Mane 6 Foals!

by TwilieTheFoal

Chapter 2- A Brand New Day

Twilight Sparkle felt a nice warm ray of sun shine on her face, soon the other foals woke up as well. The foals didn't know where they were until they felt a soft fur coat and soon saw Princess Celestia, she was wide awake along with Princess Luna the foals started to get really really really hungry and started crying which was only making them hungrier and soon they were coughing from crying and hunger but all of that stopped when Celestia cradled Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash in her warm embrace while slipping 1 over sized foal bottle full of nice creamy and cold milk into each foals mouth. The three foals began to suckle at a fast rate but then started to savor each suckle, loving the creamy milk that were going into their mouths. Then Princess Luna started doing the same thing but with Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, and Fluttershy. Just like Applejack , Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash, they began to suckle and suckle until all of the foals were done and got burped. Then after their bottles Celestia and Luna got the foals to their new customized nursery and let them play. All of the foals were in amazement at their nursery. Twilight eyed the slide and ball pit as well as Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash and soon they all had taken turns going down the slide and into the ballpit, they all happily played with each other by throwing balls at each other, playing tag in the ball pit and when they were done they got out and went down the slide again and again. Fluttershy crawled happily to all the stuffed animals and started to cuddle with them, which earned dawws from Luna and Celestia until she blushed and went to a corner while hugging a big stuffed brown teddy bear that sang :
I love you
You love me
We are a happy family.
Boop! ya let's play
And have a lot of fun
Then let's do some cuddles!
Fluttershy tried to sing with the bear for hours before spotting Rarity playing tea party with 2 dolls, one had a curly bright pink mane and tail with a dull light pink coat, the second one had a lavender mane that was straight and in pigtails with a bright magenta coat. Rarity looked alone so for being a good friend Fluttershy grabbed Teddy and a few other stuffed animals which were bunnies, ponies and even a zebra and sat next to Rarity while placing her stuffed animals. Rarity was beaming with a huge smile and she and Fluttershy played tea party for the remainder of play time.

Meanwhile Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight began playing tag while screaming out of delight and the fact that she didn't want to be caught. The foal 'it' was Applejack but Applejack soon caught Pinkie Pie who caught Twilight and Twilight tried 3 times to tag Rainbow Dash but never succeeded until Twilight, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie all came up with a plan to catch Dashie all together. Soon after 5 attempts to tag Dash it worked and they successfully caught Dash. But soon the foals felt wetness in their diapers not noticing until Dash cried because she soaked her diaper with urine. Soon all the foals were crying and Luna came to hush her 3 charges while Celestia did the same.

Finally Luna was able to calm the foals down. She levitated Rarity and Twilight first in her blue aura onto the changing table because the changing table was big enough for 2 foals. Luna took both Rarity and Twilight's diapers off and threw them in the garbage pail beside the changing table, expertly wiped their bottoms while cooing and making funny faces at them so that they wouldn't cry, then she took 2 more diapers that were thick and had Princess Luna's cutie mark on them. She slid the diapers under Rarity and Twilight's bottoms while threading their tails through the back of the diaper, then she applied rash cream on them and powdered their bottoms then folded the diapers onto their chests and taped the diapers up making sure they weren't loose, then set both foals back down on the ground. She did the same with Fluttershy.

Celestia did the same with Rainbow Dash and Pinkie pie, putting them on the ground then repeating the process with Applejack until they were all in clean diapers. They went back to playing, this time playing with blocks together to make a big castle than after each block was stacked they pushed it making the castle fall to the ground as if it had got destroyed. They all giggled at this until they got very tired that they collapsed on the ground sound asleep. Celestia levitated sleeping Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash and put them into they're correct customized cribs.

Applejack had a country brown colored crib with her cutie mark on it, the mobile was the same color as the crib with apples, butterflies, and pies hanging from her mobile while being tucked under a sun blanket. Rainbow Dash was placed into a red crib with her cutie mark on it. Her mobile had lightning bolts, rainbows, and clouds while being tucked under a sun blanket. Pinkie Pie was placed into a bright pink crib with her cutie mark on it. Her mobile had balloons, cakes, and cupcakes while being tucked under a sun blanket.

Luna levitated Twilight, Rarity, and Fluttershy into their correct customized cribs. Twilight had a purple crib with her cutie mark on it. Her mobile had moons, stars, and planets while being tucked under a moon blanket. Fluttershy had a lush meadow green crib with her cutie mark on it. Her mobile had butterflies, ladybugs, and clouds while being tucked under a moon blanket. Rarity had a sapphire blue crib with her cutie mark on it. Her mobile had diamonds, jewels, and stars while being tucked under a moon blanket. The 6 foals were sound asleep. Luna and Celestia were exhausted. they went to their private rooms while the foals were taking their naps. Luna and Celestia loved being mommies to the mane 6.