't brainwashed until halfway through?"

"Yes darling."

"And like when they retconned a mind control chip in the heads of all the Clone Trooper ponies who turned on the Jedi?" Rainbow Dash Added.

"Not quite what I meant, but in the same spirit. And if you have a villain who were under the delusion they were helping ponies, you shouldn't go back and make them out to be Evil Incarnate, like they did with the prequels to The Master in the Fallout Equestria prequels books. It makes it feel like they're separate characters, rather than the original character having found redemption."

"Yeah," Rainbow Dash added, "If you have a villain who starts out a loud mouth jerk, they should stay a loud mouth jerk, only a GOOD loud mouth jerk rather than a ROTTEN loud mouth jerk."


Playing poker with Prince Blueblood, Trixie sneezed.

Session 56.6 Ardashir

"Sister, I am curious -- have you noticed that our nephew Blueblood has been missing for several days?" Luna frowned at the screen as she worked the computer with her magic. "Vile monster!"

"No, Luna, but I did notice that there were far fewer complaints from the staff about Blueblood's inability to clean up his messes," Celestia said as she watched her sister try -- and fail -- to win at one of those games from the other universe Twilight had visited. She hid a smile as, with a wicked cackle, the monstrous Rabia ate Luna's character. "I believe you are supposed to work as part of a team in this game."

"They are all busy now," Luna snorted. "Apparently they are either at their employment or schooling." Rabia killed her even faster this time. Luna cast her hooves up in disgust. "Enough! I will attempt this again later when they are free and we may save the Crystal Empire. Speaking of which, sister, how goes it with Cadence? Has she yet had any problems with her new neighbors, the Yaks and Diamond Wolves?"

Celestia shook her head. "The Yaks are peaceful, for once." She lowered her head to her dish and ate a few bites of cake. "But she says they have received some odd messages one wolf in Icehome. Something about 'that crazy Rarity' and 'no we're not wolf-ponies' and 'tell my aunties'."

Luna blinked. "Those messages are indeed strange."

"There's one more," Celestia added, taking a look out into the main hall. From here she could just see the stained glass window depicting the Element Bearers' victory over Discord. "Something about 'wanting to stick Discord in a flea collar and see how he likes it'."

Both alicorns looked at each other in confusion.

And far north...

"Are you sure this will work?" Blueblood, still a wolf, but for now wrapped in a cloak, asked a similarly cloaked Alisa. He looked at the pile of ponysuits she had and shuddered. "Must I -- Must I go as a mare? Even if it will get me back to Equestria?"

"Alisa only have mare-suits," the she-wolf responded. "She does not like pretending to be male. And besides, Wolf-Blueblood cannot be going yet; still waiting on audience with Prince Erik!"

Session 56.7 Alex Warlorn

Crystal Ball, the old gypsy pony who had the honor of hypnotizing Princess Celestia for the amusement of Princess Luna on the day of the Sisterhood Social, and using her hypo-swirlie eyes to calm two giant sized pets, observed the current contest of who was the greatest mind controller of Equestria. And the day was only half over.

"Why I not invited? Old lady always ignored. They better make me judge for this." One of Starlight Glimmer's magical mind control spell bombs zeroed in on the old mare and flew towards her. The old gypsy gave it the evil eye. "Don't even vo be thinking bout it!"

The spell prompt went off to find another target.

Session 56.8 Kendell2

After defeating another terrifying and difficult boss in World of Hoofcraft, the group decided to unwind in the Rainbows and Crystals beta to unwind.

Applejack planted another Apple Tree as her ingame self and collecting several that had dropped. Heading back into her little simulated house, she went to the kitchen and started a cooking mini game that she admitted was kind of fun. Which was a plus in her mind, since if it wasn't cooking would probably get rather tedious, and it was her best way to get friendship points. "Ah have tah admit, Ah'm glad they added in a lot of recipes for this game."

"I think they just added an NPC named Sweet Berry to the game you can learn even more from," said pony Twilight as she, as Minty, headed to an NPC named Story Belle who gave out a story a day if visited. Not only were the stories kinda fun, listening to them helped level up in intelligence, naturally one of the things she was interested in.

"I have to admit, darling, I AM impressed by how much work has gone into this game, given World of Hoofcraft is their flagship game," Rarity noted, Princess Rarity currently riding around Unicornia on a rainbow. Granted, it wasn't as good as flying as a Pegasus, but that was kind of the point of Pegasi being a different class. The game world was quite breathtaking, especially when your character got a good look at it. "Given how popular it is, they probably could've pumped out a few moderately good side games and still profit."

"Maybe somepony at Crystalsoft really, really likes the game?" asked Pinkie Pie, her ingame self trotting up to another player. 'Hi! What's your name?' she wrote in chat, ingame Pinkie Pie waving.

The other pony waved. 'Hi! My name's Screwball!' called the other player. 'Wanna see my house? My kitchen has a rollarcoaster!'

'Really? Wow! My attic has a Ferris Wheel!' Pinkie replied, unknowing she was speaking to a sapient anti-hacker program produced by human Discord's boredom.


Ever competitive Rainbow Dash shrugged, as she was currently focused on a race with Star Catcher. Given it's nature the closest thing the game had to bosses were ponies REALLY good at certain mini games. "Maybe...Not my favorite game, but I guess I can see why somepony would like it," she replied, keeping her eyes on the game. To get the best thing you could from Starcatcher, you had to not only beat her in the race, but beat her with a high friendship score. IE, fair and square, without any of the typical racing game methods of knocking opponents out of your way. While she'd not admit it, she did find such a challenge right up her alley.

Fluttershy merely hummed contently as her breezie self finished befriending a ladybug pet. Pets were still early and there weren't a lot of them to choose from (many more would be added in the final version).

"Hey, they added a new castle..." said human Twilight, heading towards it. It was currently rather barren, but had signs saying 'Music Castle Coming Soon'. "Looks like we're going to be able to learn music of some sort...Work in progress though."

The group blinked (minus Rainbow) and looked as Sunset giggled. Her ingame character was currently exploring the area around Ponyville.

"What?" Rarity questioned.

"Oh, nothing...just imagine the music crew is having fun."

Adagio growled. "Why do we have to record so much cutesy junk?!" the siren asked. Mentally, what she actually said was 'If I had my powers I would kill you all'.

"Because we have an entire location of 'Rainbows and Crystals' devoted to music," said human Discord.

"I like it!" Sonata cheered.

Aria shrugged. "I really don't care. So long as we get our money."

"Don't worry, you'll get to go back to dark and gritty soon enough," Discord replied. "Ascension revolves around evil demons and evil beings, it will probably be the exact opposite of that."

"Aww..." Sonata muttered.

Session 56.9 Devcon101

The human Trixie pulled up a video on her laptop, an excited grin on her face. She’d been waiting for the full release of the game ever since her time as a beta tester for it, and while it had yet to launch, the trailer for its launch had been finally completed.

This particular trailer wasn’t supposed to arrive until the following day, but as she was the daughter of the CEO of the main company behind it got her some benefits, including her mother allowing her to see the launch trailer a day early. She eagerly clicked play on the video as it came up, putting on her headphones as it began.

Tiny glowing cinders blew across a black background. For a brief moment, the message “not real gameplay” in small white letters was visible in the bottom right corner. Suddenly, a female voice began to speak, breaking the silence.

“My greatest triumph was at hand. The final campaign in what had seemed to be an endless war against Superstallion. While his powers were drained from battle after battle, I struck, luring him out of his self imposed exile like a rat from its hole.”

There was a brief pause.

“But my obsession with ending him, my desire to prove myself the better, had blinded me. Made me unable to stop and see who the true threat was. And Equus would pay the price.”

The scene cut to a ruined city, smoke clouds rising into the sky as the seemingly lifeless body of one Emerald Arrow was seen crushed beneath the rubble of a building. Suddenly, an older looking Wonder Mare entered the scene, being knocked hard into another building nearby. She growled with anger.

“COME GET SOME!” she roared, as the hulking robotic Metallo-dog tore across the battlefield after her, a large bulky arm raised to smash into the mare. Wonder Mare swiftly dodged out of the way and sliced off the hand, before grabbing him by the back and with a hefty throw sent him flying, jumping off after him. In the background, a huge purple dragon roared at something off-screen before getting hit with a bright green energy blast, knocking it over into a building which crumbled beneath its weight, before falling just before the screen, if not dead then at least unconscious. An older Hoof Jordan flew down into view, his right hoof covered in a green armor construct.

Suddenly from off to the side, a stallion in a black suit with a lightning bolt on the front flew into view, glaring.

“LANTERN! WHY DON’T YOU TAKE ON SOMEONE YOUR OWN SIZE?!” shouted Black Andy, before flying off, Hoof Jordan flying close behind.

The scene then cut to an armored Batmare that glared at something off screen. It panned out to show the Streak, who quickly zoomed off, and Cyboarg who shot off a few blasts behind them.

“Cyboarg, focus fire on Luthor! I’m calling in the heavy artillery!” she ordered, hopping down from her vantage point and inputting some commands into a device on her wrist. The half-boar half machine nodded and fired a few blasts at the same thing Batmare had been glaring at prior, the scene moving over to show them impact a force-field of some sort. Moments after, a barrage of missiles zoomed over Batmare and Cyboarg’s heads and flew straight for the barrier, smashing into them with a large explosion.

The scene zoomed in to show Lula Luthor in her large, blue, robotic suit standing just behind the field, lowering her suits arm as she smoke from the blast cleared. She took a few steps forward, glaring as two cannons on her back began to charge up.

“Deathstrike! Show these fine folk a good time!” The master assassin stood up, twirling a sword in one hoof before jumping off to join the fight. The purple unicorn Circe strode into view, eyes glowing the same blinding white as her horn as she cackled, letting loose a white bolt as a counterattack, the cannons on Lula’s back firing off an energy barrage in sync.

The scene cut once again to the battlefield, where Metallo-dog had recovered and swung fist after fist at Wonder Mare, only for her to grab him and throw him onto his back. Metallo-dog tried to get up, but Wonder Mare quickly jumped atop him and with one pull tore off one of his oversized arms. She then lifted her sword and sliced off his head, the green glow in his eyes flickering off as she raised the head victoriously. A gun shot blew it from her hoof, and she turned to glare at Deathstrike, who dashed across the war ground toward her, drawing his sword.

The scene once more cut away to a building looking over the battle, upon which stood the draconnequus Jester, who impatiently grabbed a large gun from his partner in crime, Harlequinn.

“Come on Harl! We’ve got some murdering to do!” he said with a mad evil laugh, pointing the gun down towards the combatants and Harlequinn grabbed hold of the back of his shirt to keep him from falling off. He fired off a few powerful rounds at the Streak, who just narrowly managed to avoid them. As he prepared for his next assault, Harlequinn looked behind them to see Black Andy and Hoof Jordan flying towards them, quickly yelping in fear as she pulled herself and Jester down, narrowly avoiding getting hit by the two who flew just above them.

Hoof Jordan fired a green energy blast which sent Black Andy flying into the ground, causing large chunks of the ground to fly off as he impacted, forming a small crater. Hoof Jordan proceeded to grab the near unconscious Black Andy, forming a gauntlet construct on one hoof which he smashed into Black Andy, sending him speeding off and into a building in the background, into which he crashed, sending large chunks of its wall careening off.

The scene cut back to Wonder Mare and Deathstrike, trading blow for blow with their swords. Wonder Mare kicked away the assassin and jumped overhead, attempting to impale him with her sword. Deathstrike quickly dodged out of the way as Wonder Mare’s sword embedded itself into the ground. He struck at her with his sword, which she blocked with her horseshoes, retaliating with a powerful punch. He jumped out of the way, causing her to smash through the wall of the building behind him. Removing her hand from the hole she had made, she whipped back around, only to see Deathstrike holding her lasso in front of her, shaking it mockingly.

“Loose something, princess?” he taunted, before quickly ducking down to reveal Circe standing right behind him, who gave an evil grin as she let off a charged blast as Wonder Mare.

The scene was back to the fight between Hoof Jordan and Black Adam. Hoof Jordan created multiple shield constructs between him and Black Adam, only for him to break through each with a single punch. As Hoof Jordan struggled to form another, he quickly tackled him, sending them both hurtling into the ground. Hoof Jordan tried to get back up, but found Black Adam atop him, one hoof standing upon the hoof upon which was his ring, using his superior strength to slowly smash it into the ground. The sound of cracking was heard as Hoof Jordan let out a grunt of pain, Black Adam beginning to crush his hoof into paste. The Streak took notice and dashed toward the two at sonic speed. Black Adam glared, before looking to the sky, pulling his trump card just as the Streak reached them.

He roared the mystical word that gave him his powers aloud, and immediately a powerful lightning bolt streaked down from the heavens and impacted the ground. A massive explosion boomed out from the source, followed by a large shock-wave. The field Lula stood behind was shattered, the mare raising one arm against the blast as she was knocked clean off her feet. Batmare ran from the shock-wave which swept up Cyboarg and the rubble around them, burying him beneath it and sending Batmare flying.

The scene once more cut to black, only to open back up to the scene of Hoof Jordan’s ring sitting abandoned on the ground, showing no sight of the three that had been there. It zoomed out to show the utterly massive impact crater that had formed, smoke rising from the center.

It cut to a pile of rubble, from which climbed out Batmare, who looked around at the battlefield. The screen moved up to show Deathstrike holding Wonder Mare’s lasso, standing on two crossed metal bars above Batmare. With one swing he lassoed Batmare, and jumped off his vantage point, dragging the weakened hero toward him. She glared and threw a kick at him, only for him to jump back and, using the bars as a support, hoisted Batmare off the ground with a hefty pull.

The scene cut to Harlequinn, who Jester shoved off him as he got to his feet. He let out a deep cough as he grabbed the blaster, looking over the battlefield through his goggles. The scope in his goggles allowed him to spot the hanging Batmare, who Deathstrike was beating like a pinata. He snarled.

“What’s this? If anyone’s gonna kill the bat, it’s gonna be me!” And with that, he let loose a powerful blast, which flew through the air toward them. The scene cut to Wonder Mare, laying in the rubble as Jester’s blast struck his target in the background. Her eyes slowly opened as she let out a moan of pain, only for a large mechanical hand to grab her. She was lifted up to reveal Lula in her robotic suit, who growled at her.

“Call for him! BRING HIM TO ME!” she roared, only for Wonder Mare to return with nothing more than a glare, breathing heavily. Lula narrowed her eyes, and suddenly an off screen arc of lightning struck into Wonder Mare’s chest, causing her to let out a loud scream of agony.

The scream was echoed for dramatic effect as the screen left earth to reveal Superstallion floating in space before the sun. As the final echo rang, it zoomed in on his face. His closed eyes opened to reveal glowing red orbs behind them, and he flew off screen. The screen cut to a view of Equus, where nothing more than a streak could be seen of Superstallion as he soared over the planet.

It went back to viewing the surface as Lula watched a small glow of light appear in the sky, from which came Superstallion, thundering down from the sky and smashing into the ground, before standing up, glaring at Lula who could only smile.

“Welcome back.” she said in a mocking tone, as Superstallion’s glare intensified.

“BATMARE!” he roared, as Lula’s grin faded into a frown.

“Adam!” she shouted in turn, and while Batmare did not appear, Black Adam did, flying through a building in the background and smashing into Superstallion, sending them both flying. He threw numerous punches into Superstallion, only for them to do nothing. As his hoof flew to try again, Superstallion grabbed it with his and twisted it back with a sickening snap. Black Adam roared in pain as Superstallion pulled him close, letting loose his heat vision straight into Adam’s eyes. Black Adam’s body slunk down as a green laser blast slammed into Superstallion from off screen, causing him to whip his head around to look at the attacker.

Lula ran toward him, the two blasters on the back of her mech letting off a barrage against him. He only glared and flew at her, grabbing the two energy cannons and tearing them off effortlessly. He then grabbed the mech and pulled her up to him.

“YOU DON’T DESERVE TO LIVE!” he roared, tossing her off into some buildings in the background. He breathed heavily, before trotting over to Wonder Mare, who’s body lay lifeless in the rubble. He knelt down and picked her up, staring down at the face of his love...only to begin coughing as a green glow shone on his face, dropping the body down. Wonder Mare’s face turned to the camera, revealing kryptonite shards within her mouth. He put a hoof to his heart and doubled over, lying in a crater beside her.

He struggled to pick himself up, only for mechanical clanking to be heard as Lula trotted over, holding a long metal spear with a shard of kryptonite for a head. She grinned maniacally.

“Finally, after all these years. Superstallion beaten by a mere mare. I never thought I’d see the day.” Superstallion looked up to glare at her.

“You...”, he choked out, “...you’ve...lost...everything...”

“Lies...” she hissed, “...I’ve beaten you. Years of endless warring finished, as finally I, Lula Luthor, END YOU!” And with those last two words she stabbed the kryptonite into him, twisting the spear around until finally he dropped dead. She looked down with a triumphant grin...until she looked up as a dark shadow fell over her.

She looked up in terror as the screen panned up to show a massive alien armada fly into view over a dark gray sky, soaring overhead. It cut back to her face, eyes darting between the ships, before the image of an older Lula, one eye glowing white, faded into view over it, before she looked down at a much younger Batmare, Superstallion and Wondermare, standing before them in her mech suit, which showed much further wear and tear. Behind her, a large window depicted a view of Equus.

“Barniac had returned to claim the Equus for his own. For ages he had been biding his time, stealing away Equus’s champions while we were too busy fighting amongst ourselves. Once the greatest of its defenders were dead, he moved in and took it all for himself. I only barely survived, living like a rat among the wasteland as every last living being fell to Braniac.” She paused. “I have for that reason traveled back in time to warn you of the future. If we are to prevent ponykind’s end, we must work together. We must change it.” She looked back at the window, as a large white dot shown on Equus, before a visible shock-wave was seen shooting from it in all directions.

Batmare glared and stepped forward.

“What have you done Luthor?!” Lula glared back.

“I’ve given you a fighting chance!” Batmare’s eyes narrowed further.

“...She’s lying. It’s clearly a trap.” However, she paused, before asking, “Why should we trust you?”

The screen shifted to view Luthor's face as she looked into the camera with narrowed eyes.

“Because, if you don’t, then Equus shall fall...”

And with that, the screen cut to black, as the title, “Lulamoon Comics Online” appeared on screen, before disappearing, the words “Coming Soon...” replacing it. They remained for but a moment before fading to black as the trailer ended.

Trixie was left with a wide smile as the trailer came to a close.

“This is gonna be good!”

Session 56.10 Mtangalion

Trixie glared at Prince Blueblood across their poker table. “Trixie is finding this tall tale of yours more unbelievable by the moment. There’s nothing remotely wolf-like about you!”

Prince Blueblood put on his third most smug grin. “What, not even a bit of predatory cunning? My dear Trixie, I’m wounded... but of course I shall tell you more of what happened, provided you stop interrupting!”

Apparently, Icehome had an entire series of caverns that were more packed full of ancient junk than the attic of Canterlot Castle. Blueblood wasn’t sure why he was surprised.

Prince Erik glowered at a female wolf with strange goggles and disheveled gray fur. “Well, Olya? You’re the storeroom keeper, can’t you find what we need?”

Olya tunneled into another small mountain of dusty old leather armor, just her rump and wagging tail visible. “Collar for friendly visiting wolf, not of Icehome pack? Not sure we’ve had one of those since grandfather worked here!” Several collars were tossed out, bouncing and rolling past. “Nope. Nope, nope!” She backed out and trotted back to Blueblood, leaning very close as she looped a measuring tape around his neck and grinned at the numbers.

Blueblood coughed, feeling warm. “Pardon me, miss, but didn’t you already measure me twice before? Perhaps there’s something in that pile over there!”

Olya snatched Blueblood’s outstretched forepaw and measured its length and width, whistling appreciatively.

Erik swatted the measuring tape away. “Bluvad needs collar, not snowshoes.”

Olya bowed, though she kept sneaking glances at Blueblood. “So why’s the prince looking for collars here? Just ask...”

“No,” said Erik gruffly. “Not her.”

“But her shop...”

Erik started to retort angrily, but another wolf came loping in and skidded to a stop just then. “Prince! Pavel froze himself in ice block again.”

Blueblood blinked. “I’m sorry... Did he say ‘again?’”

Erik rolled his eyes. “Is fine, just magic surge. Iosef, show me. You!” He eyed Blueblood. “Stay out of trouble.”

The moment they were alone, Olya padded over, brushing her flank against Blueblood’s. “Olya knows a good place. No trouble there!”

Blueblood gasped, eyes fluttering closed for a moment. Would it really hurt to linger, he found himself wondering? Olya’s fur was warm and soft, her eyes inviting, her fangs sharp and oh merciful Celestia, the female wolves were starting to look good to him.

Really, though, what was the worst that could happen?

Olya trotted into the throne room of Equestria, head held high and three adorable white-furred wolf pups trotting at her heels. “That’s him, great Sun Princess! Bluvad is father of my pups.”

Princess Celestia loomed over him, blazing like an imminent supernova. “You’ve shirked your responsibilities and embarrassed the royal family for the last time, nephew! I sentence you to be a wolf FOREVER!”

Blueblood yipped, hopping away from Olya. “Thank you, miss! Perhaps I’ll take you up on that... some other time?” He trotted out of the storerooms hastily, and nearly ran right into another small horde of female wolves. His well-honed instincts for evading tabloid reporters guided him swiftly around a corner.

“I will have the new male first!” he heard one of the she-wolves declare.

“Why not me first?” growled another wolf, and the conversation quickly became a confused babble of voices. “Why not all of us?” “Yes, why not!?” “You know nothing! Males get full of themselves if they know every female wants them! We use traditional way.” “Traditional way is dumb.” “Is not!”

“Traditional way?” mused Blueblood. He peeked around the corner.

Two of the she-wolves were facing off, waving their paws up and down. “Rock, paper, claws!” they chanted. They frowned. “It’s a tie?” “Do it again.” “Rock, paper, claws! Rock, paper, claws!” “Told you this way was stupid.” “Is not stupid!”

Blueblood couldn’t help but chuckle deeply, and six pairs of ears instantly pricked up. He cringed, started to creep away in the other direction, then broke into a run.

“First one to catch gets first date!” shouted one of the she-wolves, and the hunt was on.

Session 56.11 Kendell2

"Yes! I won!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash, finally managing to win the Star Catcher race, which won her character the ability to use her wings (or as Star catcher put it, she could 'give your wings a makeover' to look like hers if you liked), though proper cyan rather than white. "Cool! Now I can use those awesome wings of hers!"

'Congradulations! You can get a racing Cutie Mark!' the game said. 'Get your Cutie Mark in this category?'

Rainbow smirked. "Racing Cutie Mark? You know it..." she said, pressing Yes.

A glowing sparkle of light flickered on her character with dramatic music, revealing...

"What?!" the human asked.

"What, got one you didn't like?" Sunset asked, looking over (having been working on her house) and her jaw dropping.

The Cutie Mark her ingame character got was identical to the pony Rainbow's, that was to say the symbol Rainbow liked to put on all her stuff.

"How...how does that even happen?!" asked Rainbow Dash, eyes wide.

Pony Twilight looked over at the computer. "Well...Cutie Marks are kind of a magical thing..." she said, not that surprised given how things work in Equestria. After all, even if different choices lead to different marks, there was something supernatural about a Cutie Mark. "Is it really an issue? You really like that symbol."

"I guess not...just kinda freaky..." muttered the human, but did feel it felt right...

Pinkie Pie giggled. "It looks good on you, Dashie..." she said, then continued playing a mini game called Butterfly Tag on Butterfly Island (letting her see the new Cutie Mark in game) with Screwball. It was basically just riding around a swarm of butterflies catching other Butterflies and trying to get a complete set of them.

'This is fun!' exclaimed the AI.

'I know!'

Applejack blinked, having been going through Ponyville to give out her food. "Hey, this gal wasn't here before..." she muttered, finding a white NPC Earth Pony with a yellow, pink, and purple mane and tail, her Cutie Mark a magnifying glass looking at a puzzle piece who wasn't in town before. She clicked to talk to her.

"Hello! My name is Puzzlemint! Jolly good to meet you!" the NPC said, with a clear British accent. "Did you solve any of my puzzles?"

Applejack hit the 'Explain' option.

"You see, I've hidden puzzle pieces all over Pony Land! Though I haven't had time to hide all the ones I want to yet! If you can find and put together the puzzles they make, I'll have some lovely surprises for you! Make sure you've got friends from each of the races too! I hid some in places only certain ones can reach so everypony will need to work together!"

There wasn't a 'yes' option, just a 'show solved puzzles' option. "Girls, I think I found the collectibles for the game."

The group all looked at it, or if they were in Ponyville found Puzzlemint.

"How many are there?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"...200 puzzles, that means a lot more puzzle pieces, and from what she said that ain't even all of 'em that'll be in the final version," replied Applejack. "No surprise, given how much exploration there is..."

"...We need a Griffin," said Rainbow Dash, noting they had every race EXCEPT that one, since it hadn't been available when they joined.