//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: Waking Nightmare // Story: Nearly Drowned: An AppleDash Story // by Goat Carnival //------------------------------// The four ponies gathered around their two other friends who were lying unconscious on the riverbank. Twilight touched her hoof to Rainbow Dash's chest, and then Applejack's. She felt a slight movement, and laid her ear on each of their chests. "They're still alive!" she exclaimed. Pinkie, Rarity, and Fluttershy all jumped slightly. "Sorry, but we have to get them back to Ponyville hospital! They could be saved!" They all carried Rainbow Dash and Applejack to Ponyville, taking them to the hospital. "What exactly happened to them?" the doctor asked once the two were in a room. "We're not really sure. We just found them by the river unconscious and bleeding," Twilight explained. "They were huddled together real close, kind of like a married couple," Rarity commented. Everyone froze. "You don't think..." Pinkie Pie began. "It's possible..." Twilight said. "But they can't really be together like that, right?" "Are you done?" the doctor sighed. "These two need to rest in peace." The four mares stood stiff, and the doctor realized what he'd just said. "I mean- um..." He sighed. "You know what I mean. Just leave so we can inspect them and get the medical equipment necessary." Twilight sighed and left the hospital, followed by Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rarity. -------------------- Applejack opened her eyes. She expected to see the painted wood of her room, to smell the smell of apples, and to feel and hear the wood creak to her even breathing, but instead she woke up in the hospital. All she saw were bright lights, all she could smell was the nostril burning stench of the hospital, and all she could hear was the heart rate monitors beeping. Her breathing was slightly uneven, and she could hardly move. She turned her head to her right, and she was beyond shocked. R-Rainbow Dash! she thought. In this weakened state, she could hardly talk. Rainbow was the image of hardly living. She had tubes hooked up to what looked like every end, and she was put on a life support system. What in Equestria put her in this terrible state? She suddenly remembered, with a surge of emotions flooding her mind. She remembered gathering water, then slipping into the river. The last thing she remembered was hitting a rock, being dragged onto the bank, and Rainbow Dash saying something to her, but she couldn't remember what. "Oh, good, you're awake!" the doctor said. "We wanted to talk to you." Applejack felt dizzy with the surge of emotions, she hardly heard the doctor. Then she remembered... "My family! Does my family know? How are they?" "Don't worry, Applejack, your family's fine, and they do know, and they wanted you to know when you woke up that they're willing to support you and your friend the entire way. We just want to know if you have any recollection of what caused you to end up so beaten and bloody." "W-well, kinda..." Applejack sighed. "I-I remember the river! We were gettin' water from the river since the pegasi haven't been makin' it rain for some time. I slipped, and then everything up until the rock is a blur. We crashed right into the rock, and then I was on the bank. Rainbow said something and then... I fell asleep. I don't remember anything after that." "I see..." the doctor said. "That was very useful, thank you. Now, we want you to rest." He turned to leave the room, but then Applejack stopped him. "Wait!" she said. "How long have I been here?" "About three days. You were lost for four days until your friends found you and Rainbow Dash." "So... that means I've been gone for a week?" Applejack exclaimed. "Yes." The doctor walked out of the room and turned off the lights. Applejack sighed and fell asleep.