//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 (Meeting with peace and... cupcakes?) // Story: Madness Combat, Ponies with Improbabilities // by Metei //------------------------------// "So, if I don't know who you are then that means that you're new to Ponyville, RIGHT? Oh, oh, that means I can throw you a WELCOME-TO-PONYVILLE-PARTY!" Pinkie spoke with clear enthusiasm, excited that there was a new pony in Ponyville, which meant a reason to throw a party. The test subject had to block his ears from that last statement, which was said- no SHOUTED in his ear. The ringing of his ears started to die down, so he opened his previously shut eyes from the vocal assault, and staggered backwards a bit. The ever growing grin which Pinkie was wearing made the test subject shift uncomfortably, swaying back and forth. It was not helping that the grin was accompanied with an intent stare that was unusual for the pink party pony. "Yeah, I am new here, but why are you so happy to throw me a party. No less, throw a party for a pony you've just met?" Pinkie pondered a bit on the question, confusion etched on her face. This seemed to go on for an eternity until the pink mare opened her mouth while the test subject prepared for another shouting speech. "Well why can't I. Parties should be enjoyed by everypony, even new ponies" The test subject gave her a dead panned look as he processed the thought of throwing a party to a complete stranger. The idea turned from ridiculous to understanding. A new pony, who probably doesn't know anypony, would have a party in their name, just so they get introduced to maybe their future neighbors and friends. "What, I totally forgot to ask you something really important.I forgot to ask for your name. I mean I can't throw a party for you if I don't know your name and if I don't know your name then I can't write it on your welcome banner and if I don't write your name on your banner how is everypony else supposed to know who you are and if that happens then they have to guess your name and if that happens then you or somepony might not like my party and if somepony doesn't like my party then I'll be all saddy-waddy and I can't handle that again. QUICK, I need to fix this problem! WHAT'S YOUR NAME?!" The test subject stood dumbfounded as to how Pinkie could say all that in just one breath. Pinkie had to shake him to get his attention again. The test subject cleared his throat and answered the question. However, the one thing he forgot was that he did not have a name. He was raised in the testing facility and the people there only called him by his serial number. Glancing around him, he tried to find something, anything so he could have a name. His gaze shifted down to the shirt tag on his jacket, or more importantly the name of the company that made the jacket. He lifted his head from behind him and looked at Pinkie. "My name is Metei" The town of Canterlot, Equestria's capitol, was home to one of the most snobby, pretentious ponies in all of Equestria. It was far away, high up in the mountains where the views were breath-taking. Some of the notable things that Canterlot has is that it is home to the Royal family and also the place where rich ponies strut around, thinking that they are better than everypony else. When the meteor hit the Everfree forest, the impact could be heard all the way to Canterlot. All the ponies stopped their night-time activities and looked towards the epicenter of the large explosion. Seeing that it was all the way out towards Ponyville, all ponies almost simultaneously, began to resume their activities. Only two ponies had their gaze fixed on the small town. Princess Celestia was the controller of the sun while her sister, Princess Luna controlled the Moon. Both were tall and strikingly beautiful as they were powerful. Celestia was filled with worry, however she did not show it as years of being in rooms full of ponies that cared for their own self had honed her skill to cover what she was really thinking. Her sister on the other hand did not have as much practice as Celestia and was showing her worry. They both saw went happen from the highest balcony of the castle. They saw the meteor flying low. They saw the meteor heading towards Ponyville. And they also saw and heard the impact. They met eye to eye, nodding in agreement as if they had telepathic communication and took off for Ponyville. The Everfree forest was now empty as the explosion scared off the animals, leaving only silence in their wake. The test subject looked at his surroundings. Seeing as there was a likely chance that all the dangerous predators have been scared off, he walked or in his case, trotted towards a lake that was to his right. He looked in the pool of water and saw his appearance. He was a pony. He had already realized that he changed into one as he absorbed the poor bastard who let his curiosity take over him. What he didn't know was what he actually looked like. He gazed at his reflection and was surprised at what he saw. He had a coat of light gray and white flames which were, what he thought, was his mane and tail. What really surprised him was that he was still wearing the body armor from before except now it was a blue jacket with pockets that looked like it would hold knives and ammo, also he had red tinted glasses over his eyes. Lifting his shades upwards, he took notice of his eyes. They were pitch black, like looking straight into death's eyes. He shuddered at his own piercing gaze. He looked at his behind and saw something peculiar. He had a mark on his ass! The mark looked like as if it was two swords going through each other in the middle and behind the swords was a white lightning strike. Still looking at his ass, a low growl snapped his attention towards the left. He could not see what was there, except he knew that he had to leave or he'd be somethings lunch-err dinner. Picking a direction, he ran towards the way he thought would lead him to the exit, silently praying that he picked the right direction. His prayers were answered as he found light that indicated civilization. He continued running even though he was out of the forest. He didn't stop until something had hit him in the face, making him tumble to the floor. Picking up his hand-err hoof, he wiped away the dirt and... cupcake? He looked up and saw a smiling pink pony.