//------------------------------// // By a Thread // Story: The Tank Hunter // by Lone Maus //------------------------------// Jack wasn't sure how he should feel about the night before, he was happy but he couldn't stop thinking, what would she think of me now but what does it matter I'll never see her again. “Are you ok Tank Hunter?” Fang said bringing Jack's train of thought to a halt. “Huh oh ya just thinking that's all.” Jack said. They had been dropped off by Gustav 15 minutes ago and they had been walking in silence sense. Jack stopped and looked around, it felt like he was in downtown London. Tall buildings that were barren and destroyed. “Are you sure we are going the right way?” He asked. Fang smiled as she walked in front of him and brushed his face with her tail. “This is the way Gustav said, it's probably just up ahead.” Fang said looking back at him. “I hope so it's kinda creepy.” Jack paused then continued, “I'm sorry about last night.” Fang stopped and turned, “Why? If I didn't like you cuddling with me I would have done something.” Jack looked at the ground and said, “It's not just that, I was actually scared for the first time in years and just lying there holding you made me feel safer knowing that there was someone I could really trust.” Fang walked over to him and lifted his chin with her hoof and said, “I was scared specially being behind zebra lines and in reality we all are scared of what's to come” she smiled and continued, “but having a trustworthy friend like you makes it a lot easier.” As she pulled Jack into a hug the emotions he had felt before of comfort and safety came flooding back. The last time I felt like this was when she said yes to the date. Yet Fang just gives me a hug and I get the same feelings. Jack’s thought was stopped again by Fang saying, “Let's take a break and sit.” Jack nodded and followed her to one of the many open buildings. When they got to the where the door should have been Fang stopped. “Do you hear that.” Jack stopped and listened. “I think it's artillery.” Jack said, a second later a explosion a block away proved him right. “We should get in the basement.” Jack said walking in. They both looked around, looking for a entrance to the basement as the artillery rounds started hitting with a higher frequency. With each explosion the building shuck, causing dust to fall from the ceiling. “Here.” Fang called from what looked like a bedroom. Jack walked in as she lifted a hatch in the floor. “Oh sweet Celestia don't let there be anything waiting down there.” Fang said as she started climbing down the ladder. Jack noticed a oil lamp sitting on a dresser. He walked over and grabbed it. Holding it in his mouth he started climbing down when a round landed right outside the building causing him to fall. He hit the ground with a grunt and lied there for a moment before sitting up and looking around. He set the lamp down then asked, “Can you see anything?” Fang laughed and answered, “I'm a predator pony not a bat pony but yes I can but not real well.” Jack said, “Ok hold on a second.” As he set his bag on the ground and dug through it, feeling around for the zippo he traded with an American for. He found it and pulled it out and used it to light the oil lamp. Once lit the lamp filled the room with light. After setting the lamp down Jack looked the room over, there were shelves on all but one wall. Some of the shelves had cans on them. The wall without any shelves had a hole in it that was about the size of a pony. Fang sat down and said, “Let's wait here for the artillery to stop.” The ground shuck every little bit and some dust fell onto Jack's noise causing him to sneeze. “So how long have you been in the military?” Fang asked. Jack sat down and said, “I'm not from Equestria but I have two years of fighting experience.” “Really? Well that is good to know.” Fang said with a smile. “What did you do before you joined the military?” Jack responded with, “Well I mostly just helped around my hometown tell I joined the military. How about you?” Fang stopped smiling and said, “I don't want to talk about it.” Jack was a little surprised but didn't push instead he changed the subject, “So what do you like to do when you aren't fighting?” Fang thought for a moment then said, “Well it's fun to swap stories with other soldiers, I mostly enjoy just sitting and I guess being alone you know. What about you” “I enjoy reading books about history and being I'm not from here I get a chance to learn a lot about this place.” Jack said. “You know I don't mind being around you it's kinda fun and well to tell the truth you're kinda cute too.” Fang said smiling again. Jack blushed, “I find yourself to be quite cute myself.” Fang giggled and said, “Maybe when the war is done I will have somewhere to go.” A artillery round landed close outside and the sound of part of the building collapsing could be heard through the hatch. “If we get through this.” Jack kept himself from asking about what Fang just said. Jack was about to ask if Fang if she knew anyone else in the military when a voice came from the hole, “Hello is someone in there?” Both Fang and Jack stood up and grabbed a gun. Fang grabbed her rifle and Jack grabbed his 1911. They both aimed at the hole when the voice said, “Is anyone there?” A head appeared in the hole and when he seen them he yelled, “NO NO PLEASE DON'T SHOOT!” As he put his hoofs over his head. Fang kept her gun trained on him as she said, “Come in slowly.” As the he came into the light Jack noticed it was a zebra and instead of black and white stripes he had red and white stripes. “Please I mean no harm I'm just trying to get away from the zebra army.” The weird looking zebra whimpered. Fang looked at him suspiciously and said, “Tank Hunter go and see if there is anyone following him.” Jack nodded and walked over to the hole and looked out, it was completely dark. Fang asked, “See anything.” Jack shuck his head. “What is on the other side of that hole?” She asked the zebra. “The sewers, listen if you need to get back behind your lines I can lead you I have a map.” The zebra said. Fang thought for a moment then said, “Very well, but if you try anything I'll gut you like a fish.” The zebra smiled and said, “Thank you.” As the zebra started out the hole Jack hooked the oil lamp on the barrel of his Boys and holstered his 1911 and asked Fang, “Is this a good idea?” Fang only response was, “I hope so.” As they each crawled out the hole.